Chapter 20
Chapter twenty || 이십 장
20|| BITE ME!🕷️
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Once I had completed my list, I went downstairs to give it to Taehyung. He was nowhere to be found and Jennie informed me that he and Jimin were in the basement.
She took me downstairs, I'd been down here a few times, when Taehyung had been showing me around his house the first night I came over and when I'd been with Jennie in her room, but today she pushed open another door that I'd never been through before.
We were in a plush hallway with several doors off of it.
"What's this?" I asked her.
"This is the business side of the basement. There's a big meeting room." She threw open the only door on the right hand side of the corridor. I peeked in and there was a massive table that looked like it could comfortably sit forty people. "There's a couple of smaller meeting rooms." She waved in the direction of some doors as we walked past. There's a tech room, the incinerator and a couple of, er, other rooms."
"Other rooms?"
"Meeting don't always end well for some people." She gave me a look.
"Oh!" I said as I understood what she was telling me.
She pushed open one of the doors, it looked like a bedroom, there was a bed, a TV, and a bathroom.
"Holding room." She explained. "We kept Lia in here before she was returned."
I nodded. Lia had been returned to her family after it became clear that Kai wasn't bothered if the Kims had her or not. She hadn't done anything and she wasn't considered a threat according to Taehyung.
Jennie pushed open another door and I could hear Taehyung and Jimin talking. I walked inside and found them sitting in front of a wall of computer monitors. Jimin was typing away furiously and Taehyung seemed to be concentrating on one particular screen.
"Princess." Taehyung said without taking his eyes off the screen.
"I have the list." I told him, walking towards him and handing it over.
He pulled me onto his lap. "We don't need it, we found your Mr. Biers."
"Oh, ok, is he, um..."
"He does work for Seoul University." Jimin sighed and I relaxed a bit, glad that Taehyung's worry had been for nothing.
"Well that's good right?" I asked because they were both still working and neither of them looked pleased.
"We don't know yet." Jimin informed me.
"Uh..." I didn't understand, surely if they had confirmed that Mr Biers worked for the university, then he was who he said he was.
"Now we have to establish if it was him who really called, someone may just have used his name. If it was him that called, we need to check his background and bank details. He could still be working for Kai even if he legitimately works for the university as well. Once we've gathered all the data we can get a clearer picture of whether or not this guy is genuine. Then we have to check to see if your fathers work phone line is secure because anyone could have listened in on that call and they will know that you are going to be at the house on Monday night." Jimin explained.
"Wow!" I was stunned, that seemed like an awful lot of trouble to go to just to check something that seemed fine to me.
"Stop!" Taehyung yelled and Jimin froze. "There." Taehyung pointed to the screen he was watching, it looked like a bank statement.
"Fuck!" Jimin exhaled. "Ok, let me get in further." He went back to his clicking and Taehyung ran a hand through his hair.
"What?" I asked him.
"Mr Biers got a rather large deposit into his bank account two weeks ago." He sighed. "Could be innocent, could be a payoff for information on you."
"Come on y/n, let's leave these guys to it." Jennie said from the doorway. I kissed Taehyung's cheek and followed her back upstairs.
Jennie and I hung out and helped JaeIn with dinner and the family ate together before Taehyung and Jimin took off back downstairs. I finally gave in at ten and went to bed. I had a long shower and curled up in bed falling to sleep almost instantly.
I woke up when Taehyung tried to get out of bed without waking me.
"Where are you going?" I asked groggily.
"We're going to Seoul." He leant over and kissed my forehead.
"Are we?" I sat up.
"Jimin and I are going to Seoul." He clarified.
"To speak to Mr. Biers."
" can't."
"Why not?"
"Because...that's crazy. You can't just run off to Seoul to see some guy who may or may not be involved with Kai."
"I'm pretty sure I can."
"What are you going to do Taehyung? Knock on his door and ask him if he's working for Kai?" I snorted.
"And you expect him to tell you the truth!"
"I'll have a gun pointed at his head Princess. People tend to be much more honest when they're scared." He said like it was obvious.
I made some kind of noise that expressed my sheer disbelief at his plan.
"Taehyung! That's ridiculous, he could be totally innocent and you're going to terrify him."
"I don't care."
"I care!"
"Ok." He shrugged as he pulled on his jeans.
"Taehyung..." I was a bit shocked. Taehyung usually didn't dismiss what I said.
"Look Princess, either I'm going to see him, or you're not going anywhere on Monday. You choose." He said to me.
"You can't make me choose and you can't stop me going where I like." I got out of bed.
"I don't want to."
"But?" I sensed one coming.
"But I promised you I would keep you safe and if we have to fall out for me to do that, then we will."
I gaped at him as he put his shoes on and walked out of the room. I grabbed my dressing gown and followed him downstairs. Jimin was already waiting in the lobby and Taehyung handed him his keys and he left us alone.
"I can't believe you're doing this Taehyung." I really couldn't, Taehyung almost always did what I asked him to, but today he wasn't listening at all.
"You hate me?"
"But I'm really freaking pissed at you right now." I told him.
"I know." He kissed me quickly on the lips. "I love you Princess."
"I know." I turned away from the door and I heard it shut as he left. I went through to the lounge where Jennie was sitting watching TV and flopped onto the sofa.
"You're angry with him." Jennie stated rather than asked.
"Ok." She shrugged. "Shit happens, I'm sure you'll get over it."
"You think he's right!"
"Unbelievable!" I threw my hands up in the air in frustration.
"I'll tell you what's unbelievable. You!"
"Your attitude to this whole situation! What the fuck is that about y/n? V's trying to keep you safe and you're throwing fucking tantrums because he's not doing what you want?"
"I'm not having a tantrum." I said sulkily, sounding exactly like I was having a tantrum. "What if he's wrong about this guy? My boyfriend pulling a gun on him, isn't exactly gonna put me at the top of his list when he's dishing out scholarships."
"If V's instincts are telling him something is off about this guy, then I'd be willing to bet money that he's right. V does not fuck around and he does not take your safety for granted. Everything V does is done with you in mind, to protect you. He's not trying to ruin your future! He's trying to ensure that you have a fucking future and you're getting pissed at him." She glared at me and I swallowed loudly, Jennie could be pretty scary.
"Now, instead of working and trying to figure out what the hell Kai's up to, he's going to be worrying that he's upset you! Real fucking helpful y/n! You know what happens if this guy isn't who he says he is and Kai manages to get to you?"
"Uh..., he'll kill me?"
"No! He'll make a deal with him! V would hand himself over to save you y/n. None of us could stop him and we'd probably end up losing you both. So, who cares about your fucking scholarship? You don't need it anyway and you certainly won't be needing it if you're fucking dead! There's more at stake here than your education!" She stood and stormed out of the room, leaving me to absorb everything she had just said.
I was too stunned to think anything for a couple of minutes.
As what Jennie had said sunk in, I realised how right she was. I was getting annoyed with Taehyung because he might ruin my chances at a scholarship, and it was so insignificant in the general scheme of things. I'd behaved like a spoiled selfish little girl, not thinking about what everybody else was doing to try to keep me safe.
The fact Taehyung had gone to Seoul against my wishes meant that there was a very real danger and I hadn't helped at all. Taehyung had said that he had to separate himself from me slightly in order to work, and this morning I'd been a distraction that he didn't need. If he was worrying about me being cross with him and not concentrating, it could put him in danger and that was the last thing I wanted.
Knowing that Taehyung would willingly hand himself over to Kai to save me was a sobering thought. It was unbearable to think of Taehyung being hurt. Jennie was clearly worried, this was a life and death situation and I hadn't ever really let myself think about it in those terms.
I wiped tears from my face angrily, sitting here crying wasn't going to help anything, but sometimes the whole situation was too big for me to process. It was too early in the morning which meant I was tired and therefore emotional. I knew that Kai was dangerous to us all, but I had never really stopped to consider what would happen to me, or Taehyung, if he managed to get to us.
Jennie came back into the lounge carrying two coffees.
"I'm sorry y/n. I didn't mean to be so harsh."
"You were right though, I wasn't thinking." I sniffed.
"Christ, don't fucking cry! V will go mental if he thinks I made you cry."
"I don't suppose you cry?"
"Rarely. What's the point of crying, it changes fuck all." She was eerily similar to Taehyung.
I nodded.
"Look y/n, no one expects you to understand it all, we've lived our whole lives with an element of danger, and when we're at home, we're pretty laid back about things, but we have to be like that, we'd all go fucking mad if we lived in a constant state of terror. But we all understand the reality of the situation because we've seen what Kai is capable of. You haven't, and that's not your fault, but the boys work constantly to eliminate threats and keep us all safe. That's the part you don't see. When you go to school, when you go to bed or wake up without V, that's what he's doing. He's down in that basement with Jimin and Jungkook, checking anyone and everyone you come in contact with, making sure no one can get to you, to any of us."
"I didn't realise. How am I supposed to know if no one tells me?"
"You're not. V tries to keep you from the worst of it. You're the Princess." She smirked at me. "He wants you protected and safe in your little bubble."
"I'm not some fragile breakable little girl!"
"I know that! Christ, no one's ever challenged V the way you have. He's spent the last few years doing exactly what he wants, and telling everybody else what to do. At home we've all let him get away with it, and outside the house, well you've seen him, he fucking terrifies people. But not you, you call him on his bullshit, it's highly amusing to watch, with you he has to think about what he says and does, it's good for him, but pick your battles. Don't fuck with his work. That's the one area where you should absolutely trust him to be doing the right thing."
"V is the best at what he does and he wouldn't go off to Seoul if he didn't think he needed to. It might seem like an over-reaction, but if V thinks it's necessary, then it is. I know it's not ideal if he messes up your chance at a scholarship, but the alternative is so much worse y/n."
"I know, I don't even care about the damn scholarship. I just want Taehyung to be ok, for us all to get through this. I feel like I'm making everything more difficult for him, I'm not used to not trusting people or being cagey with information. I mean, is every single person I come into contact with a threat to us?"
"A possible threat, yeah. It's going to be an adjustment, living with this family. Why don't you get dressed and we'll go through some, uh, let's call them basic safety measures."
"Ok." I nodded and sipped at my coffee. "Thanks Jennie."
It was time to step up. I had made my choice, I wanted to be with Taehyung, I had chosen the Kims and everything that came along with them. I'd known what I was getting into and I needed to take it more seriously. Maybe once the situation with Kai was sorted we could relax a bit, but until then I needed to do everything I could to keep myself and consequently Taehyung out of danger.
I showered and dressed and went back down to the living room where Jennie was waiting for me with Jungkook.
"I was thinking, you're most at risk when you're not with us. You went with your dad on Thursday and that could have been catastrophic, you need to learn to say no, and mean it." She said.
I nodded. "Ok."
"So I figured we'd try some role-play."
"Like dressing up?" Jungkook asked excitedly.
"No! Fucking Hell! Like, you pretend to be someone trying to get y/n to come with them."
"Jennie, I think they covered this in kindergarten." I rolled my eyes at her.
"Were you absent that day then?" she arched her eyebrow at me.
"Then how come you jumped in V's car when Kook asked you to?"
"Quite." She smirked smugly. "You got in a car with two strangers, both of whom carry guns and belong to the biggest crime family in South Korea. Obviously it turned out well, but it wasn't the smartest choice was it?"
"Um, well, no." I admitted, because annoyingly she had a point.
"Right, so let's do this." We all stood up. "Jungkook, try and get y/n to go with you."
"Hey little girl, wanna come see my new puppies?" Jungkook said grinning.
"No." I laughed.
"I have candy." He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Ohh, cool what kind?"
"Are either of you fuckers going to take this seriously!" Jennie scowled at us and we both put on our serious faces and apologised. "Right go again, and do it properly this time Jungkook. Pretend to be her dad."
"Hi y/n" Jungkook laughed.
"Hi dad." I said feeling ridiculous.
"I need you to come with me."
"Because I said so."
"Oh uh..., I can't." I said weakly and looked at Jennie who rolled her eyes at me.
"Real assertive y/n."
"Well what am I supposed to say?"
"Sorry dad I'm not going anywhere until you tell me exactly where and why we are going. So start talking or fuck off."
"I'm not going to say that to my dad!" I stared at her incredulously.
"No, God forbid you might offend him, much better to go with him and wind up dead." She glared at me.
We spent the rest of the morning going through various scenarios Jennie dreamed up. It seemed to me the point was I shouldn't go anywhere, with anyone, ever, unless Taehyung said it was ok. Why she couldn't just say that was beyond me.
"Ok! Last one. Y/n you're at school and Taehyung is supposed to be picking you up but Sam and Embry are there instead." Jennie instructed.
"Uh, hi." I started.
"Hi y/n, V's busy so he sent us to get you." Jungkook said doing a dire impression of what I think was supposed to be Embry.
"Oh, ok." I nodded, but I caught Jennie's nostril flare, "I mean, where is Taehyung exactly?"
"He's banging some chick at a motel in Busan." Jungkook snickered and Jennie smacked him. "Sorry peaches, um, alright, he got caught up in Seoul and he's running late."
"Oh, well I'll just call him." I raised my eyebrows at Jennie.
"Always ask questions and always check with V." She nodded.
"Project KTFPA is a success!" Jungkook cheered.
"Project what?" I asked him.
"What's that?"
"Project Keep The Fucking Princess Alive. KTFPA for short. I named it." He said, like I couldn't guess that.
I rolled my eyes. "I've managed to keep myself alive for eighteen years."
"That was before you met us Little y/n. Hey, come see this." He turned and started to leave the room so I followed him.
"What the fuck y/n! Where are you going?" Jennie shouted at me.
"Uh, with Jungkook."
"Where?" She demanded.
"I don't know."
"Exactly, so why are you going? Were you listening to a damn word I said all morning? Ask fucking questions!"
"But it's Jungkook!" I yelled at her.
"It doesn't matter! Information is vital. Yes, you can trust Jungkook, but that doesn't mean you can't ask questions."
"Sorry Little y/n." Jungkook grinned at me and I gave him the finger as he left the room.
"That was a test?" I glared at Jennie.
"Yep and you failed fucking miserably."
"Whatever." I huffed not sure why I was so annoyed with her.
"For an intelligent girl you sure do some stupid things."
"Well I'm so sorry, maybe I'm just not cut out for all this." I said stroppily.
"Oh, fuck off y/n." Jennie scowled at me.
"Why don't you fuck off!" I said surprising myself and her.
She looked slightly taken aback for a moment, before she smiled widely. "I think we'll make a Kim out of you yet." She nodded and I rolled my eyes at her.
After lunch Jennie enlisted Rose's help to teach me some basic self-defence.
Rose grabbed me several times and I tried to fight her off, I mean, she was tiny, but Jesus Christ the girl had a grip on her.
"Nose, feet, balls!" Jennie shouted telling me where to aim, but after several attempts I hadn't managed to get out of Rose's grasp.
"We should get you a gun." Rose's face lit up.
"Uh, not a good idea." I told her.
"Fuck no!" I was surprised when Jennie agreed and I looked at her. "Sorry y/n, but Jesus, you and a gun! Christ, that's just asking for trouble. You'd probably take out the whole family and save Kai a job."
I scowled at her. "I'm done. I have homework." I turned on my heel and left the room.
"Now that was fucking assertive!" Jennie yelled as I made my way upstairs.
"Bite me!" I shouted and I heard her and Rose laugh.
I resisted the urge to slam the bedroom door, but only just. I wasn't sure why I was so cross with her, Jennie was only trying to help. I was still getting used to living here with them all. They were the closest thing to siblings I was ever going to get, and having spent my whole life as an only child, I wasn't used to people challenging me or making fun out of me.
Although I was pissed off with Jennie, I enjoyed being part of a big family, knowing we could argue but that we would get over it and that she would still care about me was refreshing. Having people to depend on and look out for me was new, but I liked it and I wanted them to be able to depend on me too.
I got my homework out and spent a few hours trying to get to grips with my algebra homework. It was ridiculous to me that I had spent the day learning techniques to ward off a crazy mob boss and now here I was trying to work out what x + y might equal, but if I wanted to go to college next September then I needed to graduate.
I was still studying when Taehyung walked into the room.
"Princess." He smiled tentatively at me.
"Taehyung." I threw myself at him. "I'm sorry about this morning. I love you so much."
"Uh, ok." He said shifting his weight so he could hold me more firmly.
"I'm just...I'm not used to all this. To have to question everyone's motives, but I'm going to be better. I promise, I won't ..."
"Fuck Princess, you don't have to be better! Where the fuck has that come from?" He asked putting me back on my feet and frowning.
"Nowhere, I was just talking to Jennie and she..."
"Did Jennie say you had to be better?"
"No! She just explained about how much work goes into keeping everyone safe and I hadn't realised. I don't want to make anything more difficult than it already is. How did you get on?"
"Not so good. Mr Biers had no idea he was supposed to be coming to your dad's house on Monday. He gave the information on your application to someone who paid him handsomely for it."
"Did you kill him?"
"Uh, no."
"Really?" I was surprised.
"He had a sick wife and he needed the money for her hospital bills, and I don't think he realised what he was doing was so dangerous. He gave us everything we needed to find the guy he gave the information to. We went to see him and after a little bit of, uh, persuasion, he admitted he had made the call. I killed him." Taehyung shrugged.
"So you were right, it was a set up."
"Is a set up Princess, it's not over yet."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, Kai has his men coming for you on Monday. We'll try and head them off, but we don't know how they're gonna come at us, they could be concentrating on you and your dad's house or they might try something else. I've got a good mind to put you on a plane to go see your mother for the week until I can sort this out."
"You are not sending me away Taehyung! And certainly not to see my mother. I understand that you want to keep me safe, if you want me to skip school and stay here all day then I will."
"What exactly did Jennie say to you?"
"Nothing much. Why?"
"Because you're being incredibly agreeable."
"I'm always agreeable!"
"Uh, if you say so Princess."
I smacked him.
"Taehyung, I know you're working hard to make sure we all get through this and I'm going to do whatever I need to do to make it easier for you. From now on if you say I should do something, then I'll do it."
"Yeah?" He didn't look convinced.
"In that case you should get naked." He smirked.
I smacked him again. "I meant in terms of safety. You know what you're doing, and I don't, if you think something's necessary then I won't argue. Me being stroppy when you're only trying to keep us safe isn't going to help."
"I kinda like you stroppy." He grinned and I rolled my eyes.
"Well you'd have loved me earlier, I told Jennie to fuck off!"
Taehyung's eyes widened and he threw his head back and laughed. He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms. "I fucking love you Princess, exactly as you are." He said before he kissed me.
He walked us to his bed while we were still kissing and we fell onto it. "Say fuck again."
"What like in a sentence or just the word fuck?" I asked and he moaned before he kissed me some more.
"Don't care." He mumbled as he pushed my top up and over my head.
"Ok, um, fuck!" I gasped as he thrust himself between my legs.
"Again." He demanded.
"Uh, how about, hurry the fuck up and get your clothes off." I laughed, as he pulled his shirt over his head, before yanking down my jeans and starting on his own.
"Or fuck you're good at that." I said and he moaned again before he rid us of the rest of our clothes and began teasing my nipple with his fingers.
"No! I've got it. Taehyung...," I reached up so I could whisper in his ear. "Fuck me." I swear to god his eyes rolled back in his head and he was inside me before I'd really got my bearings. He pulled out almost all the way before slamming back into me.
"Oh Fuck! Taehyung that feels good." I choked out.
"Princess, I'm gonna last about thirty seconds if you keep talking." He groaned.
I laughed as he rolled us over so I was on top of him. He grabbed my hips and moved me slowly over him.
"It's not funny! You're so fucking hot when you curse."
"You're so fucking hot all the time." I smirked.
"Ok, seriously you need to shut up!" He sat up and kissed me. Mostly, I think, to get me to stop talking.
We moved together, slowly, clinging onto one another, kissing and touching until we both found our release. What had started off frantic and frenzied became loving and gentle.
"Well if that's what happens when I tell someone to fuck off I'm gonna do it a lot more often." I laughed as we lay in bed together.
"Yeah?" He grinned at me.
"Although you did tell me to shut up while we were having sex. That was kinda rude."
"Well next time keep talking, see how much fun you have when I blow my load before you get yours."
"I wouldn't mind."
"No, I like us being close, being together, but if I didn't, uh..., finish, it wouldn't be the end of the world."
"Kinda defeats the object though Princess."
"It's not about the destination, what matters is the journey." I told him seriously and he burst out laughing.
"That is the biggest pile of shit I've ever heard."
"Fuck off!" I said offended and he laughed even harder.
"I love you Princess." He pulled me towards him and I snuggled into his shoulder and must have drifted off because it was light when I woke up alone.
I showered and went downstairs, no one was around so I made myself some breakfast and sat in front of the TV while I ate. I was becoming more comfortable around the house. It was home now, and it was quite refreshing to be alone for a little while. There was almost always someone around.
Taehyung, Jimin and Rose came upstairs a few hours later.
"Hey Princess, you should have come and got me, I didn't know you were up."
"It's ok." I shrugged, I'd quite enjoyed the peace and quiet.
"We need to go to the diner for lunch."
"Oh ok, how come?"
"My mom and dad went with Jungkook and Jennie to look at some houses and we need to eat."
"So why not just make something."
"Uh, yeah, I can't cook for shit Princess. Jimin is equally bad and Rose, well, the last time we left her unattended in the kitchen, the fucking microwave exploded."
"I can cook." I laughed. "You should have said. I'd have made you all something."
"No need. But just so you know, when we get married and have our own house you'll have to do all the cooking."
"Although I suppose we could always hire someone." He said looking thoughtful.
"So the diner!" I said, slightly flustered by his absolute confidence in us getting married and anxious to get off the topic. It wasn't that I didn't see my future with Taehyung. I did. But I was way too young to think about marriage and houses and who did the cooking. Maybe a few years down the line we could talk about it, but I needed to get through college and find a career before we seriously considered it.
Taehyung and Rose decided it would be fun to race to the diner, and my life flashed before my eyes several times before Taehyung pulled into the parking lot, about half a second before Rose. Fun was not the word I'd use to describe it, but Taehyung seemed pleased.
We got a table and had just ordered when Jessi sauntered over.
Jimin, Taehyung and Rose all stared at her.
"Hi!" She said chirpily, plopping down on the seat next to Taehyung.
"Hi." I said. "Uh, Jimin, Rose, this is Jessi, we go to school together."
"Hi." Jimin smiled pleasantly while Rose just stared at her.
"So V, what are you up to?"
"I'm having lunch with my girlfriend." He said like she was an idiot.
"And Jimin, where have you been hiding?" She smiled at him and Rose shot her a glare that would have made a lesser slut run away, but Jessi didn't even flinch.
"Are you his girlfriend?" She asked Rose who continued to stare.
"Yes." Taehyung told her after it got uncomfortable waiting for Rose to answer for herself.
"Well, she's weird." Jessi stated, turning her nose up and Taehyung's nostrils flared. Luckily at that moment Mike, Lauren and a few other people from school walked in and Jessi stood up to leave. "Maybe I'll see you later." She winked at Taehyung and walked over to join her friends at a table.
Taehyung turned and glared at me like it was my fault Jessi kept throwing herself at him. "I hate your fucking friends." He said simply and I laughed.
We had an enjoyable meal and after we ate Rose and I went to the restroom while Taehyung and Jimin paid the bill.
As we came out of the bathroom, Taehyung and Jimin were still at the register. Jessi was standing beside them leaning back on the counter shoving her chest out as far as she could.
"When you get tired of the virgin y/n give me a call." Jessi smirked as she saw us behind them.
"The virgin y/n?" Taehyung frowned confused.
"It's what we call y/n." Jessi said like it was obvious and all her friends laughed. "We all know she's a frigid little tease."
"Are you kidding me?" Jimin snorted. "You think..., shit, kook's gonna have a fucking field day with that one."
"Tell him, I dare you." Taehyung warned.
"Oh come on V! You can't expect me to keep that shit to myself! That's fucking hysterical."
"Fuck off Jimin." Taehyung said and Jimin walked outside, his shoulders shaking with laughter.
"Don't be embarrassed." Jessi patted Taehyung's arm totally misinterpreting his annoyance. "I mean, at least she lets you kiss her. Mike tried for nearly a year and got nothing."
Taehyung turned to glare at Mike who shrank in his seat.
"I know what boys like you need." She raised her eyebrows and smiled. "I'll do anything you want." I was amazed by her brazenness, she seriously had no boundaries. Her parents ought to have her checked out.
Taehyung smiled back, looking at her speculatively.
"Anything?" Taehyung asked leaning in closer to her and cocking an eyebrow. He stood in front of her, just inches between their bodies. I gaped at him. What the hell was he doing?
I was about to really kick off when Rose put her arm around my waist and whispered. "Wait."
"Anything." Jessi nodded. "Any time, any place, anyhow."
"Good to know." He grinned at her. "And what do you want?" He asked seductively.
"You." She said breathlessly.
"Yeah?" His tongue darted out to wet his lips.
He leant in even closer so his mouth was almost touching her ear and I saw her shiver. "And you'll do anything I want."
"Good, because you know what I want?"
"What?" She was almost whimpering. I knew all too well what Taehyung could do with just words.
"I want you to stay the fuck away from me and my girlfriend." He said coldly, pulling abruptly away from her.
She blinked stupidly.
"But...,but..., "' she managed to stutter.
"But what? Did you honestly think you could ever compare to the Princess?"
She gaped at him and her friends all gasped and then started laughing and I saw her face redden as she realised that she had an audience.
"And Jennifer...,"
"It's Jessi." She snapped.
"I know." Taehyung laughed. "But maybe you should pay more attention to what you call people."
"What are you talking about?" she said angrily.
"The virgin y/n....," He raised his eyebrows at her. "It's neither original nor accurate. And if you ever call my sister weird again...," He smirked as Jessi's eyes widened. "She'll probably fuck you up." He winked at her and turned to me and Rose smiling. "You ready to go?"
Jimin and Rose said goodbye once we were outside, and drove off in Rose's car, leaving Taehyung and I alone.
"Look I'm sorry Princess. I know I shouldn't have done that and that she's your friend, but you have to admit, she's a fucking nutcase." Taehyung turned towards me as soon as they were gone.
"Are you kidding me? That was freaking awesome!" I yelled and he looked at me surprised. "Seriously, she's been asking for that for weeks."
"You're not mad?"
"No! I think I might love you more than I did ten minutes ago." I laughed.
"Was she telling the truth?"
"I don't know, do you think I'm a frigid little tease?" I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Not that." He rolled his eyes at me. "About Mike, you never kissed him."
"Taehyung, you're the only person I've ever kissed."
"Fuck, really Princess?"
"Uh yeah." I admitted embarrassed.
Taehyung swung me around and pushed me against the wall. He kissed me, moaning into my mouth. I was vaguely aware that we were in public but as Taehyung continued to kiss me I soon forgot my surroundings.
"You like that? Knowing you're the only one?" I panted as we broke apart.
"I love that, and you need to stop talking before I fuck you in a parking lot."
"Parking lot sex! Sounds like fun." I laughed.
"Shit Princess." He moaned and kissed me again.
We finally managed to make it to the car and Taehyung headed for home.
"Are you going to be working all afternoon?" I asked him.
"Probably, why?"
"I was just thinking I could go see my dad this afternoon."
"It's up to you." I told him, if he didn't want me to go, I wouldn't. I'd meant what I said yesterday, I was going to do everything I could to make this easier on him.
"I just figured if Kai's got people coming for us tomorrow night then they might stick around when we're not where we're supposed to be, so I don't know when it'll be safe to go see my dad, but if I go today, then I won't need to check in with him again for a while."
"Let me just check it out first."
I nodded and Taehyung called Jimin who checked the surveillance and said it was all clear. Embry confirmed that he and Sam hadn't seen anything while they had been outside. I hadn't even realised they were still keeping an eye on my dad's house. I was a little overwhelmed that Taehyung was looking out for my dad as well.
I knew my dad was working so Taehyung drove me over to the station.
"Hey dad."
"Y/n!" He said happily. "Uh, Taehyung." He said not quite so happily.
"Chief." Taehyung nodded.
"What are you doing here?"
"Uh, well the guy called and cancelled tomorrow, so I thought that I could come over today instead. I can make us some dinner."
"Oh! Ok, well I won't be done here for about an hour, but we could head home after that."
"Sounds good."
"And Taehyung, you're coming..." my dad trailed off trying to hide a grimace.
"No." Taehyung laughed. "Call me when you want picking up Princess." He said to me and I followed him out of the station.
I was kissing him goodbye when we were interrupted by Eunwoo arriving for his afternoon shift.
He walked by, clearing his throat loudly.
"I have some cough drops in the car if you need them." Taehyung called to him as he broke away from me. Eunwoo turned and scowled at him.
"Taehyung!" I laughed.
"What? I do!"
"Go do your work." I shook my head at him.
"Ok. Love you Princess." He kissed my cheek, winked and got in his car.
After thirty minutes of sitting in an awkward silence while my dad was in his office and Eunwoo sat four feet from me at his desk. My dad finally appeared and asked if I was ready to go.
I jumped up, more than ready to leave.
"Yep. Um, bye Eunwoo." I said cautiously.
Eunwoo looked up from his desk, staring at me for a few moments.
"Bye y/n." He finally answered and I followed my dad out of the station.
My dad and I spent a fairly fun afternoon in the kitchen, I cooked up some meals for him, because he clearly hadn't eaten anything decent since I left. I set him to work peeling potatoes and chopping vegetables while we made small talk about school and his work. We avoided all talk of the Kims and Taehyung, but it was nice to spend a bit of time with him.
We sat and ate dinner together, and then we watched a game on TV.
When we heard the screech of tyres, we both turned to look out of the window. Taehyung's car skidded to a halt in the driveway, Jungkook and Jimin jumped out before it had stopped and headed off into the woods behind the house.
"What are they doing?" My dad asked heading to the front door.
"Dad, wait!" I called after him uselessly. I didn't know what was going on, but if all three boys had turned up it couldn't be good.
He threw the front door open, Taehyung was running towards the house and my dad stood blocking the door with his hands on his hips.
"Just what is the meaning of this?"
"Chief, you need to get back inside." Taehyung told him firmly, trying to enter the house.
"Have you lost your mind?"
"No! Please get inside."
"Not until you tell me what the hell you think you're playing at."
"Taehyung!" I rushed towards him.
"Shit Princess, keep away from the fucking door." He said, attempting to push me back.
"Hey!" my dad yelled at him. "Just who do you think you are talking to like that? Is this how he talks to you y/n?"
"We don't have time for this. Fuck!" he moaned, shaking his head. "I'm so sorry Princess." He whipped out his gun and pointed it directly at my father. "Get in the house. Now!"
My dad froze in shock.
Taehyung took advantage of my dad's state to push us both inside and shut the door. He seemed to assess the house quickly and he directed me towards a corner by the stairs.
"Stay right here, do not move until I come back for you. Ok?" I nodded. "I have to go." He kissed me quickly and turned to leave.
"What in God's name is going on!" My dad bellowed, regaining his senses and blocking Taehyung's way.
"Right now, I'm trying really fucking hard to keep you both alive and you are not making it easy!" he shouted.
My dad frowned and reached for his gun belt.
"Fuck!" Taehyung sighed and held up his gun again stopping my dad's attempt at drawing his own weapon. "I don't want to shoot you, but I will if I have to."
My dad's eyes widened and he raised his hands into the air slowly.
"Taehyung!" I gasped. I knew he would do anything in order to protect me, but that apparently included shooting my own father and I'm not entirely sure how I felt about that.
"I have to keep you safe and I won't let him stop me." Taehyung told me not taking his eyes or his gun off my father as he backed up towards the door in the kitchen.
"I'll explain when I get back, I'll do whatever you want then Chief. Christ, you can shoot me if you want to, but I need to take care of this first. Please stay inside away from the doors and windows and please, please, make sure that she stays there." He begged my father who nodded robotically, still stunned.
"You hate me yet?" Taehyung asked me as he made it to the door and pushed it open behind him.
"Never." I assured him.
He smiled a sad smile. "Back soon Princess." He winked at me and then he was gone.
I slumped to the floor, just when I thought I could have the Kims and my dad in my life, my dad was going to find out exactly how much I'd lied about what I knew about Taehyung and his family.
"When I get back we will be discussing this." My dad said solemnly, reaching for the phone.
"What! Where are you going? Who are you calling?" I asked panicked.
"I'm calling for backup."
"No, don't!" I scrambled across the floor and pulled the phone jack out of its socket before clambering back to where Taehyung had told me to stay.
"The boy threatened me with a gun!" He gaped at me.
"He wasn't really threatening you, he was trying to protect you. He wanted you to stay inside." I'd seen the precision and speed with which he could aim and shoot, he was frighteningly fast. My dad might carry a weapon, but he was in no way trained to deal with gunmen who had that kind of skill and accuracy and Taehyung knew that.
"Your boyfriend is armed and running around the woods with his friends, and you don't want me to go out there!" He shouted at me. "I'm the Chief of Police, I can't just ignore that!" He headed towards the front door.
"Please!" I was getting hysterical. "Someone's out there and if you go out there you might get hurt."
"And you think those boys are better equipped to deal with that than I am?" he said incredulously.
I looked at him and knew that this wasn't the time to lie. Once this was over, we'd be forced to tell him the truth anyway, I didn't think he would overlook the fact Taehyung had threatened to shoot him. "Dad, I know they are."
My dad's eyes went impossibly wider. "Just what did you get caught up in?"
"I don't have time right now. Stay where you are. I'll be back shortly."
"No! If Taehyung said you should stay inside, then you should stay inside!"
"I don't have to do what that boy tells me. I am an adult and I can look after myself." He threw open the front door and looked around.
Taehyung flew through the door, barrelling into my dad so they both fell to the floor and I flinched when two bullets hit the wall behind where my dad had just been standing. Taehyung turned and shot the man who was now running towards the front door. He got off my dad and crawled to the front door and pushed it shut.
"Jesus motherfucking Christ! Was I not crystal fucking clear about staying inside. What the fuck is wrong with you!" Taehyung almost screamed at him. "You ok Princess?"
"Uh, I think so."
"How the fuck am I supposed to keep her safe if I'm worrying about you!" he glared at my dad. "I will shoot you in the fucking leg so you can't move if you don't agree to stop behaving like a fucking idiot! Get your gun out, aim it at that door and shoot anyone that tries to come in." Taehyung instructed him.
"Are you fucking kidding me!" Taehyung muttered under his breath and pushed my dad towards where I was standing.
"Princess you ever shot a gun?"
"Please tell me you were a natural."
"Of course I wasn't! Why, what do you want me to do?"
"Shoot anyone that comes through that door."
"Taehyung I can't!" I cried. "I can't do what you do!"
"Ok Princess." He pulled out his phone and called someone. "How many...., Fuck!..., Kai wasn't messing around, how the fuck did they know she was here?....,yeah..., I have to stay with the Princess...., I know..., I can't Jennie...,because I think he's in shock....,How long until the others get here? ...., Fuck!..., I'm not leaving her!" He hung up.
"Taehyung just go, if you need to go help the others, then go."
"No! Fuck Princess, I'm not gonna leave you!"
"Go. I'll take care of Y/n."
We both turned in surprise as my dad grabbed his gun from his belt.
"Uh, Chief, no offence but..."
"I'm trusting that you're trying to keep my daughter safe. Don't make me regret that. Do what you have to do. Then the pair of you are going to tell me everything."
Taehyung hesitated for a moment, torn between going to help Jimin and Jungkook and staying with me.
"Taehyung, go." I told him. I knew that he was the best, Jungkook and Jimin would fare much better with Taehyung out there with them.
Several things seemed to happen at once. Taehyung's phone started to ring, the front door burst open and two men came crashing through the back door.
Taehyung pushed me roughly behind him and my dad. He shot both men at the back door, hardly glancing in that direction. My dad took aim and shot the man at the front door, but not before he took a shot.
I screamed as I felt a white hot searing pain just above my wrist.
"Princess!" Taehyung whipped round to face me.
I screamed again, all pain in my arm forgotten. My dad was lying on the floor, his face pale and I stared at him in shock as a dark puddle spread out underneath him. I was frozen where I stood, unable to tear my eyes away as the darkness crept across the floor.
"Oh God!" Taehyung gasped, getting down on his knees beside my father.
My dad mumbled something as his eyes closed, but I couldn't make it out.
"Yes sir, always." Taehyung nodded, sounding choked up.
"Dad!" I dropped to the ground and knelt at the side of him.
"Y/n." He smiled serenely, never opening his eyes and becoming more pale and still.
"Dad!" I shook him, but got no response. "Dad..., Taehyung?" I asked wildly.
Taehyung looked at me with an agonised expression.
"No!" I yelled at him. "No! You do something. Make him wake up! You make him wake up Taehyung!"
"No!" I jumped up and swayed on my feet when I saw the blood on my jeans, I didn't feel at all well. The ground rushed to meet me but I was in Taehyung's arms before I hit the floor, I was vaguely aware of his voice and then Jimin and Jungkook's, before I drifted off into numbness.
I cried writing the last part... No big deal.
*heavy sigh*
Anyway thank u for the comments on the previous chapter, it mean alot. xo
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