Chapter 18
Chapter eighteen || 열여덟 장
18| Sweet 18🎂
Happy birthday Taehyung Kim!
Its literally been 4 years since ive been a fan ever since i watched BS&T in 2016 and then got sucked into a loop hole of craziness!
LOVE U V! <3
I hung out with Taehyung and his family for the next couple of hours. Jungkook assured me that my dad would be tied up trying to find the non-existent campers for a little while yet so I still had some time before I needed to get home. We had some dinner and I relished being back with the Kims, just the simple pleasure of eating with company, laughter and love were things I had missed in the last few weeks.
Taehyung was reluctant to leave my side for a second, so after we ate I offered to clear the kitchen. Obviously I had missed taehyung something chronic, but I had missed the others as well and I wanted to spend a little bit of time with Jennie. Taehyung pouted for a while but stalked off with Jungkook somewhere so I could chat to her in the kitchen about her honeymoon. It sounded fabulous and I was jealous of her tan, I could live on a desert island for a year and I'd still come back whiter than milk.
She showed me her wedding pictures and they were as gorgeous as I thought they'd be. The photographer had captured the beauty of the day and Jennie looked stunning in all her photos. The one of everybody that she had picked out was lovely and I asked her to get me a copy. She had already chosen a couple of me and Taehyung that she'd had printed and she handed them over to me. I smiled and thanked her, Taehyung looked so good that day, and I didn't scrub up to badly myself. I couldn't wait to get them in a frame, we looked so happy. It was strange to think that that was the last day we were together before all this nonsense with my dad had started.
Eventually, I got around to washing up and was chatting away to Jennie about school as I stood rinsing plates to load into the dishwasher.
"What would you prefer Princess? A gun or a car?" Taehyung walked into the kitchen and asked out of nowhere.
"Uh, in what context?" I asked bemused. "Do I want to go somewhere or shoot someone?"
"I was just thinking about what to get you for your birthday." He shrugged, coming over to the sink and kissing me quickly.
I gaped at him. "Neither! I don't want you to get me anything for my birthday." I turned to face him fully.
"Behave Princess." He scoffed. "I'm getting you a fucking present."
"Just come and get me before school, that's all I want, I don't need anything else and I don't like presents." I told him firmly.
"I" he kissed my forehead "don't." he kissed my nose "care." He kissed my lips, smirked, and left the room as abruptly as he entered.
"Taehyung Kim don't you dare buy me a gun!" I yelled after him. What the hell would I do with a gun? Probably shoot myself by accident, that's what.
"A car it is then." He shouted back chuckling.
"No!" I shouted and Jennie laughed. "That's not what I meant." I groaned. "It's not funny." I told her.
"It really is."
"I don't want him spending that kind of money on me, I really don't need anything and I certainly don't want a freaking car!" I told her honestly.
"Do you even know how much money the Kim's have?" She asked and I shook my head, I knew they weren't exactly living on the poverty line, but I'd never really thought about it in terms of an actual number.
"More than God." She said simply.
"Oh." I mean, what can you say to that?
"And providing V doesn't get himself killed by being a hot-headed jackass, everything will be his eventually."
"Uh, ok." I really wished the Kims weren't so damn flippant about getting killed.
"I mean, V already has a pretty impressive bank balance, so him buying you a car, it's a drop in the ocean."
"I still don't want a car." I told her. "I can't even drive!"
"It's not me you've got to convince." She shrugged.
"I'll talk to Taehyung." I nodded.
"Good luck with that." She said laughing.
"What, I can persuade him."
"I bet you a thousand dollars that there'll be a car waiting here for you on your birthday. I'd start practicing your happy grateful face if I were you." She smirked.
I groaned and went back to clearing the lunch things. Once I was done catching up with Jennie, I made my way back up to Taehyung's room, he was sitting on the sofa on his laptop, clicking away furiously.
"What are you doing?" I asked walking over to him and running my hand through his hair. He was flicking through what looked like writing, his eyes scanning the pages quickly.
"Oh, uh nothing." He said shutting the laptop and throwing it to his side.
I narrowed my eyes at him, grabbed his hair in my hand and pulled so he had to look at me.
"What were you doing?" I asked him again, smiling sweetly.
He shook his head at me. "Working."
"On what?" I frowned.
"I don't want to waste time talking about this while you're here."
"Tell me." I urged him.
"Kai, is up to something, I can fucking feel it. I know he has to have something planned, he's been too quiet, he's hardly even challenging Jin in Seoul, so he must have something else up his sleeve. But I can't get a lock on the slippery fucker. We can't plan for anything if we don't know what the motherfuckers up to."
"Maybe he knows he can't beat Jin and is lying low to stay out of trouble?" I offered.
"No. You don't start shit like this and then bow out. He's coming for us, it's just a question of when and how."
"Super!" I said faking cheerfulness.
"You asked Princess." He sighed, pulling me down so I was straddling his lap.
"We'll be alright though yeah?" I asked as he tightened his arms around me.
"You'll be fine Princess, I won't let anything happen to you." He assured me, but that wasn't what I asked.
"I said we."
"I know you did." He kissed me softly.
I pulled back and looked at him.
"You want me to lie to you?" He arched his eyebrow.
"Then we'll be fine Princess." He nodded.
"You promise?"
"Please." I begged.
"I'm not going to make you promises unless I can absolutely guarantee to keep them Princess." He said fingering the necklace he had given me. "I don't know what's going to happen and I can't say that we'll all get out of this unscathed, but I promise to do whatever it takes to keep you safe."
I nodded, I appreciated his honesty, I didn't like it, but I did appreciate his unwillingness to lie to me. I had pretty much forgotten the problems with Kai, I knew Sam and Embry were still outside my house and I knew that the Kims were all focused on catching him, but I hadn't really considered just how dangerous the situation might be. I shook the thoughts off, I wasn't here for long and I didn't want to focus on Kai while I still had some precious time with Taehyung.
"Can you promise me one more thing?" I asked him, leaning forward and kissing him.
"I can try."
"Promise me that you won't buy me a car or a gun for my birthday?" I smiled.
"What?" He said confused at my sudden subject change.
"You heard, I want you to promise."
"Promise me!" I glared at him.
"Fine! I promise."
"Promise what?"
He rolled his eyes at me and kissed my lips quickly. "I promise that I will not buy you a car or a gun for your birthday, no matter how much I think you should have both."
"Thank you." I felt quite victorious, Jennie hadn't thought I could do it, but I had. I kissed him again and got lost in thinking about how we could get our clothes off while still sitting in this position, because I wasn't willing to move, but it would be so much better if we were both naked.
"Little y/n! It's time to go!" Jungkook shouted up the stairs.
Taehyung groaned and held me tighter to him, kissing me for a few more minutes before we went downstairs.
Taehyung sulked when I told him it was best that he didn't take me home himself and that we probably shouldn't push our luck and see each other again before my birthday. I asked him to be a bit nicer to everyone and he said he'd try but then added "I'm not making any promises here Princess, they're an annoying bunch of fuckers." So I wasn't all that hopeful.
He kissed me for a good long time before he let me get into Jungkook's car.
"This will be over soon Little y/n." Jungkook said sympathetically as he drove, and I knew he was right but it didn't stop me wishing the next week and a half away.
Jungkook left me at my door, assuring me he'd call the station and tell them of his prank. I made my way inside my house, it felt lifeless and empty compared to the warm happy atmosphere of the Kims. I went upstairs and looked around my room, letting my excitement build as I thought about what I needed to pack and take with me.
My dad didn't make it home until really late and he was in a foul mood. I had to suppress a smile as he complained about prank calls and muttered about what he would do to the person who made the call if he knew who it was. I knew it was unkind and that Jungkook shouldn't have wasted his time like that but I couldn't find it in me to care, because just those few hours with Taehyung and the Kims had made everything so much better.
The next week and a half flew by, I felt much lighter now there was a solution to all this on the horizon, and I was slowly but surely packing up my things. Taehyung and Jungkook had snuck over a couple of times and taken some of my heavier stuff away, although I think that was just an excuse on Taehyung's part to come over and see me, not that I minded.
It was lucky that my dad rarely if ever came into my bedroom because if he had, he would have caught on to my plan. My bookshelves were empty, all my pictures and mementoes were boxed and gone, I was down to just the clothes I needed and a few personal items that would all fit in one holdall come Wednesday morning when Taehyung came to get me.
I was stupidly excited to be moving in. Being back at the Kim house had only reaffirmed that I belonged there. I never once second guessed my decision, or worried that I was making a mistake. I knew it was the right choice for me.
My only concern was money. I really didn't want to have to rely on the them for everything. Taehyung assured me that it wasn't a problem, but it still felt wrong to me. I would be living in their house rent free and eating their food, I didn't think it was right for me to ask him for money on top of that for books and clothes and personal items. I had enough in my account to last a couple of months, so I figured I'd need to start looking for a part time job as soon as possible.
The night before my birthday, I was sat up in my bed, far too excited to sleep and slightly apprehensive about what my dad would have to say when I told him about my moving out, he was never going to take the news well, so some kind of argument was inevitable.
Taehyung had offered to be with me when I told him, but I wanted it to come from me. Mainly because I was a little worried that my dad might harm him if he was present for that conversation but I also wanted my dad to understand that it was my decision, no one was forcing my hand or coercing me into it.
There was a light tap at my window and I nearly jumped out of my skin, before getting up and tentatively pulling back the curtain. I found myself face to face with Taehyung and I stared at him in shock for quite a while, before he rolled his eyes and mouthed "Open the fucking window Princess" and I rushed to push it open.
"I thought you were going to leave me out there." He laughed as he climbed gracefully through the window, I peeked out and looked down, frowning as I wondered how Rose and now Taehyung had so easily managed to climb into my room, it looked impossible as far as I could tell.
"Not that I'm not pleased to see you, but what are you doing here?" I whispered as I shut the window. I was fairly sure my dad was asleep, but I didn't want to think about what might happen if he caught Taehyung in my bedroom late at night.
"I wanted to be the first person to say happy birthday to you." He shrugged.
"Oh, ok!" I said surprised at his simple explanation, although it was very Taehyung.
We lay on my bed, whispering back and forth, waiting for the clock to say it was midnight.
"You know, we've never done it in your bed." Taehyung raised his eyebrows at me.
"And we're never going to." I laughed. "My dad's just next door and I believe I'm moving out tomorrow."
"Exactly! Tonight is our last chance."
"Not gonna happen Taehyung."
"You're no fun." He pouted.
"I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow, when we spend the night in our bed." I smiled, and his eyes lit up.
"Fuck Princess, do you know how good that sounds?" He rolled on top of me and kissed me.
I got caught up in kissing him, it was absolutely my favourite thing to do. He pulled away when I was breathless and he gave me the Taehyung Kim special boxy smile.
"Happy Birthday Princess." He whispered, pressing his lips softly to mine.
I glanced at the clock and sure enough it was five past midnight.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"Wanna make it a really happy birthday?" he asked hopefully.
"Still not happening." I laughed.
"Fine, you can't blame a boy for trying." He acquiesced playfully. I snuggled up next to him, laying my head on his chest.
"Will you stay for a bit longer?"
"Of course Princess." He kissed my hair. "Whatever you want."
I smiled and tightened my hold on him.
I must have drifted off because I woke alone in bed to the alarm.
My phone was bleeping and I had a text message already waiting from Taehyung.
*Happy Birthday Princess. I promise that this will be the last fucking time you ever wake up alone on your birthday.*
I admit I squealed and almost clapped my hands, I was giddy with excitement. Today was the day, the day I started my new life, the life I was supposed to live, the life I wanted to live with Taehyung and I couldn't wait to get started.
I looked around my room that was all pretty much packed up and jumped out of bed. I showered and dressed, placed the last of my things in my hold all, taking it downstairs and dumping it by the front door before going into the kitchen.
"Happy Birthday!" My dad cheered and I found, to my horror that him and Eunwoo were standing in the kitchen having cooked breakfast for me.
"Uh, thanks." I said, staring dubiously at what they were attempting to pass off as food.
My dad handed me a stack of cards, and by a stack I mean four, one from him, my mom, Eunwoo and another from a distant aunt of my dad's that I had never met, but who sent me a card with five dollars in every year without fail. I opened them and arranged them on the table.
My dad gave me a parcel and I unwrapped it. It was a digital camera and I was genuinely pleased with it. I fiddled for a while and then snapped a couple of shots of my dad, while he looked embarrassed.
"Uh, we got you this." Eunwoo said and I looked at him with narrowed eyes. I hadn't said one word to him since that day in Seoul and I hadn't really acknowledged his presence here this morning. With the conversation I needed to have with my dad, his appearance today couldn't have come at a worst time.
"We?" I asked him.
"Uh yeah, me and Joy." He nodded and I was tempted to just chuck the present in the bin if that girl had anything to do with it.
"She's still around then is she?" I said disdainfully.
"Y/n! Be nice." My dad said and I laughed.
"Oh, ok, I get it, you two can say whatever you like about Taehyung but I have to be nice about Joy, I'm a massive bitch, Jung?"
"Y/n!" My dad said again before sighing. "Look, it's your birthday, let's not fight today, we'll have some breakfast and then I can take you to school."
"Uh, no, you can't, I'm getting a ride to school." I told him.
"With who?"
"Taehyung." I stated simply.
"I beg your pardon?"
"I'm fairly sure you heard what I said dad."
"You...., what..., no!" My dad spluttered.
"I thought you broke up." Eunwoo said.
"Did you, why would you think that?" I arched my eyebrow at him.
"Uh, you haven't seen him and your dad stopped all contact, so I assumed that meant you broke up."
"Well, we all know what assuming things makes you." I smirked at him and his eyes widened. I don't think I'd ever been so outright rude before. It was quite liberating, maybe I should take a leaf out of the Kims book and start saying exactly what I think more often.
"I hate to burst your bubble but just because you spilled your guts to my dad and he stopped me seeing him, it does not mean we broke up."
"Why are you even here?"
"Y/n, it's your birthday, you're my friend. I've missed you."
I just snorted.
"You are still grounded and you are not to see that boy."
"I don't know if you forgot dad, but it's my birthday and I'm eighteen now, so you have no control over who I see and you cannot ground me."
"How was this arranged? Have you been in contact with him all this time."
"Yes, I told you, you couldn't keep us apart." There was no need to lie anymore.
"I will not allow this. I'm calling your mother, she can come and get you this weekend."
"Ah shucks dad, I already made plans for this weekend." I said sarcastically.
My dad stared at me for a good long time, surprised I think by my attitude. He finally pulled himself together and said. "While you live under my roof you will obey my rules, do you understand?"
"I understand perfectly." I nodded.
My dad frowned. "So you agree to not see that boy."
"Oh no, I meant I'm moving out."
"What!" My dad and Eunwoo yelled at the same time.
"Are you both having problems with your hearing today?" I said in mock confusion.
"What do you mean you're moving out?" My dad asked.
"Where are you going to live?" Eunwoo frowned.
"You know for police officers the pair of you ask some really dumb questions." Oh yeah, I was in the zone, I was so done with my dad and Eunwoo's attitude and today I could finally say exactly what I liked and there wasn't a damn thing either of them could do to stop me. I had to admit I was enjoying it.
"Y/n!" my dad gaped at me.
"Eunwoo this has nothing to do with you. You should go." I said to him, although he was my friend, or he had been before he found out about Taehyung, this wasn't any of his business, he didn't need to be part of it. It didn't concern him and I needed to talk to my dad.
Eunwoo looked taken aback for a moment before he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at my dad. "do you want me to leave?" He asked, because, you know, my answer wasn't what he wanted to hear so he was going to go over my head.
"Fine stay." I shrugged. "I'm moving in with Taehyung."
My dad frowned and shook his head like what I said didn't compute.
"You can't." Eunwoo said, like he had any say in the matter.
"Uh, yeah I can."
"Is he making you do this, is he threatening you?" Eunwoo asked urgently.
"Of course he isn't you freaking moron!" I said incredulously. "Taehyung would never. In fact, if anyone is to blame for this situation, it's you."
"Yes you! You didn't give me a chance to talk to my dad, to explain things properly before you jumped in and told him everything they have on file. You started this whole chain of events!"
Eunwoo looked gobsmacked and I let what I'd said sink in for a moment.
"Y/n I was trying to protect you."
"I don't need protecting."
"Y/n." My dad finally spoke. "Eunwoo didn't tell me anything that wasn't true."
"Ok." I said disbelievingly. "So why isn't Taehyung in prison if you're so convinced he's a criminal?"
"Because we can't prove anything!" Eunwoo shouted.
"Exactly! You are officers of the law, what happened to innocent until proven guilty? Maybe there's no proof because he hasn't ever done anything? Did you even stop to consider that?" I yelled back. I was lying through my teeth, but they didn't know that, so I felt my point was still valid. "Taehyung has been nothing but kind and loving and good to me."
"Y/n please, you don't know what you're getting caught up in. You don't have a clue who he really is, if you did, you'd never even consider doing what you're doing, please just trust me." Eunwoo pleaded.
"I know him, I love him and I choose him." I stood up and left them in the kitchen gaping at me. I grabbed my bag from the hall and as soon as I heard a car pull up on the drive, I threw open the front door and ran across the drive, jumping into Taehyung's waiting arms. He held me up around his waist and kissed me firmly on the lips, pulling back and smiling.
"Happy Birthday Princess."
"Taehyung." I beamed at him, because even though it had only been a few hours, I was just so pleased to see him.
"I thought I told you to stay away from my daughter." My dad said from the doorway of the house.
Taehyung sighed. "Did you tell him Princess?" he asked quietly.
I nodded. "It went really well." I rolled my eyes. "Eunwoo's in there too."
"Fabulous." He said dryly, letting me down gently and taking my hand.
"Y/n. Just....listen.....ok." My dad took a deep breath and ran his hands over his face as if steeling himself to say something difficult. "If I let you see him, will you reconsider?"
I looked at Taehyung surprised. This was a scenario that I hadn't really considered. I saw Taehyung's eyes flash with disappointment for a second before he smiled. "Whatever you want Princess. You know that."
"Dad I..."
"Y/n please, this is your home." My dad begged.
I felt terrible, but the truth was, this wasn't my home anymore, I'd made a new home, where I was happier and more comfortable. Although this decision had originally been made because my dad was stopping me from seeing Taehyung, I had made my choice based on what I wanted and I wanted to live with him. I wanted to go to sleep each night in our bed, I wanted to wake up with him in the mornings, I wanted to share his space, his room, his family, his life.
"Dad, I'm not moving out because you won't let me see him, I'm going because I love him and I want to live with him." I told my dad and Taehyung gave me a look that was so full of love and passion and happiness, I had to stop myself from kissing him senseless while I concentrated on the situation at hand.
"Your mind's made up?" My dad asked defeated. I loved my dad and hopefully would see him often, but I wasn't changing my mind. Even with my dad's offer on the table, it wasn't enough, I was still moving out.
He nodded and went back into the house.
"I knew you were trouble the first time I met you, you've turned her against her family, her friends, you've sucked her right in to your world and she has no idea who you really are. Do you honestly think we're going to sit back and let her move in with you and your family?" Eunwoo said aggressively, replacing my father at the front door.
"I don't think it's up to you to let her do anything. She is perfectly capable of deciding what she wants for herself." Taehyung shrugged.
"Not without all the facts she isn't, she'd never choose to go with you if she knew what I know about you." Eunwoo glared at him.
"Eunwoo I'm going with Taehyung." I told him.
"Over my dead body." Eunwoo scoffed.
"Well, that's easily arranged." Taehyung said under his breath and I laughed and swatted at him. "Come on Princess, please, I've been wanting to kill him for ages." He whined like a child. "He's literally asking me to."
"Shut up!"
Eunwoo barrelled down the drive and grabbed my arm trying to pull me back into the house.
"Take your fucking hands off the Princess." Taehyung growled menacingly and Eunwoo paused long enough for me to remove myself from his grip and return to Taehyung's side. "You ready to go?"
"Just give me a minute." I said to Taehyung as I jogged towards the house. I went inside and found my dad sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his hands.
"I love you dad." I said as I threw my arms around him and hugged him hard. He didn't say anything and I made my way back outside to find Taehyung and Eunwoo nose to nose hissing angrily at each other. I ran over and pulled Taehyung away.
"Let's go Taehyung." I said and he let me lead him towards the passenger door. He opened it for me and helped me in before sprinting around the car and jumping into the driver's seat.
"I've got a good mind to tell her everything I know." Eunwoo threatened, catching the door and stopping Taehyung from closing it. I saw Taehyung's nostrils flare and he turned to face Eunwoo, his eyes furious.
"I'm fairly certain someone in my family must have a really fucking impressive lawyer on retainer and I'd hate for your promising career to come to an abrupt end because you didn't know when to shut the fuck up." Taehyung said coldly, he looked so dangerous and Eunwoo's eyes widened in fear as Taehyung stared at him. "Well, actually, I don't give a fuck, but the Princess probably does."
"I will get you for this Kim." Eunwoo spat.
"For what? Driving my girlfriend to school? I'm positive that that's legal in all fifty states."
"I know who you really are and just as soon as y/n realises who she got involved with, she'll be back home with her father and we'll be waiting to bring you and your family down."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Taehyung said calmly, slamming his door closed and pulling away from my house.
"You know, if you'd just let me kill him back in June..."
"Taehyung you can't just kill anyone that annoys you."
"Uh, I think you'll find I can." He said and I shook my head at him amused. There was nothing like Taehyung flippantly threatening to kill someone to bring me out of a funk.
"You ok Princess?"
"I'm fine." I smiled. "In fact I'm more than fine, I'm ...."
"Wishing you could skip school so we could go home and christen our bed?" He said straight faced but his eyes were laughing.
"No!" I laughed. "Well, maybe..., ok yes, now you've mentioned it I am, but I have to go to school."
"I know. I was joking, kinda. Is your dad going to be alright?"
"He'll be fine, I'll give him a couple of days to calm down then I'll call him."
When we got to my school Taehyung got out and opened my door for me, giving me a lingering kiss before he said goodbye.
"Have a good day at school Princess." He whispered against my lips, pressing his against mine one last time.
I sighed happily and turned towards the school and making my way into the building.
"So V dropped you off today I see?" Jessi appeared at my side.
"Oh good, your eyesight works." I muttered sarcastically.
"So he's back on the scene then. Does daddy know about this?" She sneered.
"Why yes he does." I nodded. "Is there anything else you wanted?" I was past the point of caring if she liked me or not and today was not the day to piss me off.
"You'll never be enough for him. Guys like him need more than you could ever offer." She said nastily, turning and walking away from me.
I stood stunned for a moment. I couldn't believe she would be so outright nasty to me.
"Princess?" I turned and found Taehyung at my side looking concerned. "What was she saying?"
He was mine, I was his. Taehyung loved me, he wanted me, I was enough for him. I knew that and I wasn't about to let Jessi make me doubt it.
"Nothing of importance." I said to him and he searched my face for the truth.
"Ok. But if she gives you any trouble call me." He kissed me quickly and started to walk away. "You know I can always...."
"Taehyung!" I warned. "Do not threaten to kill her."
"I wasn't going to, I was going to say I could come and get you early!" He said faking shock.
I nodded laughing, "Yeah, ok, that's how you were going to finish that sentence." I arched my eyebrow at him.
He shrugged. "You'll never know." He grinned. "Have a good day." He winked at me and I watched him get into his car and drive away. I stood for a while wondering what it was I did to deserve him, before the bell sounded reminding me that I had to get to class. I ran into school and into my first lesson.
At lunch Angela handed me a card with a 'happy birthday' and I thanked her, other than that my day was uneventful.
At the end of the school day I rushed to get outside to find Taehyung waiting for me. Only today he wasn't alone. Jessi was standing beside him and he was looking a little bit bemused and a lot uncomfortable.
"Taehyung." I smiled as I walked over to stand by him.
"Princess." He said relieved, his face lighting up as he leant down to kiss me quickly.
"So, think about it and let me know V." Jessi said, twirling her hair in her fingers and looking at him coyly. I think she was flirting but I couldn't be sure because she just looked stupid. She giggled and gave him a little wave before sashaying away.
"Do you have any friends that I won't want to shoot on sight?" He asked as soon as she was gone.
"What?" I laughed.
"First Mike, then Eunwoo, and now her" He jerked his head in Jess's direction. "Seriously Princess, you're like..., fucking everything to me, but your friends, shit, they've got to go." I rolled my eyes at him and he kissed me again.
He let me into his car and got into the driver's side. Pulling out of the parking lot at a speed I didn't even want to think about.
"Are you ready to go home?" He asked, his eyes shining with happiness.
"I am most definitely ready to go home." I smiled at him and he took my hand. Knowing that I was going to the Kim house, and I never had to leave made this the best birthday I'd ever had.
We pulled up at the front of the house and Taehyung got my bag and held my hand to the door. Stopping abruptly before he opened it.
"Look, I'm really fucking sorry Princess." He grimaced, running a hand through his hair.
"For what?" I asked confused.
"Uh, this." He said throwing the front door open.
"Happy Birthday!" I think all the Kims cried. The lobby was decorated with balloons and streamers and a couple of banners. One that read 'Happy birthday' and another that said 'Welcome Home'.
"Uh...." I didn't really know what to say.
"Little y/n!" Jungkook cried scooping me into his arms and swirling me around until I felt a bit light headed. "Happy Birthday!"
"Put her down kook." Taehyung rolled his eyes and pulled me to him as soon as Jungkook let me go.
I was hugged and kissed and told happy birthday what felt like a hundred times before I was huddled into the living room to find a lot of presents sitting on the table.
Rose came over and put a gawdy plastic tiara on my head, it had fake gemstones on and was designed for a five year old but she gave me a look that clearly said "don't even think about taking it off." So there it stayed.
"Now you're a real Princess!" Taehyung looked at me and laughed and I scowled at him as Jennie snapped a picture of us.
"Open your presents Little y/n!" Jungkook bounced excitedly in his chair and I had to admit it was hard not to get carried away with his enthusiasm.
Rose and Jimin had bought me an Ipad. I needed it for homework and college they reasoned when I tried to refuse it. Jimin had put all sorts of fancy apps on it that he promised to talk me through when we had some time. It was a nifty little thing and if I was honest I loved it. So I smiled and thanked them.
Jennie and Jungkook handed me a huge box it was full of make-up, shoes, perfume, purses. Jennie explained it was the start of my designer collection and as I pulled out the killer high heel shoes with a red sole I thought it might well be the end of my designer collection, but I hugged her and Jungkook and thanked them anyway.
Yoongi had sent a Gift voucher for a full days treatment at the spa that we went to last time we were in Seoul and Jin sent an invitation to dinner with him at one of his casinos, which Taehyung snatched away from me and grumbled something along the lines of "Motherfuckers trying to steal my girlfriend." So I laughed at him.
JaeIn and Mr. Kim handed me over a small box and I unwrapped it, opening the box and finding what looked suspiciously like a car key.
"Uh, thank you." I said and Jungkook laughed, pulling me up off the sofa and towards the garage. There sat next to Taehyung's car was a brand new little blue car.
I gasped and spun around to face the whole family.
"Happy Birthday Y/n." JaeIn smiled sweetly, walking over and hugging me.
"Thank you, but you didn't have to..."
"We didn't have to. We wanted to." She interrupted me and I didn't want to appear ungrateful, so I smiled and thanked her again. Mr. Kim kissed my cheek and they left the garage.
"Taehyung you promised!" I turned to glare at him once his parents had left.
"I promised I wouldn't purchase you a car and I didn't! I told you I would only make promises I could keep." He said all wide-eyes and false innocence.
"Way to find a freaking loophole." I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I know right." He laughed, before the look I was giving him made him stop and he looked rather worried.
"I think your happy grateful face needs a little work y/n." Jennie smirked, not improving my mood. "Oh and you owe me a thousand bucks."
I gave her the finger and she laughed as she wandered off with Jungkook.
"How mad are you?" Taehyung asked nervously after his family left us alone.
"On a scale of one to ten?" I asked and he nodded. "About a seventeen."
"Pretty fucking mad then. Wow! I'm glad I talked Jin out of buying you the gun now."
"Wh...pff...tss.." I spluttered, I couldn't even form words.
"It's just a car." Taehyung wrapped his arms around me.
"Taehyung I can't even drive. What the hell do I need a car for?"
"I'll teach you." He smiled. "Think of all the fun we can have, driving around the quiet roads of Busan in your little sports car." He wiggled his eyebrows.
"This is too much."
"Princess, this is nowhere near enough. You deserve the world and more, this, is a crappy cheap little Audi."
"It's a brand new car!"
"It's a crappy and cheap brand new car." He said like it made a difference.
I rolled my eyes, the car looked beautiful to me. "Well next year I'll be sure and ask for a bondmobile."
"Yeah!" He said excitedly. "I can get you one for Christmas if you want."
"No! What the hell is wrong with you?"
"You'd look so fucking hot driving an Aston, Princess."
"Christ on a cracker! Is that what you're thinking about? Really?"
"Really." He said deadly serious.
"Well, once I learn to drive I can just use yours." I smirked and to my satisfaction he lost his grin.
"Uh, we should probably head back inside." He said, avoiding giving me permission to drive his car.
I shook my head smiling, he was such a boy at times. I thanked JaeIn and Mr. Kim, told them it was too much, but they waved me away, explaining that everyone in the family got a new car for their eighteenth birthday and that Taehyung had actually warned them not to spend a lot. My cheap crappy brand new beautiful Audi apparently cost a fraction of what Taehyung's Aston, Jungkook's hummer and Jennie's Mercedes did.
We ordered pizza for dinner, because that's what I wanted and as it was my birthday and my first official day of living there, it was my choice. We ate in the sitting room while we watched mindless T.V. It was loud, boisterous and exactly what I wanted. Trying to get eight people to agree on a channel was near impossible, but we eventually managed.
I was happy to just eat my pizza and soak up the atmosphere snuggled up next to Taehyung on the sofa. JaeIn and Mr. Kim cleared up and went off to bed.
"Shall we head upstairs?" Taehyung asked as I yawned and I nodded. I said another thank you to the others for my presents and went with Taehyung to his, or I supposed our, bedroom.
"Jesus Christ! What happened in here?" I gaped at him as he opened the door.
"Uh, long story short, I lost the flowery shit argument. My mom's pretty fucking determined when she wants to be."
"It's amazing." I said looking around, JaeIn hadn't changed much, she had just softened things slightly. There was a new pale blue bed cover, some extra cushions and a rug but other than that it was much the same as it was before, only now all my belongings were in here as well. There was a new desk with my school stuff set up, my pictures and knick knacks were displayed and all my books were with his on the bookshelf. JaeIn had turned it from Taehyung's room into our room.
"You like it?"
"I love it."
"Good." He smiled. "Can I give you your present now?"
"I don't know, am I gonna like it?" I cringed. God only knows what Taehyung had got me.
"No, I think you'll hate it, that's why I chose it." He rolled his eyes.
I smacked him. "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit!"
"What if I tell you I hardly spent any money at all, would that help?"
"That would help a lot." I smiled.
He pulled out a small box and handed it to me.
I unwrapped it and pulled out a small key-ring. It had a little tag on it that said Princess with one small diamond over the I in Princess. On the ring were three keys.
"What are these for?" I asked him.
"One is the key to your dad's house, because I figured you'd always want that." He said picking up one of the keys. "This one, opens the front door of this house." He explained and I nodded. "And this one." He held up the last key, it was smaller than the other two. "Opens every lock in this bedroom. The safe is behind the T.V" He nodded in that direction. "It opens that, as well as the hidden room behind the bookcase and the gun store in the wardrobe."
I stared at him shocked. I had no idea he had a hidden room or a gun store in here. I looked back in the box and pulled out the two remaining items. One I recognised as the key that opened the door to his suite at Yoongi's hotel.
"A key for your room at the hotel?"
"Our room." He corrected me nodding.
I threw myself at him. He was giving me everything I wanted for my birthday, he was giving me a place in his life and apart from the keyring itself, he hadn't spent any money on me. I couldn't have asked for anything better.
"What is this?" I held up the last gift, a black credit card with my name on it.
"Um, I put your name on my account." He said cautiously. "It's for emergencies."
"What kind of emergencies would require me to go shopping?"
"Uh, wardrobe malfunctions?"
"Taehyung, I don't want your money. I can get a job, I was thinking about it and I'm going to apply down at the convenience store. I could work there after school a few nights a week. That would tide me over until college."
"Fuck and No!" He looked horrified. "You are not getting some crappy job at the fucking store Princess."
"Why not?"
"Getting a job is just gonna mean you're away from the house for longer than necessary and you need to concentrate on your schoolwork so you can get into college."
"Wow, that almost sounded responsible Taehyung, or should I just call you dad?"
"Are we going to fight about this?"
"Ok. Well let's just skip that part, say I won and have make-up sex." He shrugged and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Who's to say I wouldn't have won?"
"Um, you wouldn't, trust me, I'm saving us a shit load of time and aggravation." He said confidently. "I have a ton of fucking money just sitting in the bank waiting to be spent."
"How much?" I asked intrigued.
"Enough that it will freak you out."
"Just tell me how many zero's."
"Er...,five." He said looking like he was struggling to remember.
"Oh ok." I nodded, that wasn't too bad, it was still a shedload of money but it wasn't some ridiculous number like I had been expecting. "Less than a million then."
"Uh no."
"There's a couple of other numbers as well." He smirked.
"Are you purposefully being difficult?"
"A little bit." He laughed.
"You know what I meant?"
"I did." He agreed. "Do you really want to know?"
"I do now." I rolled my eyes at him.
He went to his bedside table and pulled out the bottom drawer, rifling through and pulling out a bit of paper. He handed it to me nervously.
I stared down at his bank statement. The closing balance was $108,270,090.08 and I looked at him stunned, he hadn't lied about the five zeros, but there were more than a couple of other numbers.
"See, I knew it would freak you out."
"What the hell are you gonna do with all that money?"
"I'm gonna stop you from getting a shitty job at the local fucking store, put you through college and then I'm gonna buy you a fucking castle." He said like it was obvious.
"Look, I know you can make your own decisions and all and I'm not trying to keep you a fucking prisoner or stop you working because I have some ass backward archaic view of women and I want you to be home and at my beck and call. I just want you safe. I know that the money issue makes you uncomfortable, but it's only fucking money Princess, it's completely dispensable. You are not." He ran his hand through his hair and looked at me. "With Kai still out there and us not knowing what the fuck he's up to, I'm just gonna end up paying someone more money than you'll earn to watch you while you work and that seems completely fucking ludicrous to me. I mean, you're happy for us to share a bed, a room, a house, a fucking life, why doesn't the same thing apply with money?"
"That's just it though Taehyung, none of that is mine is it. It's all yours."
"No it's ours! Fuck Princess, none of that means shit if you're not here to share it with me."
I looked at my adorable boyfriend who, in his own unique foul mouthed way, said the most amazing things to me. I loved him so much, and I wanted all of him, I always had and if that included an obscene amount of money then I had to accept that.
He was right. It was stupid for me to struggle to earn a few bucks, while he sat at home worrying about my safety.
"I'll keep the credit card." I agreed.
Yeah?" He raised his eyebrows surprised.
"For emergencies." I added.
"You know, we probably have very different ideas on what constitutes an emergency."
"I'll bet we do."
"I love you Princess, so fucking much." He pulled me into his arms and kissed me.
"I guess we should get to work on christening our bed then?"
"Fuck yeah! Then the desk, I've thought of nothing but bending you over it since my mom bought the fucking thing." He said as he pulled my sweater over my head.
"I love you Taehyung." I laughed. "Don't ever change." I kissed him deeply, slowly, lovingly, trying to memorise this moment. This was the perfect start to our forever.
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