↳ chapter fourteen
" I can't save us "
it was later in the evening when nick fury walked inside the barton home and demanded a talk with all of the avengers. "i don't think she should stay" tony pointed his finger at evi, who was sitting next to lila on the couch, drawing pictures.
"she can stay, until i bring the kids up to bed" laura said, before fury could answer tonys wish. stark send laura a tired look, but kept quiet.
although evi was concentrated on drawing her own picture, while lila watched in awe as she used her powers to raise pencil and fill white spaces, she decided it wasn't bad to listen in on the conversation. once she was back with her siblings, the information she gathered could be helpful.
"ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time" fury said. lila held her drawing infront of evis eyes. "ooh, pretty" she said. lila stood up and ran towards the kitchen table, where romanoff was situated. "my contacts all say he's building something. the amount of vibranium he made off with.. i don't think it's just one thing" fury continued
"what about ultron himself?" steve asked
"oh, he's easy to track, he's everywhere" before evi could hear the rest of the sentence, she was nudged by lila "it's time for bed" the little girl whispered.
evi followed laura and the kids up the stairs. "where should i sleep tonight?" she asked. "should'nt i sleep on the couch downstairs?"
laura shook her head and advised the girl to follow her into lilas room. "you can spend the night here"
lila had a cute princess themed room, with pink and glitter everywhere. she had a bed decorated with unicorns as well. evi didn't like that much pink, but she remembered the time, back when she was a little girl, when she had dreamed of a room like this. a room just for herself.
a few hours later, evi laid on the matress in front of lilas bed, peacefully sleeping. suddenly she jolted up. a sudden pain now inside her head. scared, she stumbled to her feet. she suspected it was something with her siblings. the stone from which she and them gathered their powers, conecting them. she could feel something was wrong.
she grabbed her things. she would leave. now. as she opened lilas door, she was met with the face of steve. "i'm sorry" she said "but i'm leaving"
he nodded his head. "yes, you are"
a few minutes later the quinjet was in the air. evi sat next to steve on their way to the compound. she had told him, about the pain in her head and what her assumption was, right after saying goodbye to laura and thanking her for everything with a long hug. steve took her fear serious and promised her that she could go back to her siblings the next day, but only after she had caught some sleep.
evi had nodded at that. she trusted steve and when he promised her something like that, she would believe it.
so evi figured it was alright laying down for a few hours while they were on their way and finish her sleep when they arrived.
evi was asleep for a few hours. maria hill, who seemed to be a colleague of someone, had assigned her one of the bedrooms. the next morning, it was more mid day then morning, evi shot up screaming. in her head she could hear wanda scream too. the pain again having it's effect on her. despite the pain, she could feel that something had drastically changed. something that had to do with wandas beliefs and her perspective and opinion concerning ultron. she wasn't sure, she could trust him anymore, especially when her sister stopped.
evi was surprised, when someone stumbled into the room. that someone turned out to be steve, in uniform, a concerned look on his face.
"you were screaming" he explained as he saw the confused look, evi was giving him.
"steve" evi registered, relieved. "i think i just realised something. ultron wants the world destruction, to make humans evolve, or atleast that's what i think"
"you're right" steve sat down on the bed beside her. "he wants to start a new world, with better people and to achieve that, he has to evolve first. we suspect that he is building several bodies, for that he needs all the-"
"vibranium" evi mumbled in realisation. she turned her head to look into steve's eyes. "we didn't know that this was his plan, steve. we thought- we thought he just wanted to destroy.. you" she looked down in shame. steve laid his hand on her shoulder reassuringly
"i know" he said. "you met us, and i will just assume that your opinion changed"
"it did" evi nodded
"good, because we could use your help. maria can provide you with clothes"
"yes, i'll help" evi nodded. she was surpised as steve suddenly leaned in and hugged her. "thank you, evi. as long as you want to be, you are a great addition to the team"
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