Chapter Twenty-Eight
Last night, Lyanna Stark dreamt that she could fly, it was a wonderful dream and soon, she and Bran will fly together. When Lyanna told this to Lord Brynden, he said she might able to fly sooner through the raven's eyes. Despite the excitement, Lyanna was still saddened, saddened by the sight of Jojen who still grows sullen and solitary. She does care for him, more than care. She loves the boy, loves him enough to need him.
One noon, Meera, Hodor and Lyanna went down the river to fetch fishes, Bran wanted fishes and craved for a roast one. While Lyanna gets the net, stood over the water with the net under the water, and Meera will catch the fish with her spear. It was a quiet noon, only the river can be flowing and Hodor muttering "Hodor"
"Is he up there again?" Lyanna asked Meera about Jojen.
Meera gave a sad and a nod.
"I'm scared too" Lyanna told her. Meera struck her spear into the water by the net and caught one fish.
"I don't know what to do with him anymore" Meera sniffled, "I don't want to lose him"
As do I, Lyanna thought. "Hodor" Hodor muttered softly. They spent an hour catching fishes, they caught three so far, and they needed a few more. Hodor was kneeling and leaning by the river, splashing the water with his hands playfully. Lyanna knew Hodor was Hodor now and she would know if it's Bran or not. If it was Bran, he does terrible acting as Hodor. Lyanna cleaned the fishes while Meera was still looking for more. Lyanna looked around time to time for some reason, waiting for someone, it was Jojen she was waiting, but even though she knew he won't come.
"Tell me about Wintefell" Meera said, "tell me about the royal King's arrival" Lyanna knew Meera needed some distraction to keep her mind off from fear.
"Robert Baratheon, he was, of course, fat" Lyanna began, "he barely even got off his own horse. Not what you expect from a king, you know... He drank in front of his Queen and children, and he whored in front of them too"
"That's awful" Meera said, she was looking out for the net to see if the net caught any fishes.
"He was still my father's best friend" Lyanna said, "When Robert was king from beginning to the end, there was no war at all. Until he died"
"What was good about Robert Baratheon was that there was peace in Westeros"
Lyanna nodded in agreement.
Once they caught enough fishes, about six fishes, they cleaned them and skinned them. "He loves you, you know?" Meera said.
Lyanna looked at her while she was carving the fish, "What?"
"Jojen..." Meera muttered, "...he never wanted me to mention about it. He loves you, 'love' loves you kind of way"
Lyanna lowered her head, keeping her eyes on the fish.
"He has all along" Reed girl said, "...even before we came to Winterfell, before he dreamt of your father's death"
That surprised Lyanna. All along? She thought confusedly. She wondered, she never met the boy before, not once, she never even knew he existed until he came to Winterfell to pledge their loyalty. "I--I don't...understand" she stammered.
"He dreamt of you" Meera said, "he dreamt of you, regular dreams and green dreams. I don't know how long. He never really told me what he saw in his dreams, he just kept telling father and I about a girl name, Lyanna Stark. Father first thought it was your aunt, I did too, he told Jojen that, and he guessed that it was you. Once father sent us to Winterfell. That moment, that very moment when Jojen stepped into the Great Hall, he saw you, he said 'There she is' looking at you like he never looked at anyone like that before"
Lyanna felt bad for some reason, maybe it was because she feels stupid for not noticing. She remembered the way he looked at her that night at Winterfell, when there was feast in the great hall, there was dancing, and she saw Jojen looking at her. He never looked away, even when he entered the Hall.
"Hodor" Hodor was listening, or it was Bran who was listening. He was just sitting behind her with his hand on her shoulder. "Hodor, hodor, hodor"
What are you saying, Bran? Lyanna thought.
When Meera and Lyanna finished roasting fishes, she gave one to Bran, He half smiled at her, then one for Hodor. Lyanna asked Leaf if she wanted to have fish, she denied it kindly because she already ate. Bran sat on his little throne with Summer beside him, Lyanna sat down on the ground, leaning back against the throne with his dead legs on her one shoulder. She took small bites of her fish, Meera was beside Hodor, while Jojen wasn't in sight at all. Lyanna thought of what Meera told her, she felt half relieved for some reason, and with a bit of joy.
Bran had took her shoulder, shaking her slightly, she looked up at him. "Go get Jojen" He told her, "he needs to eat"
She nodded, put her leaf plate down and let Visenya have the rest. She put on her fur cloak, and grabbed a torch.
She knew where he might be, usually Jojen spent his time wandering in the caves alone and mostly at the cave's mouth. She only went out once by the cave's mouth to look at the view. All she has to do was to tell him to get back into the cave and eat. Once she found him, he was just standing, looking at the forest, just by looking at the forest made Lyanna feel homesick and wondered when she will ever go back. Instead of telling him to go with her, she joined him instead and stopped beside him. She placed the torch, sticking it into the snow and let it stand. Jojen's face was pale, and his lips were almost blue. He didn't look at her, but still had his eyes on the forest. She wanted to say that she was sorry, sorry for being stupid for not realizing that he loved her for so long.
"I got a story" She told him, "Hear it, or not, I'll tell you"
He still hasn't said anything, she didn't expect him to.
"It'll be worth telling, and you'll like it" She said, "This is about...A crippled boy, his simple-minded giant, the she-wolf, two direwolves and two Crannogmen"
She saw Jojen blinking twice.
"Once there were a brother and sister who lived in Winterfell. A little boy Prince and a lady Princess. The Prince was crippled, he used to love riding horses, play swords, he was the best climber in Winterfell and all he wanted was to be a knight before he went crippled. His giant carried him around, he has his own direwolf. The Princess, like her little brother, she was a fighter that one, and a hunter, and also has her own direwolf." Lyanna tried her best to find the words for the story, "One evening, two Crannogmen, a brother and a sister came to Winterfell, to pledge their loyalty to the wolves. The Prince, little crippled lord liked them both, but the Princess, she found them a little strange. Especially when days passed as she and her brother spent with the two Crannogmen. She thought the boy was strange and a little annoying because he kept telling who she really was. A warg, he told her. She didn't believe and rather not to believe even though she dreamt of her wolf and the boy said he has a green sight. The Prince and the green boy both dreamt of the three-eyed crow. The Prince dreamt of the crow when he was in a coma and the green boy dreamt the crow when he almost died from a fever. The crow wants both boys to find him at beyond the Wall"
The cold wind began to blew, and the thick snow began to fall as they continued to watch the forest, and Lyanna continued, "One night, the she-wolf dreamt of being inside of her wolf's mind and she witnessed a fight, and sensed danger. When she woke up, she found her home being attacked. The dream that the green boy told her came true, an ocean came through the walls of Winterfell. The Krakens had took over Winterfell and the Prince and Princess along the others were taken hostages" She began to feel cold, not shivering, but she could feel her fingers numb. "They escaped, but they just hid under the castle until the enemies were gone. Winterfell had been burned down, the Prince and the Princess, their two direwolves, the giant and two Crannogmen left. They travelled to the Wall to find the Prince and Princess' half brother. Instead, the Prince wanted to go Beyond the Wall to find the crow so he can learn how to fly"
Lyanna made fists to keep her hands warm while the torch was slowly going small.
"When they made it Beyond the Wall, the she-wolf thought she may never go home, she thought she may never ever go someplace warm. Beyond the Wall, they were accompanied and escorted by a ranger, dressed in black like from the ones in the Black, his skin was white and his hands were cold, he rode an elk, they named the ranger 'Coldhands' and he was already dead. They went through trouble, captured and escaped Craster's Keep, terrible place. The she-wolf had learnt her gift, she entered her wolf's mind. Unlike her brother, he was better at it, even he could enter his giant's own mind. After escaping the Keep, they continued on their journey, the cold was unbearable, the wind was strong, they were so cold that that their faces turned pale, their lips turned blue and they felt so numb for days. They rarely ate, they starved, they would rest cold and starved for days. Once the dead Ranger's elk collapse, they put it out of it's misery and had no choice to eat it which only last them a week"
Lyanna slid her hands into her sleeves, she began to feel her face going cold.
"She-Wolf also made a pack, through her wolf's mind, she got herself a wolf pack and her brother, nor the Crannogmen knew that."
Jojen made a small movement as if he just startled.
"Once they saw the cave beneath the great Weirwood tree where the three-eyed crow should be. But then, the dead rose up from the deep within the snow, just underneath their feet. They rose. The Ranger, the crippled, she-wolf, the giant, two Crannogmen, and two direwolves fought off the dead, the Wights." She looked down the hill where they fought off the Wights, "They barely survived, until the little girl came and saved them with her fire. Fire killed the Wights. When they made it to the cave, the Ranger could not go with them because it was warded against the dead, even Coldhands, himself. The little girl who saved them, she was the child, one of the Children of the Forest, who everyone thought to be all dead and extinct. They finally meet the Three-Eyed Crow, the crippled thought the crow could fix his legs, even the She-Wolf thought too. But the crow said to the crippled boy 'but you will fly'."
Jojen has not said any word, but Lyanna continued anyway.
"While the crippled boy learnt more of his gifts, taught by the Three-Eyed Crow. She-Wolf grows to learn her gifts as well, and not only her wolf she can control, but also others. The two Crannogmen stays with them. But the Green Boy grows sad which hurts his sister, even the crippled boy and she-wolf grew fretting for the green boy. He did not speak for days, he stayed alone every day for hours. It's distracting. His sister said he saw his fate" Lyanna began to feel sad, "She-Wolf was much more scared for the Green Boy, she loved him enough to need him, she missed him, she missed his voice, the boy has been there for her since the day he came to her, if it weren't for the boy, she wouldn't be there. One day, the she-wolf and Lady Crannogmen go fishing..." Lyanna paused for a moment, she sighed, "...Lady Crannogmen told she-wolf that the green boy had loved the she-wolf all along, even before he came to Winterfell"
Jojen turn his head away from the view and from her. She looked at him even he turned away from her.
"The she-wolf felt.." Lyanna paused again and hesitated, but she had to confess, "well, the she-wolf feels the same for the boy. So, she goes to confront him... and wondering how the boy feels now."
Lyanna moved in front of him to look at him. She wanted to look at his deep green eyes, she wanted him to look at her and he did.
"So, do you think the green boy still loves the she-wolf?" she asked him.
The green boy look sadly at her, "He always have" he told her, "and he will love her until the day of his death" That was the first time she heard his voice in days.
Lyanna looked down to reach for his hand, "Don't give up on me, Jojen. Don't leave me," She told him, his other hand reached for her chin, lifting it up so she could look at him. She half smiled that she felt her cheeks going pink.
Next thing that happened was that Jojen's cold lips met Lyanna's warm lips. She did not mind the coldness, especially the wind and the breeze. It was like ice and fire had mated, it was such a spectacular and intense feeling to Lyanna. His lips were the first and will be the last. She will love him, love him to death and she will never give up on him.
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