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*smut, child abuse, mentions of sexual abuse, experimentation, death, all things hydra
Wanda and Pietro Maximoff stayed in a small inn that they had rented with the money they stole from HYDRA. They had a nice warm shower that didn't turn off after a minute and slept in a large somewhat comfortable bed. Anything was more comfortable than the small cot they called a bed in their cell. They had slept together for the first time in years cuddled up. It was the best sleep they had, had in years even when Wanda awoke with a gasp at the memory of Buckys torture. Luckily, Pietro was there to coax her back to bed with gentle hands.
The twins awoke with the dawn sunlight drifting through the blinds. Pietro hugged Wanda tighter with a groan when he felt her moving to get up and buried his head in her hair, smelling the artificial smell of soap from the small tubes in the shower.
"Pietro, come on. We gotta get moving, we've stayed far too long, HYDRA or someone else could be after us," Wanda said quietly, rubbing small circles on his hand that was wrapped around her waist.
"Five more minutes, Wanda. Let me hold you," he whined, his hand slowly dragging down her slim waist.
Wanda rolled her eyes and huffed out an answer, "If I do, it's going to turn into a lot more than holding me."
Pietro grinned in her hair and pushed himself up to hover over her and kissed her with a hum. "So what, we barely got time to ourselves in there," he whispered as he leveled kisses down her neck to her chest.
Wanda groaned and struggled to push him away but she did. "We're in danger Pietro, later you can 'hold me' as long as you want when we're safe."
Pietro stared at her intensely and Wanda slightly worried she had done something wrong then he smiled and asked, "Promise?"
"Pinkie," she declared with a smile. She wanted nothing more than to test out the bed but they couldn't. They didn't have the time nor were they a safe distance away yet.
"Okay fine," Pietro responded and rolled over, letting Wanda get dressed in a new outfit they had brought at the small thrift store. "Where are we even going?" He asked as he pulled a white long sleeved shirt on, watching her get dressed. Araรฑa, the old lady attending the thrift store had basically pushed multiple outfits in their arms and wouldn't let them leave without some. The twins were grateful to get out of the prison like uniforms they had to wear at the base. They had even gotten new shoes, Wanda's were a little big but wearing boots would be better than her previous flats. She was wearing black jeans and a red long sleeved shirt and a black jacket.
"The Kamar-Taj temple in Nepal. It's home to the Ancient One and an order of mystic users, they can help us get a hold of our abilities, mine in particular. They also hold the Time Stone or rather the Eye of Agamotto," Wanda explained as she finished dressing and Pietro hummed in response, throwing his new blue jacket with a bunch of red shapes on it over his shoulders and adjusting the waistband of his white long pants. They were ready for the cold weather and to hike across Sokovian soil.
Pietro looked up at her as she tied up her shoes and asked after a moment, "What if we hit a base? I was looking over the documents and there's one in Russia. Didn't you want to find that clawed guy, Logan?"
"Well yes, I would love to save Logan and destroy all of HYDRA but I need to learn to control my powers or it'll be another incident like yesterday and I might hurt you or the very people we were trying to save," Wanda told him. Pietro gave her a pleading look and Wanda gave in like usual as her brother knew she would. Wanda was a very easy person to sway and she disliked that about herself. She sighed and said, "Okay fine! Give me the papers on the base and we can make a plan but just one before Kamar-Taj!"
"Yes!" Pietro cheered and sped around the small room making a woosh noise and appeared right in front of her with a grin handing her a file that she had only glanced at before. Wanda had no idea why Pietro was suddenly so excited or adamant about hitting a HYDRA base but it was understandable. The things they went through, the trauma that those people had put them through was enough to make anyone go insane. They were lucky they still had their wits about them, any longer and they might've broken.
Wanda sat down on the edge of the bed and flicked through the file memorizing the important details while Pietro buzzed around in front of her gathering the last of their belongings and putting them together in the little hiking backpack they had picked up at one of the stores in town.
The base Pietro had picked out was a relatively small one compared to their previous 'home'. When Wanda looked through the files she could understand why he had picked this one, it was an experimental base for young children to try and force powers on them to make soldiers. It was also a waypoint for human trafficking, a 'business' HYDRA that participated in for money to fund their experiments. The base seemed to be more on the secretive side, similar to their old one but it was in Russia which was at least 30 hours away from Sokovia if Wanda calculated it right. Pietro couldn't speed the whole way there carrying Wanda and the luggage they had accumulated from their shopping spree.
They would need to get better gear for the trip, food, supplies, more money and a car. Thankfully Bucky had given them a lesson in driving and Wanda still remembered the years of experience as Claire. Getting it would be easy, a simple flick of Wanda's hand, a rush of wind from Pietro and they would be good to get on the road. After the twins had gotten ready to go out and gave the room a quick clean, they headed out of the inn, locking the door behind them. Baseball caps covered their semi-unnatural hair and they kept an eye on the people around them staring too long or avoiding cameras, luckily it was a small quiet town where they could lay low far from the local civil war that was slowly losing traction.
They briskly walked to another shop that sold almost everything they would need near a small diner they hadn't checked the day before. Pietro winced at the bell that rang through the shop when they pushed the glass door open. Wanda looked around in awe, she hadn't been in a shop this big in years and it was a lot less glamorous than she remembered in her past. She looked at Pietro who looked overwhelmed, he still hadn't gotten used to having money since they had grown up poor and Pietro and Wanda weren't allowed to go to the shops with them when they were younger.
Wanda gently rubbed her brother's bicep making him smile at her and wrap his arm around her shoulder. They grabbed a black shopping basket each and started in the first aisle and grabbed a loaf of bread to make sandwiches and some water bottles. "What sandwiches do you want?" Wanda asked Pietro as she looked at the limited supply of spreads.
"Whatever you want, draga," Pietro answered, looking between two different flavours of granola. "Oh maybe pastrami and cheese, we hadn't had those since Mother..." Pietro trailed off and Wanda's heart clenched at the grief radiating from her brother.
"I'll make some," Wanda told him, rubbing soothing circles on his back, the spreads forgotten. Pietro took a deep breath in, he had accepted and moved on from his parents death but sometimes it came back like a violent wave.
"We'll be okay," Wanda promised him and reached up to kiss his cheek and Pietro silently nodded in agreement. It would be, they had each other and they were going to get powerful and then get Bucky back.
Pietro grabbed both granola and placed them in the basket and moved to grab a peanut butter and a chilli tomato spread. "We shouldn't stay out too long," Pietro reminded her as she watched him and she nodded and followed after him.
"We have to grab a cooler," Wanda spoke up after the moment of silence that fell upon the duo due to the mention of the Maximoff matriarch. "For the meat and cold food," Wanda added awkwardly, looking up at Pietro with an almost shy expression, she didn't do well with silence or comforting people.
As if Pietro could feel her messy emotions he hummed, wrapping his arm around her waist and nuzzling into her hair and mumbled, "I didn't mean to ruin the atmosphere."
"You didn't," Wanda told him sternly and walked them to the small butcher area in the corner of the shop.
"Awh aren't you two the cutest!" The woman at the counter cooed at the twins with a beaming smile and asked, "What can I get you two?"
Pietro smugly smiled at the woman's comment and pulled Wanda tighter against his side, showing off once more. Wanda perked up at the attention and answered, "Good morning ma'am. We're going on a bit of a road trip so can we get some pastrami, some chicken, lamb and some frankfurts?."
"Of course, coming right up, my dear," she replied and started wrapping up said meat.
"We've never been camping. This could either be a disaster or an adventure," Pietro told her and Wanda shrugged, even as Claire she never went camping, she wasn't much of an outdoors person.
"Let's settle for a disastrous adventure, hmm? It'll be an experience, that's for sure. Besides you're the one who wanted to make the trip longer by changing the location," Wanda told him with a teasing grin, nudging her hip into his side.
"As if you don't want to do something heroic now," Pietro told her with a raised eyebrow, she was going to save half the galaxy later on, she better get used to it. Wanda smiled then it turned into a grimace as images of the carnage she let loose at the HYDRA base returned to the forefront of her mind. She didn't mean it and although she did believe they deserved it the action she took felt gory and unnecessary.
"Hey, I didn't mean anything bad by that," Pietro told her, grabbing her chin and pulling her gaze to him. "You're amazing, don't let a single mistake cover all the great things you want to do."
Wanda smiled and Pietro gave her a peck on the lips and Wanda rested her head on her brother's strong chest. She really didn't know what she would do without her brother, they were each other's anchors.
"Is that everything?" the lady asked when she returned to them, carrying bags of meat in her hands. Pietro nodded and thanked her, paying her with a few crumbled notes and let her keep the few coins of change.
With the meat secured they grabbed a bunch of cans of soup, crackers, trail mix, beans and packs of pasta. The couple moved away from the food aisles and into the miscellaneous aisles and the small clothing area.
Wanda grabbed a few clothing items sticking to cute but practical wear. She had to swat Pietro's hands away more than once from the more exotic choices. During their search the twins found sturdier shoes for Pietro that wouldn't get destroyed as easily when he ran to the base to do a little recon before they charged in guns blazing. They had never been there and didn't know how many people were going to be there, so they needed to be smart about it or they could get themselves killed or captured and their rescue mission would be for nothing.
They grabbed a cooler, placing the meat into it to see how much space they could get out of it. Pietro wanted to get a bigger one but they didn't have any bigger sizes so they would have to make do.
"This will have to do for now, inima mea, anything else will have to wait till after we bring the base down," Wanda informed her brother, the term of endearment sliding past her lips without a thought as she turned to the checkout area to purchase their new items.
Pietro stood stunned for a moment, the phrase echoing pleasantly in his brain. My heart. she had called him. Wanda had not called him that since before their induction into HYDRA. Pietro watched her hips sway as she drew nearer to counter, taking a moment to admire her. "inima mea, sufletul meu" he whispered to himself before moving to join her.
My heart, my soul.
"Did you two find everything alright?" asked the young man behind the counter as he began to ring up their items, bagging them as he went.
"Yes, thank you," Wanda responded simply with a nod as she watched the price climb with each beep. It was more than they had, she realized eyes widening a fraction before quickly schooling her expression as she felt Pietro's arm wrap around her shoulders.
"Alright then your total isโ"
"It's already been paid for," Wanda stated, a soft smile covering her face as her eyes turned a light red. Wanda stamped down the unease as she gently manipulated the teller's mind. They had come so far already, she would not allow her fear to get them caught so soon.
Leaning back into her brother's strong chest, Wanda anchored herself with his presence. Wanda's eyes turned a crimson shade as she maneuvered carefully through the young man's thoughts and planted the image of her paying in full within his memories.
A slight dazed look took over the teller's eyes briefly as a polite simple overtook his face. "Of course, Ma'am, my apologies. Have a great day!" he cheered while handing the twins their bags.
"Thank you," Wanda muttered before leading Pietro out of the store.
"You did wonderfully, sufletul meu," Pietro reassured, moving his bags to one hand so he could wrap an arm around her shoulders and pull her close. "You have more control then you think you do, Wanda. Even if you don't believe it yet, know that I believe in you," he whispered before pressing his lips to her forehead.
'My soul' sent shivers down her spine but it was her twin's gentle reassurance and unwavering belief in her that sent her body alight as they came upon their temporary lodging.
Unlocking their room, Wanda held open the door for Pietro as they entered before relocking the door behind her. They could never be too careful after all.
"The meat and water can go in the fridge for now, everything else can go into the hiking bags we picked up earlier," Wanda directed as she started to remove the tags from their new clothing.
"Always so bossy," Pietro sassed with a smirk before retrieving the meats from the bags and moving them safely to the fridge. "You know you could at least say please." He pouted, turning back to face his sister.
She laughed at his antics while folding their clothing into piles on the table. "Don't pout dragฤ or you'll get wrinkles," she teased. Suddenly strong arms enveloped her form and she quietly shrieked as Pietro pulled her close.
"That wasn't very nice dearest," his voice amused as he whispered in her ear, "How ever will you make it up to me?" he asked, burying his face in Wanda's neck enjoying their proximity.
Wanda released a heavy sigh as she melted into his hold. "Pietro," she whispered his name solemnly knowing where this would lead. She twisted in his hold wrapping her arms around his neck as she ran her fingers through his hair. "We can't." She felt it before she even saw the hurt on his face as she rushed to clarify, "We're still not safe here, inima mea, there is still so much we need to prepare forโ"
Pietro cut her off with a gentle kiss to her soft lips savoring the feeling before pulling away to stare into his loves eyes. He spoke in their mother tongue to help sooth her, "I know, sufletul meu, and I know you are scared. So am I, but we are here together." Pietros hands cupped her face as he continued, "We've already come so far together and soon we will be walking right back into the line of fire. When we come out the other side I don't want to have any regrets."
Tears formed in Wanda's eyes as she felt the weight of Pietro's love and honesty wash over her. "Neither do I,"ย she responded, her irises turning a deep red hue as she projected the same love and honesty back to him, desperate for Pietro to feel her the way she felt him.
She started in awe as Pietro's normal blue iris turned the same shade of red as her own and he leaned down to kiss her, pouring his love into her. He is my heart. she thought with a sigh, falling deeper into the kiss. The kiss then turned dominant with Pietro growing more lustful. Wanda was overwhelmed at the feelings dripping off Pietro and knew she would be losing control very soon if he kept it up.
Never leave me. Wanda heard him whisper through her mind and realized she could hear his thoughts without actively projecting. She had heard of this before from Bucky when they were training together. He had told her that he overheard, from a few of the scientists who were tasked with studying her, that she would be able to create a sort of mind link between anyone that she was especially close to. He told her that they said it would be like a constant emotional and mental link between both minds that she could open and close from either side, but that the other person would only be able to block her out from their side. So given that she could hear Pietro's voice in her head, she knew she had unconsciously set a mind link between the two. She didn't mean to connect them but she knew he wouldn't be adverse to the idea of being connected body and mind.
Pietro ran his hand up Wanda's side, gripping her waist. His lips slanted against her mouth, kissing her as deeply and as passionately as she meant to him. He would never get over how she felt against him, her slim body pressed so tightly against his that he wondered if there was any space left between them. He'd never get over how good she tasted either. The sweet flavor of strawberries and vanilla mixed with honey and that subtle hint of mint always left him moaning, eager for more. He loved kissing her, feeling her, loving her. She was his entire world and if tonight was the last night that they had together then he sure as hell was going to show her that.
Wanda ran her hands up his toned chest, wrapped them around his neck into his silver hair and gripped it, pulling him further down to kiss him better without being on her tiptoes. She let out a soft whimper into the kiss, swiping her tongue against his lower lip asking for entry which he allowed. Their tongues slid sensually against each other, a moan leaving both of them. Their tongues caressed each other like some precious thing, leaving the both of them nearly breathless.
She loved kissing him, never wanted to stop, and hated that they couldn't do it more often. He was like a drug to her. The sweet taste of apples, cinnamon, and vanilla, along with the slight hint of mintย left on his tongue, combined so beautifully that it made her knees weak. She wanted to savor him forever, and she knew she would. She would never let anything harm him ever again, not on her watch, not even tomorrow.
Pietro slid both of his hands down her body straight to her ass, groaning as he squeezed both cheeks roughly then abruptly picked her up. Wanda squealed into the kiss before she pulled away slightly to catch her breath.
"This okay?" Pietro breathes out, his lips just a whisper away from hers.
Wanda nodded and wrapped her legs around his waist, allowing him to carry her over to the double bed that occupied the middle of their motel room. He laid her down gently after her hands slipped from his hair and climbed on top of her.
"You're so fucking beautiful, draga," he murmurs. He ran his hands up her jean clad thighs and slipped them under her maroon tank top making her suck in a deep breath at the chill his cold hands gave her.
The blush that coated her tanned cheeks made warmth bloom in his chest. He'd never stop complimenting her if this was the reaction he got.
"Stop flirting and touch me. Please?" Wanda looked up at him longingly, desperate for his affection. Pietro obliged and kissed down her jaw to suck and nip at her neck.
The maroon haired woman moaned softly, loving the feel of his lips against her heated skin. She raised her hands into his hair again and tugged roughly at a particularly harsh bite he gave her, which made the white haired man groan softly.
He couldn't help biting her again, marking her, making her moan. He lifted her hips up, directly onto his thigh that was placed carelessly between her legs. The moan she let out was much louder this time at the feeling of her center being pressed directly against his firm thigh.
"Pietro..." Wanda gasps out, grinding her core against his leg. Pietro let out a hum, feeling the zing of pleasure that wasn't his filter through him and filed that thought away for later.
The speedster lifted his head and gave her a pointed look. "That's not what you call me when we're like this, my love."
"Sir..." Wanda blushed harder and used one of her hands to cover her face, shying away from his heated stare.
"There's my good girl." He hummed against her neck before pulling back. He pulled her into a sitting position to pull her shirt off. He made quick work of slipping her shirt off and unclasping her bra, smiling at the little shiver she releases. He leaned down and flicked her nipple with his tongue, humming again when she released a choked gasp.
"You make such pretty noises, draga," Pietro mumbled against her tanned skin. She flushed at his words and covered her face with her hands, hiding from him. He chuckled and allowed her to do what she wanted before he continued his exploration of her body. He wrapped his lips around her left nipple and sucked. Wanda inhaled sharply and whimpered at the wet suction, while Pietro slid his hand up to her right nipple and began flicking and pinching it.
Wanda squirmed in place, moving her hands up his clothed back and firmly gripping the fabric. Pietro continued to tease his twin, his woman, not wanting to end this too soon. It was their first time being together without the threat of guards or doctors walking in or anyone sneaking in on them and finding them in such compromising positions. He preferred to take his time with her. Despite the absence of Bucky's commanding but gentle presence, Pietro felt free and secure in her arms. He would treat her the way she deserved to be treated, like a queen.
After a few moments, Pietro began to trail kisses down her body, his lips gently pressed against her heated tanned skin. As he moved down her body, his hands trailed down her malnourished form. His hands stopped at her hips where her jeans sat snuggly around her thin frame and pushed himself into a sitting position. He grinned at the flushed needy look of her, relishing in the soft whines leaving her pretty lips and the squirming of her body.
He slipped off the bed ignoring the grunt she let out and lovingly took off her boots and socks. He then pulled off her jeans and underwear in one smooth practiced motion, leaving her bare on the motel bed.
Wanda pushed herself up onto her elbows to watch her brother, unashamed of her body, just the way he taught her. She watched as he removed his shirt, and the sight of him mader her core drip even more. He shoved his jeans and underwear down, kicking off his own boots.
Once her brother was bare, Wanda stared at him, taking in his scarred but beautifully glowing flesh. Her gaze moved down his well sculpted chest to his cock. Her breath stalled in her chest just like it did every time she saw it. For some reason, every time she saw his dick, it felt bigger than the previous time, and she always thought it wouldn't fit, but he always made it possible.
Pietro climbed back on top of his lover, and kissed her with tremendous fervor. Wanda arched up into him, slipping her tongue into his mouth as she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him down lining his cock with her soaked core. Pietro thrusts his hips, sliding his cock between her lips which made her moan into their heated kiss.
Pietro pulled back from the kiss and sat up on his knees. He moved back until he was off the bed and pulled Wanda by her legs towards the edge of it. He made her hold her legs next to her chest, creating a V shape before he knelt down on the ground, his mouth level with her center.
"Watch me, sufletul meu. Watch me taste you," he said as he locked eyes with her.
Once he knew that she was watching him, he leaned down and swiped his tongue from her mound to her entrance. He smirked at the sharp intake of her breath and placed his mouth on her core, flicking her clit with his tongue. He used his new abilities to quicken his tongue so it practically vibrated against her clit. Wanda moaned and reached a hand down to grip his white hair, grinding her dripping pussy against his mouth. He lapped at her entrance greedily, moaning at her sweet taste blooming on his tongue.
Wanda couldn't get enough of his mouth on her. She was always shocked with how well his mouth worked on her core because he seemed to get better every time he ate her out. It always left her breathless and whiny, desperate for more. She wanted to taste him the way he was tasting her but she knew he only wanted to focus on her tonight so she would allow him to do that. It wasn't often that she was the one being focused on despite her being a switch with a sub lean. Given that she had all of the power as the submissive when they had sex with dynamics, she always wanted to focus the pleasure on Pietro who was her dominant.
That night was different though. He felt a lot at that moment and all he wanted to was let go and focus on her, give her what she needed, what she craved. That was him, touching her, kissing her, pleasuring her in any way he can just in case their trip to the HYDRA base went south.
Wanda focused back on her lover, wanting to give him all of her attention. He thrust his tongue inside her, curling it up against her g-spot making her back arch off the bed with a choked moan. They both could feel her climax approach quickly but as much as Pietro wanted to taste her sweet release, he wanted her to cum on his cock even more.
He pulled away and lifted himself onto his feet before he scooted her closer to the edge and reached a hand down to grip himself. He looked her in the eye as he rubbed the head of his cock against her entrance, using his hand to coat his cock up with her slick.
"Ready, draga?" he asked, searching her eyes for consent. He felt her need and love for him, but needed her verbal consent like always.
"Yes," she said, her voice breathless, slowly trying to come down from the high she wasn't allowed to chase.
Pietro leaned down and kissed her gently to distract her from the stretch as he slowly pushed the head of his cock inside her. She whimpered against his soft lips, tensing as he entered her. He didn't stop pushing until his cock was settled as deep inside her as it could go. They laid there for a few moments, allowing Wanda time to adjust to his size and girth. As soon as she started grinding her hips against him, he knew she was ready to take him.
He pulled away from the kiss and braced himself on his forearms beside her head, slowly pulled his hips back before thrusting hard. They both groaned at the feeling, Pietro loving how her inner walls squeezed him tightly, and Wanda loving how she could feel every inch of him penetrating her.
"Fuck... you take me so well, draga." Pietro groaned in pleasure. He watched as his sister's skin began to glisten with sweat and darken with her sweet blush. "You look so fucking pretty taking my cock, baby."
Wanda whined at the words he was saying to her, shy at the attention but loving it all the same. She couldn't stop the moans and whimpers escaping her as her twin fucked her against the bed. She wanted more, desired for more. She needed him like she needed oxygen to breathe.
Pietro continued thrusting, trying to find the right pace for the both of them. He adjusted the position of his hips until Wanda's pleasure spiked and she let out a choked sob letting him know that he found her g-spot. The man grinned and thrust directly against that spot groaning in pleasure as they both chased their highs. Wanda was the first to cum, calling out her twin's name as she shook from the intensity, clutching him closer to her.
Pietro didn't stop thrusting until he could feel his own climax start to rush through his body. He pulled out, reaching his hand down to stroke his cock as he came on her stomach. He groaned out her name, pushed his face into her neck as his body trembled from the weight of his orgasm and his own body. He continued to stroke himself slowly as they both tried to calm down from their highs before coming to a stop once the exhaustion crept in.
The two laid there, surrounded by the scent of each other and how they were feeling at that moment. Pietro pressed gentle kisses to his twins neck, soothing her shaking body. After a few moments, Pietro lifted himself off of Wanda, slipping out of her aching core and sped to the bathroom to get a wet washcloth for her. He gently cleaned the both of them up when he came back before throwing the washcloth away and climbing back into bed. He pulled Wanda into his arms and held her tightly.
"I love you, Pietro," Wanda whispered, her voice shaky with emotion.
"I love you too, Wanda," Pietro murmured, pressing a soft kiss to her temple.
It was later that night when Wanda and Pietro found themselves in the alley behind one of the small diners in the town. The smell of old grease and rain-damp concrete filled the air as Pietro kept a lookout for any passersby. Wanda herself was standing next to a rusted black jeep that had been parked in the same spot for hours. Her shaking hands glowed a faint red hue and then there was clicking noise, the driver door was open. She slid into the comfortable leather seat and reached under the dash, pulling the wires out.
She twisted the hot wire with the blue ignition wire and the car turned on, the dash lights turned on, gleaming on Wanda's shadow-covered face. She placed the start wire to the connected twisted pair and the engine turned on with a shuddered rumble. The headlights turned on and Pietro rushed to the passenger door and slipped in and Wanda dropped the wires and turned to him with a grin.
"I can't believe Bucky taught you how to hotwire a car and not me," Pietro whined with a huff but leaned closer and breathed across her face, "I'm glad he did though, that was hot."ย
Wanda hummed with delight and leaned in and connected their lips in an energized frenzy. Wanda had never stolen something this big before in either life and was afraid of getting caught. It wouldn't just be the police after them and not just a simple cell but SHIELD, HYDRA and the Avengers would hunt them down with a dampener collar and the threat of more experiments. They couldn't get caught, not now and not ever.
Wanda pulled out of the alley, the jeep gliding smoothly onto the street despite its age. The cold night wind rushed through the open windows, and Wanda laughed, not from joy, but from the sheer ridiculousness of stealing a car. She felt so incredibly young and free, something she had never felt before, definitely not with HYDRA. Everything felt like a blur โher pulse, the few streetlights passing in bright streaks, the sound of the tires on the road and the lull of the radio.
They reached the inn in a few minutes and were quick to pack the car with all their new clothes, supplies and food they had gotten earlier. They had locked the inn room, placed the key on the office bench with a few notes that covered their short stay and then they were on the road. Pietro drove with a single focus to get out of the town in case they had been reported - they didn't need the police on their tail on top of HYDRA and whatever else was looking for them. Wanda, earlier, had changed the number plates when she switched them at the small auto shop and was now fiddling with the radio station, putting it on a calm folk channel.
Hours later; a quick nap and a small fight over the radio station they had finally put a desirable distance between the old HYDRA base and were in another safe small town. They rented a small double bed room on the second floor that smelt of muddy rain water and cigarette smoke. It smelt funny but it was all they needed for a few days so Pietro could check out the Russia base, do some recon and report back to Wanda so they could make a better plan than they had at the old base. There were people to save and Wanda didn't want a single screwup, it was the only condition she had when Pietro convinced her; they needed to do it but she wouldn't allow them to get captured again.
Wanda leaned on the door frame watching Pietro cover himself in black clothing and thick hiking boots. "Don't worry draga, I'll be fine. I promise I'll race back at the first sign of trouble and you'll be listening."
"Just be careful, please," Wanda told him with a sigh.
He nodded, laying a gentle kiss on her forehead and whispered, "I always am." Then he was gone.
Wanda didn't know what to do with herself alone. She paced for the first few minutes trying to calm herself down then sat down at the small table the room had.
Wanda was looking over the files again, focusing more on the details of the Winter Soldier while an old sitcom rerun played quietly in the background. She was trying to distract herself while she waited for Pietro to come back. She had made notes on the number of staff, the best routes, locked doors and camera locations from when Pietro blurred into the building undetected and was now waiting for him to finish running home.
She was anxious and scared the entire time he wasn't by her side and she was probably making it worse by reading up on Bucky. It just made her more sad and angry and the mission couldn't afford such destructive and self sabotaging emotions especially not when her powers were connected to her emotions.
She let out a squeak when a knock rang through the room and the tv switched stations by itself in her scared state. She knew it was Pietro because of the gentle rhythmic knock but it still frightened her for a moment because she was so absorbed in the files. She let out a calming breath and opened the door with a small twitch of her finger and stood up and nearly tipped over when Pietro came barreling into her arms.
Burying his face in her neck Pietro inhaled holding on to his sister for dear life as if her presence would shield him from the horrors he'd seen. "It's worse than we thought," he murmured into her neck, sokovian words falling from his lips in his distress.
Taking her brother's distraught face in her hands Wanda whispered, "Show me," wanting desperately to ease his pain. When they locked eyes Wanda saw flashes of HYDRA's monstrous deeds, children forced to fight each other, young girls and boys caged and starved and being experimented on, crying out in pain. Some guards talking about the sexual abuse they had happily done and children being sold off to the highest bidder. It was barbaric. Wanda pulled away from the memory abruptly, not able to handle the parallels. Unlike her and Pietro these kids didn't have a choice. Misguided or not, Wanda and Pietro chose to join HYDRA.
Wanda didn't know what they would do with kids, she would have to hand them over to the police so they could find their families if they had any but having powers while dealing with such trauma would be hard for them. Wanda loved children and she hated any of them in pain. Pietro's words only lit a fire under her ass to save them all. He was right, they needed to do this.
"We'll get them all out," Wanda promised with firm determination and hugged him tighter. They stayed in each other's arms for a while until Pietro calmed down and Wanda made him some pasta for lunch so he could feel better and not faint with all the energy he used running to and from the base to their room.
"What else did you see or hear?" Wanda asked him after they had finished eating.
Pietro rolled his shoulders, molding himself into a serious state and started, "With the file drop from Captain America, HYDRA has been in disarray. Most of the agents have fled or been picked up by the police. They're going underground, trying to hide. I heard them mention Bucky is missing, they can't find him so he's safe for the moment."
Wanda nodded as she listened, letting out a sigh of relief at the mention of Bucky. She was glad he was safe, out of HYDRA's reach, it would make it harder to find him after they were able to escape but they would get around to that. She ignored Pietro's disgust and mistrust for Captain America, she could understand why he didn't like a symbol for America with their countries' bad blood. "That's good, they won't be looking for us too much while they're trying to rebuild and stay alive. Security must be tight though," Wanda mused with a frown.
Pietro took her hand into his, rubbing small circles atop her hand to calm and ground himself. Then he thought back to the base and spoke, "There were a few guards outside, there were a few cameras around the perimeter. We could catch them off guard easily. There weren't many scientists inside which was a surprise, it was just agents and guards waiting out the storm. I did hear them talking about leaving so we need to hurry in case they try to kill the kids or worse."
"How many experiments did you see?" Wanda hesitantly asked. Pietro cringed, took a deep breath and answered, "I didn't get to see all of them. They were under lock and key at all times. I did see one in person when they were doing tests on her, she looked younger than thirteen. It didn't sound like they had too many, apparently a lot failed or died during the experiments from what I heard."
"...That's worrisome but we can get them out and back to their families. Draw up some blueprints with guard numbers and we can go in tomorrow morning. They won't expect a hit that early."
They had scoured over all the files linking to the base they were investigating and went through multiple plans of attack with the blueprints Pietro provided with his memory all night. The next morning after a hard sleep, they changed into dark clothing, sturdy shoes and thick coats to protect themselves from the snow. Pietro had stolen a few knives and found a gun behind the inn keeper's counter when Wanda mentioned it.
They would need any weapons they could get in case they were caught off guard or their powers malfunctioned. They would quietly take out the guards outside and the cameras before quickly making their way inside to take out the rest of the HYDRA agents inside then rescuing the kids. It sounded a lot easier when looking over blueprints than actually doing it.
Pietro carried Wanda tight in his arms, protecting her head from whiplash while he ran to the base. They stayed in the forest, hiding behind trees and watching the guards slowly moving around. The sun was just barely drifting up behind the mountains so people would be slower with waking up. The twins shed their jackets, knowing it would slow them down and provide zero flexibility.
"Are you ready, draga?" Pietro asked his sister who was watching the cameras above the guards intensely.
"Of course, just stay quick on your feet and try not to do anything creative," Wanda told him sternly and he chuckled lowly and pulled her by the waist.
"I love it when you're bossy, it gets me hot."
Wanda deadpanned at his words, hit his shoulder and said, "Pietro! We are about to kill people and rescue children, now is most certainly not the time!"
Pietro rolled his eyes, put his hands up in surrender and 'meekly' responded, "I know, sorry, it's a defense mechanism...do I at least get a reward after?"
Wanda huffed but answered after a second of dealing with Pietro's horrible faux innocent look, "You are incorrigible, we were together last night but yes, after."
Pietro grinned and put his fist up with a silent cheer and Wanda shook her head at her brother. He shot her a wink and rushed off to deal with the guards while she fried the cameras with her magic. It took Pietro the time Wanda made it to the base entrance to be finished silently taking all the guards out.
"We have to be quick before they notice the cameras have gone dead," Wanda reminded him and he nodded then they made their way inside the base.
"Just like we planned," Pietro mumbled, looking around the seemingly empty hallway. Red wisps of Wanda's power curled around her, ready to strike out at her enemies. They prowled down the barely lit hallway, wisps shooting out at the cameras above them leaving trails of broken metal on the floor.
Wanda and Pietro were much calmer and less afraid compared to last time they destroyed a HYDRA base as the feeling of victory and power thrummed through the two. They had taken one down, they could take another and then potentially the whole lot. They had planned for this and they were ready.
It was a simple back and forth cycle of Pietro rushing at guards, taking them by surprise and knocking them out or snapping necks while Wanda incapacitated them with her chaos magic โ sometimes it showed them their worst fears leaving only husks behind, lulling them to sleep or it simply killed them, flooding their entire body. It depended on the emotions and slight memories Wanda picked up on as she stalked the HYDRA halls like a judge, jury and executioner.
The twins finished off the guards quickly and effectively with the combination of their powers - they were quite a duo. Wanda ignored the overwhelming emotions slithering around inside her, her mind too focused on the task at hand to even consider her or even Pietro's emotions. It was easy to not focus on emotions as alarms blared around as guards missed check-ins, cameras were being destroyed and screams were being cut off mid shriek.
The area was filled with flashing red lights from the alarms. One look at Pietro clutching his ears made Wanda destroy them, ceasing the echoing noises. HYDRA knew someone was inside and taking them out one by one, doors had been sealed shut with harsh bangs and even an automatic machine gun pushed itself out of a hiding place inside the wall. Wanda was quick to erect a flimsy shield to protect themselves as a wisp struck it, destroying it.
Wanda rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck with a quiet groan as they left the group of six guards and destroyed guns on the floor. They had finally reached the lab floor where the experiments were kept, Wanda had gleaned a better understanding of the way the base worked from the guards and had found out there were ten children currently residing in the base and four older teens that were getting prepped to be sold to sex traffickers - as if HYDRA couldn't get any worse. Ten doctors and nurses were always around observing and testing them. There were also an additional ten guards littered around on the floor guarding the doctors and experiments.
Wanda and Pietro stared up at the metal door keeping them out and Wanda blasted the door off its hinges with a slam of telekinesis. It flung into the large drab medical lab where guards and doctors stood cowering. It had knocked two guards over and Wanda knew they were unconscious and were most definitely bleeding.
"Release the children and we'll let you live," Wanda announced to the guards who had their weapons up and ready to fire at any sudden movement, Wanda could feel the oily feeling of fear around the entire room.
"We can't do that," one of the guards told her with a scowl and nodded to his friends before shots echoed through the room. Pietro knew it was coming and sped around the room, everything turning slow for him and moved all the bullets out of the way that were heading towards his sister around so they pointed back at the guards. Then there was silence as time flowed back into place and bodies fell to the floor while their guns cluttered to the metal ground.
Wanda took a step towards the doctors, one of them had gotten caught in the line of fire and was about to die. She raised an eyebrow at the doctor in front who looked like he was about to soil himself, silently asking him if he would take her up on her previous offer. He nodded and stood up with a grunt, his legs shook as he walked away from the cowering staff and spoke up with a thick Russian accent, "I will take you to them but let me live! I never wanted to be here, they forced me."
Wanda nodded silently at the man and followed him warily as Pietro stood around the staff and Wanda ordered him through the mind link, 'get rid of the others and collect the files.' She walked down another hall that was hidden in shadows and with a green beep from a swipe of the doctor's key card they entered a large room with rows of small cells where children fearfully hid inside, curled around themselves in the corner of the cages. Wanda flinched and nearly fell to her knees as fear, sadness and anger crashed into her, she hadn't been bombarded with such strong emotions all at once before and she wanted to simply explode.
Her hatred for HYDRA and mankind had reached a new height at the sight before her. To see children so afraid, hurt and starved chipped at her heart. She loved children, for their innocence, their bold and brave words and the kindness and love they had for another - it's why she made it a career in another life and she would in this life if she was able. These children were so alone but Wanda would change that immediately.
"You're a monster for condoning this, they are children. Harmless and scared children," she spat at him as she watched him closely unlock the cells, desperately trying not to kill the man before her. It wasn't the time just yet but he would get what was coming to him - all of HYDRA would.
"I didn't have a choice, they threatened my wife! At first it was simple tests and experiments but they went beyond normal and they started the bidding. I wanted to leave but I couldn't," the older man tried to justify and explain to Wanda but she didn't care for his flowered words โ actions spoke louder than words.
"I didn't ask for your sob story and it doesn't justify your actions against innocent children, doctor," Wanda drawled with an annoyed look and nudged the doctor faster to type on the terminal in the warden-like office. She glanced over at the kids, blonde and brunette blending into the shadows ignoring the doctors clicking which was a mistake.
She had stilled at the recognizing click of the safety on a gun being flipped and slowly turned around to the doctor who looked smug and said. "I can't just give up my life's work or my life because of some girl and her stupid hero complex!"
"Me? Having a hero complex? You're talking about the wrong girl here," Wanda scoffed, thinking about what Wanda had become in the end, making his attention focus on her mouth rather than her hands, who were twitching slightly by her side, pointed at him. His brows crunched up making his glasses climb up the bridge of his nose and then she was controlling him.
'Release them all!' she demanded mentally, his eyes glazing over and the doctor's body working on autopilot and faint clicks echoed as the cells unlocked and slowly opened. Silence echoed louder than gunshots as children froze in fear and Wanda walked towards the closest cell finding a blonde girl that looked no older than ten in the corner, her arms wrapped around her legs. Glacier blue eyes stared at her intensely, a thick collar wrapped tightly around her neck, red dot blinking in the darkness.
"Come child, I won't hurt you," she softly told the girl, making cautious steps towards the small girl. "Any of you," she said louder so the others could hear. The fear lessened around the room slightly but it was still heavy with wary caution and she didn't blame them at all. Wanda focused on memories of Peitro and Bucky, the way she felt in their arms, complete and utterly safe and sent it pulsing through the room trying to ease them.
She kneeled on a single knee in front of the girl, getting a closer look at the collar that was probably blocking any powers she had. Wanda gently reached a hand out towards the collar and the girl flinched back and Wanda softly explained, "I'm just going to take it off for you. You're free and safe now."
The girl watched her warily and after staring into Wanda's soul she nodded and tilted her head to the side so she could have more access. A red wisp of Wanda's power oozed out and then the collar was glowing red, lighting up the girl's slightly bruised face. The collar snapped off clanking against the floor and the girl brightened with a big inhale of air as her powers returned to her.
Wanda put a hand out for the blonde to grab ahold of and lifted her up, stabilizing her. "What's your name, little one?" She asked the girl before her and waited for the response.
"...Aella," the girl- Aella responded with a firm grip of her hand. Wanda could feel the stares of the children on her back as she helped the girl out of the cell.
She turned to the doctor and vocally requested, "take all the collars off them." The doctor nodded easily and began helping the children with collars on, there were only five out of twelve children with them on.
"My name is Wanda Maximoff. I've freed you all and I'll help you return to your families and get medical care. I'm sorry this happened to you all and I'm sorry I took so long. None of you deserved this," Wanda told them as they stood around her, not too close so they could get away if she striked out but close enough they could feel the genuinity wafting off her. Smiles bloomed on their faces as for once hope rose inside their hearts at the promise of going back to their families. They just wished it wasn't a fantasy like they believed when they first arrived, naive and innocent.
"What if we don't have any left?" Aella asked aloud with a frown. Her eyes hadn't left Wanda since she had seen her. Wanda's heart broke at the question. While she knew it was a definite possibility that some didn't have any family left, she naively wished it wasn't so.. Herhad seen. While,
Wanda gently stroked the girl's gaunt cheek with a tenderness. Aella hadn't felt such emotion in such a long time that it scared her. "Then I'll be your family," Wanda declared with a loving smile.
"You would take in random orphans?" A tall blonde with a thick Russian accent asked in clear disbelief, "You must have some ulterior motive, why else would you come here." The Russian girl snapped, she lifted her right arm then it was coated in metal armor, a large sword appearing in her hand with a tight grip. She shifted her feet and pointed the tip of her glowing large sword at Wanda and threatened, "with our powers we could kill you where you stand. Give me one reason why I shouldn't"
"Illyana!" a small young boy chastised her with a fearful look at Wanda, all the children stood still at the hostilely coming from the Russian. Wanda just smiled comfortingly at the girl, ignoring the squinted eyes of distrust.
"There's no need to be so wary of me, Illyana. I only came to help you because I've been where you are. Experimented on by HYDRA and my family ripped away from me. Believe me I hate HYDRA the same as you. I have no intentions with any of you besides to help you get better and back to your families safely," Wanda told her and the other children watching who relaxed and smiled at her words. Wanda walked to stand in front of Illyana and gently pushed the sword pointing at her down and laid a hand on her armored shoulder and promised, "That is all, Illyana."
Illyana scrutinized her for a moment longer and scoffed with a huff. Her soul sword disappeared, but the armour wrapped around her arm stayed on. Wanda could understand the mistrust and accepted the slight trust Illyana was putting in her.
"Everything okay?" The familiar accent and her native language made Wanda let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in.
"Yes draga," Wanda told him when she turned to face him, noticing the new satchel at his side that was most likely filled with the files they could get from HYDRA. It would help to have the children's files so they could easily find their families.
Pietro slipped an arm around her waist smiling gently at the kids, thankful he had cleaned himself up before seeing them. He would frighten them much more if he came in with blood all over him.
"Children meet my...brother, Pietro. He's like you and I, he has powers. He was the one to suggest we rescue you and he helped take down the guards," Wanda introduced them softly, and leaned into him showing she trusted him and so could they. "Pietro, this is Aella, Illyana and oh! I'm sorry, I didn't ask but what are all your names?" Wanda was slightly flustered; she hadn't asked for anyone else's name and enjoyed listening to the kids speak up, fear slinking off the longer no harm came to them.ย
Have a peep at the new cast list for the new characters xx
Thank LittleMythical for the smut scene! I haven't seen/read a lot about Illyana so I'm sorry if her characterization is a little OOC. I'm taking bits of her backstory, personality from the New Mutants movie and merging them with the comics. It's not going to be a 100% comic canon, sorry!! Also this was going to be wayy longer (like probably 3k+) but we cut it.ย
Next up! Family fluff and a little someone's birthday! Tea time with the Ancient One, Pietro and Wong friendship and Kaelius being a semi good mentor (strange hasn't appeared yet) and good ol' trauma healing. Btw this is a little bit after the end of the Winter Solider and there's a few months before Age of Ultron happens. Also Bucky is going to be love interest now because we love a little murderous bean.
vote and comment x
words: 9, 740
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