"REALLY FUN," KEEFE SAID BLANDLY. "CAUSE EVERYONE REGULARLY FINDS MAGIC ITEMS BURIED IN THEIR GRANDMA'S BACKYARD, HUH?" Keefe huffed, peeking over the hole that he, the grandma, and Hazel had dug while Giselle served them lemonade and clicked away at her gadget.
"Oh." The old lady said with a sympathetic smile. "I've seen lots of things, I say, I've seen Steve Rogers in person! Even went on a date with him back then when he didn't have a serum!"
Keefe wasn't sure why Hazel choked on her lemonade, or why Giselle looked like someone just whacked her with the shovel, but he assumed it wasn't something he'd know, being from another universe.
Hazel coughed again as the old granma clapped her back weakly. "How old are you again?"
"About one hundred five, why do you ask?" The grandma responded cheerily. "Even worked at S.H.I.E.L.D- Oh dear, you weren't supposed to know that."
Giselle went forward to ask a few questions, like her name (a certain Bonnie), her relation to S.H.I.E.L.D (one of Peggy's buddies), and a few more questions that Keefe didn't catch, since he was busy staring at the weird box buried deep in the dirt. A black corner poking out and glowing blue.
"It could be the Tesseract." He suggested to Hazel, who shook her head.
"No, pomerianian boy-"
"Watch it Firey Catnip!"
Hazel groaned. "It's not that, I would know, HYDRA basically taught us about power sources in school. And before you give me another sassy reply-"
"Sorry, all my replies are sassy. Can't find the off button."
The pyrokinetic gave him a dirty look, about as dirty as the hole they'd been digging, which was, like, top quality dirty. "Like I was saying, talking to you is pointless. It would be more useful to talk to the walls, or Nick Fury."
"How dare you!" Keefe exclaimed, slightly tempted to throw a shovelful of dirt in her face. "Why am I even wasting time with you, you're... you're..." He struggled to find the right insult and finally latched onto one. "You're the pomeranian!"
Hazel's mouth fell open, completely insulted, but before she could reply, or kill Keefe. Giselle cleared her voice. "It's reactivating." She said, her eyes fixed on her fancy tablet.
"Oh joy," Keefe said with a sigh. "It's reactivating. Isn't that fun-"
"It's dangerous." Hazel interrupted, looking ready to start throwing fireballs at Keefe. "Not fun, very dangerous, if it's anything like the Tesseract."
Giselle seemed confused, maybe a bit worried, clicking away at buttons and frowning deeper. "It's not an infinity stone."
"Oh great, I didn't need a repeat of Thanos," Keefe said sarcastically. "Heard it sucked, not that I was actually there to see Bucky Barnes fall headfirst in the Wakandan muddy forest floor-"
"Bucky Barnes?" The old lady interrupted, looking stunned. She peered at Keefe carefully. "Bucky Barnes?"
Keefe nodded dutifully. "Heard he's bisexual these days-"
"Spring?" Giselle said, sounding irritated. "Zip it." She ordered, looking remarkably like Maria Hill.
"Aye-aye, Agent Winters," Keefe said with a salute, making Giselle glare at him again, so Keefe contented himself with staring in the hole, eating his cinnamon cookie, and sipping lemonade while Hazel interrogated miss grandma, who seemed to have known Steve Rogers (who was that again?) and Giselle beeping away at her tablet, the object flaring up at random, sparking blue.
Giselle frowned. "I don't like this..."
"Me too," Keefe agreed. "I don't like it much, I say we yank it out, put it in Hazel's truck, make it blow up Hazel's ugly truck-"
"Shut up!"
"-and then go show it to Miss Maria Hill," Keefe finished grandly. The statement made Hazel sigh, the grandma look confused, and Giselle glare even more. "You guys are no fun, I should have went with Nicky and Brooksy, we're a good trio: The awesome, the annoyed, and the-"
"You're disobeying orders by not zipping it." Hazel reminded him, annoyed again, her eyes tracing over the picket fence as if expecting Magneto to jump over it and steal the glowy blue cube. "Winters, what is this if it isn't an infinity stone?"
The inhuman frowned. "From what it's showing me, the... um... thing is giving off a type of ionizing radiation. Which would mean it's got some radioactive-"
"Giselle, I know you're super smart, but me and Hazel are normal humans who aren't particularly into science." Keefe interrupted. "Just get to it."
Another glare. And Keefe was starting to wonder if Giselle would start hating him soon. "It affects human genetics once triggered. Mutations. Are you happy now, Keefe?"
Keefe exchanged a look with Hazel, and maybe he didn't like her much, but they'd found some common ground. "Well, no. I'm very unhappy. Cause that reminds me of something Magneto tried once, y'know. The thing when he tried to zap humans into mutants? Yeah, we're in big trouble if that's right."
Well, I'm back, and I'll hopefully actually keep writing at these, I'm blaming my extra long break from this book on my family, and the website blocker.
BUT I HATH RETURNED. With Keefe's chapter, finally, after a bajillion years.
Apologies once again, everyone was taking a Wattpadhiatus. I took one too.
Next update: Wensday
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