𝟎𝟎𝟎. chaos and birth
ALICENT should have known and yet she did not. The Council nor her Lord Husband had bother to tell her, or was it they would rather not, it could be the fact that she was a heavily pregnant woman and they believed that it would cause her stress which was incredibly unhealthy for the babe. Or was it simply because she was born of a gender that the opposite thought of to be weak and only useful with childbirth and pleasure. Though right now she could not be bothered with all these possible reasons. Alicent was furious, absolutely in-raged. She was their Queen, their Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and the wife of their King.
When the King's health had started to show it's refusal of healthy condition, it was her who took charge, her that controlled Kingslanding and the rest. Alicent was good at looking after a Kingdom, the small folk loved her or at least liked her enough to not cause rebellions, the Council's feedback and comments were well and all but devastating.
Everything was going well. Until the King had recovered enough to return back to his duties and as if it could get worse, he was destroying all her hard work. Everything that she had organised and changed was dismissed because as Viserys said 'It did not seem like it was making an impact or change to the kingdom.' when he knew very well it was. If Alicent was to be honest she was taken by the thought that he could be jealous that the woman he married and did not truly loved was doing better at ruling a kingdom than the very king himself.
All the challenges she was to solve with the input of experienced voices (Not including Rhaenyra as any suggestion Rhaenyra had spoke of went unheard of the Council and Alicent) and the positive outcome she received when she successfully solved a problem which had made her content and proud of herself. With her father who expectantly was a professional in such activities as these but no longer by her side, she managed to rule such a large kingdom by herself. She managed to gain the small folks acceptance with a woman to rule over them and it gave her the ability to enjoy such moments as these (She only hoped that if Rhaenyra were to succeed, they would refuse. That they would demand for Alicent instead).
Though Alicent wondered if there was a time to come where she would go to far, to where she was to close to the cliff to come back. For all Alicent knew chaos may control her growing lust for power and take it to a greater extent.
Power is a dangerous thing. It is a sickness, a virus. Spreads like wildfire, latches onto those who deeply crave for it and anchors them into a dark void with nothing but the intention to gain more and more. Men would do most for power; one being her father. Alicent knew her father had a strong desire for power, why wouldn't he? He was a man, a second son and all knew that every second son of Lords were destined to be left in the shadows, to have no absolute power, to only ever be known as the spare heir as of the other children to come after. Although she grew with no actual desire for power, she now a woman, a mother and a Queen had come to find herself slowly falling into that dark void for power.
Alicent would tell herself she was not one to crave power and that it was for duty yet in truth down deep she knew she wanted it. Alicent was the daughter of a power hungry man, wouldn't she become as power hungry as Otto? She was his blood after all. Power was an ability to grant you dominance and control, absolute force and strength. All things that she truly wanted but she would never abandon her actual reasoning to stepping up and leading.
Alicent was doing all this for her children, her babes, her blood. Before Otto had left Kingslanding, he spoke to what she now believe to be truth. If Rhaenyra were to succeed, she was to put Alicent's blood to the sword to ensure no threats were made to her succession.
If she were still a girl, still the young girl who saw Rhaenyra as the angel of the realm, the young girl who only wanted their friendship to be repaired, she would have refused to believe her father. But she was no longer that girl, she was no longer the girl who believed a lie, she was not the girl who believed her blood would be safe in the hands of Rhaenyra were she to succeed. She was now a woman grown and Alicent sees what Rhaenyra truly was and is.
Alicent loved how her pregnancy was going, it was going so good that sometimes she would forget she was carrying and unlike her previous pregnancies, Alicent was glowing. She did not feel much pain except for sore feet and perhaps a sore back but nothing more. She craved foods of all sorts meat, cakes, sweets, sometimes she would crave vegetables but of course as a pregnant lady she was bound to have changes in her personality and expectantly she did.
Alicent had now come to fuss over the most smallest things and even fussed on things that weren't her job, sometimes she would find herself helping the maids make her bed or sweep the floor until she dismisses them only for her to do it herself and sometimes she would be in the kitchens cooking her own food. She was thankful to the gods on how smoothly her pregnancy was going, sure that the birth would go smoothly as well.
If the reason was because they did not want to stress her, it did not work. Instead it made her angry. She strode through the hallways of the Red Keep with Ser Criston hastily following behind her, right now she did not care if she was carrying, all she thought of was the supposed secret that the Council had failed to keep from her.
During her now current married years in the Red Keep, she gained a voice. Soon the nobles and knights who made jests of her had become afraid of her wrath and word was spread that if you were to face Alicent's fury, you were never to be seen again and the rumors were right as she was to make all those old men sit in those stone hard seats, make them watch and listen to her as she would ramble and continuously shout at them, maybe even add a few slaps in the face to show she was not to be lied, messed or jest about. Alicent did not care if those men benefited the Seven Kingdoms, she was the Queen and they would listen to her.
"Those bloody pigs!" she hissed, anger spread on her face "To think they would lie to me? To their queen! Outrageous!"
"Would it be inappropriate for me to ask, your grace?" asked Ser Criston. In all truth Criston had regretted asking something he wasn't meant to, the words just fell from his lips. He was curious but he let it get the best of him.
"My dear Lord Husband and the Council tried to keep me from seeing my father who is most likely dying!" she replied "Can you believe it? My own father, the grandsire to my children!"
Ser Criston was surprised. Why would the Council try to keep the Queen from seeing her father? Much less the King, Ser Criston knew Viserys was all about family even if he did not show his love for his children he had with his current Lady Wife. Ser Criston stayed silent as he continued to follow Alicent and as if on time, they stood in front of the Council's chambers and he quickly moved past her to open the door.
"Forgive me, your grace but you are to agree that we are to help the cause? They will leach off us before we can-" The door suddenly opened and footsteps were the only other noise announced. The Council's attention were now on Alicent except for the King who faced his cupbearer who had been no other than her daughter, Helaena.
"Leave, you do not have permissi-" Viserys groaned, turning his head toward the direction to that caught the Council's eyes. "Alicent." he muttered. the King now facing his wife, his Queen, instantly knew what she was here for.
"Did you really think you could keep me away from my own father? My own blood." Alicent spat.
"It would take weeks for you to go to Oldtown, you know that Alicent. You are almost due for birth! What would happen if you were to begin labour in the middle of the road or worse if your attacked by bandits!" he huffed.
"You never told me he was hurt Viserys," she spat "You kept it from me to keep me here! While my father was taken hostage without my bloody knowledge and to make it worse this whole Council knew and yet the only one that was in the right mind to tell the daughter of a man was held hostage was Lord Beesbury." She watched Viserys and the Council as they looked at Lord Beesbury and in return he gave her a nod.
Alicent glared at Viserys. She wanted to yell at him, scream at him, slap everyone in this room but she managed to control herself. Alicent had a reputation to live up to. What a scandal it would be if word spread that the Queen had gone mad, being around the Targaryen's had caused her to get the famous Targaryen Madness but Alicent would not let her image be ruined by herself, she had been surrounded with eyes and ears everywhere since the day she married Viserys and Alicent did not intend to ruin it any sooner.
Thankfully, she remembered Helaena, her sweet girl was still in the room and in no way she would let such an innocent girl hear such things.
"Helaena, sweet dear. Go and play with your brothers." said Alicent. Helaena nodded and gave Criston a small goodbye before rushing out the door.
"Alicent, you must know I do it for your sake, for the babe, for your own safety." "And what of my father? What of his safety? He is badly hurt! My father could be dying and I nor my children won't be there to say our goodbyes!" she yelled, he didn't get it, Otto was injured, attacked, so far from her and she still yearns for her father to this very day and she hoped he yearned for her in return even if he used her as a pawn in this game.
"So you would just go," Viserys hissed "Go to Otto, go to Oldtown and put our babe in danger while also being so far from the safety of your own home."
"There's knights and guards! How hard is that to remember, the knights in Kingslanding aren't here for no reason. They're here to protect, to serve! Or do you forget that yourself?" she cried out.
Alicent herself knew that Viserys could not bother to love their children, her children, only ever interacting with them if he needed to. It was obvious so obvious that it had become a hot topic of conversation between the lords and ladies and even found it's way in the streets of Kingslanding. Everyone knew that the only blood of Viserys could ever love was his sweet Rhaenyra, so why was he caring about his children now, why would he care about his babe now.
"Do you question my duties as King? I have served as King rightfully and peacefully, how dare you!" shouted Viserys. To Alicent it was as if he had just roared, but she shouldn't have been so surprised. He was a dragon despite his withering face, the white stubble all over his cheeks and chin, the dark bags that hang under his eyes and nor despite his lips which one side would automatically droop without meaning to. Viserys was a dragon and he always would be.
"So what if I do! Everyone in these chambers know that I was the one-" before Alicent could finish her sentence, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach that caused her to hold herself onto the edge of the Council table.
"Alicent! What is wrong?" She felt it again only this time she felt something running down her legs. Quickly she fist her skirt and lifted it to look at her legs. Blood. Dripping down. She was bleeding.
"The babe is coming but I am bleeding." she muttered. Hurriedly Viserys stood and took her by arm harshly. "Get the maester and the midwives! The babe is coming!" shouted Viserys. Ser Criston hastily ran out the door, following the Kings orders and fetch the maester and midwives while the two stalked to Alicent's bedchambers as fast as she would allow it. "I should hope the Seven accompany me during my labour." she whispered.
Thankfully the midwives were already there, waiting for Alicent with everything prepared. The midwifes guided her to her bed and quickly lay her down. She felt as though she was made of glass but now her glass body was shattered. She hasn't even pushed yet and she feels as if she was being tortured (Even though being in labour was technically torture that was just normalised).
Alicent gazed at Viserys who stood with a blank face by the door watching her carefully with Ser Criston just outside her chambers door. No, she did not want him here. Not if it meant to foreshadow her death by the very man who she came to loathe.
"Viserys, leave me in the safety of my chambers and midwives." she declared. Viserys looked at her and Alicent watched as his blank expression left and turned into anger.
"I will not! I will be in the chambers that my wife is to give birth in!" snapped Viserys. Knowing that he would not listen to her, she would have to use her own weapon.
"Ser Criston, would you be so kind and escort the King back to the small Council?" announced Alicent. She watched as Criston entered her chambers and managed to escort the King out of her chambers who hesitantly left with argument. Finally, her babe would not longer be in the presence of such negativity and fake love.
"Your grace, you must push now." said one of her midwives. Alicent looked at her with heavy breaths, she remembers that face. Anya, was her name how beautiful she was, gorgeous black silky hair that was styled into a tight bun and lovely hazel doe eyes. If Anya wasn't a midwife, no doubt she would have became a wife to a lord. Back to reality Alicent nodded and pushed.
Only one push and she already felt like she was dying but she intended to ignore it. She would give birth to this babe, prince or princess, she didn't give a damn. And so she pushed again and again and again. Alicent's screams of pain had filled the Red Keep and soon her pushes turned into hours and the weather of Kingslanding took a big turn. Thunder, lighting and rain. So much noise, so much chaos.
While Alicent continued her labour, Viserys stood outside her bedchamber listening to her screams and words of agony (He refused to go back to the Council). He could not go in because she did not want him there and though he may be King, she was the Queen and most importantly his wife so he resorted to praying.
He was not much for praying but Alicent was, she was a faithful follower of the Seven and if she followed the Seven then perhaps he could pray to them for her safety and well-being, perhaps he could pray to not make him choose again, to not choose between a babe and a wife. He could not let that happen and that if he were to make a decision Alicent was sure to haunt him until he were to die of terror. So on his knees facing Alicent's door he prayed.
10 hours later, and still Alicent was in labour. The maester who she found gravely annoying (She had called him a cocksucker as he was no help to her) had told her to drink some liquid that they assured would help relieve her pain to which she angrily refused. If she was in such awful pain then perhaps she was meant to, perhaps the gods are punishing her for her wrong doings. For all the horrifying things she thought, for her growing lust for power, for vouching for Rhaenyra which caused to have her father stripped off his position and for yelling at her husband (Though for this one thought, Alicent knew she would never regret yelling at Viserys).
At one point she thought of just ending it all, to just cut her stomach open and take her babe but then she felt the need to slap herself. No, she would not face the same fate that the sweet late Queen Aemma suffered. Alicent has already birthed three other children for the king and she would get through this labour with both her and her babe alive. She will not allow it. No man was going to decide her fate.
4 hours went by, Alicent going strong in her continued labour. Viserys still outside her chambers but this time sitting on a chair that he received from the maids (Ser Criston would have offered him a chair but he refrained from it) and now he was accompanied by Lord Beesbury. They had talked for hours with Alicent's screams and the storm, both loud and clear.
"I must say your grace, I am sorry for informing the Queen of Ser Otto. I could not help but think of what my daughter would have thought if she were to be kept in the shadows about the life of me." Lord Beesbury annonced. Viserys looked at him.
"It is alright my lord." replied Viserys. It was obvious that he was annoyed Beesbury had revealed to Alicent about Otto, he was to tell no other soul, for no other ears but the Council's though unfortunately Lord Beesbury let his feelings overtake.
"Ah. It also seems that my age is starting to affect my head. Forgive me, I forgot to inform you your grace." Viserys raised a white eyebrow at that. "Of what?"
"The blood moon is upon us, your grace."
Surprise and shock reached Viserys's face. The blood moon. The red moon. How could that be? The babe was to be born on a blood moon, he wondered perhaps that is why Alicent had bled at the start of her labour, maybe Alicent and the babe were not destined to die. He thanked the gods, if it was true neither would die and he would not be made to choose.
Inside, Alicent had felt light-headed. She felt the gods pulling her out of her own consciousness but she held on strong. She rejected them, never will she die a death like this, she would rather be locked in her bedchambers until she died of depression or die by Tears of Lys in front of an audience. Either way she won't leave this way nor will the babe.
So with all the strength that she had left, she pushed and finally had she heard cries and the midwives joyfully smile and laugh. The midwife, Anya, held her babe and carefully wiped the babe with a wet cloth to ensure the babe was able to be seen properly instead of being drenched in blood. "A girl, your grace." Alicent smiled. A daughter, a princess. She would hope that she would bring up her girl to be strong in such a world she was to live in.
Alicent waited patiently for her daughter to be cleaned until finally Anya walked around the bed to the side of Alicent but she suddenly stopped and looked up to Alicent with shock.
"What is it? What is it Anya? Tell me what's wrong." she cried out.
"It would be better for you to see it for yourself, your grace." replied Anya as she returned to her main objective to give the babe to the mother.
Hurriedly Alicent took her babe out of Anya's arms into her own. Looking down to her child then did she realise why her midwife had given her the look of shock. The babe of Alicent and Viserys had her auburn hair and brown eyes though a thick white strand of hair could be seen on the babes head.
She felt as though she was dreaming, she shook her head and blinked, her babe that possessed the blood of the dragon had inherited the Hightower gene instead of the Targaryen gene. She smiled, right now she could not come to care if rumors were to spread of her daughter, she had a strand of white and that was enough proof that she was no bastard. Immensely Alicent smiled out of pride, her babe carried her genes and Alicent would make sure that she would wear them proud, just as she does with green.
"Hello, my little warrior." laughed Alicent "How you have finally come, do you know how much I went through just to have you, a fighter you are." she stared long and lovingly at her babe, she was to now name her. Normally it would be Viserys to name them, since he knew Valyrian but Alicent would not wait, she would name her babe.
"Alerea. Alerea Targaryen. That is your name, little warrior." she whispered.
"A strong name for a strong warrior." Alicent looked up. It was Viserys, she didn't even realise he had entered.
"Did you just come in now?" she asked "Yes. How are you feeling, Alicent?" replied Viserys.
"Better. Now that I have birthed my warrior." she huffed. She watched Viserys as he asked the midwives for warm tea for her, at first she was to object but her throat had protested and now she had realised how sore her throat hurt. Thankfully, she accepted tea and sipped on it while Viserys held her Alerea and placed her into her cradle.
"Anya, please go and fetch my children and bring them back to my chambers." asked Alicent. Anya nodded and left to grab her children. She smiled at the memory of them when it came to choosing Alerea's egg, the children all chose the same much to Alicent's surprise it had been Dreamfyre's emerald green egg. The Hightower colour and she could not help but of think about how proud was she of her children to choose such a fine egg and because they chose the egg, they were to be the ones to place it into their new sister's cradle.
Suddenly the door opened and in came three white haired children. As soon as they saw their mother, they ran to her. Aegon following behind Helaena who held Aemond's hand, let go of Aemond and stood close to her mother while Aemond climbed up the bed and into her arms and Aegon sat onto her bed close to her legs.
"Mama, are you okay?" asked Aegon. Her Aegon, such a chaotic boy. Always pulled on her hair, always craved attention and would cause much trouble. No matter, how hard she would try discipline him she would end up with him in her arms as she fed him treats. You will always love your firstborn, no matter what they do. She had an aunt quote that to her when Aegon started causing trouble during her uncles visit.
"Yes I am, my dear. Now that you are all here." replied Alicent as she reached each of them to give kisses on the cheeks. "Come now. Your sister's egg is awaiting to be put next to it's riders." Helaena and Aegon quickly left the bed to the side of Alerea's cradle alongside Viserys while Aemond stayed in his mothers arms. As she left her bed with the help of the midwife to help her across the room to Alerea. She then placed Aemond down.
"Go and help your siblings with the egg, my dearest." Aemond smiled and walked towards his siblings who were already holding the egg waiting for him. Alicent watched as they put the egg carefully next to Alerea and how they touched her cheek and spoke to her.
"What's her name, mama?" asked Helaena "Alerea." she replied.
"Hello Alerea, I'm your big brother." whispered Aegon.
"Why does her hair look like that?" Aemond then asked. She looked at him then to Viserys, by the looks of it he has already seen her hair but knows that Alerea is his blood (Unfortunately for Viserys, the child not only shared Hightower blood but looks).
"The blood moon has blessed your sister, Alerea." Viserys replied, at that Alicent looked at him confused, she observed his face, looking for hints of lies. He was speaking the truth as she had come to finally look the window and there she had saw the red moon along with the stormy weather. She frowned, that was why she was bleeding.
"Children, you best go back to your chambers. It is late you must rest." stated Alicent
Groans came from behind her and she turned back around. She saw they were about to protest until she gave them a hard stare although being a mother was hard work; she had mastered the skill of hard stares and was feared by her children whenever she was angry because what is more terrifying that an angry mother. Watching her kids leave her chambers along with the midwives, now only her and Viserys in her own chambers.
"You will leave Kingslanding for Oldtown in two weeks time." Viserys looked up from Alerea to her.
"Two weeks time?" scoffed Alicent "It would take me at least six weeks time for me to recover from the birth." Viserys ignored her comment and went to the door to take his leave.
"Get a good rest, Alicent." Viserys advised and left.
She hoped that she would get the good rest that she needed and deserved after all the pain she went through, to give birth to Alerea, to her little warrior. Alicent did not immediately leave for sleep instead she stayed by her babe and watched as Alerea slept comfortably.
Alicent then prayed just as she did for her other children when they were newborn babes; Alicent prayed for her daughter to be kept safe in this world, prayed that Alerea would grow into a strong and powerful woman who knew her worth and lastly prayed that her girl was to not become like Alicent herself, to not marry an old man who she did not truly love, to not have children so young and become such a stale mother when it came to raising even if she loved them, to not ruin friendship because she was a pawn in her fathers game, to never let anyone walk all over her and listen to no man unless she believes he speaks common sense.
It was silent and peaceful, the only thing that occupied the silence were her thoughts and prayers. That is until a crack was heared and as if on cue as she went to stand another crack made it's presence known and sounded as if the windows had broke and so in fear she quickly turned to Alerea only then to find where the noise had actually come from. The emerald green egg that had sat next to her daughter had cracked and now instead of an egg stood a small green dragon, nuzzling against Alerea's cheek.
― The prologue for the Green Bane! I hoped you all enjoyed it! Alerea is born with chaos and Alicent is already going through shit (Not like she never was).
― Yes! As I said before I have decided to make Alicent kinda power hungry just like Otto though of course part of herself will wish she were still a girl but right now Alicent isn't quite focused on that as she believes that the young Alicent is gone when really she's still there.
― The first chapter will take place in episode 7! So stay tuned <3
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