17 | Makeup to Breakup
Judah leaned against the sidewall of the elevator, watching Kianna record herself in the mirror designed back wall. She looked so beautiful to him; he had never seen a face more perfect in his life.
He loved when she was natural, but she dolled herself up with a full beat of makeup and a fresh set of loose curls this morning, and it was definitely doing some things to him; things that he acted on, which had them running late for the brunch his mother was hosting.
"I'm so hungry. You need to drive super fast." Kianna told him as the double doors to the elevator opened.
"How you hungry and you just finished eating dic-,"
"Oh my god, do you ever shut up? Talking like you wasn't just eating ass. Bottom feeder." She cut him off with a roll of her eyes, and he laughed, draping his arm around the back of her neck.
"Ain't no shame in my game. I'll eat yo' whole body if I could. Have you ever been-swallOWED up?" He changed his voice with enunciation, his smile growing once Kianna burst out laughing.
"You so annoying yo. Stay off of TikTok." She shook her head, even though she knew that she was the reason he even had the app. In their early days of dating he swore he'd never have that app on his phone, and now he stayed up until three in the morning watching his For You page.
"TikTok need to stay off me." He shrugged, leading her in a different direction than where his truck was parked.
"Judah I parked by the security booth." She pointed the opposite way since she was the last to drive his truck. He had a designated parking space but the light was out above it so she never parked there. Yes, at her big age, she was very much still afraid of the dark.
"I know." He answered shortly, gesturing with his head for her to look ahead of them.
There were three new vehicles near Judah's designated parking spaces, and in front of each vehicle was 'Kianna Jade' painted in black and navy blue-her favorite colors-on the concrete, which meant that those parking spaces were hers.
The three blacked out vehicles; a 2023 Mercedes Benz GLE-Class AMG coupe, 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk, and a 2022 Tesla Model Y long range SUV, all with 'KIANNA' printed on the front license plates.
Inside each vehicle were blue long stem roses that covered the entire passenger seats, matching bouquets made of money on the driver's side, and the backseats were full of gift bags from H&M, Victoria Secret, Chanel, Gucci, Coach, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Sephora, Ulta and Hermès.
"Merry Christmas mama." Judah kissed her cheek, and Kianna had to tilt her head all the way back so that her tears wouldn't ruin her makeup.
She wasn't expecting this at all.
Judah was Muslim, which meant that he didn't celebrate Christmas-though he often bought gifts for his family since only he and his father were the only two Muslim's in their family. He hated being gifted in return though, and he made sure that Kianna knew that.
She didn't think he'd get her anything either since he bought her gifts everyday. That wouldn't have bothered her because she rarely ever celebrated Christmas anyway.
Amina always flew back home for the holidays, so Kianna was used to being alone, and she was usually just watching movies or baking cookies in her apartment.
So, the fact that Judah went out of his way to surprise her even though he didn't celebrate the holiday really made her heart happy. And, she finally had a car! It wasn't like she really drove anywhere since everything in New York was damn near walking distance, but she'd always wanted her own car anyway, and now, she had three!
"I love you so much. Judah I just did my makeup." She whined, fanning her face because she just knew her mascara was running.
"I love you my baby. Give me some." He leaned his head down, and she held his face while repeatedly kissing his lips.
"Kianna," He laughed, grabbing her thighs to hold her up after she climbed into his arms.
"If we didn't have to leave I'd give you round four and a baby, I swear. I love you so bad." She then kissed all over his face before attempting to stick her whole tongue in his mouth.
"C'mon now Kj. My dick hard mama." He grabbed her face after sucking her tongue, feeling the erection growing in his cargo pants.
"I love you so much." She said again. "Merry Christmas baby. Thank you." She wrapped her arms around his neck for a hug, and he chuckled, hugging her back after placing her down on her feet.
"I love you. You wanna go look at everything or wait 'til we come back home?"
"Ugh, it'll have to be when we come back. We're already late, for the second time 'cause of you." She pushed his arm, and he shrugged with a smile, leading the way towards his truck.
"How much money did you spend?" She asked him.
"You always worried 'bout the wrong shit. Stay out my pockets girl."
"I be forgetting how much money you have 'cause I always feel guilty when you buy things for me. I know those cars were like 100k each. I would've been fine with one, baby. I barely drive. I really appreciate it though. Thank you." She kissed his cheek after he helped her step into the truck.
"I seen you looking at 'em on your iPad. I ain't wanna make you pick, so I bought 'em all. You just drive whichever one you in the mood for. They all yours mama. Paid off and in your name." He told her, kissing her bottom lip when it poked out in a pout.
"That's so cute that you pay attention to me but you have to stop being a stalker and going through my search history Judah." She said, and he laughed, shrugging once again before he closed the door.
Kianna pulled her seatbelt on as he got in on the other side, then she opened up her Chanel bag to grab a pack of baby wipes so that she could wipe her makeup off. She could've fixed it but it took her almost an hour to do her previous beat with the help of Aaliyah Jay on YouTube, and she didn't have time to do that all over again.
"I ain't mean to make you mess it up. I know you worked hard on it." He rubbed her thigh as he pulled out of the parking spot.
"That's okay. Luckily my bare face is cute, too."
"Mhm. My favorite." He leaned back in his seat, and she smiled as she glanced over at him, then she put her attention on her phone that vibrated in her lap.
"Baby, Mina calling. Can I turn it down?" She held her AirPod case in the same hand that she used to grab the volume knob when he nodded his head.
"Don't put them AirPods in." He told her, and she playfully rolled her eyes at how nosy he was, but still left the AirPods in the case.
"Heyyy Minaaa. Merry Christmas sista." She spoke excitedly as soon as the FaceTime call connected. She missed her a lot.
"Merry Christmas! You look cute best friend. Where you going?" Amina was surprised to see her with a full face of makeup; she seemed to wear it a lot more often now.
"Out for brunch. Did you get the gifts I sent you?" She asked, keeping her location vague on purpose.
"Yesss, I loved them. Ma loved that cooking set too, she said she was going to call you. Who are you going to brunch with? You replaced me already?" Amina asked with a playful frown on her face.
"Never. Quit playing. I'm just going with-Judah." She hesitated for a moment before ultimately deciding to tell the truth, and Judah lightly squeezed her thigh in response. He knew that she was a bit ashamed of him whenever she talked to Amina, and he didn't blame her at all. He was happy to see her gaining some confidence in their relationship, though.
"Hmm. You finally feel okay enough to tell me the truth, huh?"
"What do you mean?" Kianna's eyebrows came together in a small, confused frown.
"Kianna, Kara told me months ago that y'all were a thing; after him and Renee beat her half to death. Have you even seen her lately? Did you see her face?" Amina revealed, and Kianna slowly pulled the wet wipe from her cheek, turning her head to look at Judah.
He didn't say anything and his expression didn't change either. It was as if he didn't care, which was obviously nothing new.
"Did you know about that? And you still decided to be with him? What, are you his Griselda now?" Amina added, frowning as well.
"Amina, can we talk later, please? It's Christmas. We don't need to arg-,"
"You don't even care bro. You just like him now. I just told you he beat my girlfriend half to death and you worried about what day it is, yo. This nigga shot me, twice! He busted your fucking mouth open Kianna. And you been fucking with this nigga? And hiding it from me 'cause you know you deadass wrong."
Kianna could feel her eyes start to water at the same time that a small lump formed in her throat as she tried to form words to say; to apologize, to explain herself or something. She wasn't expecting this to happen right now.
Before she could respond to Amina, Judah took her phone out of her hand and made sure to show his face as he ended the FaceTime call. He was so tired of people playing with him about Kianna. Amina was so lucky that Kianna loved her because he would've been killed her.
"Judah why w-,"
"'Cause you crying, yo. On my grandfather grave that hoe better be lucky you fuck wit' her. I should've just killed her ass when I wanted to instead of fucking up that lil' arm. Shit piss me the fuck off man." He had to put her phone in his pocket because he felt like chunking it out of the window.
Kianna remained quiet as she used another wipe to get the last little bit of foundation off of her face, then she flipped the wipe over to the clean side so that she could wipe her tears away. Her whole mood was ruined now.
She looked over at Judah again once her phone started ringing, and he didn't bother taking it out of his pocket to check the contact-Amina was the only person that ever called her anyway. He just hit the power button to silence the ringtone.
"Can I have my phone back, please?" She asked.
"No. You don't owe that bitch a fuck thing. Not an apology or none of that shit." He told her, and she quietly sighed under her breath while leaning back against the heated seat.
The rest of the car ride was quiet, and Kianna passed the time by reapplying some mascara and a simple lip combo to replace her previous makeup beat. She didn't bother putting on too much mascara since she was sure that she'd be crying again within the hour.
She was so sad now.
A little less than half an hour later, Judah put his truck in park and hit the circular button to turn off the ignition. Then, he reached down in his pocket to grab her phone and passed it over to her. He didn't say anything until he opened up the passenger door to help her out.
"I ain't mean to cuss at you. I'm sorry. I'ma work on still being nice even when I'm mad, aight? I'm sorry." He rested his hand on her thigh, and she brought her hand up to cover her face when her eyes started to burn again.
"Don't cry mama." His arms wrapped around her for a hug, his mood instantly shifting to a much softer one at the sound of her sniffs.
"Please don't touch her Judah. She didn't mean it like that s-she just-her feelings are hurt. Don't do anything to her, please?" She sounded like she was practically begging him as she stared up at him with red eyes.
"Kianna I-,"
"For me, Judah. Please?" There was a small pout on her face, and he blew out an irritated breath with a slight roll of his eyes.
"Aight man. Just stop crying." He said, and she reached up to wipe her face while nodding her head at the same time.
"You don't owe her-or anybody-nothin', Kianna. No explanations, no apologies, no reasons-nothin'. Do you understand me?" He tilted her head up to make her look at him, and she nodded her head again.
"I'm being serious. Don't be nodding to get me out yo' face. Don't let her make you feel bad for being with me Kianna. You know wassup with us. I got zero understandings behind you. I love the fuck out you. I would never hurt you. You know that, right?" He kept her face in his hand, and she nodded yet again.
"Kianna," He tilted her head back further, forcing her gaze to lock on his.
"Yes, I know Judah." She grabbed his arm to gently push it away from her, and his natural mug remained on his face.
"You ain't gon' talk to me?" He asked.
"I don't know what to say." She mumbled, pausing for a moment. "Is it true, about Kara?"
"I didn't touch her." He spoke truthfully.
"But you got Renee to do it? To beat her?" She asked, watching him irritably drag his hand down his face.
"Yeah. I did." He answered, feeling himself become even more aggravated when she sniffed again while more tears slid down her cheeks. He wanted to kill both Amina and Kara now. Hell, Renee too.
"I asked you not to Judah. You lied to m-,"
"No I didn't, man. I said I wouldn't touch her and I didn't. She knew better Kianna. She told you a fuc-a lie, and she knew she was lying while she was talking. She know I don't play like that. She did that shit to herself." He caught himself from cussing at her just in the nick of time.
"No she didn't Judah, you did it to her. You can't just hurt people when they do something you don't like. I asked you not to do anything-or have anything done-to her and you went and did it anyway. She's my friend, Judah." Kianna's voice cracked, and he tried so hard not to roll his eyes again.
He was so mad right now and he was trying not to take it out on her.
"And Amina's my friend too. My best friend. If something happens to her, then this," She gestured between their two bodies. "This is done Judah. I promise to God."
"So, what, you choosing her over me? Over a dumbass bitch like Kara getting beat up when you literally just broke a bitch face and let yo' brother die the other day? Is that not basically the same fucking thing?" Now he was becoming upset with her, too.
"It's not the same thing and that has nothing to do with this Judah."
"Don't it though? You ain't that different from me Kianna. You okay with me being the bad person, but when it's you, all of a sudden it's a different story. How would she feel knowing that you was okay with me killing yo' brother? Is it not the same fucking thing?"
"Judah move. Get out of my face." She pushed him back with some force since he was clearly stronger than her, then she slammed the door shut and hit the lock button.
He ran his hands over his braids to stop himself from opening the door and possibly doing something that he would regret, but it didn't work-at least not all the way. Instead of hitting her, he punched the passenger door since it was closest to him, putting a deep dent in the metal frame.
He shook his fist as he walked away, feeling his entire body grow hot. He was so pissed off, he was surprised there wasn't literal steam coming from his ears. It took all the restraint he had to not snatch her out of that truck.
Still sitting in her seat, Kianna watched Judah walk into his parent's house without bothering to glance back at her. She knew that he was mad, but she was as well; and since he didn't care, she didn't either.
Well, that's a lie. She cared a lot, actually; so much that she was upset with herself for caring more about his feelings than she did Amina's and her own.
She loved him so much though, she couldn't explain it even if she wanted to. He was the first person that considered her in such a long time. He loved her more than he did himself and had been taking care of her since the day that she'd been kidnapped.
Yea, they started off very rocky, but Kianna hadn't even thought about that recently. In fact, she damn near forgot it even happened. It didn't bother her anymore but she knew that it wasn't the same situation for Amina. It seemed like she could never forget.
"Aw. Master let you have your phone back?" Amina answered the FaceTime call on the second ring.
"Amina don't be like that, please."
"Be like what? Is that not your master? He controls everything you do and you don't even care. You in the same place that you told them girls at that house you'd never be in. But I'm wrong for acknowledging it because you've been ignoring what's real."
"He doesn't control me Amina. You need to stop speaking on shit you don't know about. I was calling to apologize but you keep fucking insulting me like I'm some random bitch you don't know instead of your best friend." Kianna snapped.
"Are you my best friend though? You fucking on a nigga that shot me and slapped the dog shit out of you! Like what are you not understanding?! Are you being dense on purpose or what??"
"I never said I can't see where you coming from Amina but what do you want me to do? I know I'm dumb, ok? I know. But I-I don't know what to do Amina. I can't please everybody but I'm trying."
"Oh, dumb? Bitch you way past that. What is he even doing for you that has you this blind?" Amina asked.
"You wouldn't begin to understand even if I told you." She dragged her hand down her face, sighing to herself.
"Wow. So, what, is this it? 'Cause I can't be cool with you if you with him Kianna. That man is so fucking evil yo, and you know it. All the shit he do-,"
"Amina you don't know him! You had a bad experience with him, yes, but that's not him. See, I sound crazy but it's j-you don't get it. He isn't like that Amina. I can't explain it to you because you don't know him. He treats me good and he takes care of me. He's apologized plenty of times for shooting y-,"
"That nigga never apologized to me. Not once. You don't get to accept an apology for me, and even if he told me sorry, I wouldn't give a damn! I don't have to know him to know that he's a bad person. Ask anybody in New York and they'll tell you he is! Just 'cause you stuck on stupid don't mean the rest of us have to be."
"So again, I'm asking, are you choosing me or him? 'Cause no best friend of mine-no sister of mine is fucking and loving a nigga who tried to kill me and that's just that. Let me know what it is now." Amina added, calming her voice down since she was tired of yelling.
"Mina, don't do this p-,"
"Is it me or him, Kianna?" Amina repeated.
Kianna didn't answer, which told Amina everything she needed to know. She slowly nodded her head, ending the call before Kianna could tell that she was crying. She couldn't believe that Kianna would betray her-and herself-like this.
Letting her phone fall in her lap, Kianna brought her hands up to cover her face as she broke down in tears. She knew that she was in the wrong but she refused to choose between her best friend and the love of her life. She refused.
She was so emotional right now. She just wanted to go home and lay under her man but she couldn't even do that because he was mad at her too.
Now, she had to suck it up and get herself together because she was sitting in front of his parent's house currently crying like a little girl while his whole family was inside. It was Christmas Day and here she was, a whole wreck.
After applying mascara and lip gloss for the third time, Kianna got out of the truck and put her phone in the back pocket of her True Religion jeans. She glanced at the dent in the door and rolled her eyes at how dramatic Judah was. He didn't even have a real reason to be mad.
"Oh, my baby! Mi dulce bebe-sweet, sweet girl-looking so pretty and stuff!" Maria translated her Spanish after opening the door, pulling Kianna in for a hug.
"Hey Ms. Maria. Merry Christmas." She returned the hug, rocking side to side with her.
"Merry Christmas honey bunches. Are you feeling alright? Your nose sounds stuffy. You sick, no?" Maria felt her forehead, feeling for a fever.
"It's just a small cold. I'm alright." She lied and reassured her at the same time.
"Ok, if you say so. I'll make you some soup, still. Come, come. I asked Judah where you were and he said you were mad at him. Is everything okay? Anything I can help with? I'll punch him if you want me to." She pulled Kianna further into the house, and her words caused a smile to grow on Kianna's face.
"We're alright. We just had a misunderstanding, that's all. Where is he?" Kianna asked, being led towards the living room.
"He's sitting there, by the fireplace. The food is almost done. Go sit. Make yourself comfortable. Mi casa es tu casa." Maria gave her a little push after pointing at Judah, and Kianna did as told, walking towards Judah.
He was sitting on an ottoman that matched the couch, and his puffer coat was now off, leaving him in his Moschino sweatshirt. He was sitting by himself, though there were a lot of his family members on the couch across from him.
It seemed like he was still mad, too. She could tell from how stern his mug was, as if he was daring somebody to come up to him and push his last nerve.
Judah didn't bother turning his head when she sat down next to him, knowing it was her from the perfume she wore. Her arm slid around his and she laid her head down on his shoulder, gently rubbing over his bruised knuckles.
"Are you mad at me?" She asked, and he didn't respond, just keeping his eyes on the fire burning wood in front of him.
"I didn't choose her over you. And now we aren't friends because of that. So, there's no reason for you to be mad anymore." She said, causing his head to slowly turn in her direction.
"Why you ain't pick her?"
"Because I'm in love with you. I couldn't." She mumbled truthfully, letting her eyes meet his as his expression began to soften.
"I ain't mean to throw that up in your face." He said back, speaking as quietly as she was.
"I know.. I'm not mad.."
"I won't touch her. Foreal this time." He told her; adding that he was serious because he knew he said the same thing when that whole Kara situation happened.
"Thank you." She laid her head back down on his shoulder, looking at the fire as well.
"Yo," He called, and her head lifted up again to look at him. "I love you. Thank you for choosing me. I know it wasn't easy.. It's aight if she don't understand right now. If it's meant to be, she'll come around. And if she doesn't, fuck it. Youn' need nobody. I'ma always take care of you."
"I love you more." She spoke softly, leaning forward to kiss his lips.
I want to participate in Ramadan this year. I wonder is that disrespectful to Muslims
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