i. mistake
lowercase intended.
tw; force of drugs,
tad bit violence
and a basic outfit
"hey deja!" nick whispered from across the classroom, "what?" she whispered back, "here!" he threw a paper airplane her way, she caught it and opened it while still paying attention to the teacher.
do u wanna go see a movie
with me? i was thinking batman??
— Tristan;)
tristan... great! deja just absolutely adores him, or used to before he broke her heart freshman year, dumping her through text, on her birthday. maybe just maybe he got better? i mean he's 17 now, he had to have matured and realized how badly he fumbled the bag, right? so deja wrote back yes, she would absolutely love to go see batman with him. she folded the paper back into an airplane and sent it flying towards nick.
she would honestly rather go see the batman movie with the triplets but you know, tristan it is. once the bell rung deja walked out of ap biology with nick by her side. "why couldn't he just give me the note after class, or like just ask me himself? he's weird!" she said to nick with a sorta frustrated look on her face "i don't know? maybe he's just nervous, you did get like hella hot this year, i don't even know why you would say yes to him. he looks like robbie from gravity falls now." nick rolled his eyes
"nick! that's so mean, in so many ways! i know he's not as good looking as he was in 9th grade but robbie? you're making me want to cancel on him." deja frowned as they walked into principles of law, "just saying! watch out with him."
he was right, deja should definitely watch out with him, he'd been in and out of juvie since sophomore year now, taking and selling drugs, she's usually not one to judge people who use drugs but cocaine off a girls tit on a yacht was a little far for her. she contemplated over and over trying to figure out if she actually wanted to go on a 'date' with him, that before she knew it the bell rung, meaning it was time to go on home.
"nick! can i come over? i would love to get yours, alahna and the boys opinions on what i should wear tonight!" she put on a smile, batting her eyelashes, "yeahhhh, invite alahna though because she wasn't planning on coming." he replied giving her a thumbs up.
deja and alahna knocked on the sturniolo door and patiently waited for an answer. they were soon met with matts stuffed face, "hey guys!" he exclaimed with a mouth full of french fries, he quickly swallowed and gave them both a side hug inviting them in "thank god it was only you two, i would've cried if it was anybody else." he sighed wiping ketchup of his cheek, "those fries were truly hitting."
"we could see." alahna giggled flopping on the couch
"ok so. i brought over a bag of clothes and y'all are going to help me figure out what to wear tonight!" deja smiled, waving her bag around "where's nick and chris? i need their opinions too. NICOLAS!! CHRISTOPHER!!!"
"COMING!" they both yelled back making their way down the stairs, "hi dejaaa" nick said pulling her into a hug, "hi nickypooo." she replied placing a kiss on his forehead
"heyy pretty girlll." chris smiled smushing her with a hug "hi pretty boy." she giggled "KISS ALREADY!!" alahna yelled from the couch "shut up!" deja pulled away slapping her foot, "i have a date tonight, and i want to look nice!"
"you're going to a movie theater... he's gonna see your outfit for like 2.5 seconds..." nick sat beside alahna, "um so? i still wanna look good! so i'm giving you guys a fashion show!!!" she twirled with a smile.
"you'll look good regardless dej." chris complimented "sweet chris, but no!" he rolled his eyes "alright then show us the fits, you can change in my room."
"bet." she headed up the stairs to chris' room.
skip the fashion show bcuz just no.
"okay fit number three it is!" deja gave them one last twirl in her black ripped jeans, a maroon tube top, a black flannel and her black forces. "its basic but its cute." matt said
"thats the point matthew." she smiled "off i go lovers, wish me luck!"
"good luck baby!" alahna yelled after her.
deja arrived at the movie theater and made her way over to tristan who was already in line for snacks, "hi tristan." she smiled at him, "hey deja." he returned the smile, grabbing his large popcorn and twizzlers, "can i get a water and sweet tarts please?" deja asked the cashier.
after they received their snacks they head back to the room that was showing batman, it was packed except for the very top row which was odd, but they still made their way up the stairs taking a seat next to each other.
"you look so beautiful deja." the wavy haired boy placed his hand on her thigh, "so beautiful." he whispered "thanks tristan, you don't look too bad yourself." she moved her leg away in a subtle way "i know i look good baby, you don't even have to tell me!" he said
"oh look, the movies starting." she said putting all her focus on the screen and on robert pattinsons gorgeous face. after the movie was over they made their way outside to tristans car, "i think i'm gonna call my uber." deja told the boy pulling out her phone, "nah babe, let me drive you home, we'll listen to some jams and just cruise." she gave in opening his passenger door.
"thanks tristan i really appreciate you." she fastened her seat belt canceling her uber, "of course love, i got you"
the drive was going real great till he pulled over on the side of the road, and pulled out an altoids box that had everything but mints in it, "try some of this." he pushed a debit card towards her that had white powder on it "uh i'm good t, hard drugs aren't really my thing."
"its just coke baby, it wont kill you." he pushed the debit card closer towards her making some of it fall on her tube top, "mm, i'll get that for you." he said leaning over in his chair placing his nose on her chest , "tristan!" she pushed him away, "what babygirl? you scared of me or something?" he scoffed leaning back, "you wouldn't be if you just took the damn coke!"
"i don't fucking want to t, why can't you see that! can't you just take me fucking home?" deja dusted off her shirt, "take the fucking coke first baby." he grabbed both her cheeks pushing her lips together, then brung the debit card closer to her nose with his other hand pushing it all on her .
she quickly pulled back, pushing him away, it was an instinct to sniff if there was something on her nose, so that's exactly what her dumbass did. "yay, you took it." he chuckled pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"get the fuck away from me!" she pushed his arm away, and wiped her nose with her sleeve, "fine, then get the fuck out!" he yelled pushing her shoulder, "you stupid slut, get out!" she was scared so that's exactly what she did, she quickly unfastened her seatbelt and jumped out the car.
"fuck you, you stupid bitch! i hope you fucking die out here!" he yelled as he sped away. by this time she was crying, she quickly pulled out her phone dialing chris's number.
"hey dej! whats up?" he answered, "chris... please come get me." her voice cracked "deja whats wrong? where are you?" his tone immediately changed "i'll send you my location, just come get me and i'll tell you everything, please chris." he mumbled a quick okay before hanging up and heading out his front door. "fuck, man! fuck! why the fuck didn't i just listen to nick and say no?" she continued to cry until she saw headlights pulling up beside her.
"deja, love come here!" chris quickly ran to her side pulling her into a hug, there was still coke on her tube top, and there was also dirt from being on the ground on her jeans. "come on dej, get in the car, i got you." chris helped her stand up and lead her to the van.
"thank you chris, really i appreciate it so much."
"of course deja, just tell me what happened."
"things were going so good, we had a good time at the movies and the car ride was going alright but then he pulled over and started trying to give me coke, it's on my shirt and i think i sniffed some of it, then he pushed me out of his car so i called you." she let the tears fall, while she took of her flannel trying to get all the traces of him off her shirt. "its okay now dej, i got you, and he's gone."
"i love you chris, you mean the world to me." she pulled him into a hug, staining his hoodie with mascara "i love you too deja, so much."
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