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SPOTTEDSONG RETURNED TO the camp with the rest of the hunting patrol. Over the last day, she had spent a little more time with Gorseberry. She always felt nervous around him, too nervous to admit her feelings for him. But something inside her told her that he felt the same way too. He never showed affection like most cats would, he just spoke and looked at her like he liked her. But perhaps he was just scared to admit it, too.
"Hey, good catch!" Cloudsky was replacing his nest in the warrior's den with some fresh bedding when Spottedsong walked in. He nodded to the two plump mice in her jaws.
Spottedsong looked up and smiled at her brother. She nodded toward the fresh-kill pile and quickly dropped off her catches. "Thank you," she meowed.
"Of course. You're a talented hunter." Cloudsky paused for a moment as if he were trying to figure out if he should say something. "You seem happier lately. What's the occasion?"
"Oh." Spottedsong was surprised Cloudsky was so observant. "Well, remember a couple days ago when Gorseberry and I went hunting?"
Cloudsky looked at her skeptically but with humor. "Yep."
"Well, he also showed me the slope behind the camp that led to the top of the waterfall, and it was kind of . . ." Spottedsong trailed off, trying to find the word. Cloudsky looked at her expectantly. "We connected a bit more. That's all."
"How much?" Cloudsky asked.
Spottedsong knew she couldn't hide anything from her brother. "Oh, fine, I think I like him. A lot."
Cloudsky's blue eyes shone with excitement. "That's great! Does he know? Does he feel the same way?"
"Calm down." Spottedsong purred at her brother's excited tone. "Taking it slow is the best strategy. I'm going to get to know him a bit more before I say anything."
Cloudsky looked slightly disappointed. "You've known him your entire life. Why do you need to get to know him more? You can just tell him now."
"Yeah, well, this is a different kind of relationship. I need to know if he's actually a good choice. He said when he showed me the top of the waterfall that he wanted to be like Skystorm, with a happy mate expecting kits. But he also said he never found the right cat, which makes me a little scared to tell him. What if he doesn't feel the same way?" Spottedsong fretted, glancing over her shoulder toward where Gorseberry was sharing fresh-kill with Whitefoot.
"Maybe you just have to take your chances. It's hard to believe he wouldn't fall for you," Cloudsky pointed out.
Cloudsky's eyes shone with brotherly affection. "You're brave, loyal, and kind. Most of the time," he added with a mischievous twitch of his whiskers. "Isn't that enough?"
Spottedsong cuffed his ear playfully. "Maybe. But there's plenty of other brave, loyal, and kind she-cats out there," she pointed out.
"Wow. You really know how to find the worst in things. Come on, just try," Cloudsky urged. "If it's easy for me, it'll be easy for you."
"How do you know that?"
Cloudsky shrugged. "We're not that different, you and me. If you like him, there's no time to lose. I told Frozenfang I liked her a few days after I figured out that I liked her. You can do that, too."
Spottedsong narrowed her eyes at him. "Fine. I'll try. But I would hate to interrupt him and Whitefoot."
Cloudsky sighed. "Everyone in this Clan knows how to make the easiest things hard, don't they? Just try."
Spottedsong glanced at Gorseberry nervously. She heaved a long sigh, turning her gaze to Cloudsky. "I don't know . . ." StarClan, Spottedsong, it's not the end of the world, a voice inside her told her. "Okay, fine. I'll go. But if it goes badly, I'm blaming you."
Cloudsky's ears twitched. "Okay. I think it's going to be fine, though."
"Sure." Spottedsong turned away from her littermate and walked toward Gorseberry. "Hi, Gorseberry," she greeted him shyly. "I wanted to talk to you if you have any time."
It looked like Gorseberry and Whitefoot were already finished, and they were just talking now. Gorseberry looked at Spottedsong, looking a bit confused. "Um. Sure. I'll go ahead and go, Whitefoot. Can we talk later?"
"Sure. It was nice talking to you," the black tom mewed.
Gorseberry dipped his head and turned to Spottedsong as they began to walk away. "What is it?"
Spottedsong glanced at Cloudsky, who was now in a conversation with Hollyfern, but he looked across the clearing to Spottedsong, his eyes shining. "I just wanted to tell you something that I was going to tell you later, but someone told me to tell you now."
Gorseberry looked surprised. "Of course. What is it?"
Spottedsong shifted her paws. "So, do you remember the other day when we were talking up on the top of the waterfall?" She nodded toward the top of the waterfall.
"When we were talking up there, I was very intrigued by the way you were so thoughtful about everything that's happened. I don't even bother to think about any of it. But I-I was mostly intrigued by the way you were envious of Skystorm," Spottedsong explained.
"What do you mean? How were you intrigued by that? It wasn't even . . ." Gorseberry trailed off, his gaze turning to his paws.
"I mean, I want to be the cat to travel down that path with you."
Gorseberry looked up at her, his eyes shining. "Wow, Spottedsong . . . I do, too."
Spottedsong thought her heart would burst with joy. "Really? I-I don't know what to say . . ."
Gorseberry's whiskers twitched in amusement. "You don't have to say anything. I'm not an expert at this, either."
Spottedsong let out a mrrow of amusement. "But I just want to ask what you like about me. I mean, I never thought of myself as attractive, so . . ."
"I understand. But every cat has something about them that another cat might like, even if you don't see it. And you, well, I think I liked you since we were apprentices, but I thought it was just a lousy apprentice crush. So I didn't say anything. But after that falcon attacked me and you saved me, I knew that it was more than just a crush," Gorseberry explained, his eyes shining with newfound love.
Spottedsong wanted to say something, but she couldn't. "That's wonderful, Gorseberry."
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the Snowrock!"
Spottedsong turned to look where Lynxstar was standing on the stacked rocks of the Snowrock. The cats of FrostClan were already gathering, and she and Gorseberry joined them. She caught Cloudsky's gaze. "Looks like I'm not going to be blaming you this time," she told him good-humoredly.
"What did I tell you?" Cloudsky asked. He touched Spottedsong's cheek with his nose to tell her he was proud. Then he turned and joined Frozenfang.
"It was him who told, wasn't it?" Gorseberry asked as he came to stand beside Spottedsong.
"Yeah. What can you expect when you have a brother who's a hopeless romantic?" Spottedsong asked. "I'm glad he's my littermate."
"He's a good cat," Gorseberry agreed.
The cats quieted down when Lynxstar raised her voice. "Badgertooth has informed me that he and Ashbreeze have been talking, and they have come to a decision. Ashbreeze, are you sure you want to do this?" she asked the proud gray warrior.
Ashbreeze looked at Lynxstar, her eyes shining with both assent and reluctance. "Yes." She stepped forward.
Lynxstar dipped her head. "Ashbreeze, is it your wish to give up the name of a warrior and go join the elders?"
Ashbreeze didn't hesitate to respond, "It is." Spottedsong knew it was hard for her. But she had served her Clan for many seasons, and she was growing old. She wouldn't be able to serve her Clan anymore. But of course, the Clan would still honor her or her bravery and skill for moons to come.
"Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given to us. I call upon StarClan to give you many moons of rest." Lynxstar laid her tail on Ashbreeze's shoulder with respect and let the old she-cat join Brownfur and Hareleap on the other side of the clearing.
"Ashbreeze! Ashbreeze!"
Spottedsong saw that all the other warriors were both sad and proud to see Ashbreeze go. She was a skillful and proud warrior, but it was her time. Hareleap and Brownfur greeted her with respect and pride.
"And in addition," Lynxstar continued before the meeting broke up, "Flypaw will be assigned a new mentor. Specifically, Hollyfern."
Flypaw, who was sitting beside Icepaw, was staring after Ashbreeze despondently. He looked up, his eyes gleaming with joy, when he heard the name of his new mentor. Hollyfern perked up, too.
"Thank you," the tortoiseshell she-cat thanked Lynxstar. "I will do my very best to train him just as Ashbreeze did." She looked across the clearing at Ashbreeze, who returned her gaze gratefully.
The meeting began to break up. Spottedsong gazed around the clearing, and she soon found Badgertooth looking nervous as he made his way back to the medicine den. Where is Dovesong? Perhaps she just went to gather herbs or something, but then, why does he look nervous? Was she supposed to be back a while ago? "Hey, Gorseberry?" Spottedsong turned to the handsome tabby tom. "I need to talk to Badgertooth really quickly. I'll be back soon."
Spottedsong hurried after Badgertooth. "Badgertooth," she meowed hastily. "I noticed that Dovesong is gone. Was she supposed to be back a while ago, or did she just go missing or is it nothing I need to worry about?"
Badgertooth turned to face her, looking a bit surprised. "Yes. She was supposed to be back a while ago, but she also went to gather watermint, and StarClan knows if it's even easy to find on our territory."
"How long ago did she leave?"
"This morning."
Spottedsong looked up at the sky. The sun was slowly setting. "So an entire day? I don't think she's just having a hard time finding herbs. . . ."
"Maybe." Badgertooth shifted his paws nervously. "I hope those MoonClan warriors haven't taken her back."
That might be exactly what it is, Spottedsong realized. "I'll find her, I promise. You don't have to worry."
Badgertooth looked at her, eyes shining with thankfulness. "Sure. Thank you. She said she was going to the stream with the old willow tree beside it."
Spottedsong dipped her head and whisked away toward Gorseberry. "Dovesong's missing," she told him. "I volunteered to help find her."
Gorseberry looked concerned. "Do you even know where she went?"
"Badgertooth tells me she went to gather herbs by the stream with the old willow tree beside it. I'm going there to search for a scent or anything that can help me."
"Then I'm going with you."
Spottedsong hesitated. Surely it'll be easier with just one cat? "Okay. Let's leave now."
Gorseberry nodded and followed Spottedsong out of the camp. "Are you sure this is safe, leaving camp in search of Dovesong? My guess is the MoonClan cats wanted her back. So if this is all MoonClan's doing, shouldn't we be leaving it alone?"
"Do you think Dovesong can magically escape the MoonClan camp? I think not. She's my friend. I have to help her," Spottedsong responded.
When they began to approach the stream, Spottedsong saw blood on the pathway. She stopped in her tracks. Gorseberry stopped beside her, his fur pricking against hers. The stench of MoonClan warriors mixed with blood was here, along with Dovesong's scent. It was beginning to fade, but she would be able to follow the scent. There was a trail of blood, too. "Looks like Dovesong was attacked when she was trying to return," Spottedsong hissed. "We have to follow this trail."
"Good idea." Gorseberry followed Spottedsong as she ventured into the brambles after the trail.
The trail of paw steps and MoonClan scent soon led to the MoonClan camp, as Spottedsong suspected. She motioned to Gorseberry to stay low. She saw a den with thick brambles around it that must have been Dovesong's enclosed den. She snuck toward it.
"What's this?" Gorseberry whispered.
"Dovesong's den. Try to find a hole or something," Spottedsong suggested.
Gorseberry nodded and they split up.
Spottedsong turned back to where she was headed, the far side of the den. She soon found a small hole and peeked inside, trying to claw more space out at the same time. I can't see anything! She searched harder and soon saw the neat white fur of the FrostClan medicine cat. "Dovesong?" she tried quietly, thinking that Dovesong wouldn't hear her.
"Spottedsong!" The cry came from Gorseberry, not Dovesong.
Spottedsong snapped toward the cry. She could see Gorseberry confronted by a dark ginger tom, Rabbitmask. She left the den and raced toward them. She hesitated, remembering the last time she fought a MoonClan cat, and jumped at Rabbitmask. We can't keep searching, not with this tom knowing that we're here. She pinned him down and turned her gaze to Gorseberry. "Go! Tell the Clan that Dovesong's here!"
Gorseberry nodded and quickly left the scene.
Rabbitmask writhed beneath Spottedsong, but she held him down until Gorseberry was out of sight. Now I just need to get to the camp without him following me. "When I let you go," she hissed into the tom's ear, "you scamper back to your camp. Understand?"
The ginger tom glared at her. "Fine. Just let me go."
Spottedsong hesitated before letting him go. She immediately turned and ran away. She glanced over her shoulder quickly to see if Rabbitmask had followed her, and he was. Ravenpelt and Crookedfang followed him. He was hard on her heels, attempting to snap at her tail once or twice. She sped up, hoping to get to the camp soon.
She ran so fast she caught up with Gorseberry. "Spottedsong! What-"
"No time! Go!" Spottedsong told him frantically. He ran past her to the camp.
She ran into the camp and stopped in the middle of it beside Gorseberry. "Are you okay?" she asked him.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks."
The rest of the FrostClan warriors were fighting off the MoonClan warriors. Spottedsong got to her paws and ran over. But the three warriors were already running away. It's not like them to give up on a fight that easily, Spottedsong thought with triumph. At least we know where Dovesong is, and we can prepare better next time.
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