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SOFTCLOUD'S MESSAGE STILL swam in Dovesong's mind. She paced the den restlessly, trying to figure it out. Moonclaw was sitting next to the entrance of the den, watching absentmindedly. Dovesong found out that when she had been taken out of the den and when Dovesong heard her yowl, along with a few other cats, she had attacked Cypressstar. She hadn't been punished; Cypressstar figured that having her trapped and using her ability for the force of evil was bad enough. But ever since, Moonclaw seemed to be lost in her own thoughts all the time. She never even stopped to talk to Dovesong.
ย ย ย Dovesong and Moonclaw had become closer friends in the prison. They had no one else to talk to, so they had no choice but to talk to each other. But it paid off in the end, and Dovesong figured that Moonclaw wasn't as bad as she thought. She was kind, thoughtful, and clearly wanted to help FrostClan. But now since Moonclaw was so distracted all of the time, Dovesong had no one to talk to.
ย ย ย So she took the time to think about Softcloud's warning. Softcloud had said that Dovesong's ability had gotten her in the prison, and it would get her out. But Dovesong didn't understand how that made sense. How could a healing ability help her escape? Maybe something will happen that will let me escape. Or maybe MoonClan cats are too smart to let that happen.
ย ย ย "Dovesong?" Moonclaw's soft mew drew her from her thoughts. Dovesong stopped pacing and faced Moonclaw. The tabby she-cat's eyes were wide with fear. Dovesong wondered if she was alright. "Sit down. I have a question."
ย ย ย Dovesong studied her for a moment before sitting down, her tail curled over her cold paws. The air was getting chillier by the day. Dovesong knew, even without seeing the changing leaves and longer days, that it was leaf-fall. "What is it?"
ย ย ย Moonclaw's paws shuffled on the ground. "I was wondering if . . . if I really am what everyone thinks. I-I attacked Cypressstar. I let my anger get the best of me. I almost used my ability on him. I promised myself I would never use it to my advantage."
ย ย ย "Oh, Moonclaw . . . I don't think you're what everyone thinks. Just because you got angry doesn't mean that you're anything of the sort," Dovesong murmured. "Please don't think that."
ย ย ย "I can't help but think about it," Moonclaw admitted. "I've been trying to get us out of here, to get someone to help free us, but everyone that I've tried has said no. Cypressstar set me up. He knew that all of his victims wouldn't trust me, so when he kidnapped me, he knew that no one would save me." Her voice shook.
ย ย ย "Who did you try?"
ย ย ย Moonclaw met her gaze cautiously. "Spottedsong and Dawnsplash, Gingerstripe, Spottedtail, and Twistedclaw of ShadowClan, Birchshade, Ravenflight, and Raggedrock of RiverClan, Swallowshade and Gorsenose of ThunderClan, Jayflutter and Birchsong of WindClan . . ."
ย ย ย "And they all said no?"
ย ย ย "Yes."
ย ย ย "Not even Dawnsplash or Gingerstripe said yes? They're the nicest cats I know," Dovesong explained, cocking her head to one side in confusion.
ย ย ย "They said no, loud and clear," Moonclaw muttered, turning her gaze away. "I'm so sorry. I tried, I really tried," she promised.
ย ย ย "I understand. Don't beat yourself up for it. I know you tried your best," Dovesong meowed. "We'll find a way out."
ย ย ย Moonclaw took a moment to answer. "I hope so."
ย ย ย "I know so," Dovesong told her firmly. "Trust me."
ย ย ย "How can you be so hopeful? We're stuck here. Can't you see that?" Moonclaw demanded.
ย ย ย "I can see that, but there's no way we'll even have a chance if we go on not having any hope."
ย ย ย Moonclaw held her gaze, her eyes like chips of green ice. "We're doomed. Can't you see that? Or are you just going to go on with all hope? MoonClan has us trapped. They've outsmarted us. We have no hope."
ย ย ย Dovesong sighed. "Do you remember the message that I told you about?"
ย ย ย "Of course I do. What about it?"
ย ย ย "I've been trying to sort it out, but I don't understand how I could get us out of here with my ability. Do you?" Dovesong looked at Moonclaw hopefully. Moonclaw looked back at her, looking distressed. "Well, do you?"
ย ย ย "I think I do. But I don't . . . I don't know if it's true," Moonclaw mewed, her voice barely audible.
ย ย ย "What is it?"
ย ย ย Moonclaw looked wary as she spoke. "I don't think it can free both of us."
ย ย ย "What do you mean? Of course it can! We're both getting out of here," Dovesong promised. "I'll find a way. Even if we don't escape at the same time."
ย ย ย "No, but I just have a feeling that only one of us can be freed, preferably you." Moonlaw, to Dovesong's dismay, sounded distressed but solemn.
ย ย ย "What do you mean by preferably? You are no different than me! We're both getting out of here."
ย ย ย "I can't go out there. Not when I could be killed the moment a cat sees me. You have to go because you deserve it. I don't. And I'm not just saying that because I feel bad for myself. I'm saying that because I don't want to risk the lives of innocent cats. If I have to stay, I'll stay. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure they're safe."
ย ย ย 'Whatever it takes'? What does that mean? How far will she have to go until she's happy? What if she has to take it to death? Dovesong stared at Moonclaw with horror. "But you can't! I won't let you torture yourself like this."
ย ย ย "I have to. It's the only way to keep the Clans safe," Moonclaw protested. "Your Clanmates need you, Dovesong. My Clanmates . . . well, they don't."
ย ย ย "But you're their medicine cat! They need you."
ย ย ย "They have Fernpaw. You've met Fernpaw, right? She's a natural. She'll do fine without me."
ย ย ย "Moonclaw, she's restless! She won't stop until she finds you. She needs you. She's your apprentice. We all need you," Dovesong explained desperately.
ย ย ย "No, you don't." Moonclaw's gaze immediately slid to the bramble entrance. It shook and Foxclaw appeared. "Look who's here." She looked at Dovesong wryly.
ย ย ย Dovesong ignored her. "What in StarClan's name could you possibly want?" she asked Foxclaw sharply.
ย ย ย Foxclaw let out a dry mrrow of amusement. Dovesong caught a little bit of mocking laughter in it, too. She narrowed her eyes. Great StarClan. That's not Foxclaw. But it is. I just . . . She looked at Moonclaw, who refused to look at either of them. Oh, Moonclaw, what are you doing?
ย ย ย "Come with me. It's urgent," Foxclaw instructed, leaving the den but keeping the brambles open.
ย ย ย "Wish me luck," Dovesong muttered to Moonclaw. Moonclaw didn't respond. Fine. Be like that. She hurried after Foxclaw. "What is it?"
ย ย ย Foxclaw didn't look at her when he spoke. "You'll see soon enough."
ย ย ย Yeah, no, there's something going on. He always looks at me when he talks to me. Or maybe that's just him trying to prove to MoonClan that he's a true MoonClan warrior.
ย ย ย Dovesong followed Foxclaw to the outside of the camp. Stonefrost joined him. They flanked Dovesong protectively, as if to make sure she didn't escape. Do I look like I'm going to run away the moment we leave? she thought. Of course they do. I'm the prisoner.
ย ย ย When they neared the denser part of the forest, Dovesong saw Spottedsong and Nightshade next to a large tree. Nightshade was bleeding badly, while Spottedsong looked winded. "Dovesong!" Spottedsong exclaimed. She sounded breathless.
ย ย ย "Spottedsong!" Dovesong's heart flooded with relief. "Thank StarClan you're here!"
ย ย ย Stonefrost leaned forward and hissed, "We brought you here to heal Nightshade. Think you can do that?"
ย ย ย Dovesong's heart lurched. She looked at Nightshade. The black she-cat was on her side, teeth marks on her throat and her foreleg. Dovesong bit back a gag at the sight. "I can't."
ย ย ย "You can. I know you can," Foxclaw hissed. Dovesong looked at him with dismay. His eyes glittered with malice, the exact opposite of what she thought she'd always see. "Do it."
ย ย ย Dovesong glanced at Spottedsong. This is what Softcloud meant, isn't it? Is this my chance to finally leave? What about Moonclaw? "Nightshade doesn't deserve to be healed."
ย ย ย "Shut up and do it," Foxclaw growled, nudging Dovesong forward.
ย ย ย Dovesong stumbled a bit, looking in dismay at Spottedsong and Nightshade. She didn't want to heal Nightshade, but she knew that if she didn't, she would be punished. And Spottedsong was her friend. She didn't want to see her suffer. But she wouldn't be able to heal her because she didn't have any visible wounds, except for a few small, shallow scratches.
ย ย ย "No."
ย ย ย Foxclaw and Stonefrost exchanged snarls.
ย ย ย Spottedsong stared at Dovesong, her mouth open and her amber eyes wide with shock and fear. "Just do it! They'll kill someone you care about if you don't."
ย ย ย Well, if Spottedsong says that I should, then I guess I should. "Fine." She stepped toward Nightshade, stepping over the small splatters of blood on the grass and leaf litter. She looked at Spottedsong, who's eyes were wide and filled with affliction and hope. What if I run now? Dovesong looked back at Foxclaw and Stonefrost, who were watching through slitted pupils. She looked back at Spottedsong. She doesn't even look well enough to run.
ย ย ย "What are you waiting for?" Stonefrost's voice boomed with anger. "Just do it!"
ย ย ย Dovesong glanced over her shoulder. Will it work if I go behind the prison and free Moonclaw that way? She looked in the direction of the prison where Moonclaw was. She couldn't decide between Spottedsong and Moonclaw. Moonclaw wanted to be there. Maybe Spottedsong was the most preferable choice after all. Her heart pounded against her chest as she braced herself for the storm. Healing Nightshade isn't the end of the world, she concluded, gingerly laying a paw on Nightshade's throat and another on her foreleg. The wounds closed up and disappeared. This feels so wrong. She stepped back and looked at the two MoonClan toms. "I did it. Are you happy?"
ย ย ย "Do any FrostClan cats know manners? You don't talk to a MoonClan warrior like that." Stonefrost stepped forward, baring his teeth as he led Dovesong away. Dovesong looked at Spottedsong who stared after her with distress in her eyes. "Don't worry about her. She's already doomed. We don't need to finish her off."
ย ย ย Dovesong stared at Stonefrost. "What do you mean?"
ย ย ย "Never mind that. Foxclaw, take her away." Stonefrost left and Foxclaw took his place. He looked solemn. Dovesong resisted the urge to step away from him.
ย ย ย "Come on," he ordered firmly. Dovesong followed him to the prison and hesitantly walked into the den. Moonclaw was waiting. "Look, Dovesong, I really am sorry for everything. I had no choice. I want you to forgive me."
ย ย ย "You know I have never forgiven you," Dovesong growled. Foxclaw dipped his head and said no more as he left. Somehow Doveosng felt guilty.
ย ย ย "That was harsh," Moonclaw observed as she walked up to Dovesong. "I understand he makes you angry, but he doesn't deserve that kind of treatment."
ย ย ย "How do you know? You were never in love and then betrayed, were you?" Dovesong snapped.
ย ย ย Moonclaw's ears flattened and her fur bristled. "You don't know anything. I was, too, in love once. But you don't have the patience to listen, do you?"
ย ย ย Dovesong could hardly imagine Moonclaw in love. She showed no kind of love to anyone. Not even platonic affection. She seemed to prefer being alone. So how in StarClan was she in love with anyone? "Really?"
ย ย ย "Yes," Moonclaw admitted stiffly. "And she's here. In this camp."
ย ย ย "Her?" Dovesong had never heard of a relationship between two she-cats. "Who was it?"
ย ย ย Moonclaw sat down heavily, her eyes clouded with wistfulness. "Nightshade. But she was an apprentice when we were together. I was, too. It was dumb. I didn't even properly understand love then. She was just so brave and I looked up to her so much. She still is so brave, but she's evil. I have come to think she was always like that."
ย ย ย "How do you think it wasn't a true relationship?"
ย ย ย
ย ย ย Moonclaw blinked at Dovesong in the darkness. "Well, I know it was in some way. I liked her, and she liked me, and I always felt so nervous and . . . happy around her. But she never seemed like she liked me. And I knew that it was true when I found out that she was with Stonefrost. And then she accused me of being dangerous. She was the one to tell Sorrelstar everything even after I told her to keep it a secret."
ย ย ย Moonclaw has a . . . messed up life, Dovesong admitted to herself. Even though she felt a little guilty for thinking it, she knew it was true. She knew that Moonclaw knew it was true. "She's ruthless, isn't she?"
ย ย ย "I mean, she's the cat who killed countless warriors in your Clan, right?" Moonclaw asked.
ย ย ย "Just two, but yeah. How do you know about that?"
ย ย ย Moonclaw shrugged. "I know a lot."
ย ย ย They were both silent for a long time before Dovesong meowed, "I'm sorry I didn't take that chance to run."
ย ย ย "What do you mean?"
ย ย ย "I mean, I'm sorry I didn't escape when I had the chance. But I had no choice. I had to heal Nightshade, or else I would have been hurt. Or somebody. Somebody I care about."
ย ย ย "What happened to Nightshade?"
ย ย ย "She and Spottedsong got into a fight. I don't know what Spottedsong was doing, but she was here. Nightshade was very badly hurt and Spottedsong was winded. It looked like a very hostile fight."
ย ย ย "And you healed Nightshade?" Moonclaw sounded the slightest bit exasperated. "This is too much to take in. I don't like how they're using us." She began to pace restlessly like Dovesong had. "This is nonsense! First they drive your Clan out of their home, and then when you think you're safe, they come for you and try to kill off your cats again, and now they have kidnapped their medicine cat!"
ย ย ย "It's infuriating, I know, but I've come to know that this is always how it's going to be."
ย ย ย "For StarClan's sake!" Moonclaw exclaimed. "You don't have to let MoonClan push you around. You're catsโwarriorsโnot mice!"
ย ย ย "Says the cat who let MoonClan make her use her ability against her will when she promised herself that she would never use it again," Dovesong retorted.
ย ย ย Moonclaw snarled under her breath. "Can we not get into an argument again? I'm just saying that we should take control over ourselves again like how it's supposed to be. We must have faith in the future. In StarClan. They will guide us. You, of all cats, should know this."
ย ย ย Dovesong closed her eyes and regained her calm. "Okay. Let's hope StarClan guides our paws in this."
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