19 | Life for a Life
"Mommy, hm." Naia held her iPad up to Namiko with a frown on her face, and she looked down to see that she was pointing to the low battery warning. Naia didn't play about keeping her devices charged. Each time the battery display bar turned yellow instead of green, she was on it like white on rice.
Namiko let go of the pen that she was using to sign her signature on new bills for the kingdom and grabbed the white charger out of the bottom drawer of her desk. She sat Naia back in her beanbag that was in a little kiddy corner in the office after plugging the iPad up for her.
"Love you mommy." Naia stuck her hand in a bag of cool ranch Doritos and began to lick the side with the most seasoning on it.
"I love you more sweetest face." She went back to the papers on her desk just as Isaiah walked into the master study.
"I love how you always drop everything for her even when she can do it herself." He chuckled, watching Namiko's head turn in his direction.
"Right. Acting like she hasn't used a charger before." She playfully rolled her eyes as she sat down in her chair again.
"I missed you." He lowered his head for a kiss, and she smiled since the only time they'd spent apart is when they slept.
"Good morning to you too. Why are you rubbing my belly?" She looked down at where his hands were underneath her tank top.
"'Cause I got a baby in there."
"Oh. You know it can't feel that, right? It doesn't work like that."
"Yeah baby. I know." He chuckled while leaving one more kiss on the side of her face, then he stood back upright and walked over to where Naia was.
"Dada!" She threw her arms around his neck in a hug as soon as he swooped her up from the beanbag, spinning around in a circle with her.
"Wassup mama? You feeling better?" He asked after kissing her cheek, watching her nod in response. She guided his hand to her forehead so that he could confirm that she no longer had a fever.
"No hot." She said.
"Yeah baby you good now. Y'all ate breakfast already Nami?" Isaiah asked Namiko while placing Naia down on the beanbag again.
"She did."
"And you didn't?"
"Isn't that what I just insinuated?" She could barely finish her statement before Isaiah had leaned over in front of her to stare her in the face at her being smart which made her laugh.
"No honey. I didn't eat anything." She playfully corrected herself.
"Why not?"
"I arranged an appointment with the lead doctor and I'm not sure if I should eat before. It's at noon."
"You should. C'mon. Just some toast and jelly if you ain't hungry." He grabbed her hand to help her up, and she let him even though she didn't have an appetite.
"Isaiah!" She turned to look at him with a frown while her hands went to grab her own butt after he'd slapped both cheeks with his heavy hands.
"Watch yo' mouth with me shorty. Act like you know that." He pulled her closer by her waist to kiss her cheek, and she wore a small pout as he closed in on her lips.
"You don't have to do it so hard all of the time. I know it's big but I can still feel that."
"It's been getting bigger. Tastier too." The smirk on his face made her eyes roll but she didn't attempt to hide her smile as he continued kissing her.
"Well now you're on punishment because I told you to stop hitting me so hard. No more kisses." She pushed his head away from her and lifted her eyes to meet his gaze.
"No more kisses?" He repeated with confusion.
"Yup. And nothing else either—inappropriate things that I will not mention in front of our baby..but you know." She did a waving motion with her hand before laughing at his expression.
"See if that teaches you to keep your hands to yourself." She innocently shrugged on her way out of the study, now in the mood for something to eat.
"Mommy must've lost her mind when she woke up this morning. We should help her find it." Namiko could hear him say to their daughter from the hallway, making her laugh again.
The two of them caught up with her by the time she made it to the elevator and Isaiah held Naia in his left arm because she swore she couldn't walk whenever he was around. She'd even climb up his body as if he was a tree with branches if he pretended like he didn't feel like carrying her.
He really did love her as if she had his DNA running through her. Never in a million years did he think this was where he'd end up—the boyfriend to a real life reigning monarch, living in a country outside of the United States of America, raising a mostly nonverbal little girl with another child on the way.
Isaiah thought his life was over when his daughter passed away. There were so many times where he felt like giving up, wanting to succumb to his depression and end his own life just to get rid of the pain and endless suffering he felt. He was so glad that he held on.
He wouldn't know what to do without Namiko and Naia.
"What are you thinking about? Fix your face." Namiko rested her legs across his lap; the two of them now sitting side by side at a table while Naia sat on top of it.
"What's wrong with my face Namiko?" He turned his head to look at her with a chuckle.
"Nothing now. And don't call me that. I've told you that before."
"I can't say yo' name now?" He smiled.
"No. It's baby, mama, doll face, beloved or nothing. Not even Nami. Act like you know." She repeated his statement from a few moments ago, making him laugh.
"Heard you. Fuck I thought? I know better."
"Exactly. Don't aggravate me." She grabbed his face in the palm of her hands of used her thumbs to rub his eyebrows to make the hairs lay in the same direction. There was a smile on his face as he leaned forward to kiss her lips twice and once on her cheek.
"Hey. No kisses." She playfully frowned at him, only for him to kiss her again. She wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug and tossed her head back with laughter once he began tickling her sides, obsessed with the joy on her face.
"I'm so in love with you girl. I be feelin' like a lil' kid again with you." Isaiah chuckled, tucking his face into the crook of her neck. He told her that he was in love with her at least twice a day but it still flustered her every time.
"Were you a trouble maker when you were a kid?" She asked at the same time that two cooks brought out their requested food; Ehime jelly, freshly baked croissants and cheesy eggs for Namiko—and turkey bacon, fluffy French toast with fruit and whipped cream, eggs and grits for Isaiah.
"Hell yeah. Drove my mama crazy."
"I can see that. And Niecey told me some things that would stress me out if I was your mother." Namiko said, and he jokingly sucked his teeth in response. Shaniece was always telling his business. He loved their friendship, though.
"What she tell you?" He grinned, patting Naia's back as she began to doze off in his lap.
"That you used to get into a lot of fights. And you got kicked off the basketball team and expelled because you were selling marijuana and narcotics." The way she spoke so casually made him smile.
"Is that why you no longer speak with your family?" She asked, and right before he could respond, the Prime Minister and his wife, Eleanor, walked into the dining hall.
"Queen Namiko, what a pleasure to grace your presence." Eleanor bowed in front of her, and Namiko raised from her seat with a smile to give her a hug.
"It's lovely to see you as well! You look as stunning as always." The compliment from the Queen made Eleanor blush, her pale cheeks turning a very visible shade of red.
"I hope we aren't interrupting, Queen Namiko. There is something I'd like to discuss with you if it wouldn't be a bother." The Prime Minister, Mark, bowed in front of her a lightly kissed the back of her hand.
"Of course not, no worries. Is everything alright?" She sat down next to Isaiah again, furrowing her perfectly arched eyebrows.
"Eleanor," Mark spoke quietly to his wife, and taking the hint of being dismissed, she directed her attention to Isaiah.
"Would you like to join me for tea while they talk?" She asked, and Isaiah noticed Mark looking at him as if he wanted him to leave as well.
"No. He's fine. You can say whatever you need to in front of him. It's alright." Namiko noticed the gaze too and placed her hand on Isaiah's chest to stop him from getting up.
Whatever he'd tell her, she'd end up telling Isaiah anyway so there really was no point in secrecy. Plus, Namiko genuinely planned to be with him for the rest of her life. He was already a massive help when it came to the kingdom just as her boyfriend, and when they eventually married and Isaiah became King of San Senova, he would outrank her and become the highest monarch. Everything would go through him instead of her.
Mark took a seat next to Namiko and sat the manila folder full of papers down on the table. He removed his glasses and gestured for Eleanor to leave, and once she did, he began speaking.
"I saw your message that you sent me in regard to the appointment with the medical team for noon.. you are sure that you are pregnant?" He asked hesitantly.
"Yes. I took a test last night." She didn't see how that information was worth Isaiah leaving the room. He was literally the unborn child's father. He knew that she was pregnant before she knew herself.
"With all due respect to the both of you, Queen Namiko, you are aware that we must make the kingdom the number one priority at all times, right?"
"Yes. What are you trying to say? I won't take offense. Just say it." She said with confusion. She hated beating around the bush.
"Many of the citizens complained once they were made aware of Princess Naia—to the point where I had to have a meeting with the board to assure them that you are more than capable of leading the country and raising your daughter at the same time.. They worried that you wouldn't be able to focus since you declined having sitters to watch Princess Naia unlike each King before you."
"I fear that you may be impeached and removed from the throne if you were to have another child out of wedlock. Would you like to explore—other options—to prevent that?" He asked, hesitant again.
"Other options?" She repeated.
"He wants you to abort the baby Namiko." Isaiah clarified for her, staring a gaze of fire into Mark's face.
"Are you out of your mind?" She frowned at Mark, knowing the meaning of the word 'abortion'.
"I apologize, Queen Namiko. It's just—it's my duty to protect both you and the kingdom, but it's both of ours to put the kingdom first. I don't want you to lose your crown, Namiko. I'm sorry if I offended either of you. I mean no harm, truly." He genuinely expressed.
"I flew out of the country alone to a place I've never stepped foot in to track down my first child that was sent away for the same reason. Do you really think I'd agree to get rid of my second? A child that was actually made from love?" Namiko couldn't front like his suggestion didn't hurt her feelings.
"As the leader of San Senova, there will be many difficult decisions that will be made. That comes with any position of power. You are like a daughter to me, Namiko. I will always look out for you. It is what I'm doing now, even if it may not seem like it."
"I love you and I love San Senova with every ounce of my heart, but I would never in a million years put this kingdom before my children—before my family—ever. If they see me as unfit because I am a mom first, then so be it. There's nothing I can do about that." How firm she seemed on her decision made Isaiah's mug soften.
"Of course. I will stand with you one hundred percent, no matter what happens. I just wanted to make you aware of what may come. I respect both of you and congratulations on the newest addition to your family. I apologize, again, if I came off offensive."
Namiko narrowed her eyes at him as he walked away, feeling herself become upset. She couldn't believe that this was even a conversation. She knew that he was just trying to do his job but she hated feeling like people were trying to control her.
When she stood up, Isaiah was right behind her, heading in the direction of their bedroom. Just like that, her appetite vanished once again.
After laying Naia down in her own bed, Isaiah walked out onto the enclosed patio to find Namiko sitting on the couch with tears trickling down her cheeks that matched the raindrops sliding down the tinted glass windows. The unintentional pout on her face broke his heart.
"You are the love of my life. I would leave San Senova altogether if it meant that I'd get to be with you and our kids. You know that, right?" She asked through a sniff when he sat down beside her, but didn't give him the chance to respond before she started speaking again.
"I didn't even want to be Queen. This was supposed to be my father's kingdom, not mine. I thought about stepping down the moment you told me you loved me for the first time because I knew then that God had sent you to me—that I'm supposed to be with you forever. I would throw all this shit away for you Isaiah. I'll tell everyone that. I don't care." She ranted aloud, ignoring her own vocal cracks.
"Stop crying mama. I know. Ain't no reason to be upset 'cause can't nobody make you do nothin' you don't wanna do. You good. Relax." He cupped her chin in his hand and turned her head in his direction, and she sniffed again as she stared at him.
"I wouldn't consider getting rid of our baby for even a second. He didn't get in my head, okay?" She didn't want him to think that Mark had unintentionally manipulated her the way that her mother constantly and purposely did.
"I know he didn't. I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself, and for our family. I appreciate you Namiko." He spoke sincerely and in the softest tone ever, making her heart melt.
"You mean so much to me. Choosing you and choosing us will never be something that I have to think about. I'm going to have your baby and I couldn't care less what anyone thinks about that. I knew what I was doing when I laid down with you and I knew what I wanted. That's literally why I trapped you." She slid a joke in, and her frown was replaced with a smile when he laughed.
"I fucking love you girl. You crazy as fuck. You know that?"
"Yes. You made me this way." She chuckled, wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug.
"You are still on punishment." She stopped him from giving her a kiss, then burst out laughing when he sassily rolled his eyes as hard as he could.
Isaiah rubbed the corner of his eye while looking up at the ceiling to stop his tears as the sound of their unborn child's heartbeat filled the clinic room. He didn't think he'd ever be in a room like this with an OB/GYN again. He was so glad that God gave him another chance to be a dad.
It was very faint but was still the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard. They couldn't see much of anything besides the sack and a tiny little fetus that was no bigger than the size of a cherry, but the joy that little baby created was larger than the entire universe.
"Oh god. That's my baby! It's a heartbeat!" Namiko pointed to the screen, and Isaiah smiled at her reaction to her very first ultrasound.
When she was pregnant with Naia, Namiko went the entire nine months unaware that there was a baby inside of her. She didn't even visit the castle's medical department because her mother wanted her pregnancy to be kept a secret in fear of the public becoming aware.
So, this would be Namiko's first time getting to experience everything—ultrasounds, actually understanding the process of pregnancy such as kicks, morning sickness, nesting, baby shopping etc. etc. She was so happy that she could do it all with someone like Isaiah at her side, and he felt that way times one hundred about her. She really did mean the world to him.
He hoped he could make this pregnancy as stress-free as possible for her. He wanted her to be the happiest girl on earth.
"Queen Namiko, I am so sorry to interrupt." Prime Minister Mark burst into the room with urgency, and her smile immediately disappeared and was replaced by a frown. She was still upset with him even though two hours had passed since their conversation.
"It's your Nonna—," He seemed to be choked up, and Namiko's eyes widened with fear.
A life for a life. Muah, no bars 💋
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