I walked back to the room where the rest of my teammates were.
"Nothing like lasers shooting at you to take away the party mode," Rachel said
"I'm beat and I'm making lunch at the centre tomorrow," Jamie said.
"And more exciting news I've been invited to go to Kevin Smith's podcast tomorrow," Gar said.
"Hold up, Starfire's got something today," Nightwing walked in and leaned on the wall.
"with what we discovered tonight, we all need to be extra vigilant and not take any chances," she said
"Are you kidding me it's Kevin Smith," Gar got out of his chair.
"I didn't say don't do what you have planned, but keep you eyes and com lines open at all times. I feel like whatever blood is planning, tonight is just a prelude," Starfire says.
I decided to head out. I lied that I was going to visit a friend at the cafe at the edge of Jump City for safety purposes. I decided to go to Gotham, cause why not? I got changed into a black coat with black boots and did my hair in a high ponytail. Gotham was cold as always but it seemed to be my lucky day since the sun was shining.
I walked across the road deciding to walk to a cafe. As I opened the door the bell rang and observing my surroundings there were a few people here. I sat at a table in the far end that was beneath a lush green pot plant. I still paid attention to my surroundings in case something was off. Gotham seemed nice despite it still being one of the most crime-ridden cities in the world. But thanks to Batman the rankings came down. The waiter came up to me "may I take your order?" she askes
"Um a chocolate milkshake and almond croissant," I say.
"Sure," she then walks away. I look around the cafe, the thick brown walls were kept to give a nice texture to the place and small lush green pot plants overhung from the ceiling. The fresh aroma of coffee beans and toast from what I can smell made a nice atmosphere to the cafe. Another customer came in, he had sunglasses a strongly built body and pasty skin. He wore a dark grey coat and jeans. He observed his surroundings and looked at me. Did he recognise me? Was it another one of HIVES operatives? No, they couldn't they were too low to find out my location and he seemed calm. He sat at the table, two tables from mine and ordered a coffee of a sort.
ARI run scan of the guy on my left two tables from me I thought
Bruce Wayne, CEO of Wayne enterprises she said in my earpiece that was my earring.
Oh, Damian's dad. I rolled on my phone to search up his Instagram. He knew who I was from the facetime from Richard. Maybe I should say hi.
I clicked on his profile and typed a message
Hey, I can feel you staring at me
I waited for his phone to buzz and he looked at it curiously.
Who are you?
I typed: The girl you've been looking at in the cafe, two tables across
I gave a little wave and he smiled. He got his coffee and he then moved to me and sat at the seat.
"You must be Val I presume," He smiled. "Your Damian's girlfriend?" he says
"Yes Mr Wayne," I say
"A chocolate milkshake and an almond crossing," the waiter says and I nod.
"So, what are you doing in Gotham, is Damian here with you, oh it's just Bruce?" Bruce says
"Well," I look around the area with my eyes. "There's been an incident back at the tower," I say
"I see, go on," he says
"Over the past months, the titans have been taking down HIVE bases. Something came up though just yesterday. We went to look for a scientist who Dick assumed that worked for HIVE we did find out that he worked for HIVE and also there were photos taken of us from now to till last year. Before we could ask a drone shot him. Clearly they didn't want to share information. Also before that Damian went on a mission, but the day after which was the day we went to find the scientist he texted me this," I showed him the text from my phone
"That's not him," Bruce says
"Yeah, I know. He doesn't use emoji's and the time that it took wasn't him. I can see right through, he's been captured, and it's connected to HIVE," I say
"That seems logical," he says
I take a bite out of my food. "Also there's this girl on the team, that just joint recently and-"
I then get an incoming call from Dick I pick it up.
"Hey what's up?" I ask
"Thank God. Listen, Gar, Raven, Starfire and Jamie have all gone missing. HIVE took them. I need you to come ASAP," he says
"I'm on my way," I say
I get up and ask the waiter for the drinks and food to takeaway.
"It's been nice meeting you, Mr- I mean Bruce. I would like to catch up sometime," I say then go outside.
I press my necklace and transform into my suit. I ho onto my bike and drive to Nightwing.
I arrived at the tower to see it destroyed inside, clearly by the doing of Terra. I see Dick.
"Dick, what happened?" I asked
"You were right about Terra, we need to save them," he says
"So what's the plan?"
<><><><><><><><>Play song<><><><><><><><><><>
Nightwing and I disguised ourselves as one of the people. We landed on the ground and took off our clothes that flipped my hair nicely
"Hey guys, but you kinda crashed our party so we're crashing yours," I say getting into a fighting stance. Nightwing attacks and I throw a (Batarang that is just a v-shaped) at shooting hole at the gun who was held by a woman that makes the gun explode. But something bigger exploded that caused blood's followers to run. The titans were released
"Is everyone alright?" I ask
"I think so," Blue says but a blast comes to us
We then look at the monster that emerges from the smoke. It had horns and somewhat resembled a part of Beastboy, Raven, Star, Blue and Terra. He threw rocks at us and I manage to dodge it. Starfire lies up and takes a blast but brother blood stops it by using Raven's forcefield. Blue takes ago but he throws him to the ground replicates his blast. He throws a rock at Raven and I Run up to him and dodge his attacks but he grabs me and throws me to the wall hard.
I slowly get up and saw Terra fuming over Slade making rock walls everywhere destroying the architecture of the building.
"You brats, you destroyed my holy temple," blood says Beastboy punches blood as a gorilla and blue beetle sends a blast as well as Star. "You've robbed me of my destiny, you will die,"
Blue sends a blast from his chest making him fall and Beastboy slamming his hands on his back. I shoot an electrical bullet that shocks him while also numbing the body. Gar turns into a ram and runs up to him using his horns.
"Stay away from me," blood blasts one of raven's powers. "You demon filth,"
"They're not demons," Raven said. "Let me show you one,"
Her eyes multiply and her raven shaped magic red instead of purple. Her powers consumed him in some ball and stripped the powers from him. He fell to the floor and rolled. We gather around him making his speech "I planned so long, it was destined can't you see? Please I beseech you. I am blood. I-" but before he could finish a lady shit him and finished his sentence: "saved"
"I won't let them cage you, my love,"
The place started to crumble. "we have to get out of here!" I said.
We followed Starfire out, I looked behind "Gar!" I cried out. He was looking at Terra, I knew this was going to happen. I pulled his arm with him crying out her name. We watched Terra let out her rage, bringing down the building.
"No, Terra!" Gar said but Blue pulled him back
"Dude, we have to go," he said, "The place is going to collapse!"
We ran down the hallway, finally seeing the light.
We walked on top of the rubble, the ruins, the rocks. We then saw Terra, lying there lifeless. Gar looked in shock, he looked there like his hands were numb. He cradled her in her arms, crying. Gar was always full of life, and now his happiness seemed to be stripped away from. I kneeled beside him and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Gar, it's going to be okay," I said, breathing shakingly. I had a tear roll down my cheeks. "I'm sorry," I said.
The thing about me, and why I'm so good to talk to people, is that after you go look in there perspective. You go deeper, you feel what there feeling. Right now I could feel pain, sadness, that the whole world just fell on you.
Gar stayed a little longer with Terra at that location, which I found fine. The rest gave him space while we waited.
"Beloved," I turned around to see Damian
"Yeah," I ask
"That text, that wasn't me. I swear. That was Slade," He rambled putting his hands on my shoulders.
"I know," I put my hand on his cheek. "Slade needs to work on not putting emoji's,"
"So you knew it wasn't me," He said
I just kissed him on the lips wrapping my arms around his neck. "Yeah,"
"I would never break up with you," he said
It had been a week and a half since Terra died. Damian and I were laying on my, bed, with me on his chest. Damian was sleeping with an arm wrapped around me, while I was going to listen to Gar's podcast
"So I'm gonna ask, how do you become a titan then?" Kevin asked "Is there an audition? Do you look at videos? Cause I've been working out, I want in,"
"Well, Kev. What makes a titan is to have a strong sense of family. Not all of us have family, and to support the ones that do. But of course, personality doesn't hurt. But you got to have an ability. Something cool," Gar says
"Something cool? You turn into animals man, that's beyond cool," Kevin complements
"Thanks, but's it's just not about the cool superpowers, snazzy uniforms, daring adventures, it's about helping each other grow. Be better people," Gar says
"I just gotta ask, there's a new girl right?" Kevin asked
"All I can say is that she's a wonderful addition to the team," Gar says referring to Donna who just joined a few days ago.
"Come on Gar,"
"Starfire would kill me," Gar teases
"no way man she was brushing her hair," Kevin says
"My lips are sealed," I then here seal sounds
"Ladies and gentlemen, he just turned into a seal right here" Kevin laughs "But no like really Gar, is she going to replace Terra,"
uh oh
"Too soon?"
You think?
"I would like to say something about her. There are a lot of people who had it rough, they don't ask for it's who they can. Many of them can't rise above the hurt, it's just too hard, but in the end, when their ships are down. And she finally showed her real self. Terra Markov was like a diamond. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen,"
I turn off the podcast and put the AirPods on the table beside. I then hear a little whimper under the bed, I've been busted. Damian wakes up, "Beloved did you hear that?"
"Uh, no," I look away.
"Beloved what are you hiding?" he raises a brow
"Fine, I might as well show you," I swing my legs and such under the bed to grab a small black Dane.
"I found him, on the street abanded my his mother, I took him in. Look at the face," I showed Damian, he smiled a little and rubbed his head.
"He's cute. You have a cute dog,"
"We, have a good dog," I say.
"What do you mean?" Damian asks
"I want it to be ours. He reminds me of you, he wasn't very fond to other people that walked by and tried to adopt him. And he has the same hair colour as you," I smile "Here hold him,"
I passed the puppy to him, who just sniffed Damian's face and soon licked it that made Damian's nose scrunch up.
"What's his name?" he asks
"Haven't given him one," I said, lying down on my side
"How about Titus, Shakespeare," Damian smiled
"I like that," I gave Damian a kiss on the cheek. He put the dog down in between us aw we lied down.
"I love you beloved," Damian says
"Love you too," I say and Titus gave a small bark. "Aww, and you too I kiss the top of Titus's head.
The end is just the beginning.....
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