{ April 14, 2019 }
"I scared her, didn't I?" Peter said as soon as he put Rosemary back to sleep. He picked up the dirty dishes and put them in the sink as he helped Aunt May clean the kitchen.
"Well you wouldn't have if you told her first instead of just bringing Rosemary out. Peter, what did you think was gonna happen? She was going to be all smiley and understand you without an explanation?"
Peter sighed. "I did go in too quick, didn't I? I was just nervous, I couldn't contain myself anymore...I needed to tell her before I could explode."
"You need to go apologize, Peter. She's probably thinking that you did cheat on her. Her first day back home and you do this to her? You need to call her." Aunt May said, rubbing his shoulders.
"You don't think I've tried? I've called her but it went straight to voicemail and she won't even read my texts..."
Peter tossed the phone on the counter as he layed back on the couch.
Aunt May frowned. "You know what? I'll be back. If she won't listen to you, she'll have to listen to me."
Aunt May walked up the steps leading to MJ's home. She adjusted her bag while she softly knocked. Nobody answered, so she knocked it again, harder this time.
The door finally opened, revealing MJ's mother. "May? Wow, it's been so long." She chuckled as she went in for a hug.
"Laura, hey." She smiled, hugging back.
"It's such a surprise that you're here. Are you doing okay? How's Peter? Michelle told me that Peter has a baby? Or rather, screamed."
"It's a long story. I actually came to see her, is she home?" Aunt May said, pointing to the house.
"Yeah, she's home...come in." Laura lead her inside while she yelled for MJ to come down. "I'm not coming down, Mom!"
"It's just May, Michelle!" Laura yelled back. After a few attempts, MJ finally came down. "Aunt May, what are you doing here?"
"I came to tell you about Peter and the baby-"
"I'm sorry. I don't want to hear it." MJ said, leaning against the wall.
"No, but you need to. It's not what you think. Peter-"
"Peter cheated on me while I was in Mexico and impregnated a girl. Aunt May, I know this."
Aunt May shook her head. "You got this all wrong, Michelle. A few days ago, he saved her. Saved her from a burning car that was hanging from the bridge. He wasn't able to save the mother but he did save her daughter. He made a promise to her that he would keep her safe and raise her as his own. Believe me, I was just as shocked as you when he told me..."
"Are you telling me the truth?" MJ said.
"Would I be here if I wasn't?" Aunt May said, raising an eyebrow. "Michelle, he was there for you when you lost your father...be there for him now."
MJ looked down. "God, I'm such an idiot. Peter wouldn't do this to me, I knew he wouldn't. For someone who daily questions me if I still like him or not...Peter wouldn't do that." She chuckled.
"I kn-" Aunt May's phone suddenly started ringing and she quickly fumbled in her bag for it. It was Peter.
"Peter, can you calm down please? You freaking out is just going to make Rosemary even worse. Calm down, I'll be home soon. I said, I'm coming home." Aunt May ended the call, smiling. "That was Peter, he's having trouble with the baby. I better get home before he has a nervous breakdown."
"I'll come with you." MJ said.
They came in the door hearing cries coming from the bathroom along with the water running. Aunt May quickly put her bag down and ran to the bathroom. "Peter?!"
Peter desperately looked up at her while holding Rosemary as she was wet and crying while kicking her feet.
"Aw Rosemary, what did Peter do to you?" Aunt May said, watching her step as she walked over the floor that was wet.
"I didn't do anything. I don't know what happened, she was just laying there on my bed while I was doing my homework and then I saw what she did and I freaked out, so I called you but you took forever, so I decided to get her in the bath but she was still crying-"
"Peter, you should've taken the diaper off of her first before you put her in here. That's what is bugging her."
Peter frowned. "Bugging her? All of her poop is on my bed, you don't think that bugged me?"
Aunt May shook her head, turning her attention back to Rosemary. Peter sighed, looking down at himself. He took off his shirt and headed out the door, finding MJ in the hallway.
"Hi, Peter." She smiled.
"What are you-"
"Aunt May came to my house and told me what really happened. I'm sorry I didn't let you speak and have you tell me. I'm also sorry I didn't answer your calls or texts."
Peter nodded. "It's alright. Trust me, I would've reacted the same way. I should've told you as soon I could."
MJ nodded. "It's fine." She smiled, leaning in for a hug while Peter hugged her back, kissing the top of her head.
"Do you want to meet her?" Aunt May whispered. Rosemary was now wrapped up in a towel, her head on Aunt May's shoulder.
"Oh-" MJ pulled away, smiling. Peter gently moved the blanket from her so MJ could get a better look at her face. "She's so beautiful."
"Rosemary, meet MJ. MJ, meet Rosemary." Peter smiled.
author's note:
i can't stop replaying the song of the avengers singing 'we didn't start the fire' lol. anyways i'm seeing endgame tomorrow. i'm not ready 🙃
thanks for reading ! please don't forget to vote + comment ♡
btw, do you guys like the story cover? 👀 i'm really proud of it
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