Rosemary put the earbuds in her ears as she put her music on shuffle as she walked out of Sienna's house.
It was raining and when Megan offered she'd drive her home, she kindly declined. She enjoyed walking and had also thought of getting some coffee for her and MJ.
She heard her ringtone ringing through her ears as she quickly answered it, noticing that it was MJ who was calling.
"Hey, Mom."
"Rose? Where are you?"
"I'm walking back home now, why?"
"Well-Wait, you're walking home? It's raining."
"I know but I'm almost home. It's no big deal, honestly. What's up?"
"I just wanted to know where you were...you know, because I'm worried. You said you would help me make dinner tonight and now guess who's making it all by herself?"
"I'm sorry but Sienna wanted me to come over right away. I have to go because my phone is going to die! Bye I love you!"
"How do you not charge your phone? Whatever, bye. Love you."
Rosemary ended the phone call as she decided to not listen to music anymore. She shoved her hands into her jacket pockets as she decided to quicken her pace.
"Hola chiquita.." Rosemary spun around to find a man smiling at her. She frowned as she pursed her lips, ignoring him as she turned around but was bumped into another big guy. "Where do you think you're going?"
Rosemary felt her heart beating fast as she looked down. "I'll give you anything you want, just leave me alone. Please."
The one behind her chuckled as the guy in front of her smirked. "Oh, we don't want your money..we want you."
Rosemary widened her eyes as she thought quickly. She decided to stick her fingers into his eyes as he screamed in pain. She knew the other guy was distracted as she made a run for it.
She clung to her bag as she quickly made a turn but it had turned out to be a dead end. Her breathing quickened as she tried to figure out what to do.
She turned around to see the guys again behind her, smirking. She stood there, her back pressed against the wall as tears streamed down her face.
"You have nowhere to go, princesa." The one that had called her the first time said, slowly walking over to her.
Rosemary pulled out the pocket knife Natasha had given her for emergencies and pointed it towards him. "I swear I'm not afraid to kill you."
"You don't need to do that." Rosemary frowned, seeing that Spider-Man had suddenly landed in front of her. "Really dude? Messing with a young girl? Your wife must be really ashamed, don't you think?"
"Hombre Araña!" The man yelled, running towards him. Spider-Man flicks his wrist foward, webbing the guys face as he stumbled back in surprise. He grabbed the guy's neck, pushing him against the wall as the guy tried to pry his hands off him which Spider-Man webbed down so he wouldn't move.
"Look at me," Peter whispered, facing him. "If I ever see you and your friend near her again, I'll kill you. I swear to God, I'll kill you. Do you understand?"
The man mumbled while nodding his head. Spider-Man let him go, backing away. "You and your friend have a good time trying to get out of this but I honestly think the cops will find you both before you do."
Spider-Man turned back to see Rosemary full on sobbing as he walked towards her. "Are you okay? Hey, shh...you're safe now."
Rosemary nodded before he pulled her in a tight hug. "Let's get you out of here."
She let out a squeak as she felt Spider-Man wrap his arm around her waist as she felt herself lift up from the ground. She held onto him tightly with her eyes squeezed shut as he swung from building to building until she suddenly felt herself land on something hard.
She was still clung onto him like a koala as she opened her eyes to see that she was now in her driveway.
"You okay?" Peter said again as she suddenly got off of him.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you. I-um...really thank you." Rosemary looked down.
"They didn't hurt you, did they?"
Rosemary shook her head. "No, but I think I did hurt one of them."
He chuckled. "That doesn't really matter to me. The only thing that does is that they didn't lay a finger on you."
"I'm great. There's not even a scratch on me."
Spider-Man nodded. "Good. Where did you get that knife from anyway?"
Rosemary didn't know that she still had it in her hand. "Oh, I got it from Natasha. You're great friends with her, aren't you? I met her when I was really young."
"Yeah, I am really good friends with her."
"You know I actually met the rest of the Avengers. Uh, my Dad is actually friends with them due to his internship that landed him a job with Mr. Stark. I'm pretty sure you know who I'm talking about obviously. Even though meeting them was super cool...I actually was dying to meet you."
"Oh, really?" Spider-Man said.
Rosemary blushed, nodding her head. "Yeah, but I never got the chance to...but now that you're in front of me, I just wanted to tell you that I'm such a huge fan."
"That means alot, thank you."
"You knew I was in danger because of your Spider Sense, right? I know that because I actually have done my research on you, I don't want to sound like a stalker or whatever-"
Spider-Man rose his hand, chuckling. "No, no, don't worry. It actually did have to do with my Spider Sense. It helps me alot when I know someone is in danger, just like you."
"And your super strength and watching you take the guy down, that was amazing." Rosemary smiled. "I'm so glad you showed up when you did."
"Yeah, me too. You should head inside, your mother is probably worried about you." Spider-Man said, raising his hand for a high five.
Rosemary ignored that and went in for a hug instead. "Thank you Spider-Man, really. New York is sure lucky to have you around to keep them safe."
Spider-Man rubbed her back as she pulled away, smiling up at him.
"Stay safe out there, alright? It was nice talking to you Rosemary."
Rosemary frowned. "How did you know my n-" He swung up before he could give her an answer. She watched him swing from building to building until he was gone from her sight.
Rosemary smiled, walking up to her front door. She opened it, smelling MJ's homemade spaghetti. MJ looked up from Nathan's homework to see Rosemary standing there.
"Rosemary!" MJ yelled, running over to her. "Where have you been? You told me that you were close to home-"
"Spider-Man saved my life."
MJ frowned. "What?"
"There was these two guys that wanted to..." Rosemary looked down. "You know...but Spider-Man came just in time to save my life. Mom, you should've seen him. He webbed both of them against the wall and threatened them and he swung me all the way over here-"
"I'm home!" Peter yelled out, closing the door behind him. He smiled at Rosemary and MJ. "What are we talking about?"
"Rose said that Spider-Man saved her life." MJ said.
Peter raised his eyebrows, shocked. "What? What happened? Where were you?" He looked over to Rosemary. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I am...thanks to him. There was these guys who kept bugging me on my way home from Sienna's."
Peter frowned. "What did your Mom and I tell you about walking by yourself? Especially at a time like this?"
Rosemary sighed. "Well, I didn't know any of this was going to happen. I always walk home from her place anyways-"
"We gave you a phone for a reason, not for you to just to be on social media all day and do those videos you post on Youtube-"
"Can we not argue?" MJ interrupted. "Peter, she had no idea this was going to happen, okay? Her phone was dying anyways so I don't think her call would've went through."
Peter nodded. "You're right. Rosemary, I'm sorry. The good thing is that he brought you home safe." He pulled her in for a hug and held her tight.
"Thanks." She smiled, pulling away. "By the way, they're called vlogs."
"Whatever! Get into some warm clothes so we can eat, I'm starving."
Rosemary nodded, walking past the living room and headed upstairs to see Nathan come out of his bedroom.
"Hey, squirt."
"You know, I'm really glad you're safe." He said, smiling up at her.
"You heard all of that?" Rosemary frowned.
"I do have good hearing." He nodded. "Listen, I know we fight almost everyday...I don't know what I would do if you ever got hurt...or killed. You're my sister and I just want you to be safe, you know?"
Rosemary pouted. "Wow, I've never seen this soft side of you Nate. You must really love me, don't you?"
"I don't, it's just you're my sister and all-" He shook his head.
"Yes you do, give me a hug." Rosemary said, opening her arms for him to go into.
"You look like the girl from The Ring. No thanks." He backed away. "The girl that comes out of the well? Yeah, her."
"Shut up!" Rosemary said, pinching his arm. "You're not even allowed to watch scary movies, who let you watch it?"
Nathan pushed her hand away. "Do you remember that one time Uncle Ned came to babysit me? Well, he fell asleep and he was on top of the remote so I couldn't change it and I didn't want to wake him so that movie came on and I couldn't stop watching-"
"No way! Do Mom and Dad know?"
Nathan shook his head. "No. Please, please don't tell them or else they'll take away my xbox."
"Don't worry, I won't tell them...yet." Rosemary was close to walking downstairs before she felt something wrap around her leg.
"No, Rose, please!"
"You're really strong for a ten year old, you know that? What is your school feeding you?" She pulled away. "I was joking Nate, I wasn't going to tell them. Let me go."
Nathan let go, getting up from the ground. "Thanks."
"Do you know how proud I am of you?" MJ said as they both layed in bed. "You saved our daughter's from those guys...I don't even want to imagine how she would end up like if you hadn't showed up at the right moment."
Peter shook his head, wanting to get the image of Rosemary standing there with fear in her eyes. "I promised her mother years ago that I would protect her from any danger and that's what I have done and what I will continue to keep doing for as long as I live."
MJ smiled. "We will continue to protect her...her and Nathan. I may not have any powers but I would do anything to protect her too."
Peter looked down at her. "How about you just let me do the saving, alright? I can't risk having you or our kids get hurt."
"Whatever, Peter. I'm just saying. You're not the only one who wants to protect her from this cruel world."
Peter sighed, closing his eyes. "Let's just go to sleep, alright?"
"Goodnight." MJ mumbled.
author's note:
i really hoped you guys enjoyed this story, thanks so much for reading! please don't forget to vote and comment! i love you guys ♡
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