2 days later.
"Get the fuck out my face Kyzeir." Jayda mushed his head away from her, the two of them currently sitting on her closet floor.
"Girl I will bark at you." He pretended to bite her jaw, and she groaned in frustration, making him laugh.
"You want me to leave you alone ma?" He kissed her jaw, looking at her as she nodded.
"That's too damn bad." He mocked the tiktok in her ear, and she pushed his face away from her as he laughed.
"You so annoying and childish." She smiled, throwing one of her purses at him as he continued laughing.
"She mad now y'all." He chuckled, looking down at his phone that he was live on.
"Turn that stupid shit off. I'm tryna clean up and you in here bothering me." Jayda threw another purse at him and he ducked, making her laugh, rolling her eyes.
"You rearrange this stupid ass closet everyday." He laid his head in her lap, reading comments as she scrolled on her phone.
"I bet y'all bitch pussy be stank as hell. I could put my face all in Jayda's anytime, and she smell good as fuck." Von said, his voice muffled since his face was between her legs, and Jayda laughed.
He pushed her to lay back, spreading her legs, shifting his position.
"I'm finna teach y'all how to eat pussy." Von put his phone on Jayda's stomach, and she laughed, looking up at her phone.
"First you gotta get that shit w-y'all bitches be spit starts, Jayda a super soaker. Ain't that right baby?" He looked up at her, flipping the camera as she nodded, smirking.
"Nah so first step, you gotta rub this shit right here. Under it, that drive ma crazy, swear to god." Von leaned down, sucking her clit through the boxers she wore, and she let out a loud moan before her eyes widened.
"Kyzeir! Turn that shit off oh my fucking god." She whined, scooting back as he busted out laughing.
"Folks wilding on this bitch, say, pretend y'all didn't hear that." He laughed as she folded her arms, a frown on her face.
"Bae I ain't know you was finna do all that on King David I didn't." He smiled, climbing on top of her as she rolled her eyes, still laying on the ground.
"Nigga what you wanted me to do after sucking my clit on fucking live you asshole." She popped his neck, and he laughed, looking at the comments, his hand resting above her shoulder.
"Be quiet." He whispered lowly in her ear, and she frowned, before grabbing his waist once he pressed his hard shaft against her, and he laughed.
"Kyzeir turn it off, I'm serious, end it." She reached for his phone, and he held it out of her reach as he sat up between her legs.
He sat his phone against one of her purses to show them, a smirk on his face. Von grabbed her waist before rocking his hips into hers at a quick pace, and she laughed, quickly pushing him back.
"Von stop being a fucking weirdo." She sat up to reach for his phone and he grabbed it before she could, laughing.
"Aight I quit I quit." He laughed, watching her stand up.
"Baby where you going? Look Ima turn it off." He laughed, grabbing around her legs before she could walk off.
"That shit not funny Von. You ugly and you can't even fuck foreal I don't know why you showing out. Asshole." She bucked at him, and his jaw dropped as he looked up at her.
"On god I can't fuck? Put that on yo sister life I don't fuck you real good." He looked up at her, and she laughed.
"Y'all I swear on King David I be having her ass screaming. She be wet as fuck and she be like 'daddy'." He mocked her moans, and her jaw dropped.
"Grandson!" She frowned, reaching for his phone, and he laughed.
"Yeah lil baldheaded ass girl, tell the truth shame the devil. She be crying and everything. Like crying real fucking tears." He looked at the camera, and she rolled her eyes, laying next to him.
"Stop telling them my business, you're not funny." She said as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her to rest under him and tangling his legs with hers, making her smile.
"I don't fuck you good baby?" He looked down at her, and her face flushed red, making her cover it as he laughed.
"Stoppppp oh my god, at least start an onlyfans, we can get paid for this. You got 60,000 viewers." She frowned, and he smirked.
"Nah cause if I start one foreal I'm dropping our sex tape. We going viral. My baby the biggest sl-." Von started, and she covered his mouth as he laughed.
"Shut the fuck up stupid. Gimme this." She snatched his phone from him, reading comments.
"He telling y'all what all I be doing, he be moaning my name, his legs be shaking and shit. He be like 'Jayda fuckkk.'." She mocked him, and his jaw dropped.
"Aw hell nah gimme my shit you dead wrong." He reached for his phone, and she held it away from him, laughing.
"Nah y'all cause he be making me ride his dick cause he can't fuck. So." She snaked her neck, and he dramatically gasped.
"No baldheaded ass girl I make you ride dick because you be squirting on my shit and I like super soaker roller coasters." He smirked, and she busted out laughing, making him laugh as he wrapped his arm back around her.
"Y'all we be inna bed going hard. Bing bong." Von smiled in the camera as Jayda laughed.
"They laughing at us and shit, he dead serious. On god if we drop a sex tape we hitting a billion views in less than 24 hours." She said, and he grinned, rubbing her ass.
"Who the fuck is this saying they want a piece of you?" Von frowned, grabbing the phone, and Jayda laughed.
"I'll give you a piece of my gun in yo throat bitch ass nigga. Say folks accept the request, get on here." Von mugged the camera as he read comments.
"He probably like 15. Chill your evil ass out." She laughed, wrapping her arm around his neck.
"I don't give no fucks." Von mumbled, and she smiled.
"Turn it off." She sucked his neck as her hand gripped his dick, and he groaned, ending the live and dropping his phone.
"Come on ma you got my dick hard." He reached to take her shorts off, and she laughed, grabbing his hands.
"Nah I did that so your lame ass could end that shit." She swatted his hands away, and he frowned.
"Yo baldheaded ass so weird, so lame and so bald. Like what the fuck." He mushed her head, and she busted out laughing, making him smile.
"I'm not even bald headed I don't know where you got that from." She waved him off, standing up.
"Yes you is. I wasn't gone say nothing but them wigs been snatching yo edges out." He said as he stood up, and her jaw dropped.
"Oh my god are you serious?" She frowned, and he nodded, shrugging.
"I fucking hate yo loose dread ass. Dreads hanging on by a string and got the nerve to call me baldheaded." She grabbed her phone off the floor about to walk off and he laughed, wrapping his arms around her.
"I know you did not." He laughed, his arms around her neck as she rolled her eyes.
"My edges leaving foreal?" She frowned, covering her lace front, and he laughed.
"Nah I'm fucking wit' you ma." He chuckled, reaching down to grab her ass.
"Stop lying, you dead serious. I'm finna stop wearing wig and just do leave outs." She mumbled, flattening her leave out.
"I was just playing. I like yo wigs." He smiled, and she waved him off, looking down at her phone as he stared at her.
"What Kyzeir?" She mumbled, and he leaned his head down to rest in her neck.
"When we posed' to see if you got my baby?" He rubbed her sides, and she chuckled.
"I was kidding about that." She said, and he smacked his lips, standing back upright.
"You took a plan b?" He asked, and she nodded. He grabbed her face, tilting it up to look at him.
"What was the point of asking me to get you pregnant if you was gone take a plan b anyway?" He frowned, and she shrugged, looking back down at her phone.
"Jayda I'm talking to you baby look at me." He took her phone from her, and she looked back up at him.
"I think I was just being a tad bit dramatic. I just have baby fever really bad but I don't know if I want that responsibility yet." She rubbed his waist after meeting his eyes.
"I feel like that shit was unnecessary Jayda. You really had me thinking you wanted a kid, then you wasn't even gone tell me if I wouldn't have asked huh?" He tilted his head, and she looked down, making him chuckle.
"Von I didn't think you took that serious, wait." She grabbed his waist once he tried pushing past her.
"The conversation was so brief baby I feel like before we have one we need to actually talk about it. I'm sorry, I should told you I took the pill but I really didn't think you had took that conversation serious." She held his face, and he rolled his eyes before hugging around her waist, leaning down to rest his face in her neck.
"Yeah I thought you was deadass." He mumbled, and she hugged around his neck.
"I'm sorry baby. We can talk about it foreal and go from there okay? I do want one I just wanna make sure this what 'we' want." She emphasized 'we', and he rose an eyebrow.
"What that mean?" He stood upright, his arms still around her waist.
"Like if I get pregnant with your kid that's a huge step Von, and a bit fast. We've only been together for two months. I wouldn't want to scand-." She started, and he cut her off.
"Jayda that shit was a mistake, I said I wasn't fucking up again." He said, and she sighed.
"I know but you could 'say' anything, it's about sh-." She started, and he cut her off again.
"So I haven't been showing you?" He frowned, stepping back, and she internally groaned in frustration.
"Baby you finna make this something that it's not, I didn't mean it like that and you know I didn't so stop putting words in my mouth." She said, looking up at him, the two of them now a few inches apart.
"You literally just said I wasn't showing you, that I just be talking." He tilted his head.
"No, I said that you could say anything and it's about showing. I never said you wasn't I was speaking in terms o-you know what, never mind. Forget it. Forget I even brought anything up." She pulled her covers back, getting under them, and he turned to face her.
"I'm sorry baby." He mumbled, laying next to her, sitting up since she faced the wall.
"Why do you always do that? Make shit out of nothing. I hate arguing with you about nothing Von." She said as she looked ahead, feeling him rubbing her hip.
"I don't be understanding the way you word shit Jayda, that's all. We don't interpret shit the same." He told her, and she leaned back, looking at him.
He leaned down, softly kissing her lips, and she held his face.
"I'm sorry baby." He pecked her lips, and she smiled.
"I'm sorry too. We're fine." She said as he kissed her cheek.
"You wanna fuck?" He asked, and she smirked.
"Yes please."
After this book it's gone be awhile before I write another one because I want the next to be diff like frfrfr this time lmao. Anyways I think Ima end this at like 30 chapters cause I ain't liking this writers block shit 😭😭😭
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