"and a hero makes its appearance" shidou whistled out staring at the buff ginger
shidou jumped back up and twisted his body in an inhuman manner before going to strike kunigami with his leg once more
"kunigami!" another familiar voice shouted to the ginger
this time you were able to make it in time to stop the males' attack
grabbing shidou's leg and slamming him onto the flooring of the room before making sure to restrain his hands
"THE HELL DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND ABOUT NOT PICKING FIGHTS YOU INSECT!" you shout to the male. this was your last straw, it was either he listened or you were going to enforce it into his head violently
"Y'A DAMN DAMN WOMAN, LET GO OF ME!" he shouted before completely changing his tone "we were just having a civilized conversation"
you deadpanned at the males' idiotic attempt to fool you. did he think you were so gullible you could fall for such an obvious lie
"as if" you scowled at the male "I'm not about to lose this selection cause your dumbass couldn't keep your hands to yourself"
"you're doing too much" he rolled his eyes at you
"Y/N?!" came 2 familiar voices as you turned to face the earlier ginger male and another male with purple hair
"oh, reo, rensuke" you looked at the males as they deadpanned at your reaction
"what, you're not even the least excited about seeing us?" the duo sweatdropped at your expressionless face
"We saw each other barely 2 days ago"
"BUT STILL!" the pair comically shout at the same time
kunigami then turned to shidou who was still struggling under your hold "anyways, who's this psycho"
you looked down at shidou who seemed to be trying to bite your hand that was restraining him
"oh this guy" you responded as you kicked him away with your foot "he's unfortunately my teammate"
"so this is the guy you picked over me" reo mocked, reminding you that he said you were going to end up regretting not going with him
not letting into his teasing you responded with "this guy may be a dick but he's interesting on the field, I don't regret anything"
sure your words sounded sweet and the fact that you were complimenting him made it seem as if you guys got along, but reo and kunigami didn't buy it
just your facial expression demonstrated how you completely regretted the words that had come from your mouth
you were trying to hold your gags back while also attempting to hold your expressions back
reo and kunigami sweatdropped at the scenery
"anyways, since you didn't want to join me willingly, I'll just steal you then" a wide grin made its way onto reo's face
"so you're suggesting that we.." "how about it then? let's play" shidou rudely interrupted and got out of your hold when you were distracted
"yeah let's do it" kunigami cracked his knuckles but then looked down and the shorter blonde
"I hate violence" he spoke to the male "I like a fair game and everything about you screams dirty tricks"
"what was it already..." shidou pondered before responding "oh yeah, that sportsmanship or whatever you call that outdated kumbaya-loving bullshit"
"the very meaning of life" he bent over a bit putting his hands in his pockets "an explosion of life"
"come at me hero" shidou smirked up at the male "no one is as fair or as in love with football as me"
"alright I guess, let's do it then" you sigh as you stretched your arms up and cracked your back
the walk back to your room as per usual, shidou talking to himself
"hey Y/N! let's go practice together" after last time? pass
"I'm hungry Y/N, let's go to the caf and get something!" go by yourself
"We should go bath together!" hell no
in these past 2 days of knowing Shidou Ryusei, you had gotten used to his extroverted and violent personality
yet he still managed to empty all existing energy in your body
all you wanted to do as of right now, was lay in your bed and pass out
back home, you were never this lazy or tired
you were always active and training to get better
this is proof that blue lock and its inhabitant have really taken a toll on you and completely drained you dry, shidou having taken more than 50%
when you got to the room, you did as told and slept till the following day
having slept early, you woke up before shidou which was good in your case so he wouldn't pull his yesterday stunt again
you did your usual routine
- wake up
- eat
- shower
- brush your teeth
- chill
you know, just the basic stuff
you weren't going to practice for today's match since you wanted to relax your muscles
surprisingly, you hadn't seen the male since you had left the room this morning (not that you were complaining)
'maybe a little stretching wouldn't be bad before the match' you thought as you went to your room to change into your usual training outfit before heading to the training studio
arriving at the place, you were shocked at what you were met with
shidou in the most inhuman position you had ever seen
he was on the floor with his hands on the mat and his legs at the back going on upwards
'it should be illegal to be able to bend your body that way' you looked at the scene in horror
the male opened his eyes as they landed on your frozen figure at the door
"hey Y/N, where've you been!" the male shouted to you gleefully before coming out of his position
his voice brought you out of your train of thought before you noticed the male in front of you
was shirtless.
you would think that you would've gotten used to seeing men like this after almost a month of living with them
think again
you grew embarrassed and looked down so the male wouldn't see your face
no. you weren't going to give him the impression that he had gotten you all shy like this
but as dumb as he may seem, he caught on.
and he wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste
"hey Y/N" the male got up and walked over to your STILL frozen form
did you look up? no
you weren't going to give him the reaction he wanted
you attempted to walk past the male but he quickly grabbed you by the arm and pulled you toward him
"not even a good morning hug" he acted hurt despite the obvious smug look on his face before bringing you into a tight embrace "we haven't seen each other all day"
that was your last straw
the feeling of his bare chest squished on your face was unbearable
you felt like you were going to explode in embarrassment, until...
your nose twitched and a horrible odour made its way in
"ew you stink!" you pushed the male away while holding your nose, hoping to block out the horrendous smell "did you shower or put deodorant today"
"jeez, way to ruin the mood" shidou backs up before unconsciously smelling his armpits "I don't smell anything..."
you sigh and walked away from the male to get yourself a mat
placing your belongings on the floor next to your mat, you motioned to remove the hoodie you were wearing
you were wearing black leggings with a black loose shirt
a whistle came from your left and you turned to face the blonde male staring at you
"damn, our usual uniform did not do your muscles justice" he laughed to himself "now that I get a good look at you, you're completely buffed out"
"If it weren't for your face, I might've confused you for a man"
now how were you supposed to respond to this
at first, you were going to thank the male for the... compliment? but he just had to end it with some out-of-pocket comment
if you couldn't figure out an answer, you'd simply pretend you hadn't heard anything
you spent about 30 minutes in the training studio before it was finally time to prepare for the match
of course, you and shidou hadn't prepared anything or strategized for the game since the latter wasn't the type of person to follow directions given to him
when the two of you got to the field, you saw kunigami and reo already on their side stretching themselves with determination written all over their eyes
I mean it was pretty obvious why they were determined to win this since the loser team would have someone kicked out and have their entire soccer carer crushed
for the kick-off, team red was the one to start with the ball with kunigami passing it to reo
reo caught the ball in between his feet and barely a second in, shidou had already presented himself in front of the male
"kunigami! I'm sending it back your way!" shout reo before he sent the ball straight into kunigami's hold
you had placed yourself before the male as he slowly looked up at you "get ready Y/N"
it was a pretty unfair match-up since the male was taller and more built than you
he dashed straight for your figure and initiated body contact to push you away
but even with a great physic, his sloppy dribbling gives you many ways to steal the ball away
from the corner of your eye, you see shidou sneaking up on the two of you
the two of you make eye contact before you motion for the male to stay in place
just as fast as he began pushing onto you, you pushed the male back, putting your hand to his chest and kicking the ball from in between his feet to shidou
"I'll admit it, when it comes to who's stronger, you're clearly the one in favour. but with that obvious footwork of yours, you were bound to lose the ball" you clarified what had happened to the male
shidou picked up the ball as reo came toward him in an attempt to block his way
you dashed past the pair and as soon as you had made it past the male, the ball came into your hold 'now that we're not behaving like our last match, our teamwork is actually pretty good'
reo, being the closest one to you from the team, caught up to you from behind and grabbed onto your shoulder
without a second thought, you passed the ball back to shidou who had kunigami behind him
they were having some sort of conversation which left kunigami's mouth hanging open
you dashed toward the duo while shidou aimed for a shot and kunigami resolved to hold him back by the chest
just as his foot was about to make contact with the ball, he made it slip on top of the ball and passed it to you with the heal of his foot
when the ball was secured in between your feet, shidou dashed away, kunigami following in trail
reo made his way to your right side as if to reassure himself that if he forced you to shoot with your non-dominant foot, it wouldn't make it in
too bad for him since his theory wasn't going to be answered now
from the corner of your eye, shidou was practically staring into your soul in a menacing way
it was as if he was threatening you
not that you were scared of him but you went along with whatever he was planning
with your left foot, you kicked the ball toward shidou, but reo's leg seemed to react to the situation as he brought it up, making the ball bounce off his leg and head toward the spiky-haired duo "alright, it rebounded!"
shidou turned toward the ball, his back facing the net
"I'm clearly not needed now anymore"
"the hell is he doing, a shot from that position is impossible" reo's confused voice came to your ears
there was no need for you to interfere
after all, the penalty area was shidou's domination zone
he jumped up to reach the ball and in a backflip manner, he slammed the ball in from on top of kunigami's head
1-0 for team white
"what the hell..." reo's mouth and eyes hung wide "how can someone like him even exist?"
when shidou reached the ground, he smirked up at kunigami "c'mon hero, let me explode some more"
"that's about enough harassing" you walked up to the male and dragged him from his crouching position
"that shot was amazing wasn't it Y/N!" the male cheered while holding his own flushed cheeks
you looked at the male in exasperation 'is he horny?'
were you really looking for an answer to that? no.
starting off the game once more, you could tell by kunigami's facial expression that the 'reality check' shidou had given him hit pretty hard
he seemed more out of it like he was daydreaming mid-match
reo came charging forward with the ball in his hold while you kept your distance in case the male tried anything
kunigami was a bit further back with shidou a few steps away from him, but that wasn't something you worried about since shidou was more than capable of dealing with the orange muscle head
his route slowly began taking a turn to your right so you decided to move along with it
seeing that you had come into his 'trap', reo sent the ball with a more precise shot towards kunigami
the male stood in place waiting for the ball to reach him but it never did
shidou slid down taking the ball into your team's control with an unimpressed look on his face
"Football is all about movement, if you stand there and wait for the ball to reach you, someone might just steal it" he stated the fact before making a pass over to you
you backed up a bit so the ball could land on your chest then back at your feet
sprinting away from the rest, you headed toward the goal
reo ran after your figure and was still a bit further back
of course with the ball in hold, your speed was limited to you could keep control of it
eventually, reo got to your left side and began pressuring you into the corner
"kunigami! come on, let's cage her in the corner!" he shout to his teammate who came dashing to assist his teammate
shidou instead of coming to help you distanced himself and waited by the goal with a bored expression
'love the faith you have in me but can you at least act as if you care' you sweatdropped at the male who patiently waited while you were being cornered
reo pushed onto you as you were reaching the corner
he aimed to push you out with the ball so they could gain possession back
kunigami then came behind reo as if waiting in case you somehow got past reo
you looked for an opening to somehow get yourself out of this situation then your eyes made contact with the legs
they were spread
As and matter of fact they were lined up
you kicked the ball in between both of their legs and rushed past the duo
the second of shock that passed by the two was enough for you to pass the ball to shidou and for him to score a goal
2-0 for white
"nice one, (n/n)" shidou whistled, bringing both his hands up for a high five but you simply walked past the male
he followed behind, unbothered with you ignoring his gesture "(n/n)?"
"yeah, got tired of saying your name so why not" he shrugged, hands in pockets
you took a look back at the duo and all you could see in their eyes was misery
they had been beaten on a two-on-one with no effort put in, of course, they were feeling this way
"we can still make it, it's only 2" reo tried to raise the mood but it came in vain as kunigami was still doubtful since the harsh truth that shidou had given him
The next round began once more with reo taking the ball but this time he wasn't given time to consider his surroundings as you came dashing toward him
"you ain't got time to think ya know, just play" your calm voice entered his ears as his eyes went wide
you had taken the ball from in between his feet
"you guys give me no excitement with the way you play" you spoke to the pair "your all sloppy and slow to react, you're clearly not focused either"
"at your level, I could leave shidou to play against you both alone and he'd still manage to win" you just couldn't seem to get enough to bring these boys down "that's how bad your performance right now is"
truth hurts, but it had to be said
"world's best striker? come back when you figure out how to dribble a ball properly"
were you doing too much? yes.
did you care? not really
matter fact you could say that you were enjoying this
you weren't one to put people down usually but this was just pathetic
and just like that, in less than 5 minutes your team had already scored another point
3-0 for white
if their earlier face was misery, this once right now was despair
"I know the truth may be cruel but you can't keep living an open lie like this" you stared at the duo from where you stood, ball in hand "you've gotta fix up and change your ways cause this isn't gonna get you far"
"we clearly weren't the perfect match for the two of you if you wanted to pass this stage together" you finally sigh "too bad I guess, no backing out n-" "you speak as if you've already won"
"3 points? we can catch up in less than 10 minutes" there was a confident smirk on reo's face
though kunigami's expression clearly spoke otherwise on reo's claims
"so what I'm hearing right now is that you think you can beat us on a two-on-one?" you question the purple-haid
"two-on-one? what do you me-" "look back at your teammate will you"
he turned to come face with kunigami's doubtful expression, he clearly did not have the same beliefs as reo
there was absolutely no way he had let a couple words from a STRANGER, not even someone he know. a stranger, get to him and completely change his whole game energy
"damn shidou did you say some extra stuff while I wasn't listening" you turned back to your teammate who shrugged his shoulders
"wasn't me, he took it to heart himself, that's a him problem not me" he spoke uninterested
then came the stomping of reo towards kunigami, though with the grass, it wasn't audible
"the hell do you think you're doing kunigami!" reo grabbed a hold of kunigami's collar "you're not about to chicken out on me mid-game!"
"what about all your hero talk and becoming the world's best striker mentality, huh!?" he got closer to the ginger and you could see him sputter on his face "was it all just bullshit? you can't be serious!"
you and shidou simply stood afar, side by side, whilst listening to reo bash kunigami
"if you don't get yourself together we'll lose and with the way you're acting for sure they aren-" "players please get back in position so the game may continue" came the female voice of the automatic referee
reo gave kunigami one last glare before heading to the center
this time he didn't wait for the ginger to come to pass him the ball as he took it himself and made a dash for your goal
"so he's really going to try to take us on by himself" shidou smirked "unlike the depressed muscle-head over there, I prefer this one"
shidou ran for the purple male but the male wasn't slowing down at all
either way, when it came to who was physically stronger, reo was overpowered
as soon as he made contact with shidou's torso he was pushed forward and away from your net
"no matter how desperate you are, going against two people clearly better than you was a dumb idea"
the ball was kicked from in between his legs by you as shidou took over and ran away from the regal male and toward his net
you followed behind knowing he wasn't going to pass the ball to you if he had no obstacle
yeah, no obstacle.
kunigami stood, ready to clash with shidou's figure but despite his muscles
the lack of self-confidence was what brought him to lose the physical match
shidou ran at him and as he bumped into the ginger as he toppled down to the floor looking up at the blonde
'i'm starting to feel bad' you couldn't help it, you had known the male for a while so seeing him like this still hurt in some way
he was one of the few in team Z that you were close to
maybe, just maybe, you could give him a chance to approve
you'd just think about it once the match was over
shidou made it to the net and of course, scored a goal
4-0 for team white
"man I can't wait to get this over with, this match ain't fun at all" shidou lazily put both his arms on his shoulder
could you guess how it ended?
yeah, 5-0 with team white as the winner
kunigami stared down at the ground with a heavy expression while reo held his hips and looked up to the bright ceiling, sweat dripping down his chin
he had tried all he could to not let either of you get hold of the ball but it was simply impossible, even with kunigami's help
he didn't mean to insult the ginger but the way he was playing the entire match was just stressful
it bothered him to know the male had more potential than this yet didn't utilize it
"so" you turned to the blonde "who are we taking?"
"ain't it obvious, we're going to little purple bun over there" he pointed towards reo
"you won't even consider rensuke's abilities?" you questioned the male "he was in my team in the first selection and his plays were much better than this"
"Maybe you just messed around a little too much with your harsh words at first"
"Hey, if he can't take small words like that then that's not my problem" the male looked away from you and at the ginger "he's a good and just man, but when it comes to the field, none of that matters to me"
"Listen, I don't care about whatever relationship you had with him before" the male looked back at you with a bored expression "no matter how good he was if this is the version of him I got to meet and play, I don't want it"
you sigh in defeat as for once, the male had made a valid point
"come on, reo" you called out to the male as you and shidou had already turned to walk out of the field
all that was left was kunigami on the floor as the lights shined down on him
'the hell was wrong with him' you thought 'there's no way the usual him would go that with just a few words'
'for sure shidou's words played a part in his downfall here but there's no way that was it'
"hey reo" you called out to the male behind you and shidou
"Who did you guys play before you got sent here" you questioned
"oh it was isagi, nagi and barou" he answered
"barou? with isagi? you sure you saw it right?" their first meeting and first exchange of words wasn't exactly ideal so of course you had your doubts
"yeah, I was also surprised but then he started acting out on his kingly and selfish attitude that had them losing at first" he explained
"That's no surprise, that guy wouldn't admit being beaten even if it meant death" you sweatdropped at the memory of back then when you played him
"Somehow though, isagi managed to break him down and get him to pass the ball over to him" reo spoke with an irritated voice "it wasn't clear at first but nagi and isagi had completely dominated the field"
"especially isagi" his irritation grew the more isagi's name came out of his mouth "he used us like pawns and could somehow foresee our every move before it had even been played out"
"I knew he had a thing for controlling people" you looked back to the front with your hands in your pockets
it was useless to ponder over it, it was over now and there was no turning back
all you needed now was a good rest before you're next match
daily reminder that this book has no actual plot and was simply made for fun so updates take longer than needed 🤗
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