'man, it's been a while since i've held this' you thought while holding your oh so beloved phone in your hand
you turned your screen and stared at the picture of you and your brother when you were younger
"been a while since i've talked to him" you sigh "matter fact i wonder how mom and dad are, mom will definitly kill me for being out for so long"
you had texted your mom last night about having gotten your phone back, but since it was late at night, of course she hadn't answered
you were debating on whether or not you were going to call her now
it was 6 in the morning and you doubt she'd answer, but you were still going to try
before you could press call, someone had called you first
incoming call from, ma.
you sweat dropped while staring at your phone
why was she up so early
normally she wouldn't wake up till noon cause of her night shift
with hesitance, you answered
"hey m-"
"(y/n) (m/n) (l/n) as-tu une idée de combien de fois nous avons essayé de te rejoindre!?" your mom shout through the phone in french "chaque fois que nous t'appelons en espérant que tu avais récupéré ton téléphone, un homme louche sans manières réponder à ta place!"
"you have no idea how worried we had been for you ever since we heard about this blue lock project on the news" she sigh calming down "Genji has been feeling so guilty about encouraging you to go there"
laughing at her words, you smiled. Genji could be so worrisome sometimes, but you always appreciated it
"sorry for the worry, mom" you chuckled nervously "it was kind of sudden and i couldn't text you to say anything"
"either way, how's Genji feeling" you asked and she asked you to wait for a bit
you did as told and waited. from what you were hearing, she was running down something "hey mom careful"
"hey guys! guess who's on the phone" you heard your mom shout through the phone
"huh" two familiar voices resounded in the background
"it's (y/n)!" your mother smiled cheerfully
both men dropped whatever they were holding and seemingly rushed towards your mother from what you could hear
"(y/n)!" they both screamed snatching the phone from your mothers hand
"are you alright!?" Genji
"are they treating you good!?" Dad
"have you made friends!?" Genji
"did you get a boyfriend!?" Dad
"you aren't getting bullied right!?" Genji
"nah, more like she'd be the bully" mom
"What rights do they give themselves to keep our child locked up in that facility of theirs!?" Dad
"i'm so sorry for encouraging you to go there!!" Genji
you sweat dropped as they kept dropping more questions
"Dad. Genji. I'm fine" you said in a soft tone
"well thats a first. never heard you since we've gotten here talk with a soft voice like that. who are you talking to" a tired voice spoke from behind as you turned to be met with kunigami
"(y/n), who is that." your fathers worried voice suddenly turned stern
"oh this is a friend of mine, his name is kunigami"
"good to know you're making friends despite your nasty attitude sometimes" Genji chuckled
"Genji.." you'd give him a glare if he was here
"anyways, we've got to leave. we have a game later to prepare for, i'll talk to you all later, i promise"
"what do you mean? the game isn't until t-""love y'a ma!" you cut kunigami off
"Alright, bye sweetie, we love you" your mothers cheerful voice chummed in
hanging up the phone, you turned to face kunigami fully
"your family seems sweet, where'd you get your nasty attitude from" he chuckled
"oh shut it wannabe hero" you scoffed walking away to get your food
you then proceeded to eat breakfast together
"hey, what language was your mother speaking at first" he spoke up while chewing on his food
"you were there from the beginning" you sweat dropped "it was french. she was born in france and spent most of her life there before moving to japan. so of course, she taught me her first language"
"cool, you're bilingual" he continued speaking with his mouth full "you speak any other languages"
"finish eating before speaking, i don't want to see what's in your mouth" you looked at him with disgust "also yeah technically i do, i understand english pretty well, but i'm not as fluent when it comes to speaking"
you continued to converse before finishing your food and parting way
you headed back to the dormroom while he went to who knows where
when you made it to the dorm, everyone was still asleep and so you decided to take a short nap
"match 9 ended in a draw between team Y and W which puts us in 3rd place" Iemon spoke "top 2 teams moves onto the second selection and the only match left is our final game"
with kuon betrayal, Iemon had now taken his spot as the team's strategist. even if his way of explaining wasn't as good, it was better than nothing
"If we draw, we wont make it past due to our goal disadvantage" he continued "so in general, to survive this selection, we need this win"
"hey, why's kuon listening to this" raichi scowled
"it doesn't matter, no one's going to make a deal with him anyway" you shrugged
"anyway, let's talk about the key players of our final game in team V" Iemon brought the teams attention back to the board as he portaited a picture of Reo, Nagi and Zantetsu "these 3 have scored a total of 18 goals combined in 3 games"
"Tsurugi Zantestu with 5 goals"
"Mikage Reo with 6 goals"
"Nagi Seishiro, their top scorer and the top ranked player in building 5, with 7 goals"
"we have to manage a way to deal with them because unless we do that, there are no chances for us to win"
'maybe he's overestimating them a little too much' you looked to the side 'and why does everyone believe that ranking bullshit that bowl-cut told us about. there's no way i'm going to trust his judgement' (first stage, denial.)
'how did we come to this' you stared at the situation with a distressed expression
"that's a «can we win the next match?» face" pointed isagi
"It's a «my tummy hurts» face!" came in igaguri next
"It's a «i wonder how my granny's doing» face" boredly spoke gagamaru
"..." you looked away embarassement, you couldn't help it. he made it look exactly how you thought
"all of you are wong" bachira smiled forming an X with his arms "the answer is: It's a «what does rain taste like?» face"
"how were we supposed to get that!?" embarassed isagi and igarashi shout
"what are you idiots doing! we have to focus!" Iemon came joined the conversation in rage
"An «i'm seriously pissed off» face" bachira joked
ignoring their commotion, you turned to face kuon's figure who was still crawled up in the corner like rat he was
raichi got up from he futon and walked over to kuon only to crouch down to match his level "hold on, i still haven't forgivent this pest yet"
he then put kuon on a chokehold and shouted "you're gonna spill everything to someone again, aren't you!?"
"everyone! let's take turns punching him" he looked at the group
"i'm in" you got up quickly
"great idea"
"he needs to be punished"
"quit it raichi" isagi grabbed raichi's shoulder "you're going to injure him"
"that's the point" you dead panned at isagi
"we need him if we can play as eleven and beat team V" he shout "remember, igaguri's injured so we're down a player
kuon managed to get out of raichi's hold and backed away "are you stupid!"
"there's no point in even playing anymore!" he shout, he then pointed an accusing finger to your figure and continued "she's the top scorer with 4 goals, you think you'll even be able to score a single goal against team V and surpass her amount to pass"
"i've accepted my fate, there's no way i can beat a monster like when it comes to scoring" he looked down "you'll have to accept it as well"
"your calling us weak! i'll kill you" raichi was going to rush over to him, but isagi held him back
kunigami walked over to kuon and stood in front of the shorter male "but if i score 3 goals, i'll be top scorer with 5 goals. would you play if i proved scoring was possible"
"you really think you can score with only 10 players against team V-""i'll do it"
"go ahead then" kuon crouched down "you can't play soccer by yourself, i know that better than anyone"
he went ahead and spoke a few depressing words about his 'tradgic past' "i don't want to lose because of my teammates anymore"
"i'm going to kill h-"bam
"i was serious when i said i wanted to punch him in the face" you pulled your fist back
"that's it (y/n), hit him some more" raichi cheered with his toothy smile
kunigami then held your shoulder "hey don't, you don't need to solve everything with violence"
"hey but what if the top scorers are tied?" bachira questioned, completely dispersing the previous tension in the room
"i think it's the one with less yellow cards"
"what if they're tied on that aswell"
"the player with the higher ranking will pass" the familiar voice of Jinpachi Ego chimmed in "Hello diamonds in the rough"
he then showed your team the scoring ranks
"see, she's on top" kuon spoke
"in this selection, scoring is all that is evalued" Ego started "but let me address this quickly, kuon wataru...
as a striker you are the lowest of the lowest of the low, basically, crap."
kuon's mouth went agape in shock
Ego spoke with wide eyes "you might've felt somewhat superior or smart for having thought about that before all your teammates, but it was all crap"
"your play had no value in any way"
"the greatest striker should be able to reproduce his own goals" he continued "the more dramatic the goal is, the more impressive it is"
"many players can score one-off goals but can't seem to reproduce it after" you looked over at isagi "it's because it was nothing but pure luck."
"so a rigged goal brought by betrayal has zero value and no way of reproduction"
you were only in it to listen to kuon get bashed by Ego. so now that Ego was done, you had lost intrest in the conversation and ignored the rest
after Ego had done his whatever they were talking about, a timer appeared on the screen
Last game in: 23:59:59
the room was silent, still processing Ego's words
off to practice, they had all left the room to go practice while you stayed in bed debating whether you were also going to practice or just rest for the match
"actually i'm going to go eat"
Last game in: 00:25:30
Iemon was revising the positions for the game "due to their shooting abilities, we're going to have kunigami, (y/n) and chigiri"
after 20 more minutes of planning, it was time to head to the field
Last game in: 00:00:01
kick off
team V was the one to start with the ball, Nagi passing the ball over to Reo
reo ran up your side, isagi following in trail until him and bachira blocked reo's path
the male passed the ball to his teammate, Zantetsu who was quickly shut down by raichi and naruhaya
with no other option, he passed the ball to nagi, but before the ball could reach the male, gagamaru jumped up and headbutt the ball away, stopping the pass from making it to the desired player
isagi picked up the ball and passed it to bachira
bachira then threw the ball in the air, making a long pass over to a teammate
"go for it, (y/n)" he spoke up
'can i reach it?' you pondered looking up at the ball 'i'll make myself reach it'
you reached what you deemed close enough before hoping up and extending your leg to trap the ball 'i don't have as much control as Nagi, but it'll work'
while the ball was still in the air, you used your right leg to shoot the ball into the top right corner of the goal
0-1 for team Z
"nice (y/n)!" your teammates each came to congratulate you for your goal
meanwhile, a person in team V stared at you in admiration before a smile sprung in his face
"oh man! that was so cool!" reo cheered
"eh?" your team stared at him in confusion
wouldn't somone usually be sad or dissapointed over being in a disadvantage in a game
"hey nagi! let's give that move a try!" he called out to his friend
"really? that sounds like a hassle" nagi scratched the back of his neck
in possession of the ball, reo made a long pass, exactly like bachira had earlier
nagi ran for it, but the ball was misplaced
"no way he can make that" isagi said agape joging back to your side next to you
"he will" you wished you were wrong
Nagi jumped to reach the ball and trapped it and of course, his control was way better than yours
"he controled it!" isagi was in shock
as it fell to his feet, nagi shot the ball on the right side of the goal, Iemon unable to react to it
'well that was fast' you stared dead at the other side of the field 'bearly even a minute and they've already caught up to us'
"well that was easy" he looked back towards you "(y/n), are you sure they're as good as you said"
"they just need a little warm up" you scoffed at him "don't let your guard down, you never know what's coming"
you looked back at your teammates as they stared at nagi's form as if he was some unatural being that had come upon them
'they're doing the most of it, it's just a goal'
"it's only one goal guys! brush it off and keep going!" igaguri cheered from the bench
'see guys, take exemple from igaguri, stay positive' you inwardly thought
starting all over, you passed the boal to kunigami who ran up the field
he was trying to get in his shooting range to make a long distant shot, but was ganged up by reo and his teammate who kicked the ball from his feet
the ball fell into reo's possession and he made a long pass to nagi
"again!? raichi, gagamaru, stop him!" isagi screamed in desperation
running up to get the ball before him, nagi simply tapped the ball so it went back up and made a bicycle kick for the top right corner
with Iemon's distance, he wasn't going to be able to stop the shot
"there's no stopping this monster" isagi spoke with wide eyes
"predictable" your voice rang in their ears
the ball reflected off your leg and was put to distance from the goal
"clear it!" shout isagi
'what in the luck' you deadpanned at the scene
of course the ball had to land exactly where Zantetsu was placed and before you could react, he shot the ball straight into the goal
'well shit' you stared at the pointer 'do i just have a thing for getting the ball where i don't want it to land'
"forgot about you for a second" nagi's monotonous voice spoke out to you
"i'm offended" you responded matching his stone
the both of you had a staredown while the other's could just sweat drop at the tension between the two of you
the game restarted and isagi jogged up with the ball while two opposite players came in front of him to block him off
he passed the ball to chigiri who sped to reach the ball, but somebody managed to come in par with his speed
of course team V had their own speedster
yet again, the ball was stolen from our possession
the ball was given to reo who made his way through our side
"he's gonna pass to nagi!"
your teammates all ran to cover the said player
'idiot's' you stared in irk
how are they going to leave this much space for the rest of team V to roam as they please
reo clearly understood what he had to do and passed the ball back to Zantetsu who was completly open
'man the guy's fast'
and there you have it
team V was absolutely destroying your team
you stared over at your teammates
they had given up.
"you people are hopeless" your voice spoke to them "why are you letting this bring you down"
"having to face stronger opponents than you should.." you paused with your words
"excite you."
"you just say that because even if we lose, you still get to move on to the next stage! for us it'll be o-" "(y/n) is right" bachira cut off raichi's work
"i love this" he said with a wide smile and eyes whilst stretching his arms "this is getting fun"
"the hell's wrong with this guy" reo pointed to bachira
"what do you mean, bachira?" isagi was still in denial
"i mean, aren't those three just so cool" he dribbled the ball "i'm all hyped up!"
"we're down by 2! at this rate with our skills, we'll never-" "isagi. you aren't scared, are you?" bachira gave the male a menacing stare
"yeah they're goals were something" you joined their conversation
"we'll just need to make ours better!" bachira finished as he passed the ball to isagi
"hey, isagi, pass back" he smiled back
bachira started dribbling through the other teams side whilst invading the opponents
first came reo
bachira made extremely fast step overs and when reo thought he could read through his move, bachira did a simple roulette tossing reo aside
next came zantetsu
bachira made a fake lob bringing the ball up to their faces and pretended going to the left before actually taking the right
"we're here to become the best strikers in the world aren't we?" he smiled down at the enemy's "if i can't beat you, i'm only at a mediocre striker level"
what he said seemed to bring the team's spirit back
as they stared at him make it through the rest of the defence
4 players
3 players
2 players
and now it was just him and the goalie
the goalie had went up to stop him physically which gave bachira the opportunity to simply kick the ball over his head
"did'ja see that" he pointed over to your team
"see? we're just getting started" you chuckled at nagi who was next to you watching the whole bachira humiliating team V's defencive skills
"guess you meant it when you said all they needed was a little push" he sigh walking back to his team
"alright team Z, let's go!" isagi shout "yeah!!"
'they're doing it again' you held your stomach and turned to laugh at them silently 'they're having their fictional hero moment'
As team V started with the ball, Zantetsu passing the ball to reo
they seemed to be having a conversation and it just so happened to be loud enough for your team to hear it
"It's just, since Nagi and i took up soccer about six months ago, our record is spotless" he laughed "and i don't want a stain on it"
the entirity of team Z froze up at his statement
"eh? six months ago?" you could hear igaguri's voice from the bench
"well they certanly are monsters" you chuckled at the revelation
then came the voice of isagi screaming out to raichi who was currently panting "hey raichi, cover reo!"
"why the hell should i listen to you!" he shout back
"with your physique, you can definitely pin him down"
isagi was shouting out instructions to the team while you stared at him do so
'so like, what do i do' you pondered
while your team were in organised placement, you just stood there
"(y/n)!" he called out to you "do whatever fits your judgement"
"thought you were going to tell me what to do" you stared at him
"want me to?"
'i wasn't gonna follow whatever he was going to make me do anyway' you looked to the side
reo was completely trapped by raichi and was forced to hand over the ball to Zantetsu
Zantetsu sprinted away with the ball, but chigiri wasn't going to let him do as he pleased
right as he was about to send the ball over to nagi, chigiri's leg managed to make a small contact with the ball, sending it off, further from the goal
nagi ran after the ball with naruhaya and gagamaru following behind
Nagi tapped the ball in the air and ..?
the ball was taken from right in front of him
"too slow" you stuck your tongue out
"bring it (y/n), your team won't be scoring anymore from now on" reo said confidently
"being confident is a good thing but overconfidence can kill" you smiled while staring the male dead in the eyes
"huh" his eyes went wide
one second you were in front of him the other you were behin
'what the hell just happened?' reo thought, in state of shock
meanwhile you made your way though the players as defenders were thrown at you desperatly
"(y/n), pass over here!" the voice you recognized as kunigami's called out to you from your left, but you made no move to look nor pass the ball to him
"hey! quit ball hogging! kunigami's clearly more open than you" igaguri screamed
man. for a guy only on the sidelines, he sure is able to make himself noticeable
you ignored the calls and continued your way as you pleased 'i at least want to beat reo in matters of goals'
shooting range.
now, no one could stop you from scoring
"i'll make my goal more impressive than any so far" your voice rang in everyone's ears
running past the box, you ran to the goal's right side and stood near the endline
"what the hell is she doing?" some random from team V shout
"guess we worried for nothing" another one spoke
"i told you to warn your team" your voice spoke once more
from where you placed, you made a curved shot towards the goal and it landed on the left corner of the net
"what the hell..." came the shocked voice of some guy
"i told you reo, nagi. let your guard down and you never know what's going to come back at you" you smirked
the field was silent..
"oh man. when i thought that i had finally outdone you in most impressive goal, you pull at this!?" came the whiny voice of bachira who jumped on your back
"DAMN (y/n), I KNEW YOU WERE GOOD BUT THIS IS OUT OF IT!!" your teammates came and cheered one by one
meanwhile, team V was still in shock
"how is it even possible to angle a goal like that"
"she really is a monster"
"completely out of our level"
reo could only stare at you in shock, it was the only feeling he could process at the moment
and nagi had his usual expressionless face but inside, he was trembling with adrenaline
the more he watched and played against you, the more this game soccer became exciting for him
"well done guys" igaguri cheered
"can't believe we managed to tie it back up" naruhaya said in exasperation
"(y/n), you didn't tell us you could make shots like that" chigiri walked over to you and motionned for a high five
returning the gesture, you answered the male "precision? remember, i can score any goal as long as it's within my range. let it be a corner kick"
"ok now you're boasting, no way anyone can score a goal from a corner kick" raichi quickly denied your statement
"you'll just have to watch me" you scoffed
"alright people" clapped Iemon "our five-at-back formation is working"
"let's go all out second half"
"alright!" iagaguri pumped his fist while the rest cheered alongisde "we'll be the one's to win this"
second half
isagi passed the ball to kunigami, but of course, they weren't going to let us do as we please
kunigami was quickly pressed and was forced to pass the ball to Bachira who immediately sent it your way
not letting the ball make contact with the ground, you immediatly shot it towards the net where it originally would've been a goal
if it wasn't for Zantetsu getting in the way
"so you're defending now" you stared at him with a bored expression
luckily, Zantetsu seemed to have your kind of luck as the ball landed right in isagi's possession
"second ball!" you shout
isagi dribbled up, but the ball was immediately stolen from his possession as he was ganged up on by two members of team V
"the hell are you doing isagi! you suck!" you could hear raichi's voice from where you stood as you dribbled back to your teams side of the field
"stay up, nagi! we'll counter!" reo attempted to say, but raichi covered him
"i'm not letting you roam free!" the male shout
tension went on between the two of them but you ignored them
you were going to stay focused on nagi
since none of your teammates could, you took the responsability
you'd just watch him from far and stop whatever he attempted to do without him noticing you before
the match went on as team V struggled to form an attack with reo
he had been completely shut down by raichi who had been running nonstop after him
raichi seemed to have said something that had gotten on reo's last nerve, because the second later, the male elboed the blonde straight on the neck
"Team V, number 9, Mikage Reo" the automatic ref spoke "yellow card for elbowing an opponent"
starting with the ball again was chigiri who was faced with Zantetsu
when it came to reaction time, zantetsu's was definitely better than chigiri's, but chigiri looked to have realized something before he kicked the ball away and ran after it
at first, it had seemed that Zantetsu was at the advantage, but if you looked closer into the situation, the male seemed to be slowing down
'oh, so he has a time limit for how long he can sprint at his max. seems like chigiri realized first' your mouth made an oh motion
chigiri caught up to the ball first and made a direct shot for the net putting your team in advantage once more
"the hell team V! how are you losing to a team of ten!" shout kuon from the side
"shut it, scumbage" reo gave the male a glare back
at that statement, the purple-haired male made a desperate run with the ball "i'm not going to lose!"
but his words soon came crashing down as raichi was once again covering him and blocking any path for him
you kept your distance, standing in between nagi and the goal while watching the fiasco
looking at reo's usual main option,
zantetsu was blocked off by naruhaya and chigiri
nagi was in between imamura and gagamaru with you standing a bit further from them
and finally behind reo stood isagi occupying any space he could use as an advantage to get past
reo looked around in desperation and made a facial expression that almsot showed...
what caught you off guard was nagi's sudden action
he ran past imamura and gagamaru and called out to reo for the ball "give it to me."
reo finally came back to his senses and passed the ball to nagi
'he's initiating something on his own accord?' yeah you hadn't known him for long, but from simple field observation, nagi clearly waited to be told to take action before doing anything
nagi made his way to gagamaru, but you intervened knowing it would be futile for him to go against the whitehaired male
he motioned for a lob but then tried to nutmeg you instead "i'm not letting you though"
you caught the ball under your feet and nagi who was about to continue his run with the ball assuming he had made it through you, reacted extremly fast and came back to take the ball
back and fourth, you kicked the ball away from each others feet for the other one to grab until it was kicked again once more
it went on before you felt contact with another body and fell to the ground while nagi took this chance to run away with the ball
"to hell with this place, there's no space for me to move around as i normally would" you scowled looking up at who you had bumped into
it was isagi who was previously staring at you and nagi's interaction
he hadn't realized the two of you had advanced all the way to where he was place and therefore, didn't have enough time to move out of the way for the two of you
you looked up at the timer
only 15 minutes left
"isagi" your voice came to the males ears as he looked down at you figure
"if you aren't going to be useful" you spoke once more
"stay out of the way."
he stared at you with a shocked expression while you didn't break eye contact
you were right
if it weren't for him, you would have been able to stop nagi from scoring that goal
you got back up and walked to your spot
"how are we supposed to stop him no-" "don't bother with him, i've got it covered" you cut off kunigami "just don't get in the way, you saw the results of the last time"
"alright, now that we have that sorted out" chigiri turned to face kunigami "kunigami, could you drop back and help defend"
kunigami agreed to chigiri's request before raichi joined the conversation with his usual tone
"shut up, you idiots!" he shout "attack, attack, attack. keep coming at them. me and this donkey will firgure something out in the midfield" he pulled on isagi's collar
he gave them a motivational speech while you were still in trance
you thought about how you were going to take care of nagi
i mean yeah you definitely could take him down, but that wasn't the issue
with the limited amount of space, you couldn't go all out
you were used to your old teammates giving you space when you went on a one-on-one with an opponent, but right now, the situation was different
we were in a place full of strikers which meant, placing themselves according to other roles wasn't the easiest and you understood that
for now, you'd figure some way to get though this
starting again, isagi passed the ball to bachira but he was quickly surrounded by three opponents, completely stopping him from going on ahead
"get them, chigiri!" he passed the ball to the red head who was immediately face with zantetsu in his way
chigiri resorted to his last trick where he passed the ball to himself running after it with zantetsu at his side
nagi began running towards the scene with you following close behind
"nice fighting spirit, zantetsu" nagi arrived next to the ball "i'll take this now"
"too bad, you can't" your voice chimmed in "thanks for the lack of awareness"
taking the ball, you stalled till chigiri reached you and took it "nice, (y/n)"
"stop him in the penalty area!" reo shout in desperation
chigiri managed to find a hole through their defences, but the goalie managed to block the shot
the ball landed at isagi's feet who was in an immediate shooting position
he made his shot, but this time it was blocked off by reo
"can we really not score a goal!" imamura shout
"we've still got someone" came isagi's mumbled voice
luck was clearly on your teams side since the next place the ball landed at was at kunigami's feet
and he was in his territory
with his left legs power, he scored your team a goal and you were once again in advantage
while your team was still celebrating, something felt off for you
'isagi, chigiri, kunigami, imamura, gagamaru...' you looked over at everyone that was around you
you eyes shot wide open in realization
'there's no one at back defending'
then you looked back and an even worst revelation came to you
Nagi was gone.
the goalie passed the ball to zantetsu who came face to chigiri
"not letting you go anywhere" chigiri said
"too bad, missy" was the last thing that came from zantetsu before him made a long pass to..
"nice zantetsu, good eyes" the male muttered
"i'm not gonna let you do as you please, genius" isagi's laughing voice came to his ears
"man, we always seem to cross paths somehow" nagi's bored tone spoke
'while i want to have faith in isagi being able to stop him. one-on-one's aren't exactly his forte' you though 'i'll have to place myself somewhere i wouldn't be noticed and where i can easily shut nagi down if he were to shake off isagi
the ball came down to nagi while isagi was placed at his right, in between him and the goal
he was debating on whether the male was going to use his left or right foot for the shot, but it was neither
it landed off his back
nagi took to advantage isagi's momentary shock to get passed him and reach the ball
Iemon came out of the goal in hopes of stopping nagi, but the said male was much faster than him
"STOP HIM!!" you could hear all your teammates
"nagi." your calm voice came into the ears of everyone and nagi's previous monstrous expression changed into one of shock "seems you can't help but underestim-"
nagi get's jumped
"foul by team Z. denial of an obvious goal scoring opportunity" spoke the automatic ref "red card to Kuon Wataru!"
saying that you were shocked was an understatement and you weren't the only one
"the hell kuon, what are you doing" isagi joined the scene
"shut it" he didn't look up to face raven haired male "now you guys can keep on fighting"
"i totally had him covered" you looked down at him "now they get a free kick"
"what did you do, bastard!" reo's angry voice ran towards your group
"i'm fine, reo" nagi said with his unbothered voice "but-"
"hey, reo, stop it. if you keep up like this, you'll get another yellow card and then you're off" zantetsu stopped the male before the situation escalated
"did you guys plan this!" he gave a glare to kunigami
"don't look at me" kunigami wiped his sweat "i'm just as shocked"
"kuon." you hadn't stopped staring at the male "thought you had given up all hopes in winning, what are you doing"
"i did this..." he trailed off "..for myself"
"what am i saying" he laughed awkwardly "fine i'll admit it"
"whatching you all play" he stopped "gave me a bit of hope. with this, you better not let them be the one's to break the tie"
"kuon" your teammates looked at him with their shocked expressions "we won't let it end here!"
"but still" you hit kuon on the back of the head "cause of you they have a free kick when we could have avoided it"
3 minutes additional time!
reo was the one taking the free shot
you positioned yourself in front of nagi with bachira on his other side
"will he aim for pass or go straight for the goal" you could hear Iemon pondering out loud
'as an egoist...' you trailled off
reo took his shot and it was longer then if it was aimed as a pass 'he'll aim for a goal!'
Iemon seemed to understand that as well as he was able to block the shot
recovering fast, zantetsu ran to pick up the ball and shoot it in, but was blocked off by raichi
"where the hell did you come from!?" he scowled at the sharp-toothed male
"from the wall" raichi joked
as usual, luck was against your team as the ball landed right in front of nagi
"one more goal."
Iemon, raichi and imamura came infront of him, blocking him from making a direct shot
problem was there was enough space for nagi to just toss the ball over them
"as if" your calm voice came into the situation as you stood in front of the goal and passed it over to the most open man in your team
"go. isagi!" you shout with a grin "you better score!"
the entire team ran to assist isagi on his way and you followed class behind him
reo attempted to take the ball from isagi, but the male passed it over to your crazy teammate, bachira
bachira then dribbled through the opponent, making the most of his weapon before he was forcibly grabbed from the should making him pass back to isagi
looking behind the male, you saw nagi's figure chasing after him 'maybe i should just let him score this one'
you slowed down so that you were now on level with the white-haired male who hadn't noticed your presence
isagi passed the ball to chigiri who was on his left, but he hadn't got much time with the ball as the defence were completely wary of him
isagi got to his side and took the ball back, positioning himself as if he was going to pass the ball back to the red head who was getting away from the defenders, but turned the other way, using him as bait
'ouch' you stared at the scene, offended for the red-head 'only 3 more to go'
as isagi got to the last line of defence, he passed the ball to kunigami
you should've known better than to let your guard down with team V
zantetsu had caught up and was now standing in between kunigami and isagi, kicking the ball away from the ginger
"crap! if it goes out, we're done for!" the ginger male shout
"i told you to score didn't i" you passed the ball "stupid isagi"
bachira was the one to receive the ball while kunigami and chigiri ran to position themselves for a pass
here, everyone was desperate for a goal
you looked at the current situation. even if they were able to get in their range, behind them were two defenders running to block them
isagi made a move for the left side where nobody but you and nagi had noticed
nagi ran to block whatever the male was planning and you ran to intercept him from doing so
bachira was able to notice isagi as well and made a long pass to the male
"perfect" isagi muttered "now all i need to do is to get it in"
"i will-" he cut his words at the presence of nagi who had reached him
"seems like we do meet often, don't we?"
isagi's determined expression had now turned into a look of horror
"how did yo-" "isagi don't get distracted."
"i told you i had him covered" isagi's eyes couldn't seem to get any wider
"don't worry about him and just get it in" you assured him
you looked at the clock and it seems time was against you
10 seconds left
'if he takes the time to get proper control of the ball, we won't make it'
isagi seemed to understand that as well and right before the ball was about to make contact with the ground, he shot it directly
"YEAH!!" the entire team jumped on isagi whilst screaming
you stood back smiling to your team, you had made it past the first selection
while your team celebrated, you looked over at team V who were all completely down
'they're acting as if they aren't going to make it past despite this lost' you stared at them blankly
"reo! we still have time!" nagi spoke in desperation "if we score two more goals, we could still.."
beep. beep. beeeeep
"full time. team Z wins, 5-4" the automatic ref spoke
"told ya we were going to break that streak of your" your mocking voice joined their conversation
reo scowled
"so this is what it feels like to lose" nagi clutched his shirt
you grinned and rose your hand for a high five "welcome to the club"
nagi returned the gesture continuing his words "i hate this feeling, it's hard to stomach"
they annonced the first selection results with team V and Z being the only full teams to pass and the single players from the other teams who had passed
"yum!" naruhaya giggled with his usual childish voice
"hey you're nibbling the food again!" gagamaru shout to the male
they began fighting throwing pillows at each other and igaguri and imamura joined in
"stop messing around, this is supposed to be a celebration party!" Iemon ordered
"yeah you guys" chigiri spoke while eating his steak
and you who was sitting next to him, took a bite of your own steak "man, i'll never get over how good this taste"
"you guys are eating early" kunigami sweat dropped at the both of you
"can someone get drinks from the cafeteria!" kuon shout
"alright!" bachira responded cheerily and him and isagi left to get the water
while they left, you waited for a bit before you started eating everything that had been set for the party
you never know when the next time you'll eat this good will be so might as well take advantage of it
"hey (y/n)!, leave some for the rest of us!" gagamaru shout to you and you ignored him
he tried hitting you with a pillow and you moved to the side, dodging his attack
"isagi and bachira are taking too long, if you guys are going to wait for them then thats you. i'm hungry so i'll eat"
in the end, they waited for a bit more before all joining you in your feast
this was isagi and bachira's problem, they shouldn't have taken so long in getting the bottles of water
"man i'm full now" you breathed out and then yawned "i'm tired"
you layed on the mat you had been leaning on while your feast with your eating companion, chigiri and quickly lost conciousness
hopefully you were able to get a break before the second selection started
you. hated. Ego Jinpachi.
no too long after you had waken up, he gathered your team announcing a training he was going to put your team through before the second selection
"all i wanted to do was relax" your back slumped "is it so much to ask"
"there, there" kunigami pat your back
day 1
physical conditioning
this wasn't so bad for you since you used to go to the gym with your dad who helped you build your physical structure and endurance
you couldn't say the same for your teammates as they looked like they had been through hell and back with just todays training
day 2
physical conditioning
day 3
physical conditioning
to be honest with yourself, it wasn't even that bad
day 4
this training was just getting repetitive. there wasn't much change to the past days workouts, but as a human being, you still felt sore a bit
day 5
you stood in a plank position with kunigami
"n-not letting you beat me" you could hear the clear pain in kunigami's voice
"my body's so sore i can't even feel the pain from this" you smirked
"these two are monsters..." the rest of your teammates stared with a sweat drop at the two of you's competition
day 6
yeah no, you didn't feel like doing the training today
you had skipped day 6 with some random lie you came up with about some chest pain you were feeling
Ego most likely didn't believe you but guess he didn't bother arguing since he let you off
luck really was gracing you when you found nagi alone in the cafeteria playing a game
no questioning why he wasn't at the training, you simply sat with him asking him what he was playing
you weren't too familiar with the game, but nagi had explained to you and you proceeded to play together for the rest of the day
day 7
more training
day 8
more torture
day 9
'to hell with this place' you layed in your bed after taking at least 'can we just move on to the next faze'
day 10
"first selection is now complete" a robotic female voice came from the TV "please proceed to the central basement area in your uniforms
"about time this was over" the announcement seemed to bring back all your enthusiam "it was starting to get boring"
when you entered the second selection room, tired faces were all over the place
everyone looked exhausted but that wasn't what stood out
it was the fact that they were unfamilliar players 'most likely from other buildings. didn't Ego say that only we'd be going though this training out of being the 'lowest' of the entity of blue lock'
looking around, specifically at their numbers. you noticed that their ranks and numbers were the same as others from 'building 5'"
'so i was right' you smiled in pride 'there's no way i'd be one of the lowest ranks out of all these nobodies'
"hello diamonds in the rough" Ego's voice came from the numerous TV's in the room "great work on your physical conditioning"
"as you have most likely noticed, there are no players from building 1, 2, 3 and 4" he began "that's because only building 5 exists in blue lock"
he went on and told the players about how they were fooled into thinking that they were at the bottom of the ranks
you turned your head to face reo from across the room who had already instictively looked over at you
you mouth the words 'i was right' while he gave you a simple roll of eyes
all players around you began complaining and shouting about how he was crazy and was trying to kill them
'it wasn't too bad'
talk, talk, talk and more talking
ego gave some long, motivational speech? you weren't sure if he was motivating or simply insulting these people over their poor skills in soccer and his reason as to why he had put them through this torture
"we will now begin blue lock's second selection" he spoke with a smile "the first selection was to show you the means of being a stricker"
"the second selection consists of 5 stages" he showed a hologram of what he meant "you are on the first stage. only those who clear the stage will move on"
"and if you manage to pass the second selection, you will participate in a training camp with the world's top players that i will personally handpick"
earliers complaining had completely been silenced
the player's were in between shock and excitement
"that's all i have for you" ego ended his hour long speech "when you feel ready, go through that door"
"alone" players questioned
"yes alone" ego sat with his arms crossed "in this selection, we'll get rid of the incompetent first"
"i wish you the best of luck" and he's gone
the room stood in silence, nobody making a move to head to the door
"let's get this over with already" you stretched your arms and walked towards the doot
"hey, (y/n), are you su-" "i'll have to go either way so might as well go first" you cut isagi off
"hey um, door? i'm ready" you spoke unsure
it opened and you walked in. without turning around to face your team, you waved them goodbye "see the rest of you on the other side"
and it's closed
challenger (l/n) (y/n)
"(y/n).." muttered isagi
"wait (y/n) wasn't her last name" igaguri stared at the screen with a dumbfounded look
you stood in a field alone with no instructions whatsoever on what to do
a ball was shot towards you figure and a sudden goal appeared
"i get it"
you tapped the ball in the air for it to lose a bit of spin before shooting it immediately into the goal
there was some hologram-like goalie who attempted to block your shot, but failed
clear 99 goals in: 00:89:59
"alright then" you quickly stretched your arms and legs before another ball was shot at you
99 goals
a door opened to your right which you assumed was going to lead you to the second part of the second selection
while you walked though it's corridor, you remember something "wait i forgot to check how much time it took me"
"man" you were definitely planning on flexing the time it had taken you to clear those 100 goals depending on how much time it had taken you
but now you didn't know at all
oh well
life is life i guess
you reached the end and another door opened to a...
...completely empty room
"i know i'm not the last one to reach this place so i gotta be the first" you looked around the place before your eyes made contact witht eh TV
'Form a team of 3 and proceed'
"more time for me to rest i guess" you walked over to a wall and leaned down to the ground
you drifted off into slumber
barely 5 minutes or so later, the sound of a door opening.
you opened your eyes tiredly and looked up to be met with some teal-eyed male with long underlashes
he looked around the room, then at the TV as he read what was written, then looked around the room some more, then his eyes met with yours
"hey you."
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