it had been four weeks since isaac had left to find boyd and erica, three weeks since he stopped answering the phone and replying to her messages. the girl had told derek, the man saying they can't go and find him considering it was too dangerous.
she had left town two weeks ago for her fathers funeral. she had finally seen her half -sister and the girls mother again. she'd caught up with her sister as much as she could given the current situation . she also found out her father had left her a large sum of money. from where, she didn't question.
she now sat in the car with lydia and allison, the first time they had hung out with allison since she had gotten back from france. "it's not a double-date! It's a group thing" lydia said turning to allison hopefully.
"do they know it's a group thing? 'cause I told you that i'm not ready to get back out there" allison said amused as lydia rolled her eyes.
lydia had distracted herself over the four months with random boys, from everywhere and anywhere. selene was honestly worried for her bestfriend, but understood she was old enough to make her own decisions. even if there was a certain freckled boy she considered perfect for her.
"you were in france and didn't do any dating for four months?" selene asked as she looked at the girl as if she were crazy
"did you? i mean, after--" lydia cut allison off as selene knew she was going to say jackson. selene hadn't spoken to the boy in over a month and wondered the same thing.
"don't say his name" lydia protested not wanting to mention the boys name in her car.
"is he okay? i mean, did everything work out?" allison asked considering she'd been out of the loop well in france.
" well, the doctors looked like total idiots when he turned up alive, but everyone got over it." lydia said nonchalantly as she shrugged.
"and , derek taught him werewolf 101, like, "how not to randomly kill people during the full moon" selene said butting in seeing allison's concerned expression.
"so, then, you've talked to him?" allison asked hopefully turning to the strawberry blonde.
"uh, not since he left for london" lydia said as selene popped her lips sitting back in her seat at the revelation.
"you mean, since his dad moved him to london" allison argued as lydia acted like it was the boys choice to leave. him not being very inclined to the idea at the start either.
"whatever. he left" lydia said as they continued driving before she continued obviously not over the subject "and seriously? an american werewolf in london? like, that's not gonna be a disaster" she said causing selene to laugh.
"so, you're totally over him?" selene asked poking the girls shoulder, knowing she wasn't.
"would I be going on a double date if I wasn't?" she asked with a smirk seeing the look allison was giving her "yes, it is a double date" she said sighing. "... it's not an orgy! you'll live" she said as allison finally gave in.
lydia's car pulling up to a red light, before a familiar blue jeep rolled up beside lydia's car, selene letting out an obnoxious laugh at the situation. "this is comical" she said as both girls at the front turned to their left.
"oh, my god! oh, my god! oh, my god! oh, my god! i can't see him, not now!" allison said obviously not over the boy. "lydia, go! just go!" allison urged as she hit lydia's shoulder.
"the light" selene said pointing at the red light hanging above the car. the light turned to orange as stiles rolled his window down "hey!" he called out before the light turned red and lydia sped off away causing selene to bang her head against the back seat.
"you all right?" lydia asked looking between both girls, as selene nodded well holding her head and allison sighed before nodding.
"lydia, stop. we need to go back and talk to them." allison said suddenly as lydia pulled her car over "...they stopped, too. why would they stop?" allison asked as she turned to look out the back window
"it's stiles and scott! do you really wanna try applying logic to those two?" lydia asked scoffing in an amused tone.
"do you think we should go back?" selene asked looking forward before seeing a deer heading straight for lydia's windshield. "get down!" she yelled to both girls as she ducked her head down, the deer smashing straight through lydia's windshield sending glass flying everywhere.
all three girls screaming as the deer continued twitching slightly before they ran out of the car, hearing scott and stiles' doors shutting behind them and hearing them run over. scott over to allison, and stiles to lydia and selene.
"are you okay?" scott yelled out as they got closer
"it came out of nowhere" lydia said shaken as stiles looked over the girl, lydia shocked as she stared at the creature. "it ran right into us" she said before stiles moved to selene.
"are you hurt?" stiles asked as he turned to a frightened selene as the girl stared at the dead animal, she quickly shook her head as she wiped a stray tear.
"are you okay" scott asked as he slowly made his way over to the animal.
"i'm okay" allison breathed out as lydia and selene looked at her like she was crazy.
"well, i'm not okay!" lydia yelled as scott turned to her. "i am totally freaking out! how the hell does it just run into us? I saw its eyes right before it hit us, and it was like it... It was like it was crazy" lydia said hysterically as her eyes glassed over.
"no, it was scared" scott said as he touched the animal confused "actually terrified " he stated as he stared shocked before turning to look at the full moon.
selene had gotten up half an hour earlier for school than usual to get ready for the first day, she tried calling isaac again that morning not getting an answer. she left him a message hoping she'd get a reply soon to know the boy was okay.
it may have seemed like she was calm about the current situation but everyday her worry grew and everyday she got closer to packing a bag and going out to find him by herself. but she had no idea where to start.
she had showered and waved her hair out, her dyed blonde highlights permanently gone as her natural lighter brown ones showed. she threw on high-waisted blue denim shorts, a white flowy shirt , and a cropped blue denim jacket and brown booties to finish it off. she grabbed her brown designer handbag bag she had bought with her inheritance money. she guessed the designer clothes would have to make up for all those years of absence.
she walked into the other girls room to see the girl and chris hugging, she coughed slightly to grab their attention before the man turned around. "we should get going" selene gestured pointing a thumb at the door.
"come here" chris nodded to the girl, as selene smiled slightly before walking over and joining the small hug the two had. chris had taken her in, given her a place to stay and she'd forever be grateful.
"if you two need to come home, call me" the man said looking down at the two girls as they broke apart. he knew selene seemed like she was handling her dads death well but he knew sooner or later she'd break.
"freshmen. tons and tons of fresh men..." lydia exclaimed as she leaned on the locker next to allison's staring at all the new kids.
"you mean fresh boys. lydia, they're fourteen." selene said slightly disgusted as her eyes roamed the halls for a certain boy. "have you guys seen nicholas?" she asked
"some are more mature than others. and wouldn't he be with the lacrosse players?" lydia asked confused as selene nodded thinking it over.
"you know, it's okay to be single. focus on yourself for a little while. work on becoming a better person" allison said looking between both girls, selene rolling her eyes.
"i am single, ally" she said as allison scrunched her eyebrows as she thought of isaac, lydia deciding to explain for her.
"selene has never really done relationships, never has. don't think she has it in her" lydia shrugged as allison let out a low 'oh' "and allison" the blonde said grabbing her attention "we love you. so, if you need to do that thing where we talk about me and pretend like we're not actually talking about you, it's totally fine." lydia said placing a comforting hand on her shoulder as she laughed slightly.
"and anyway, i don't think lydia wants a boyfriend" selene said as she let herself lean her head on lydia's shoulder before her bestfriend nodded and they saw the front doors open.
"i want a distraction" lydia said as they watched a pair of twins in matching leather jackets walk through the halls, everyone's eyes on them as they strutted.
"brothers?" allison asked as she stared, not being as impressed as everyone else.
"twins" lydia stated as she made eye contact with the one in the blue shirt, selene smirking at the interaction.
selene, lydia and allison walked into class, lydia taking a seat next to stiles, selene behind nicholas as allison looked around the room for a seat, seeing one in front of scott. scott also noticing as she eyed it, the boy avoiding her eyes.
"is anyone?" she asked before he quickly cut her off.
"no! no, no, no, no. no, it's all you" scott said nervously stammering "all you. uh, it's totally vacant" he continued as allison bit her lip slightly before putting her books down and taking a seat.
stiles sending a thumbs up towards the boy as he handled it better than expected. nicholas' seat was next to scott, so selene was behind the boy. next to scott, stiles, stiles next to lydia and allison in front of scott. selene felt so far away from her friends.
buzzes throughout the classroom snapped everyone out of their conversation as they all grabbed their phones reading over the message from a random number.
"the offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway, leading to the uttermost ends of the earth, flowed somber under an overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness" a woman read out as she walked into the room.
everyone holding their phones as they stared up at the woman, scott scrunching his eyebrows feeling off about the woman as nicholas smirked leaning back in his seat. selene pinching his ear at his reaction causing his to yelp lowly.
"this is the last line to the first book we are going to read. it is also the last text you will receive in this class. phones off, everyone" she said holding her own phone up with a smile.
the lesson going on for another twenty minutes before allison wrote a note for the boy behind her reading "can we talk?"' before passing it back. scott being confused grabbed it quickly before looking up, and replying.
another interruption stopped the class, the teacher who selene found out was called jennifer called scott out. "mr. mccall?" she said as she stood up walking over to her. the woman walking him out of class as he grabbed his bag.
"uh, i'm sure it's an emergency if your mother needs you to leave school, but I'm gonna give you a warning in the nicest possible way" she said looking down avoiding his smile. "...i am well aware of your attendance record." she nodded. " i don't wanna see you slip back into old habits." she said .
"i won't. it's gonna be different this year." he promised the woman in front of him.
"resolutions are only good if you stick with them, scott." she warned, the boy smiling.
"i will. I promise it won't be ephemeral!" the boy said happily as he used a word he had learned that morning before walking away, the woman chuckling slightly at his vocabulary.
selene stared at at the boys empty spot confused on what it could've been about, she slowly slid her phone out of her pocket and sent him a quick message asking what it was about before sliding it away seeing the woman walk back in.
stiles quickly finished copying out his text before looking over at lydia noticing the bandage on her ankle "hey, lydia" he whispered as he scrunched his eyebrows in. the girl turning to him confused "what is that? is that from the accident?" he asked pointing at her ankle.
"no. prada bit me" she admitted hesitantly as she uncomfortably turned in her seat.
"your dog?" stiles asked seeming shocked that lydia's beloved dog had bit her.
"no, my designer handbag" she said sarcastically as stiles had looked like he believed her "yes, my dog."
"has it ever bitten you?" stiles asked he tried connecting it to the deer the previous night.
"selene, yes. me, no" selene said as she pointed at selene, the girl not taking notice to the girls pointing hand.
"okay, what if it's, like, the same thing as the deer? you know, like, how animals start acting weird right before an earthquake or something?" stiles asked trying to piece it together.
"meaning what? there's gonna be an earthquake?" lydia asked not believing the boy.
"or something. i just... maybe it means something's coming. something bad." he said as he slowly lowered himself in his seat.
"it was a deer and a dog" lydia said as if he were making it out to be bigger than it was "what's that thing you say about threes? once... twice..." the girl was cut off as a bird hit the window, blood splattering against it.
the whole class turned to the window as jennifer put the chalk down the women walking closer as they all heard birds squawking, a whole swarm heading straight for the class. most of the students in the class paying close attention, before another hit the window. one after one the birds continued killing themselves by flying into the window.
one ended up hitting the glass so hard it broke, glass flying and birds continued into the room "get down, everyone!" the older woman shouted as students dived out of their chairs underneath taking cover.
selene crawled on the floor closer to nicholas as the boy wrapped protective arms around her, shielding her from the animals. one had swooped low enough its claw cutting her arm causing her to hiss from the pain.
jennifer hid by the desk with a few students as stiles dived out of his seat towards lydia protecting the girl, as birds continued clawing at students on the ground. most ending up with cuts until they heard the sound die down. all eyes opening as they stood up and saw all the birds dead.
selene quickly rushed over to lydia and stiles' side, nicholas following along after as he felt the small cut on his cheek. allison seemed to be unscathed as they looked around at the mess the animals had created.
"next time you're feeling you wanna stay home? you stay home." chris argent said to the two teenage girls as they both sat on one of the nearby desks facing him.
"i'm okay" allison said as the man was looking over the girls, selene's cut being bandaged. "but, dad, the deer and now this?" allison asked knowing it wasn't a coincidence.
"i know. i know" chris muttered as he looked around. selene stayed silent as she herself and stared intently at the man.
"it can't be a coincidence" the girl finally spoke up as noah stilinski made his way over to the trio, grabbing chris' attention.
"mr. argent, you wouldn't have any insight into this, would you?" noah asked confusing the kids in the room.
"me?" chris asked confused as he looked as allison with a warning look.
"yeah. all this bizarre animal behaviour, it's... you must have seen something like this before, right?" noah asked as selene remembered everyone thought chris was a hunter.
"i'm not sure why i would or why you would think i would" chris smiled as he tried playing it off.
"i'm sorry. i could've sworn i overheard my son talking about how you were an experienced hunter" noah said pointing at stiles as selene gave him a pointed glare as if to tell him to just shut up.
"ah, right" he said before looking at allison's sad expression "well, not anymore" he said turning to the other man. noah nodded before turning to selene and allison.
"you all right?" he asked both girls nodding before he began to walk away. stiles giving his dad a 'what the hell?' look.
selene noticed the skinny boy stand up before walking out of the class, her quickly standing up and following after him quickly "we got a serious problem at school" he rushed out as he paced back and forth. "well, no pretty sure this qualifies for immediate discussion" stiles argued. "derek's house? what? what the hell are you doing at-" the boy stopped before turning to selene.
a slight bit of joy filled her system. was he back?
"is it isaac?" she asked hopefully staring at the boys confused expression.
"i don't know, but we need to go" he said throwing an arm around her shoulder rushing her out of the school as quick as possible.
"is it me or is beacon hills turning into beacon for the totally bizarre and supernatural?" lydia asked allison as she stood in front of her mirror fixing her makeup. lydia laughed slightly before turning around coming face to face with a random woman.
"where's scott mccall?" she asked the girl, lydia shutting her locker and turning around quicker hearing the boys name.
allison stared at the woman blankly "you're allison, right?" the woman in front asked.
"yeah, how do you know-" she was cut off by her interrupting.
"where's scott?" she asked avoiding the girls ongoing questions. allison stared at her confused on who she was.
"he had to leave. he was supposed to be back in class..." she was cut off by the woman grabbing her wrist harshly.
"is he coming back"? she asked before lydia decided to add herself to the conversation, not liking the way she was holding allison.
"hey" she said pointing a finger "easy with the physicality, sweetheart" she warned before she grabbed lydia's arm also.
nicholas from across the hall noticed the exchange and quickly shut his locker before rushing over, throwing an arm around each girl pulling them back out of the random woman's grip. the woman began staring at something behind them before rushing off, all three of them turning to see the twins walking off.
"what the hell was going on?" nicholas asked as he lifted their arms gently looking over the forming bruises.
allison pulled away to walk down round the corner, seeing the woman gone. chris argent approached the teenagers looking concerned as lydia grunted from the pain. nicholas inspecting her arm seeing the bruise had turned a nasty red already.
"well, she bruised me" lydia said nodding as she looked at the weird shaped bruise, allison walking closer looking at her arm seeing a similar one.
"come on, let's get you three out of here. school can wait another day" the man said before nicholas and lydia walked off in front of them. "sweetheart, where's selene?" he asked not noticing her anywhere.
"she went with stiles." he nodded before gesturing for her to come, the girl shaking her head and trying to turn around before the man stopped her by placing two hands on her shoulders.
"hey. you don't have to worry about this anymore. remember our agreement? we stay in beacon hills, but only if we stay out of this. so it's not our problem now. okay?" he asked as allison looked hesitant before he began walking his daughter towards nicholas and lydia who waited ahead.
derek's red glowing eyes stared at scott's skin as the boy sat in a chair with his flannel off, showing the man the tattoo he wanted. "yeah, i see it" he said as selene quickly flashed her eyes green seeing the faded tattoo on the boys arm.
she sat by isaac's side, stroking the boys hair as he lay passed out. when she found out he was there she had rushed out of the jeep quicker than ever bursting into the loft. she let herself shout at scott for not telling her the night before.
he was safe, so that was all that mattered to her. sure, he looked a little beaten up but he was as perfect as the day he left. every limb still attached and heart still pumping.
"it's two bands, right?" he asked before scott nodded "what does it mean?" derek asked as scott swallowed trying to explain it.
"i don't know. it's just something i traced with my fingers" he said before moving his hand to a counter top swiping his fingers in a circle tracing his tattoo.
"why is this so important to you?"derek asked peering up at the boy. stiles' face grew to a sad one as scott replied.
"do you know what the word "tattoo" means?" scott asked remembering what the tattoo artist had told him.
"to mark something" selene and stiles answered from their spaces, confused eyes finding selene before the girl slightly raised her shirt showcasing her tattoo of a date on the side of her ribs.
"what day is that?" stiles asked as scott looked at the girl confused not knowing she had one. derek's eyes mirroring scott's.
"my sisters birthday" she said smiling looking down at it, remembering the day she got it. she had just turned 16 and her mom only let her get it because it was all she has askeded for.
"you have a sister?" derek asked surprised, stiles and scott both matching sporting grins at the newfound information.
"yeah, she's turning 15 soon" she said looking up, she was confused that she'd never mentioned her before. she usually didn't tend to not wanting to go into the details of why they're not together, but she loved to bring ophelia up whenever the chance was there.
"anyway, that's in tahitian. in samoan, it means "open wound" scott continued as all eyes fell to him "i knew i wanted to get a tattoo when i turned 18. i always wanted one. i just decided to get it now, to make it kind of a reward" scott said deep in thought.
"for what?" derek asking seeming genuinely interested.
"for not calling or texting allison all summer" he said as derek nodded "even when i really wanted to, even when it was so hard not to sometimes. i was just trying to give her the space she wants" he said as his eyes had begin to glimmer with tears.
selene watched her friend with a frown knowing allison also wanted to message the boy. she knew the two teenagers were meant for eachother but the timing was just wrong and seventeen was such an inconvenient age to be in love.
"going on four months later...it still hurts. it still feels like a, uh..." scott said before stiles finished.
"an open wound" stiles said with a nod knowing the breakup still hurt scott, no matter how much he tried to hide it.
"yeah" scott finished before derek sniffled slightly turning around grabbing his blow torch.
"the pains gonna be worse than anything you've ever felt" derek said as he shut the box, selene eyes widening.
"do it" scott said not caring, just wanting to get the situation done and over. derek nodded before turning it on causing scott and stiles' eyes to widen.
"oh, wow. that's a-that's a lot for me. so, I'm gonna take that as my cue, i'm just gonna wait outside" stiles said stuttering as he turned to leave but derek grabbed his arm stopping him.
"nope. you can help hold him down" derek said as stiles groaned from the pain before derek let go and stiles made his way to scott's side "selene, you might want to leave for this" the man warned the younger girl.
her shaking her head in dismissal as she watched stiles place his hands firmly on scott's shoulders, derek grabbing the boys arm before putting the torch closer and beginning to burn him. scott started screaming and derek ordered stiles to hold him down. scott's eyes started changing between their normal ones and his hypnotising golden ones before passing out. selene couldn't help but wince as she watched the scene.
"well, looks pretty damn permanent now" selene said as she walked the two boys to the door. her deciding to stay till isaac woke up, not wanting anything to happen.
"yeah. i kinda needed something permanent. everything that's happened to us, everything just changes so fast" he said as he rolled his sleeve down "everything's so... ephemeral" scott said repeating his word from earlier surprising selene.
"good word, scotty" she said patting his back as a well done. stiles nodding in agreement.
"studying for the psat's?" he asked knowing exactly why scott knew the word.
"yep" scott said with a small smile as the other three smiled at the boys efforts. scott reached for the door swinging it open noticing how the other side had been painted red.
"you painted the door" he called out as selene moved as well to look at it, scott stared at it as he began feeling over it. derek looking up making eye contact with the two supernaturals.
"why'd you paint the door?" selene asked curiously, the smell of paint now beginning to fill her nose.
"go home" he ordered knowing once they found out what was coming they'd want to help out. and he couldn't risk any of them getting hurt.
"and why only one side?" scott asked as he ran his hand up the door, stiles confused on what his bestfriend felt. scott flicked his claws out before beginning to scrape some of the paint off.
"scott!" derek called out in annoyance as he quickly tried making his way over. scott not listening as he continued scraping the paint off in larger amounts. the boy grunting as he hurried, an animalstic look in his eyes.
selene stepped back with stiles as they tried avoiding the flickering pieces of small paint. dereks eyes wide with fear and then disappointment as he looked down. all three teenagers staring at the symbol on the door.
"the birds at school and the deer last night. just like the night i got trampled by the deer when i got bit by the alpha" scott said in realisation as he turned to derek. selene confused on what he was getting at.
"how many are there?" he asked as derek just stared at him, if scott was talking about what selene thought she was they were fucked.
"a pack of them" derek admitted with a loud sigh. "an alpha pack" he confirmed selene's thoughts as the girl uncrossed her arms grabbing the back of her neck, her nails pushing into the skin.
"all of them? how does that even work?" stiles asked confused on how something like that was possible.
"i hear there's some kind of a leader. he's called decaulion" derek announced as selene's eyes widened at the name. it sounding like something out of hell. "we know they have boyd and erica" the man said causing selene's eyes to shoot out of her head.
"are they okay?" she questioned as she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in, causing derek to look down as if it weren't good news.
"peter, isaac, and i have been looking for them for the last four months" derek admitted as selene nodded in confirmation.
"let's say you find them. how do you deal with an alpha pack?" scott asked walking closer to him, with a stern look.
"with all the help i can get" derek admitted as he looked between scott and selene, knowing they'd be reluctant. after all they just wanted to be normal kids, not getting caught up in the problems around them. again.
"where is she?" a groggy voice she hadn't heard in a while asked from the other room, isaac now trying to sit up. selene stared at him with widening eyes "where's the girl?" he asked again as she started walking towards him.
"what girl?" she asked in confusion as dread started seeping into her system once again.
lydia held up two colour cards against allison's beige wall, another ten colours stuck on already as nicholas lay on the bed scrolling through his laptop watching random videos on you tube.
"this one, it's perfect" lydia suggested as she held up a nude pink "don't you think, nicky?" she asked turning to him. his eyes quickly snapping to her before shaking his head disagreeing.
"more selene's style, don't you think?" he pointed out as allison nodded.
"i don't know. i'm still thinking maybe a shade of blue" allison said shaking her head with an unsure grin as she held the card up next to lydia's one.
nicholas' eyes were still on the girls before noticing that the bruises on their wrists were almost identical. pushing himself off the bed without saying anything he softly pulled their arms next to eachother.
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