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A New Dawn
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A gentle breeze reminded Cori'iana to breathe as she stood in front of her people for the last time. She smiled brightly and waved affectionately to all the citizens of Naboo that had turned up to the ceremony for the peaceful transfer of power. The tradition was something that had always happened in Naboo's existence. For it was best not to let all the power belong to one person for too long. It was a notion with which Cori'iana agreed for it was a better strategy to represent the people, in her opinion.
Senator Sheev Palpatine then announced her to come forward to speak to her people for the final time. The older man hadn't been one of Cori'iana's favorite advisors during her time as queen. She wasn't sure what it was, but there was something about him that she couldn't bring herself to fully trust. Perhaps it was all the meetings with Kodo before and after the last election. Maybe it was the whispers he shared with her grandmother behind her back. It could even be the fact that he had pressured her to take a firmer hold on Baethea. But perhaps it was simply because he had been senator far too long and it would be better for someone with a fresh vision to represent Naboo and elicit change.
He had never spoken unkind words to her nor had he done anything deliberately awful to her. Then again, it wasn't easy to earn Cori'iana's trust and if you earned it and burned that bridge, it was lost forever. More so when she became queen. She had meant her words to Padme to be careful whom she because friends with and trusted. Being queen made people hide their true identities in favor of the ones they wished to be seen.
Making eye contact with Senator Palpatine, Cori'iana nodded her head toward him before approaching the dais from where she was to speak. It truly was a bittersweet moment. Cori'iana had spent the last week memorizing her speech, but the words that had been written on the page hardly seemed important enough now. So, she made the decision, at the last moment, to speak from the heart rather than the speech that had been prepared for her and edited to suit everyone else's expectations.
"Dear citizens of Naboo," Cori'iana spoke. "Or rather, if I may be permitted to call you, my friends." Cheers erupted from the crowd and Cori'iana dare not look at her grandmother, lest she lose her drive to speak from the heart. But she could practically feel her grandmother's stern glare upon her.
"Over my past two years as queen, I feel that I have come to know many of you as friends rather than simply the people to whom I serve. Friends share their ups and downs together. They grow side by side and continue to hold hope even when it seems like there is none to be had. We have been through much together these last couple of years and I will forever be grateful for the support you have shown me."
"And someday when I grow old and think back on this time in my life, I will remember all the friends who have helped me through the years. I will remember the love you showed me during some of my darkest days. You, my friends, are the hope that will never be extinguished. We may part and things may change, but the hope of Naboo will remain in the hearts of its people forever."
Thunderous applause and cheers drowned out any attempt she might have made at speaking further. So she let them continue with a smile on her face as she scanned the crowd looking for those who weren't from Naboo that had been invited for the occasion. Although if she was being honest with herself she was looking for one person. One person, in particular, seemed to have been unable to make it for the festivities. Cori'iana's heart sank at the realization, but the facade on her face never changed.
Cori'iana turned toward Padme who stood to her left. With a smile, she extended her hand to the new queen. "It is time, my sister. Come forth and join the ranks of Monarch of Naboo."
The people of Naboo once again burst into cheers and applause. Padme grinned from ear to ear. She looked like she was about ready to run to Cori'iana but instead had to remind herself to slow down and walk as stately as possible. Cori'iana remembered feeling much the same way the day of her coronation, ready to take on the world. Or at the very least weave herself into the history archives in a positive light.
Padme accepted Cori'iana's hand, stepping onto the dais beside her. The cheers seemed to grow even louder from the crowd. Cori'iana held onto Padme's hand as it fell to her side. She squeezed queen-elect's hand. "You ready?" Cori'iana's asked, with a teasing smile.
"Now you ask?" Padme chuckled. "In front of a crowd full of people with little chance of escape?"
Cori'iana shrugged. "Better late than never? But if you're really in need of an escape, I'd suggest my grandmother's skirts."
Padme threw her head back and laughed. Cori'iana joined in the mirth with her own laughter. The ceremony wasn't even over yet and she already felt lighter than she had in years. Perhaps she should take her own words about hope to heart. For life would be much more dreadful without hope.
The horns began to play their victory celebration song. It was finally time. Cori'iana looked over at Padme and smiled, squeezing her hand one last time. From behind them, Senator Palpatine picked up a blue globe of peace and thrust it toward the sky. The blue represented peace and the globe was a symbol that could easily be seen by the people stretched out before them.
Palpatine then slowly and carefully walked with the orb pressed high toward Cori'iana. The senator offered her a greasy smile, one which Cori'iana forced herself to return to him before placing her hands on the globe. He helped her lift it until she held it in the air on her own.
The people cheered.
Still holding it high, Cori'iana turned to face Padme. "Your turn," Cori'iana whispered to her successor.
Padme inhaled slowly before reaching up and taking hold of the globe. The two young women stood there facing each other and smiling.
"As Queen of Naboo, I wish to grant you the power once given to me now granted you by our people. But as is the will of a people, you must swear to the oath of monarch before them. Padme Amidala, do you promise to faithfully uphold the duties as monarch, upholding the faith and hope granted to you by the citizens of Naboo?"
"I do so promise."
"Will you, to the best of your ability, protect, preserve, and defend the people of Naboo?"
"I do so promise."
"Then, as my final act as Queen of Naboo, I now ask you, Padme Amidala, to take up the mantle of monarch as I, and the monarchs before me, have so done."
Padme sucked in another quick breath before lifting the globe from Cori'iana's hands and held it for the first time on her own. She held it high and turned to face the people. The people erupted into the loudest cheers of the day. While it was tradition for the now-former monarch to announce the new monarch, it was also tradition for the people to cheer before the monarch could do so.
Cori'iana sighed softly as her hands dropped to her side before turning once more to face the people. She smiled as the people cheered and danced. Glancing over at Padme, the younger girl looked so thrilled, taking in the moment. It made something tug at Cori'iana's heartstrings. Senator Palpatine then held his hands up to motion the people to silence. He then turned to Cori'iana.
Straightening her stance, Cori'iana proudly stated, "It is with great pleasure that I now present to you, Padme Amidala, Queen of Naboo!"
Once more the crowd's cheers resounded loudly throughout the celebration. They were almost deafening. As was tradition, Cori'iana descended the steps before Queen Amidala who stood there holding the hope and power of the Naboo. She held her skirt up so that she didn't trip over them as her train trailed behind her.
Tears threatened to spill from Cori'iana's eyes. She hadn't expected there to be tears. They were likely tears of relief that it was finally over, she mused. Or maybe they were tears of frustration over her invited guest not being there. She didn't want to ruin the beautiful makeup that her handmaidens had done. Besides, there was still much celebrating left to be done. So, she made her way to the tented area set aside for the former queen, trying her best not to let the tears overtake her.
For the remainder of the ceremony, Cori'iana sat beneath her tent with the curtains open for her to see what was happening. Padme made her speech to the people, making promises to them. Cori'iana couldn't help but think that Padme looked so young standing up there. Almost too young. She hoped that Padme had an advisor she trusted to help guide her.
Following Padme's speech, which was certainly longer than the one Cori'iana gave on the day of her coronation, several musical selections were performed to mark the occasion. Then, Senator Palpatine gave a speech. Having heard that man speak enough during her time as queen, Cori'iana mostly ignored his speech and instead opted to look through the sea of people. It was mostly children who met her gaze. Most of them smiled and waved excitedly at her. Were she still queen, protocol would dictate that she pay attention to the person speaking, Cori'iana waved and smiled back at them.
When the coronation ceremony finally finished, it was time for the festivities that would last well into the night and would perhaps greet the dawn. But the time following the ceremony for the former queen was meant for tea with friends, as a way to decompress a bit before her presence was required at the evening's feast.
Grandmother Dordirri'ih, with Kodo on her arm, was the first to arrive at the tent. While Cori'iana would much rather spend the time with her closest confidants, she didn't refuse them entrance. They were family after all. And the only family she knew that was living. That meant they were important to her, even if she wasn't quite as important to them. Especially not anymore.
"Congratulations, cousin," Kodo drawled as he looked about the tent for the refreshments.
"What exactly are you congratulating me for?" Cori'iana asked, picking her mask up slightly to wipe away the sweat that beaded beneath it.
"I can take it back if you'd like?" He didn't even bother to look at her as he picked up a piece of fruit and popped it into his mouth. "It was meant as a compliment," he added as he chewed on his food.
"A creative speech, darling," Dordirri'ih said rather stiffly as she poured herself a cup of tea. "A little off the cuff, no?"
Cori'iana shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She wasn't even queen anymore and it seemed they had nothing better to do than judge her. But she sat up straight and smoothed her dress before responding. "From the heart, actually."
Kodo sniggered
"Great rulers don't wear their heart on their sleeve, darling," Dodirri'ih responded before she took a sip of tea.
"But beloved ones do."
"The only thing that will win you is elections. Although there is still time for you to achieve greatness, darling. You've only served one term. Perhaps you could run again in two years' time." Dordirri'ih took a slow sip of her tea, eyeing her granddaughter over the rim of the cup.
"What about me?" Kodo scoffed, dropping his plate to his lap.
"Now, now, Kodo. There is no reason why a Sanandrassa couldn't be seated on the throne for six more years or perhaps even longer."
Cori'iana arched an eyebrow as she engaged her grandmother, "Term limits are two years. You've already served your two and I've served one. It isn't possible for more than six between the three of us."
"Not without a change of the law and Sanandrassas have friends in high places."
"Are you referring to Senator Palpatine?" Cori'iana asked. "You might think me young and naive, but I've seen the way you are with him. There's something more going on there than what you've led on."
For once in her life, Dordirri'ih looked too shocked for words, which made Kodo chuckle darkly. Cori'iana eyed her grandmother carefully. Around her, they had always seemed professional, but there was something in Cori'iana's gut that told her that there was more to their relationship than what she was privy to.
"She's not the only one," Kodo drawled with a smirk on his face. "But as long as I don't have to call him Grandfather, I don't really care." He then popped a fruit tart into his mouth.
Despite the tension, Cori'iana covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a chuckle that threatened to escape. That wasn't what Cori'iana had been thinking about her grandmother's relationship with the senator, but now that Kodo had brought it up, she couldn't seem to stop thinking about it. Could that possibly be the reason for all the whispers and sneaking about? The thought had never crossed her mind. But it made some things make more sense.
Thankfully, two of Cori'iana's close companions made their way into the tent, ending the awkward conversation. Cori'iana stood and walked over to greet her guests, Rassary Leverre and Bakmellé Vir. Both women Cori'iana had known since her school days at the Royal Academy of Theed where the three of them had been roommates.
While both Rassary and Bakmellé had grown up living privileged lives in Theed, Cori'iana's parents had kept her in the countryside until her grandmother had offered to pay for her education. It had been an offer her parents were unable to refuse for the sake of their daughter's future. While Cori'iana often longed for home, her friends had been a great place to seek refuge at school. But as they grew older their close camaraderie seemed to grow more distant. It was no one's fault really. They simply grew up and soon things such as significant others or politics seemed to get in the way a bit.
Or it could have been that Dordirri'ih seemed to have a heavier hand in her life once she began to pay for her education and neither Rassary nor Bakmellé's families were supporters of her grandmother. While their families had never attempted anything treasonous but their disdain was quite vocal. Or so Cori'iana's mother had told her upon her summers spent at home.
Nevertheless, the women still attempted to maintain as close a friendship as they could manage. Even under Dordirri'ih's watchful eye. It was never broken. Just changed.
Bakmellé was the first to envelop Cori'iana in a tight embrace. "I'm so proud of you," she offered the now-former queen, hugging her for dear life. Cori'iana hugged her back just as tightly. There were some embraces that offered comfort and she felt that from Bakmellé's hug.
"I second that," Rassary added as she attempted to join the hug.
Cori'iana removed one arm from Bakmellé to make room for their other friend. The three women stood there embracing each other. Cori'iana hoped that maybe they could strengthen their friendship with her no longer being queen . . . and hopefully no longer under the watchful eye of her grandmother. She just wasn't sure how to go about it.
"Are all women like this?" Kodo drawled from his chair. "So . . . sentimental?"
It was Rassary, his former girlfriend from when they were all at the academy together, that responded. "No one asked your opinion, Kodo," she retorted, moving away from her friends and taking a step closer to Kodo.
Kodo smirked and rested his arm on the back of his chair, gearing up for a battle of wits. "You didn't have to. I do believe Naboo still believes in freedom of opinion." Even when they were younger, he had always liked to get Rassary all fired up. And she did the same thing to him.
Rassary arched her brow, maintaining eye contact with him. "Well, as I seem to recall, you were quite sentimental when I broke things off with you."
His face fell slightly, but he was quick to respond. "We were hardly more than children."
"That may be, but whereas the three of us sentimental women matured, you never did." Rosary rested her hands on her hips and looked at him pointedly, daring him to defy her.
"Refreshments, anyone?" Winni asked stepping toward Rassary with a tray of pastries. Cori'iana mouthed her thanks to her handmaiden for breaking the tension.
Kodo stood up and walked over to them. "Don't mind if I do," he said, making eye contact with Rassary, who refused to back down from his gaze. He then rolled his eyes before taking a bite of pastry. Turning to look at Cori'iana, he said, "I'm going to find a place where my company is actually wanted."
"I didn't know the Gungans took on charity cases," Rassary retorted with her arms across her chest. "Perhaps I should speak to my husband about that."
With nothing but a shake of his head, Kodo exited the tent with his cape billowing behind him. Cori'iana had anticipated her grandmother to scold her, but it seemed that while Rassary and Kodo were chatting, Dordirri'ih slipped out of the tent. That was quite odd. Unless Kodo was right about Grandmother and Senator Palpatine. The very thought sent shivers up Cori'iana's spine. Best not to think about that.
"Must you always rile him up like that?" Cori'iana chuckled, her words meant in jest. She then motioned for her friends to join her in the sitting area.
Rassary sighed. "I haven't had a decent Kodo argument since he showed up the night before my wedding asking me to run away with him. I love Tohnaanes, but I do quite enjoy arguing with Kodo."
"You always have," Bakmellé added, elbowing her friend in the rib. Rassary playfully smacked at Bakmellé's arm. Even though they were seemingly grown, some things never changed.
"I don't know what I even saw in him back then," Rassary said, plopping down on the sofa in a very undignified manner. Certainly not the way she had been raised.
Cori'iana released a sigh, tucking a tendril of hair behind her ear. "He wasn't always so cold back then. There were even times he was quite fun to be around. Well, at least if you two were there with me."
Rassary folded her arms across her chest and smirked. "Remember the time that the four of us snuck into the headmistress's office?"
"I think it's a moment Cori'i and I would rather forget," Bakmellé chuckled. "The sight of you and Kodo snogging on her desk nearly made us vomit."
"It did make me vomit. That's why I went running. Didn't want Headmistress Kriprepéls to trace my vomit back to me and earn me an infraction," Cori'iana retorted.
"If only the people knew how much of a rebel their queen was," Rassary teased before taking a sip of the tea that Winni had offered her.
Cori'iana rolled her eyes. "I only went to keep you lot out of trouble. Someone had to be able to talk their way out of a situation if you were caught."
That was mostly true. Cori'iana usually had been the one to tag along to keep them from stepping into trouble or get them out of it. But Cori'iana did find breaking the rules to be rather exciting every once in a while. Or at least she did. Before her whole world changed.
Bakmellé cleared her throat, drawing Cori'iana out of her reverie. "Cori'i what exactly are your plans now?"
Both Bakmellé and Rassary looked at the former queen rather intently.
Cori'iana chewed her bottom lip for a moment before she sighed deeply. "I'm not sure, really." She then looked over her shoulder to make sure her grandmother wasn't within earshot. "I don't want to return to the lake country with my grandmother. I love her, but I could use a break. I was hoping to talk with . . ."
"Him?" Rassary interrupted with a smirk before making some swinging motions with her arms like she was holding onto something. Sound effects included. She through in a few kisses for good measure.
Cori'iana threw her head back and groaned, causing the other two women to giggle.
"I understand the trust you place in him," Bakmellé softly said. "He hardly left your side when he was here."
Rassary arched an eyebrow.
"He was just doing his job." Cori'iana folded her arms across her chest, knowing exactly what Rassary was thinking. "Nothing more."
Wisely, Rassary said nothing more on the subject. Although, Rassary knew Cori'iana's answer was far from the truth. There had been something more there. Rassary had seen it with her own eyes. While she couldn't blame Cori'iana, to Rassary it sometimes seemed that Cori'iana had pushed her away in favor of him during those days. Which, in Rassary's opinion, brought a bit of a strain to their friendship. Not that she could fault her friend in seeking refuge in the company of a handsome gentleman.
"I don't know about you ladies, but I'm up for a bit of fun outside this tent. Your majesty?" Rassary said, looking at her friend. Her eyes glinted with mirth, tempting the Cori'iana she had grown up with to take the bait.
Cori'iana crinkled her nose. "You've always called me Cori'i, don't start with the your majesty stuff now."
"How about Cori'iana?" Bakmellé joined in the teasing.
"Not unless you want me to ship you off to the lake country with dear Grandmama." Cori'iana stood up and walked up to her friend so that they were practically nose to nose. "I'm sure I could still get someone to do my bidding, right Scerra?" She turned to her handmaiden.
Scerra grinned, with her arms folded across her chest. "Transport could be arranged within the hour."
Bakmellé's eyes widened. "You wouldn't dare!"
"Wouldn't I?" Cori'iana teased, with her hands behind her back and a genuine smile on her face. She then threw her head back and began to laugh uncontrollably.
"Oh, come on your two," Rassary chuckled grabbing each of her friends by the arm, practically dragging them from the tent. "I think after the past two years, we've earned ourselves some fun."
It was a sentiment with which Cori'iana wholeheartedly agreed. So the three young ladies left the tent setting out for an adventure of fun . . . and perhaps some mischief.
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Author's Note: I lied. Obi-Wan is in the NEXT part. I actually wrote most his stuff first for this chapter and then realized the chapter would be too long. So the good news is that I'm already almost finished with the next chapter! haha.
A BIG THANK YOU to those that commented on the last chapter: bardic_tales, dancingsunflowersocs, darth-caillic, mrbagthecat, ninjasawakenedmystar, oneirataxia-girl, rose-colored-glasses, starryeyes2000, winter326, wokenhardies
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