・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
"No." She mumbled underneath her breath as she glanced around her surroundings. Azalea let out a muffled sob. Her hands shook slightly as she covered her mouth. She looked under the covers to see her underwear stripped away from her. Tears rolled down her cheeks. It happened again, she thought to herself. Azalea struggled to get up, her lower abdomen aching. She got dressed quickly before he woke up. Azalea was halfway out the door when she received an epiphany. She realized she needed someone to kill someone truly evil. There she had the moment. The opportunity. She turned around and stood over Adam's sleeping body. Her eyes flickered towards the nightstand to see a pocket knife, note and an empty plastic bag. Her fingers brushed across the note as she read it.
Well done, Diego. Here's that 5,000 dollars I promised you. Further instructions will be sent towards you soon. -Alejandro.
Her blood ran cold. Adam wasn't his real name, she thought to herself angrily. Azalea grabbed the pocket knife as she debated with herself. Just do it, she screamed to herself. Her hands shook uncontrollably before she swallowed the lump in her throat. She started to make a stabbing motion in the air to ready herself. However, Diego's eyes flew wide open to see Azalea towering over him. His eyes flickering towards his pocket knife. "You little-"
Before he could finish his sentence, the voices screamed at her to do it. She obliged by plunging the blade deep into his chest. Diego gasped for breath as his back arched upwards. The voices grew louder as Azalea repeatedly thrusted the knife into his dead body. After a couple of seconds, Azalea snapped back into reality. She dropped the knife and stumbled backwards. Pools of a maroon substance formed underneath Diego's body. She gasped quietly before she glanced down at her hands. They were covered in another man's blood. She had killed him. She had done Master Lin's assignment. She muttered an incoherent chain of profanities before she quickly grabbed the knife and placed it in the plastic bag. She then exited the room with a burning guilt igniting inside of her and screaming voices that pounded against her skull.
As Azalea entered the streets of San Francisco, it was like a ghost town. The sun didn't peek over the horizon like it normally was. It was just a dark blue canvas. Azalea's feet dragged along the street before she entered the butcher shop. There was no one in the lobby. Azalea's grip tightened around the bag before entering the dormitory facility. Azalea grimaced under her breath as she tried to muted the voices that clouded her thought process.She found herself in front of Marcus Lopez's door. She curled her fingers and knocked once. She immediately regretted it. She started to turn around, but the door opened. Marcus squinted as he rubbed his eyes groggily. There he saw Azalea Rivera in a skimpy black dress with blood stains covered all over. "Azalea?"
Suddenly, the noise in her head ceased. "Marcus," She croaked weakly with a gentle smile upon her lips.
"Jesus Christ, what the hell happened to you?"
His puppy dog eyes landed on her blood stained hands. His eyes widened before he gently pulled her inside of his dorm. He closed the door and led her into the bathroom. He turned on the faucet, letting the hot water trickle down first. His hands then led hers under the water. The blood slowly washed away into the drain. Marcus slowly smiled before he gazed down upon her, studying her features. Marcus quickly grabbed a towel and handed it to her. She dried her hands off before her eyes became glued to the ground. "Hey," Marcus called out softly, snapping her out of her trance.
"Hmm?" She hummed mindlessly. She wasn't acting normal, Marcus concluded.
"Azalea," Marcus called out more sternly before he gently placed his hand on the side of her cheek. "Tell me what's wrong. You just showed up to my door with bloods on your hands and you only said one word to me."
She sighed softly before she glanced towards the ground. "Um... After the whole, uh, Alejandro thing, I... went to the gym."
Marcus nodded, urging for her to continue. "I went to the gym. Then when school was over, I decided I should lighten up. Get a drink and what not. Then..." Azalea paused as a lump started to form in the inside of her throat. "A guy named Adam- but his actual name is Diego started to talk to me and... he gave me a weird vibe. Emilio served me my drinks and I downed them. I... I knew I- I shouldn't have drank those. After I drank them, I started to dance before the room started to spin. My legs gave out but before I fell, Diego caught me. He whispered something into my ear-" That's where Azalea choked up.
"He said: 'naive little girl'. Just like Alejandro would say." Azalea shuddered at the memory. "He took me to this back room. I tried to move. I wanted to move, I wanted to fight. To show him who's boss. But, I couldn't... He must've slipped a drug into my drinks." Tears started to fall down Azalea's cheeks as she explained all of this. She slowly moves to the mirror to examine all her injuries. Her fingers brushing across the freshly shown bruises. Her hands dropped to her side as they started to shake uncontrollably. "He pushed me down onto the bed as his lips roughly kissed and nibbled at my neck. He told me that we were going to have fun. I knew what that meant. His fingers grazed my skin, giving me bone shaking chills. His fingers hooked onto the sides of my underwear, pulling them down to my ankles. He took off all his clothes and um.."
With that, Azalea paused, unable to finish her story. Her voice cracked as tears started to fall down her cheeks. She covered her mouth as haunting memories started to flood through the gates. She mumbled a chain of incoherent words before stumbling backwards into the corner. The voices in her head began chanting, muting the world out. She shook her head as she leaned against the wall. She slid down as she clasped her hands over her ears. Her hands shook uncontrollably as tears slipped onto her cheeks, rolling off onto her bare legs. Azalea glanced down to see her hands were still covered in Diego's blood. After her parents took their own lives, Azalea was diagnosed with a severe case of post traumatic stress disorder. Azalea learned how to control it most of the times. "No. No. No" She mumbled as she ran over to the sink.
Marcus desperately tried to snap her back out of it. It was no use. He watched her intently. Azalea ran her hands under the water once again, scrubbing her palms roughly together with soap. "Need to get this off." She muttered. Marcus gently turned her body to face him.
"What are you doing?" He asked sternly.
"I need to get his blood off my hands." She cried out.
"There is no blood, Azalea. You're clean." Marcus reassured softly. She shakes her head as the tears continued to fall. "No no no." She repeated to herself as her hands shook uncontrollably.
Marcus gently grabbed her hands, keeping the still. His eyes studied hers before he slowly leaned in, giving Azalea time to react. Soon enough, his lips met hers. They molded together like matching puzzle pieces. An explosion of fireworks erupted while butterflies danced in Azalea's stomach. She felt fire tingling at her lips. Azalea pulled away before raising her fingers to touch her lips.
"Wow," She mumbled.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
- sorry for this unedited crappy ass chapter. it's currently 12 in the morning and i want to go to sleep. sorry if the panic attack did seem a little rushed and i'm sorry for azalea's and marcus' relationship seems a little rushed. i'm planning for this to be a short book. i honestly have no idea yet but yeah.
-i know this isn't adequate like the last chapter or the other. i'm just super tired and GAH I HATE SCHOOL. ALSO READ MY NEW MARCUS BOOK. it is boy x boy and it's called torment. go check it out and VOTE
-QOTD: favorite singer?
shawn fucking mendes
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