↳ chapter fifteen
↳ gamora
evi sat up suddenly, her head throbbing badly, but it seemed like they were winning right now.
thanos was pretty defeated and captured not only by peters web, but quills electrical buzzer, while strange was treating him with magic and tony was trying to rip the gauntlet off.
evi scrambled to her feet and flew towards them, landing on the ground next to tony, trying to help him pull the gauntlet off.
strange opened a portal and mantis landed on thanos shoulder, pulling at his head and hopefully making him unconscious.
drax was holding his feet in place.
"is he under?" asked tony "don't let up"
"be quick, he is very strong" mantis struggled to keep her balance
"parker, help! get over here" tony called "she can't hold him much longer. let's go"
while now peter, tony and evi were pulling, quill landed on the ground beside them
"we gotta open his fingers to get it off" peter mumbled
"i thought you'd be hard to catch" quill stepped closer "for the record, this was my plan. you're not so strong now, huh?"
"quill, don't!" evi said through her gritted tears, sensing in which direction that was going
quill ignored her. "where is gamora?"
thanos groaned audibly "my gamora"
"no, bullshit. where is she?"
"he is in anguish" mantis said
"he-he mourns"
the blue woman, who stood next to them,- which evi only now registered-, looked intrigued at that
"what does this monster have to mourn?" drax asked
"gamora" said the unknown woman
quill turned around to look at her "what?"
"he took her to vormir. he came back with the soul stone, but she didn't"
"okay quill, you gotta cool it right now. you understand?" tony had lifted his mask and send an concerned look in the man's direction
"he's right, don't do something stupid now, i'm begging you" evi said. quill had turned to her. "i know how it feels but we're so close" she took a look at the gauntlet, which she was still pulling at
quill looked between her and the purple dust, that came out of her hands, than back to the gauntlet and finally at thanos.
for a short moment, evi believed she had talked him into staying calm. just for a short moment.
tony was screaming at quill, but evi completely focused on quill.
"tell me she's lying" he said "asshole, tell me you didn't do it!" he screamed. evi winced at his sudden outburst
"i had to" mumbled thanos
"no you didn't"
"no you didn't"
"quill, please" evi sobbed quietly, looking at the raging and hurt man.
no one could imagine better what it felt like than her, but he shouldn't risk half of the population like this.
quill shook his head, as if to apologize, before he threw his fist forward and hit thanos right in the face, not only once but three times, while he repeated that he didn't have to do it
tony finally pulled him back. peter and evi trying their best to rip off the gauntlet, just a little bit was missing
"it's coming off" called peter excitedly
then suddenly it was over. thanos was conscious and took the gauntlet back in his hand.
they had no chance against him. evi landed on peter as they flew back.
mantis was thrown away as well and before evi could help her, peter had already reacted and saved her from a brutal fall
suddenly thanos was stronger than ever. fighting off every single attack that hit his way, making it impossible to take the gauntlet
finally he conjured asteroids and threw them towards tony who was trying to get off the ground.
he tried to dodge them, but to no appeal. quill, drax and evi all flew in the air from the impact, evi lost her consciousness shortly after that.
this time she was alone. her brother was nowhere to be found.
she sighed, while she watched herself in the mirror. not exactly herself, but an enhanced version, the starting point almost
the wound and the dried blood were gone. she was clean and her hair was wavy and healthy.
she wasn't wearing any make up, but she couldn't find a single spot on her face that didn't look like perfect porcelain.
the scar above her eyebrow was gone as well, a souvenir of her homes bombing.
she crawled forward on the floor, until she could touch her face. she brought her finger up to her eyebrow- no the scar was there, she just couldn't see it in the mirror version of herself.
the last times she had come here, she had always looked at the normal mirrored image of herself.
not fixed, just smudged make up and blood and wounds and the scar - the scar that she now pretty clearly was missing
she raised her eyebrows but the evi in the mirror wouldn't do the same. instead she leaned her head to the side and watched her double
"you are just a mirror" evi mumbled as if to make herself sure of that fact
"i'm so much more" her mirrored self answered.
this was scary.
evi crawled back a few feet instantly
"what are you?"
"i'm you, but i have so much more potential"
"what does that mean? what's the real difference between us?"
as fast as she had come, the mirrored evi disappeared, but not without sending one last conspiratorial look towards her twin.
"that's exactly what i'm taking about"
evi shrieked so loudly her scream bounced off the walls a few times. she fastly turned her head and looked at pietro who was kneeling beside her
"you're becoming insane"
"because i am here?"
"because you talk to mirrors now" deadpanned pietro
"you act as if talking to you should be considered normal"
"it shouldn't- that's exactly what i'm trying to tell you this whole time"
"look, you have to wake up"
"what because it's dangerous being here? bla bla bla, pietro, i don't care"
"no. because you're dying"
suddenly her eyes were wide open, a comet- or a asteroid- something was coming closer and closer to her, it was burning and it was huge.
she was nearly hit but could fly out of the way in the very last second. she flew towards peter who tried to recollect everybody that was still unconscious
"i got you and i got you" he screamed "sorry, i can't remember anybody's names"
"you need help, spider-boy?" she asked amused at his antics
"sure i could use really use it right now" he screamed, still trying to keep everyone from being hit or flying off
evi extended her hand and pulled mantis and drax closer to him. she was still angry at quill, so peter should take care of that one.
finally they had been able to return to the ground. after quill had regained consciousness he had taken of immediately, leaning peter and evi to deal with mantis and drax who were awakening too.
they sat the down onto the ground next to doctor strange and evi looked between quill, tony and strange who all looked defeated and her smile died out
"it's over isn't it?"
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