A Promise
EVANGELINE AND JASPER ARE AT THEIR BEDROOM, hearing everything that is happening in Carlisle's home clinic, how the baby has cracked Bella's ribs, breaking her bones, and how the baby is not compatible with her body that her heart will give out before she can even deliver, that the chance of her condition even the venom can't overcome.
And now the newlyweds are arguing.
Evangeline looked at Jasper, and the honey-blonde man knew what she was asking for and smiled at her, pecking her forehead, and the blonde woman was going to check on how Bella was doing after that check-up.
Walking towards the stairs, she heard Edward slam the door leaving the pregnant woman alone. Evangeline avoids Edward, not really in the mood for his temper.
She silently opens the door, seeing Bella wipe a tear from her eyes, "Hey."
Bella gives her a weak smile, "You heard that, didn't you?"
"Enhanced hearing, can't exactly tune it out. It was very loud. I'm sorry," Evangeline says while pulling a chair and sitting beside Bella.
"It's okay," Bella says quietly.
"It's going to be alright. You'll get through this. It's just another rocky road you'll get through. That's marriage for you," Evangeline tells her, trying to cheer up the pregnant woman.
"Do you and Jasper have arguments like these?" Bella asks, trying to keep her mind off her situation.
"Well, when we were human, we argued over little things, but Jasper isn't the one for raising his voice. If he really gets annoyed, he'll just leave and have a walk to town to settle his emotions," Evangeline answers. She was genuinely grateful for having a husband like Jasper.
He never laid a finger on her or raised his voice at her, unlike some of her old gal's husbands, doing unspeakable things to them.
The blonde woman hums and looks at Bella. The pregnant woman takes her hand, gently squeezing it.
"If I don't survive this, promise me you'll take care of my baby, treat him like your own, and show him love only a mother could give," Bella says to her with a pleading look.
And Evangeline answered with no second thoughts, "Of course, I promise."
"You'll have the opportunity that you always wanted, to be a mother," Bella tells her weakly.
"No one can beat how a true mother can endlessly love her child. You'll see him grow up," Evangeline tells her with a smile, "Come on, I'll prepare a bath for you."
THE FAMILY IS IN THE LEAVING ROOM, watching a game of football.
Jasper and Evangeline sit on the sofa, the blonde leaning on Jasper's chest while the man has his arms around her waist, his chin on top of her head.
The rest was observing Bella and her condition with dark eyes, they hadn't fed for three weeks now, and they were thirsty.
Jasper and Evangeline had a hard time controlling themselves around Bella, but with Theodore and Alice being by their side if anything happens eases them.
Bella suddenly gasps in pain, rubbing her stomach, trying to release something, but nothing comes out since her body refuses everything she consumes.
"We need to find a way to get some food into her system," Esme tells them with a worried look on her face.
"If I could only see the fetus," Alice begins, but Rosalie interjects, "The baby."
"Maybe I could figure out what it wants," The pixie-headed woman continues.
This again, why can't they call it a baby? It's not a sin, Evangeline thoughts to herself, and Edward read her mind and glared in her direction.
"Think you might be right. Jacob just had an idea," Edward says, reading the boy's thoughts.
Jacob huffs and says, "It wasn't an idea. It was a snide comment."
"Spill it out. We don't have all day," Evangeline tells the boy, and he just rolls his eyes at her.
"That it's probably just looking for something to sink its teeth into."
Evangeline and Jasper fixed their posture; they knew exactly what the wolf was implying, and it didn't help their thirst one bit.
"He's thirsty," Bella says weakly looking at Carlisle and Edward.
"I know the feeling," Emmet grumbled, holding both of his hands.
"If it's craving, it's not going to want animal blood," Edward says, and Evangeline gulps, holding her throat. It was painfully dry.
"I have some 0 negatives laid aside for Bella," Carlisle says while walking towards his clinic.
Evangeline follows his figure, having a silent debate about whether she'll follow him or not and take the blood for herself. She was thirsty. . .incredibly thirsty.
Alice holds her hand and smiles. "Walk with us?" while Theodore is in front of Jasper, patting his shoulder.
Evangeline was having a hard time, and Alice knew it, so the pixie woman dragged her out with Theodore, who was holding Jasper's arm, and with much reluctance, Emmett was following behind them.
The five of them were outside the house, not really going far because of shape-shifters that were roaming around their territory.
Evangeline had an idea in mind that would clear out their gloomy state. She looks at them and hands out her hand. "Hold hands. Trust me on this one."
The three men look at each other confused, and Alice just excitedly takes her hand. The pixie woman already knows what Evangeline will do, and they hold hands.
Evangeline closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Her mind was connecting with the others, like a string was being attached to them one by one. She chooses one of her human memories that hasn't faded.
Before them was a teenage girl running beside another teenage boy. They were running through the fields.
"You're a slowpoke, Whitlock, I Evangeline Hill just beat Jasper Whitlock at a race," The blonde teenage girl teased.
It was a 15-year-old Evangeline and a 15-year-old Jasper.
"You're not playing fair," Jasper complains with a pout resting on his lips.
"Well, nothing is fair, Mr.Whitlock," Evangeline answers confidently.
"Be glad that I adore you, blondie," Jasper tells her with a smirk.
"I'm glad that Jasper Whitlock has an amazing friend named Evangeline Hill," She says while running towards the barn, Jasper following behind her.
"Father never had the time to teach me how to ride a horse," Jasper admits, and Evangeline dramatically gasps and pulls Jasper beside her, and smiles.
"You're in for an amazing day, Whitlock because you have a friend who is an expert on riding horses."
"Can you teach me?"
"Of course, I will! No need to ask"
Opening a stable revealing a beautiful black horse, Evangeline gently places her hand on its muzzle, and the horse licks her hand, and the blonde laughs fondly.
After hours of teaching Jasper how to mount a horse properly, he finally did it without falling.
"I've done it!" Jasper proudly exclaims, looking down at Evangeline, who is rubbing the horse's shoulder.
"Now hold the reigns tightly," Evangeline instructs him, and Jasper does so. The blonde clicked her tongue, signaling the horse to walk, and it did, and Jasper was frantic.
"I don't think this is a good idea," Jasper says while moving around.
"Stop moving around. It'll make the horse nervous," Evangeline orders while holding his leg. Then the horse neighs, frantically moving around, lifting its body, and now is on its two back feet, making Jasper lose his grip on the reigns and fall safely on a stack of hay.
Evangeline laughs while looking at him, jumping in his direction, their bodies engulfed by the hay.
The memory slowly disappeared, and they were back in the forest.
"How did you do that?" Emmett asks, still amazed about what he saw.
"Mind manipulation," Evangeline answers while the three men look at her, asking her to explain her ability.
"I can control your senses, meaning, I can control what you see, smell, hear, feel, or even taste whatever I want you to do, I can control your mind, and that means I can also control your body," Evangeline tells them like it was nothing.
"Why haven't you used it?" Theodore asks.
"I'm not fond of my ability. Controlling one's mind isn't exactly my cup of tea. It feels like an invasion, and I don't like that," Evangeline answers while looking at the lake.
"It's alright, darlin'. Bella is done feeding, and we can go back now," Jasper tells her while pecking her cheek.
She smiles at him and holds his hand, the five of them proceed to walk towards the house.
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