7- Pyjama Date
——8:57 pm——
Will changed to his pyjamas; a pale green tee with a bright blue pair of shorts
He lied down on his bed, leaning his legs on the wall glancing at the clock, it was almost 9 pm and he hasn't eaten yet, his stomach grumbled. Will didn't feel like eating anything at the moment. Begrudgingly he leapt from his bed walking over to the kitchen, looking through the fridge scanning the shelves to find food
He sighed running a hand through his chestnut hair. The fridge was empty as he told his mother that he was going to eat out. He slammed the fridge door laying his head on it, walking back to the room.
He flopped on his bed switching the mini tv in his bedroom
He answered the phone without even looking at the name
"El... I mean Will?" The voice called
"Umm yeah" Will looked at his phone, it read 'Mike'. He jumped up, sitting atop his bed. 'Shit' Will thought
"I wanna talk to you, where can I meet you?" Mike said from the other side of the phone
"Umm I guess you could meet me at the park" Will muttered
"Okay" Mike simply stated, switching the phone off. Will freaked out pacing around the room, does Mike know about how he pretended to be El? He slumped on his bed not moving a muscle. His phone buzzed. A text from Mike demanding he left his house. He swallowed the lump in his throat taking a deep breath and walking out his room not before grabbing his wig and placing it on his head.
Will left the house still in his pyjamas draping a thin windbreaker over his shoulders, keys in hand. Will grabbed his bike quickly pedalling to the park agreeing to meet Mike. He sat on the swings, swaying slowly back and forwards.
Will sat quietly, taking out his phone, scrolling through his social media. He felt eyes on him, looking around him; he couldn't see anyone, feeling a sense of dread Will calls Mike hoping he'll answer.
A gnawing feeling eats him up, the phone rings
"Hello, where are you? I'm at the swings" Will spoke quietly into the phone
"Hi? Come to the parking lot" Mike answered on the other side
"Oka——AHHH" Will screamed.
"Will... WILL!!" Mike screamed from the other side, swinging open the door running over to the swings
He felt a hand grab his windbreaker throwing him to the floor. His phone flew out his hands many feet away. A taller man with blond hair pinned him down. A smirk appearing on his face. Will shivered.
Will tried to move but was stopped when the taller man took out a knife, holding it to Will's throat, his eyes widening
"P-please" Will squeaked
"Shh- I won't hurt you" The man placed a finger over Wills lips
"Just give me your wallet" he added
"I-I d-don't" Will squirmed under the man, who held him in place, using one hand to hold the smaller boy. Will tried to explain but before he could continue his tears started to flow out his eyes. Wills vision blurred unable to see anything over his tears.
Suddenly, the man dropped to Will's side clenching his head in pain. Will turned his head towards his saviour seeing a hand outstretched in front of his face, looking up he sees a familiar raven hared boy, Mike face softened seeing the smaller boy's face was puffy and eyes red shaking a hand accepting Mike's. Their hands touch. Mike maintained a steady grip, slowly walking Will toward the car breathing shallowly. His legs shook wearily, he took a step; the air felt thick, Will almost felt as if he was going to throw up
"Are you okay?" Mike whispered
"Yeah, yeah of course i am" Will said shaken
"Sorry" He apologised
"Will it wasn't your fault I'm happy to protect you" The ravenette spoke
"Thank you" Will mumbled still a bit shaken from the experience
"Umm let's go" will sighed, walking forward to Mike's car
"So, your real name is Will? What's your last name?" Mike questioned avoiding eye contact. The chestnut-haired boy thought deep for a moment, he could say his real last name. If Mike knew that he was the same boy in his English class, he could kick him out the course
"Umm Wood...land " he lied looking around his surroundings, focusing on the trees
"So, your name is William Woodland?" Mike raised an eyebrow. Will just nodded not knowing how to respond
"How come I've never seen you before, I mean you dress very... uniquely?" Mike added
"I- I just moved to town- I'm new" Will played with his wig hoping Mike doesn't ask him more questions. The ravenette shuffled in his seat facing Will
"I actually first came to apologise to you, but when I went to your address, well the address I thought was yours, I met real El." Mike began his story, Will could already tell he was in big trouble, but he knew El wouldn't rat her best friend out. He pondered who could've snitched on him
"El and your other friend told me your name" Mike added. Will solved that mystery.
"Well, isn't that lovely" Will rolled his eyes.
"So, what exactly where you promised for catfishing me?" Mike sternly asked
"A motorbike" he whispered
"A MOTORBIKE?!?" The ravenette yelled throwing his arms in the air
"Please don't shout" will whimpered covering his ears with both hands
"Sorry, how about we come up with an agreement, if you pretend to be my boyfriend ill pay you" Mike offered
"Pay me?" Will spat with speculation
"Yes, I'll pay you $2000 per date" Mike very calmly suggested.
"What am I?" Will protested
"I mean you catfished me for a motorbike" Mike joked a chuckle playing on his lips
"I didn't" Will said apprehensively
"But you did" Mike accused the younger boy
"So, what do you say?" Mike added, Will pondered to himself, proposing that maybe he could use this money to pay off his mother's debt. A debt that had accumulated from his father passed on to his mother
"Fine I guess" He sighed, placing his head back on the seat
"Okay here" Mike smiled, reaching an arm to the backseat pulling out a purple folder placing it in Will's lap
"what's this?" Will furrowed his eyebrows
"It's a folder" Mike smirked rolling his eyes
"I know that Einstein, but why?" Will joked
"It's a folder about me. learn it" Mike said
"So, you can meet my parents" Mike added as if what he said was the most normal thing he could have heard
"Excuse me? Meet who?" Will questioned hoping he heard what Mike said incorrectly, his eyes widening
"My parents" Mike simply repeated
"When?" Will sighed
"Tomorrow" Mike spoke
"Tomorrow?!!!" Will shouted, shuffling up in his seat
"Yes" Mike stated
"Fine" Will crossed his arms slumping in his seat
"Sorry about earlier by the way" Mike spoke quietly looking out the window. Will smiled not saying anything in the process, he looked down at the folder in his lap tracing the letters that graced the cover
"Are you hungry?" Mike added turning his attention toward the smaller boy
"No, no I'm fine" Will waved his arms around, his stomach grumbled nervously trying to be as convincing as possible. Producing a cheeky grin, he giggled
"Yes, you are" Mike laughs. Turning his key into the ignition.
"Put your seatbelt on" He smiled, watching through the rear-view mirror, Will buckled his seatbelt looking out the window as Mike quietly drove down the streets, to the parking lot of the fast-food restaurant. Mike parked his car, getting out as Will does the same; folder in hand
Mike smirked making his way to the front door of the McDonalds
"Wait Mike, I'm not very comfortable going into the shop like this" Will grabbed the arm of the taller boy, a soft tug on his wrist. Mike turned around eyeing him up and down, the boy still had his pyjama clothes on, and leaves in his hair. Mike chuckled taking off his black trench coat draping it over the smaller boy's shoulder. Staying inches apart intently picking leaves off the smaller boy's hair taking a small step back
"Who wears pyjamas outside, anyway?" Mike chuckled,
"Well, I was forcibly dragged out my home to meet a certain someone" Will pouted looking up in his eyes, the ravenette felt a shiver maintaining eye contact. He stepped away clearing his throat he walked inside the McDonalds leaving the smaller boy outside
"Okay... that was weird" Will clung to the folder in his arms, he sighed stepping his way to through the front door. Mike stood in the line scanning the items present on the TVs above the worker.
"So, what are you going to get?" Mike whispered slightly ducking to Will's ear
"I don't have any money on me" Will just shrugged his shoulders
"It's fine ill pay" Mike spoke
"No, it's fine I'm n-" Will admitted
"It's fine you're my boyfriend now, right?" Mike winked cutting off, Will felt bad. He scanned the menu buying the cheapest meal off of it, he chose the happy meal
"Can I get a happy meal Mike? Please" Will smiled turning his head
"Aww little Willy wants a toy with his food" Mike mocked ephisizing the words, he placed a hand on top of Wills head, he seethed
"Get that hand off or I'll bite it off" Will pouted
"Wow kinky" Mike joked, removing his hand walking off to the ordering line. Will was left alone again, he glanced around for a seat, trying not to get noticed by anyone, he walked to a secluded table in the corner plopping himself down opening his folder in-front of him. Flipping through the pages this folder had almost every aspect of Mikes life: family, jobs, hobbies, even pictures included, Will wonders how long Mike has had this folder for. It was neatly organised with coloured binders to separate the different sections, Will would have expected no different from an English teacher. He flips through more pages remembering key dates.
"I'm back with the food" Mike sings running back to the table tray in hand
"You're already revising?" Mike said resting the tray on the table
"Well, you don't get good grades for nothing" the smaller boy looked up smiling
"You got good grades?" Mike mocked
"Im not just a pretty face" will joked, plumping his hair resting both elbows on the table his chin in his hands
"Yeah you're brains and beauty" Mike flirted. Will blushed, not because he had a crush on Mike but because no one has ever complimented him like that before. He smiled closing the folder putting it to his side bringing his food closer to him. He ate a few fries poking a hole in his drink to slurp some up. The pair remained peacefully quiet, unknown if the other would like to talk
"So..." Mike bit the bullet, speaking talking a soo of his drink.
"Do you do this often?" He asked, Will turned his head confused
"Do what?"
"Go on Dates?" Mike replied, Will choked on his drink, he coughed silently
"I didn't mean to make you choke" mikes eyes widened
"I'm fine... I mean I've been on dates for El a few times" Wills coughing subsided
"Have you ever been on one of your own, like someone who has asked you out?" Mike asked taking a bite of his burger
"No, never have! Kinda sad to be honest" Will joked not even phased by his lack of a love life. Sipping more of his drink. Mike looked at the smaller boy with an unreadable expression
"How about we call this your first date?" Mike spoke
"What?" Will mumbled his mouth filled with food
"Your first date, I mean we are out alone and I did technically ask you out?" Mike eyes sparkled
"Mike, I literally almost got mugged and I'm in my pyjamas right now; I don't think that is how dates go" Will rolled his eyes sarcastically listening to the taller boy, he didn't want to become attached to Mike, after all he is his teacher and the ravenette only needing Will to go along with him till he finds his Mrs or Mr right. Will on the other hand had no aspirations of love for the future giving up on the very concept of it at the age of thirteen.
"Okay, I'll make sure our first date will be special" Mike said already planning his first 'date' with Will
"Sure" Will rolled his eyes again, not believing any words Mike said
The pair eat speaking about the various topics that come to mind, Mike watched the smaller boy intently seeing a different side of the boy he had met yesterday, this one was more passionate, nurturing and super fixated on art and poetry. He rested his chin in his hands
"I'll go throw this away." The smaller picks up the tray form the table throwing the packaging into the bin, then walking to the bathroom to clean his hands watching himself in the mirror, he adjusted his wig Walking back to the table.
"Shall we go?" The smaller boy smiled bright. Mike jumped up leading Will to his car. The car ride was uneventful as the pair talked about miscellaneous activities
"Thank you for today, I'm glad to 'date' you" Will winked, shutting the car door skipping toward the porch. His keys jingled in his hands, kicking the door open, entering his home going straight to his bedroom.
Rolling into bed taking his wig off his head, Will checked his pockets only to find out his phone missing. He jumped up pacing around the room, thinking of the last time he was on his phone...
The park!
2361 Words
Stay Safe <3
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