24- Jealous Boy
The chestnut-haired boy left the ravenette's with a new sense of confidence, his blush hidden strolling to the front entrance. He took his time; woozy from all the kissing seeming as though all the blood rushed to his head. Never acting like this before; it worried him but felt so good, however he promised himself never to go that far again; especially not in public. Walking over he made his way to the bike racks where his friends stood; Max and Dustin playfully argued over carnival rides while El stood to one side not even knowing what to say. Will didn't even know how that topic would even arise. Nevertheless, he waved; unable to keep his excitement to himself, just wanting to scream everything that had happened to him over the past few days. El looked over at him, she squinted already knowing all the tea about Friday's kiss.
"Hey Byers!" Dustin raised an arm; worried for his new friend especially after barely hearing from him over the past weekend. Will smiled enveloping all his friends into an embrace
"Okay Sunshine! What's gotten into you this morning?" Max joked standing stiff; attempting to wriggle out the hug
"Nothing! Just happy to meet my friends" The chestnut-haired boy tightened
"You're never this happy to see me usually" El jested rolling her eyes, she knew something good had just happened to Will and judging by the near unnoticeable marks on his neck, she had a slight clue. Moving out the way they stopped hugging; allowing them to breathe; Max scrunched her nose straitening the creases on her clothes while Dustin just smiled glad Will was in a better mood.
"So, Will?" The brunette began
"Has anything happened recently?"
"Umm nope!" Will nervously lied, scratching the back of his neck; unable to explain what he did this morning without turning into a pile of goo
"Oh really?" She condescendingly smiled knowing exactly what happened.
"Yep nothing" Will protested
"What are those then?" El moved close pointing at his neck "Perhaps... Love-bites?"
"EL!!!" The chestnut-haired boy screamed
"What? I'm saying what I see" The brunette chuckled throwing her arms into the air, loving to tease the boy as though he was a younger brother,
"NOPE NOPE!" Will threw his arms to the sky, walking away inside of the building; blushing. El knew that he had hickeys all over his neck and therefore knew who did them
"WHAT? IT WAS FUNNY!" She screamed wrapping an arm around her girlfriend
Will held up both middle fingers walking away; he playfully chuckled feeling as though she was like a detective attempting to crack a cold case. Will looked at his watch, seeing the time, making his way over for his first lesson - Art. Excited to see Richie to get away from all the Mike hysteria and all this buzz about relationships; thinking it was perfect, now that he didn't like Richie anymore, he didn't feel awkward and would be easy to be himself around the tall boy.
Slumping into the class he threw his bag under his desk; a few minutes early. Expecting Richie to arrive at any moment, he took out his pencil case and books. He sighed sitting down, walking around for so long without even realising it. He smiled seeing the minutes tick by. As if by magic Richie pops in the class; seeming the same as always, although he bopped less then usual launching to his seat. Will noticed. Was he sad? Did something happen? Wanting to help the boy even if he no longer felt the attraction to him anymore; they were still friends and he'd do anything to help.
Richie placed his items under his seat, sitting down adjusting the glasses on his face
"Hey! How was your weekend?" Will chirped; attempting to alleviate the mood
"Hi... It was good?" Richie awkwardly stuttered; taking his seat pulling out his notebook
"Is... everything okay?" Will questioned
"Yep! Now that I see you" Richie flirted in the same manner he always did, Will rolled his eyes this was the same Richie he's known since the beginning of freshman year.
"You see me every day" Will retorted
"Well, I wish I could see you more... or maybe I want to see more of you" He winked, brushing his shoulder
"Doesn't that just mean the same thing?" The chestnut-haired boy furrowed his brows
"No! It means I wanna see your di-" Richie teased; Disrupted by the teacher marching into the class seeming hungover keeping her head low; Will chuckled knowing he was the same when drunk.
Richie looked over; a small smile creeping onto his lips. Scanning the face of the chestnut-haired boy analysing his pale smooth skin. Having a crush on the smaller boy for a few months now. Richie always wanted to tell Will how he felt; but afraid of how the smaller boy would react; not even knowing if Will was gay or not, but recently found out.
His eyes lingered going down to the smaller boy's neck; sitting close noticing marks. Marks as though it he was bitten but not bites of a frustrated child or an angry animal; more like a bite of passion. He frowned analysing the marks; knowing that these were hickeys plastered on the skin, it was light pink almost blending into his skin. So, he was right; Will is in a relationship, he was too late, he looked down frowning; continuing with his work. The glasses boy sat tight assuming Will was probably dating someone and didn't want to break a healthy relationship if Will was happier in it. And what if his boyfriend found out? Richie would be in for a fight. Slumping in his seat he thought of what to do.
---- 10:54 AM ----
"Okay guys! I'm done for the day" The teacher excitedly cheered, leaving the class even before the students had a chance to process the information. Will chuckled watching his teacher scurrying out the room almost stumbling over a canvas. She walked down the corridor hearing the clacking of her high heels down the hall.
"Hey Will? Can I talk to you about something?" Leaning close Richie whispered into the smaller boy's ear causing him to jump from surprise. He wanted to rip off the band aid with the smaller boy knowing that if he confessed, he would be able to get over it.
"Oh okay... go ahead" Will smiled
"Let's talk in private" The taller boy whispered
"Oh, umm sure!" Will nodded, allowing the taller boy to direct him out the class exchanging no words; Will panicked, what exactly could be so secretive that they needed to be out the way? He shivered, not knowing. Hesitantly, Will followed thinking of all the possibilities that this conversation could lead to, some as tame as needing help with work to the very extreme of knowing about him and Mike dating, what would Richie even say? would he be disgusted? Or would he tell the Dean? Richie led the smaller boy to a bench outside; fairly secluded with a few people passing by.
"So... what exactly did you want to tell me?" Will shuffled in his seat
"I need relationship advice" Richie blurted
"What? Well, I'm not really an expert on the subject... but I'm happy to listen" The chestnut-haired boy said
"There is someone I like... But I think I want to move on" Richie explained remaining serious.
"What? Why? Have you told them how you feel?" Will just nodded, so his suspicions where correct; Richie did like someone; although feeling a little sad that he previously liked him for so long just for the boy to be in love with someone else. Nonetheless he was happy to help. After all they were friends.
"No... But I tried to" Richie answered thinking back to the events of his Friday failed confession
"Tried to? What happened?" The chestnut-haired boy asked
"I think he is in a relationship" The taller boy spoke looking away
"How sure are you?" Will questioned
"Like 100%" Richie tilted his head
"Hmm! Well, that's tricky... do- do you like him a lot?" Will stuttered not knowing how to help
"Yep" Richie nodded, a small smile playing on his lips
"Hmm, then I know what you could do... steal him away" The chestnut-haired boy suggested
"Really?" He scrunched his face knowing he would never dare to steal Will from another man
"Yes really! You're an amazing guy Richie; this boy is an idiot for picking someone over you" Will explained
"He's actually really smart... like way smarter than me" The tall boy looked down
"Who is it though? Is he gay? Do I know him? Does he go to this University?" Will bombarded the tall boy with questions; excitedly shuffling in his seat to get down to the bottom of this mystery
"It's a secret but yes, he is gay and does go here" Richie tilted his head, mockingly
"Really? Please give me a hint; who is it?" The chestnut-haired boy remained adamant
"Forget it! I told you it's a secret" The taller boy protested
"Aww! Please come on!" Will pouted, placing his hands on Richie's shoulders slightly shaking him back and forth playfully
"No Will it's too emba-" Richie chuckled
"AHEM" Mike cleared his throat hovering over the pair of them, towering over them; he smiled at Will barely even acknowledging Richie's presence. He stood behind the bench, almost seeming to sneak up on them; Mike was a little jealous, charging around to be in front of them; a dead expression on his face.
"Oh? Hi" Will smiled raising a hand
"Can I speak to you Mr Byers... it's about your work" Mike deadpanned
"Oh, is it?" Will smugly chuckled
"Come with me so I can talk to you about it." The ravenette calmly said
"Oh, you can say it to me now" The chestnut-haired boy smiled attempting to stifle back a chuckle; knowing he was winding Mike up for his own amusement
"Oh my- Just get up" Mike rolled his eyes, grabbing the arm of the smaller boy dragging him away, Richie watched on seeing the look on Will's face; staring as though his prince charming had come, the usual timid Will replaced by this bubbly Boy just upon seeing this man; Richie just knew for a fact that they were dating; there wasn't a doubt in his mind.
"BYE RICHIE!" The chestnut-haired boy waved; chuckling following the ravenette to an even more remote area of the university; an alley between the two science buildings
"So, what exactly did you wanna tell me about my work?" Will asked sarcastically; smugly grinning, crossing his arms
"Well I wanted to ask you out on a date, Like a proper date!" Mike nervously muttered, scratching the back of his neck
"Haven't we already had many dates before?" Will questioned raising his eyebrows
"Well maybe we could go on one that you don't have to wear a ridiculous wig on" The ravenette chuckled leaning against the brick wall
"Ridiculous wig?" The chestnut-haired boy questioned, his eyes widening
"Very ridiculous, it's like a dead possum" Mike giggled
"Well, this possum has a hot date tonight" Will mocked leaning against the wall, Pointing both thumbs toward himself
"I'll pick you up... At 7?" Mike nervously suggested
"Ok! At 7!" the chestnut-haired boy reaffirmed, softly smiling
"Uhh that's all I wanted to ask" The ravenette blushed clapping his hands together nervously
"Okay! See you in lesson Wheeler" Will waved walking away chuckling under his breath, keeping cool on the apparent but on the inside a blushing mess. Unable to wait for his date skipping to where he left Richie; seeing him no longer there he shrugged strutting over to the canteen ready to tell his friends everything.
1970 Words
Stay Safe <3
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