A/N: 30 chapters already, Tysm!! I hope you're all still enjoying it! Tips are always welcome ❤️
Also, this chapter is inspired by Divergent a little bit :)
And the Hunger Games if you haven't noticed, haha.
Blackness was all I saw in the first seconds. Wind hit my face hard and my ears got clogged, as if I was underwater. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes, the sky appearing above me along with a paper flying through the air.
I didn't hesitate to grab it, not knowing where I was and not looking under me yet. Then I read the note.
This isn't real, it's a hallucination. You will be facing your worst fears. Fight them off and make it through. Good luck.
That was all it said. My worst fears, I thought, but couldn't think of anything else than heights, which explained the first thing... I turned my head, staring down at the ground that was at least seven hundred feet away from me.
I gasped, the deep fear immediately washing over me, especially when I realized I lay on a thin, wooden, and unstable bridge. I cried out, but forced myself to just listen to the note and not act like the victim.
With my heart pounding so hard I thought it would jump out of my chest, I go on my feet. I had nothing to hold on to; the bridge didn't have a handrail.
It was placed on top of two grey buildings. I took a deep breath and started walking, hoping not to fall through the beams. Slowly I made my way to one of the buildings. The wood screeched scarily and I knew I would be dead if I fell.
I didn't realize it in the first seconds, but a figure appeared on the building, staring at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and squeezed my eyes closer together to see who it was.
"Newt?" I gasped. He didn't reply and stepped onto the bridge. His steps toward me were rough enough to make the bridge swing everywhere. I let out a yelp and tried to keep my balance, but Newt almost jumping on the wood, made me fall.
I screamed, my hand catching a beam right before I fell into the abyss. "Newt, help!" I cried out. My hands were already sweaty from fear, and clinging to a height like this only made it worse.
Breathing heavily, Newt stopped in front of me. He didn't bother to help me up, in fact, he looked raging. "You killed my parents."
"Newt, I-"
"You killed them all!" Newt yelled. "And now you're gonna pay."
"Wait, N-" I cut myself off by screaming at the top of my lungs when Newt pushed me off the bridge.
One of the Gladers killing me for what I did, I realized. That was one of the fears I didn't know I had before, though now I definitely got why I secretly feared it.
I fell toward the invisible ground. I went through clouds and felt the wind hit me so hard, it almost cut through my skin. I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting to die by hitting the ground sometime, but instead, all I felt was a soft bump.
My eyes fluttered open again. A certain smell filled my nose, metal, like blood. The soft thing under me changed into a cold floor, signing me to get up, which I did.
Now I was in a dark, and empty room. One light lit it up slightly. Black walls surrounded me and the room wasn't bigger than two elevators.
Another breeze flew through me, but surprisingly enough, I could see it. It was grey steam, slowly forming into a figure. A few whispers I couldn't understand echoed through the room. Confused I twisted and turned, searching for whoever talked.
"You..." They said, the voice better hearable now. It was a male. A British one for sure. "You ruined my kids' lives!"
"What?" I stammered. The figure formed again, this time more visible.
It was a tall man. His hair was blonde and his face seemed younger than his actual age. His body wasn't just very slim, but... half clear. I could see through him, as if he was a ghost. And I knew damn well who that was...
it was Newt's father.
I swallowed deep and long when a smaller figure appeared. A quite chubby woman with red-tinted lips walked over to me. She seemed to be a ghost too, since her dark skin was clearer than normal.
"Honey.." She started as she cupped my face. "Why'd you do that to my poor boy?" She whispered sweetly. "Is something going on? Why did you, Sweetie?"
I let out a cry at seeing Frypan's mother being so sweet again, but then another man screamed.
"You!" The figure of Minho's father appeared. He was a strong man, his biceps and six-pack visible through his shirt, which honestly scared the hell out of me. His face was raging and I wondered how it was even possible I ever killed a man like that.
Tears stood in my eyes by now. My fear of seeing their dead parents again. I was literally shaking when Minho's dad screamed more stuff.
And then, he just vanished away, Minho's mother appearing instead. She was a good-looking businesswoman. Her long black hair was shining, her face clear like crystal, and her dress sat tightly around her perfectly curved body.
She didn't say much, just gave me death glares, maybe making things even worse for me. I crawled up in a ball on the ground when they all circled me.
Frypan's sweet dad appeared too and Newt's mom that was as caring and kind as a human could ever be.
I sobbed quietly, not wanting to meet them again. I finally got over it and now their faces were printed in my mind just like before.
But out of a sudden, Minho's mother fell to the ground. An arrow shot her in the chest, blood flowing out of the wound. Soon Newt's parents followed. A pool of blood started to form on the floor, sickening my stomach and nose from the smell and look.
Once they were all dead just the way I killed them, someone else appeared. And that someone was me.
Real or not real, she.. or I, walked over to me. She was the same age as me, but looked a little different. The face was the exact same, but instead of WICKED's blue shirt, she wore a leather jacket, hair up in a ponytail, and a bow in her hands.
"What a shame." She said. And again, I knew who she was.. yeah, me, obviously! But she was me from the past. Not Lena, but Lenora, the one that killed everyone.
And it sounds so strange that I feared myself, yet I couldn't do anything about it. I had been so afraid while getting tortured by WICKED to force me things again, and to control my mind, like they did to Lenora.
"What a shame that out of all decisions you made, you chose to be weak." She smoothly grabbed an arrow as I crawled away from her on my elbows, frightened as hell. "Your hands are scarred from murder, Lena. You can change your name, but it won't change a thing about your past."
"No..." I whispered, shaking my head that was dripping from sweat.
"You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it." She added, lowering her voice scarily. "And you know, Lena..."
She spat my name out weirdly. I cried a little more when my back hit the wall. There was no escaping myself.
"How dangerous..." She continued. "To finally have something worth losing."
Before I could ask her what she meant, she pointed her arrow away from me and shot, then faded away from my sight.
Once she was gone, Minho stood there. My arrow was stabbed in his chest, and he gasped, hands clasping around the wound. The blood trickled down his body.
"Minho." I ran over to the boy and caught him just before he fell onto the ground. My hands were shaking from fear and I totally forgot none of it was real, because it did feel like it.
Soon I was covered in his blood too. "Minho, stay awake," I whispered, more tears leaking from my eyes.
He gasped for more air, chest moving up and down slower by the second. "T-take care, Lee."
"No, no, Min. Wait." I sobbed quietly, cupping his face. "Stay with me."
"I can't." Minho panted. His eyes started to close and all I could do was tell him not to, but at one point, he did close them and his heartbeat stopped.
"No!" My sons turned louder as I buried my head into Minho's shoulder, not wanting to leave him ever again.
My last, and maybe worst fear... losing him.
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