chapter eleven:
❛ dance recital ❜
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Sunny lay on her bed, one hand propped behind her head, the other holding her phone to her ear. Her room was softly lit by the warm, late-afternoon glow coming in through the window. She sighed deeply, still thinking about how much she wanted to be at the All Valley Tournament with Hawk.
"I can't believe the tournament and my recital are on the same day," she groaned. "I really wish I could be there to see you compete, Eli."
On the other end of the line, Hawk's voice was calm and reassuring, though she could hear the faint sound of his smirk. "It's okay, Sunny. There's always next year, right? And I'll make sure I win that one, just for you."
Sunny smiled at the thought, but the frustration still tugged at her. She wanted to be there for him, to support him in one of the biggest moments of his life. "Yeah, I know. It's just... I hate missing stuff like this, you know?"
"I get it," Hawk said, his voice softer now. "But hey, your recital is just as important. You've been practicing so hard. You're gonna kill it, and after, we'll catch up. You'll tell me all about your amazing performance, and I'll tell you how I kicked ass at the tournament."
Sunny chuckled. "Deal," she said, still wishing she could be in two places at once.
Before she could say anything else, there was a knock on her door. "Hey, I gotta go," she said, glancing toward the door. "Moon's here."
"Alright," Hawk replied. "Good luck tonight. Talk later?"
"Yeah, for sure. Bye, Eli."
Sunny hung up just as Moon opened the door and poked her head in, her blonde hair catching the light. She had that usual bright smile on her face as she stepped inside.
"Hey, Sunny!" Moon greeted, bouncing in with her usual positive energy. "Sorry to interrupt."
"It's okay, Moon!" Sunny said, sitting up on her bed. "What's up?"
Moon's face turned pink as she giggled nervously. "So, um... I was wondering... could I get Jade's number?"
Sunny raised an eyebrow. "Jade? From my dance class?"
Moon nodded eagerly. "Yeah! I didn't get a chance to ask her at Yasmine's party, and I think she's really cute. I kind of want to talk to her more, you know?"
Sunny grinned, already pulling out her phone to scroll through her contacts. "Of course! But you should just ask her in person tonight when you come to my recital. She's my dance partner, so you'll see her there."
Moon's eyes widened, her excitement barely contained. "Wait, really? Oh my god, yes!" she squealed, bouncing slightly. "Are you sure you're cool with me liking your friend? I don't want it to be weird or anything."
Sunny laughed, finding Moon's enthusiasm endearing. "Yeah, it's totally fine! Jade's awesome, and honestly, if you like her, I'm happy for you. I'm sure she'd love to talk to you more."
Moon practically bounced with joy, her smile as bright as ever. "Thank you, Sunny! You're the best." She gave her sister a quick hug, still grinning ear to ear. "I'll see you tonight, then! Can't wait to see you perform-and Jade, of course."
Sunny watched as Moon skipped out of her room, her own smile lingering. It made her heart feel lighter to see Moon so happy. Despite all the stress of the recital and the tournament, knowing her sister was excited about meeting someone she liked made everything feel a little better.
With a contented sigh, Sunny lay back down on her bed, her mind already shifting to the upcoming recital. Even if she couldn't be at the tournament, she'd have her own moment to shine. And now, it seemed like Moon might have her own special night, too.
Backstage at the theater, Sunny stood in front of the mirror, adjusting the straps of her leotard and smoothing out her skirt. The lights around the mirror glowed warmly, but her hands were clammy, her heart beating faster with every second that passed. Her duet with Jade was coming up soon, and the nerves were starting to kick in harder than she'd expected.
She took a deep breath, walking over to the heavy red curtain. Pulling it back slightly, she peeked out at the audience. Her eyes immediately landed on her family-Moon, her mom Elaine, and her dad Jameson, all seated together near the front. And right beside them were Maritza, her mom Marisol, and her little sister Sofía. Sunny's heart skipped a beat.
She wasn't just performing for her parents now. Maritza and her family were here too. The pressure mounted as her stomach knotted. What if she messed up? What if she forgot the steps, or tripped onstage in front of everyone?
Sunny's hands started to shake, and she couldn't stop picking at her lips, an anxious habit she'd had for as long as she could remember.
Just then, Jade appeared by her side, adjusting her own costume. She noticed Sunny's pale face and immediately knew something was wrong. "No, Sunny! Don't back out, okay?" Jade grabbed her arm gently but firmly. "We got this. You've worked too hard to let those nerves win."
Sunny nodded quickly, but she couldn't hide the fear in her eyes. "I know, I just... they're all out there, and I don't want to mess this up."
"You're not going to," Jade said, her voice calm and reassuring. "We've practiced a million times. Just focus on the dance, on us. Everything else will fade away once we start."
Before Sunny could respond, the familiar sound of heels clicking on the floor echoed in the hallway, and both girls turned. Ms. Mara, their dance teacher, was walking toward them, her expression apologetic but warm.
"You're back?" Sunny and Jade said in unison, both a little surprised to see her. Ms. Mara had been absent for the last week, leaving them to work with a substitute teacher who wasn't nearly as patient.
Ms. Mara nodded, sighing lightly. "Yes, I'm back. I'm so sorry I had to leave so suddenly-family emergency." She looked between them, her eyes softening as she noticed the anxiety radiating from Sunny. "Are you girls ready for your big performance?"
Jade nodded confidently, but Sunny fidgeted, her eyes dropping to the floor. Ms. Mara picked up on it immediately and stepped closer, her voice kind and encouraging. "Sunny, I can see you're nervous. It's completely normal to feel that way before a big performance. But you've got this."
"I just... I don't want to mess up," Sunny admitted, her voice trembling slightly. "Everyone's out there, and what if I forget the steps, or I trip, or-"
"Hey," Ms. Mara interrupted softly, placing a gentle hand on Sunny's shoulder. "You've practiced for this. You know the dance inside and out. Trust your body, trust your muscle memory. But more importantly, trust yourself. If you focus too much on who's watching, you'll lose sight of why you're dancing in the first place."
Sunny swallowed, her fingers still nervously picking at her lips, but Ms. Mara wasn't done.
"When you're on that stage, the only thing that matters is the music and your connection with Jade. Let everything else melt away. Remember why you love dancing. It's not for them. It's for you."
Sunny took a deep breath, nodding as her teacher's words slowly sank in. Ms. Mara smiled warmly and gave her a little nudge. "You've got this. And even if you make a mistake, no one's going to remember it. What they'll remember is the emotion you bring, the story you're telling. So go out there and tell that story."
Jade squeezed Sunny's hand, her own confidence never wavering. "We'll nail this, okay? Just breathe."
"Okay," Sunny whispered, her nerves still there, but something lighter settling over her as well. She looked back out at the audience one last time, seeing her family and friends, and then she let the curtain fall back into place. She could do this. She had to.
Ms. Mara gave them both an encouraging smile before stepping back, signaling that their turn was coming up soon.
Sunny turned to Jade, giving her a small, but more confident smile. "Let's do this."
Jade grinned. "That's my girl."
As the music began to play softly in the background, signaling their cue to step onto the stage, Sunny took one last deep breath. She wasn't alone. She had Jade, she had her family, and she had herself.
This was her moment.
The soft hum of Taylor Swift's "Delicate" began to echo through the auditorium, and the spotlight beamed down on the stage as Sunny and Jade stepped into position. The stage lights made everything look surreal, like a dream. Sunny took a deep breath, centering herself as her body readied for the rhythm of the song. The anticipation in the audience was palpable, but Sunny's focus was on the music-the soft, pulsing beat that felt like it was flowing directly into her veins.
As soon as the first notes hit, they moved in sync, their bodies flowing gracefully across the stage. Jade led with an elegant spin, her arms extending outward like wings, and Sunny followed, her movements sharp yet fluid, blending seamlessly with her partner. Every step was light and calculated, every turn perfectly timed. Sunny felt the floor beneath her feet, but her mind was somewhere else.
With each movement, she felt herself drifting. The pressure of the audience, the weight of her nerves-all of it faded away. In her mind, she wasn't in a packed auditorium anymore. She was on the moon. It was just her, floating weightlessly through the air, the ground a distant memory. Her arms moved through the stars, her feet barely touching the surface as she danced among the craters and cosmic dust. The cool, ethereal atmosphere surrounded her as if she were part of the night sky itself. She twirled in the moonlight, Jade's presence a comforting guide as they moved together in perfect harmony.
Time felt like it slowed as Sunny lost herself in the flow of the dance. Every step, every leap, every delicate sway of her body felt effortless, like she was being carried by the music itself. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, letting the melody wash over her, and when she opened them again, she was still on that celestial plane, untethered from the world.
As the song began to build toward its crescendo, their duet became more powerful, more emotional. The two of them moved together like one entity, mirroring each other's movements with precision and grace. The choreography told a story of connection and trust, of freedom and vulnerability, and it unfolded with such beauty that the audience couldn't tear their eyes away.
Sunny's heart pounded as the final chorus echoed through the theater, their last series of moves coming together flawlessly. Jade performed a graceful leap, and Sunny followed with a perfectly timed spin, the two of them meeting in the center of the stage for the final pose, their arms intertwined and reaching out toward the sky.
For a moment, Sunny still felt like she was on the moon, floating in the vast, infinite space. Then the music stopped, and she was pulled back to reality. The stage lights dimmed, and she could feel the warmth of Jade's hand still in hers. The silence was brief, and then-
Applause erupted from the audience.
The sound hit her like a wave, overwhelming and incredible. Sunny blinked as she looked out at the crowd, her breath catching in her throat. So many people were standing, clapping, cheering. She could see her family-Moon, Elaine, and Jameson-standing with wide smiles, Maritza and her family beside them, applauding loudly.
Sunny turned to Jade, who was beaming at her. "We did it!" Jade whispered breathlessly, her face lit up with excitement.
Sunny grinned, her nerves finally melting away completely. "We did!"
They high-fived, then pulled each other into a tight hug, their hearts still racing from the energy of the performance. The cheers from the audience didn't die down as they walked off the stage, their faces flushed with happiness.
As they reached backstage, their dance team was waiting, already congratulating them with hugs, high-fives, and excited chatter.
"That was amazing!" one of their teammates exclaimed.
"You both crushed it!" another added.
Ms. Mara approached them, clapping with a proud smile. "That was breathtaking. You two absolutely owned that stage," she said, her voice filled with warmth and pride. "I knew you'd pull it off, but that... that was something special."
Sunny beamed, her earlier nerves completely forgotten. She couldn't believe how well it had gone. The applause still echoed in her ears, but more than that, the feeling of being in the flow of the music, of losing herself in the dance, still lingered like an afterglow.
Jade nudged her playfully. "Told you we'd nail it."
Sunny laughed softly, feeling lighter than air. "You were right."
And for the first time in a while, Sunny didn't just feel like she was dancing on the moon. She felt like she was on top of the world.
The recital hall buzzed with the fading energy of the performance as Sunny said her goodbyes to Jade. "You were amazing, Sunny! I'll see you at practice," Jade said, squeezing her into a quick hug before heading out.
"Thanks, Jade! You were too!" Sunny smiled, but her mind was already elsewhere. She scanned the lingering crowd, spotting her family and Maritza's family sitting together, smiling up at her. She felt a warm glow seeing them there-Moon, her twin, as radiant as ever; her mom, Elaine, looking proud; her dad, Jameson, beaming. And sitting right beside them were Maritza, her little sister Sofía, and Maritza's mom, Marisol.
Taking a deep breath, Sunny walked over to join them, feeling the adrenaline from her performance slowly ebb away.
Moon was the first to jump up, practically skipping toward her. "Sunny! You were unreal out there!" Moon squealed, throwing her arms around her sister and squeezing tight. "Like, seriously, you were on another planet! I couldn't stop watching! That duet was *gorgeous*."
Sunny laughed, hugging her back. Moon's excitement was infectious, as usual. "Thanks, Moon. I was so nervous, but I'm glad it looked okay."
"Okay?!" Moon pulled back and gasped dramatically, placing a hand over her heart. "No, it was *more* than okay. You were a freaking star, Sun!" She beamed, her energy lighting up the space around them.
Sunny's mom, Elaine, came up next, smiling warmly as she kissed Sunny's forehead. "You were beautiful, sweetheart. We're so proud of you. You were absolutely captivating."
"Yeah, kiddo, you've got some serious talent." Her dad, Jameson, grinned, giving her a playful tap on the shoulder. "We loved every minute."
"Sunny!" Maritza called, rushing over with Sofía by her side. "That was insane! You looked so graceful up there, like you were floating."
Sunny smiled at her best friend's enthusiasm and gave Sofía a little wave, making her giggle.
Maritza's mom, Marisol, stood nearby, a soft smile on her face. "Mija, you were wonderful. You have such a gift," she said, her voice gentle and sincere.
Sunny felt a mix of gratitude and pride, but something gnawed at her. She was happy, yes, but there was an absence she couldn't shake. She hadn't realized how much she'd been looking forward to Eli-Hawk-being there. To have him see her dance, to cheer her on. The thought of him competing at the same time left her feeling like part of her night was missing.
"I just..." Sunny trailed off, her eyes searching the crowd almost as if hoping he'd magically appear. "I wish Eli was here." Her voice grew quiet, the weight of it settling in her chest. "It would've meant so much to him."
Maritza caught the change in her expression immediately. "Hey," she said, nudging Sunny's shoulder. "Who says we can't still go see him?"
Sunny blinked, surprised. "You think we could?"
"Yeah! I bet the tournament's still going on," Maritza said, a little gleam in her eye. "We can make it there in time for the finals."
Before Sunny could respond, Marisol stepped forward, keys in hand. "Take my car," she offered, her voice calm and full of warmth. "Go watch Miguel and Hawk. I'm sure they'll be glad to see you there."
Sunny's heart fluttered with excitement but also hesitation. She took the keys but paused. "Are you sure? It's pretty late, and I don't want to-"
"Of course. Go," Marisol insisted with a smile. "They'll be happy to have you there."
Before Sunny could even finish thanking her, Maritza grabbed her arm and started pulling her toward the exit. "Come on! What are we waiting for?"
Sunny shot her a playful look, but as they hurried toward the parking lot, she lowered her voice. "Wait, you didn't tell your mom, did you?"
Maritza scoffed, giving her a sideways glance. "Tell her what? That I broke up with Miguel? Yeah, that'd go over well." She rolled her eyes. "No way. Not today."
Sunny raised her eyebrows in surprise but couldn't help laughing. "Maritza, seriously?"
"What am I supposed to say?" Maritza huffed. "'Hey, Mom, we broke up, but I'm still gonna go see him compete'? I'll tell her when it's less... fresh."
They reached the car, and Sunny slid into the driver's seat, turning the key in the ignition. She glanced back at the recital hall and saw her family still standing together. Moon was waving wildly, her bright energy still radiating even from a distance.
"Sunny! You were amazing!" Moon yelled across the parking lot, blowing her a kiss.
Sunny smiled and waved back. "Thanks, Moon! Love you!" she called.
Moon put her hands on her hips, grinning widely. "Go cheer on your karate guys! You deserve to have some fun!" she shouted, her voice full of joy and support.
Sunny felt a wave of affection for her sister but knew this trip was just for her and Maritza. She turned to her friend, the car ready to go. "Alright. Let's go surprise them."
Maritza grinned, pulling her seatbelt across her. "Let's go make Hawk and Miguel's night."
As they drove toward the tournament, Sunny couldn't help but feel a thrill run through her. The performance was over, but the night was far from done. And seeing Eli would make everything perfect.
The crowd from the recital was slowly thinning, but Moon lingered near the entrance, watching as Sunny and Maritza drove off. She bit her lip, fidgeting with the hem of her dress, her mind racing. She had spent the entire evening trying to build up the courage to talk to Jade, and now, with Sunny gone, it felt like the moment had arrived.
She spotted Jade talking to a couple of other dancers, still buzzing from their duet. Moon took a deep breath, wiped her clammy hands on her dress, and walked over.
"Hey, Jade!" Moon called, her voice a little too high-pitched from nerves. She cleared her throat, trying to sound more relaxed. "Great job tonight! You were amazing out there."
Jade turned to face her, her smile warm but her posture slightly tense, as if she were still riding the adrenaline rush from their performance. "Oh, hey, Moon! Thanks! You were here too? That's awesome!" she said, her voice friendly but a little shaky, a hint of nerves seeping through.
Moon nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. "Yeah, I wouldn't miss it. You and Sunny were incredible." She twirled a strand of her hair nervously. "So, um... I was actually wondering if I could, uh, maybe get your number? I didn't get a chance to ask earlier."
Jade blinked in surprise, her face flushing slightly. "Oh! Uh... sure!" she stammered, reaching for her phone, her hands fumbling slightly as she unlocked it. "Yeah, totally. No problem."
Moon could tell Jade was just as nervous as she was, and it weirdly made her feel better. She smiled, handing her phone over. "No rush," Moon said softly, hoping to ease some of the tension.
Jade quickly typed in her number and handed the phone back, their fingers brushing for a brief second. Both girls froze for a moment before pulling away, awkwardly laughing to cover their flustered reactions.
"There you go!" Jade said, trying to sound casual, but her voice cracked slightly. "Text me, you know, whenever."
Moon nodded, her smile growing as she tucked her phone away. "I will. Thanks, Jade."
They both stood there for a beat too long, shifting on their feet and exchanging shy glances. Moon finally broke the silence with a cheerful giggle. "Well, I guess I'll see you around! You're coming to Sunny and I's birthday bash in a few weeks, right?"
Jade nodded quickly, her nerves showing through again. "Yeah! Definitely. I wouldn't miss it."
"Great!" Moon smiled brightly, her usual cheery energy returning. "I'll see you there, then."
"See you there," Jade echoed, offering a shy smile of her own.
As Moon walked away, she felt a rush of excitement and relief. She had done it. She had actually asked Jade for her number. And even though they were both a little awkward, it felt like the start of something good.
Sunny and Maritza hurried into the karate tournament, the buzz of the crowd filling their ears as they made their way through the packed arena. The bright overhead lights and the energy of the event were overwhelming, but Sunny couldn't focus on anything other than finding Hawk. She hoped they hadn't missed too much of his match.
They weaved through groups of people until they finally found a decent spot near the front. The match was already in full swing, and Sunny immediately spotted Hawk on the mat. He was mid-fight, his movements aggressive and focused, his opponent struggling to keep up.
As they arrived, they saw Hawk land a swift, powerful kick to the other boy's shoulder with a loud thud. The crowd let out a collective gasp as the boy staggered back, clutching his shoulder in pain. The referee blew the whistle sharply, rushing in to separate them.
"Disqualified!" the referee shouted, raising his arm to signal the decision.
Sunny's heart sank as she watched Hawk's face twist in frustration. His chest heaved as he stared down at his opponent, the tension radiating off him. He looked ready to argue, his fists clenched, but instead, he turned on his heel and stormed off the mat, his face flushed with anger.
Maritza, standing next to Sunny, raised her eyebrows and shared a look with her. "Yikes," she whispered. "He's not gonna be happy about that."
Sunny nodded, worry filling her chest. "Yeah... that wasn't good."
The crowd murmured as medics rushed over to the boy on the mat, who was sitting up but still wincing in pain. There was a brief break announced so they could check the boy out, and the tension in the air was palpable.
Sunny chewed her lip, glancing at where Hawk had disappeared. "I should go find him," she said softly.
Maritza placed a hand on her arm. "Give him a minute to cool off. He's probably really upset right now."
"I know, but..." Sunny sighed, her concern growing. She hated seeing him like this, especially knowing how much the tournament meant to him.
"He'll be fine," Maritza reassured her. "But if you go now, he might not listen."
Sunny exhaled, trying to relax her shoulders. She looked back at the mat, where the medics were still tending to Hawk's opponent. "He was doing so well. I don't get why he lost control like that."
Maritza shrugged. "It happens. Tournaments can get intense. Maybe he just got caught up in the moment."
Sunny nodded, though she knew there was more to it. Hawk had been under so much pressure lately, with the tournament and everything else going on. She just hoped that when she did find him, he'd let her in instead of shutting her out.
Sunny spotted Hawk pacing near the bleachers, his fists clenched, face twisted in frustration. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding as she approached him. She wasn't sure how to start, but she knew she had to say something. The tension between them felt heavy after watching him get disqualified.
"Eli!" she called, her voice cutting through the noise of the tournament crowd. Hawk stopped pacing and looked up, his jaw set.
"Why did you do that?" she asked, her tone sharper than she intended as she got closer to him.
Hawk's eyes narrowed, and he crossed his arms. "Do what?"
"That kick," Sunny said, stepping in front of him. "You got disqualified. Why did you lose control like that?"
Hawk scoffed, shaking his head like the question was ridiculous. "Keene was making fun of my haircut," he muttered, still not looking her in the eye.
Sunny blinked, not sure if she'd heard him right. "Wait, what?" she asked, incredulous. "This is about your *haircut*?"
Hawk shrugged, his face hardening. "He wouldn't stop," he said defensively. "Kept calling me 'Lip' and making these stupid jokes. I had to shut him up."
Sunny stared at him in disbelief. "Eli, are you serious? You got disqualified over something as dumb as that?"
"It wasn't dumb!" Hawk snapped, his voice rising. "You don't get it, Sunny. That nickname... it's-it's more than just a joke."
"I *do* get it," she shot back. "But you let that get to you in the middle of a tournament? You let it ruin everything you've been working for just because he made fun of your hair?"
Hawk's face flushed with anger, his eyes flashing. "You don't understand what it's like, okay? You don't know how it feels when people look at you and all they see is the scar, or the hair, or-or 'Lip.' It's not just about a haircut."
Sunny shook her head, exasperated. "I get that it's not just about your hair, but, Eli, you can't keep letting people get in your head like this! You were *winning*, and then you threw it all away because of something so small!"
"It wasn't small to me!" Hawk shouted, his voice booming in the quiet space between them. "Why do you care so much, anyway? It's not your fight."
Sunny's eyes widened in disbelief. "Not my fight? You're my boyfriend, Eli! Of course I care! I care that you're self-sabotaging when you don't need to, when you're better than this!"
"I don't need you telling me how to handle my own battles!" Hawk growled, stepping closer, his anger rolling off him in waves. "I can fight them my way!"
Sunny felt her own frustration boiling over. "Fighting your way? By getting yourself kicked out of the tournament? How's that working for you, huh?"
Hawk's eyes darkened, his mouth set in a grim line. "At least I stood up for myself."
"You think this is about standing up for yourself?" Sunny's voice cracked, her anger giving way to hurt. "You're not just hurting yourself, Eli. You're pushing away everyone who cares about you, including me!"
They stood there, staring each other down, the tension thick between them. Sunny's chest heaved with frustration, her heart pounding in her ears. She couldn't believe they were having this argument. Over a haircut. Over something that shouldn't matter this much.
"You don't get it," Hawk said, his voice quieter but still sharp.
"Maybe I don't," Sunny said, her voice trembling. "But I thought we were in this together."
Hawk didn't respond, his jaw tightening as he looked away, unable to meet her eyes.
Sunny's throat tightened, and she fought back the tears stinging her eyes. "You know what, Eli? I can't keep doing this. Not when you're acting like this."
Without waiting for his response, Sunny turned on her heel and walked away, her anger and hurt swirling together inside her like a storm. She didn't look back, but she could feel Hawk's gaze on her as she disappeared into the crowd.
Martiza stood by the bleachers, her arms crossed as she anxiously glanced around the tournament arena. Sunny had been gone for a while, still talking to Eli, and she was getting restless. The last thing she expected was to see Miguel approaching from the other side of the gym.
"Martiza, wait-" Miguel started, his steps unsteady as he made his way over.
Martiza tensed immediately, her eyes narrowing. "No way. Get away from me, Miguel," she snapped, taking a step back. "You're the one who accused me of cheating on you when Sam was just tutoring me!"
Miguel looked tired, his expression apologetic. "I know, okay? I was drunk, and I messed up. I didn't mean to-"
"Drunk words are sober thoughts, Miguel!" Martiza cut him off, her voice rising. "You think just because you were drunk, it excuses everything? No, you don't get to just apologize and act like it didn't happen."
Miguel ran a hand through his hair, frustration and guilt etched on his face. "I wasn't thinking clearly, Martiza. You know I don't actually think you were cheating. I was just-"
"No, Miguel!" she interrupted again, her hands balling into fists. "You were drunk, and you let your true feelings out. You didn't trust me, and that's the problem. You humiliated me in front of everyone."
Miguel opened his mouth to protest, but the words seemed to die in his throat. He looked at her, helpless and regretful, but Martiza wasn't having any of it.
"You really hurt me," she continued, her voice quieter but still filled with anger. "And I can't just forget about that."
Miguel's shoulders slumped, and he looked down at the ground, defeated. "I'm sorry," he mumbled again, but it didn't feel like enough.
Martiza shook her head, the sting of his betrayal still fresh. "Yeah, well, sometimes sorry doesn't fix everything."
Without another word, Martiza turned on her heel and stormed off, not giving him a chance to respond. She didn't care to hear any more of his apologies. As she walked quickly through the crowd, she bumped right into Demetri, who was awkwardly standing near the refreshment table.
"Whoa, hey! Watch it, Martiza!" Demetri exclaimed, stumbling back a little.
"Ugh, of course," Martiza muttered under her breath. "Why are you always in my way, Demetri?"
Demetri raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. "Hey, I was standing perfectly still. You're the one who stormed over here like a tornado."
Martiza shot him a glare. "Well, maybe if you weren't such a human obstacle, I wouldn't have run into you."
Demetri held up his hands in mock defense, the smirk still on his face. "Relax, I'm just trying to help. You look like you're about to bite someone's head off."
Martiza crossed her arms, still fuming from the encounter with Miguel. "Yeah, well, maybe I will if people keep getting in my way."
Demetri chuckled, his teasing tone not wavering. "You know, you're pretty scary when you're mad. Remind me not to get on your bad side."
Martiza rolled her eyes but couldn't help the small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. "Shut up, Demetri."
He tilted his head, giving her a curious look. "Seriously though, are you okay? You don't look too hot."
Martiza glanced away, her anger softening slightly. "I'm fine. It's just... everything's been a mess."
Demetri softened too, his usual playful demeanor fading as he looked at her with concern. "Well, if you want to talk about it, I'm here. You know, when you're not busy yelling at me."
Martiza's eyes flickered to him, surprised by the genuine offer. She opened her mouth to respond, but before she could say anything, she saw Sunny walking toward them, her face clouded with frustration.
"Hey," Sunny said, her voice tight. "Can we just go? I don't want to be here anymore."
Martiza glanced between Demetri and Sunny, giving a slight nod. "Yeah, let's get out of here."
Demetri raised an eyebrow at her. "Leaving already? Thought you'd at least stick around to see the drama unfold."
"Not today, Demetri," Martiza muttered, offering him a weak smile before she and Sunny turned to head for the exit.
As they walked away, Martiza felt a strange mix of emotions-frustration, relief, and something else she couldn't quite place. She glanced back at Demetri for a split second, catching him watching her with that same concerned look, before they disappeared into the crowd.
sunny and hawk arent breaking up yet!! this was just the beginning...
martiza and demetri s2????
thats a wrap on s1:)
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