They were sat in silence as the taxi rolled through the streets of London towards Heathrow.
"Kitty, I'm really sorry, I wo-" Anna started. Kitty shook her head.
"It's fine." It wasn't fine. She didn't want Anna to go. But she didn't want to stop her from seeing her family. Kitty knew that if she had any living family she would want to see them too. And be in the same country. You couldn't blame Anna for wanting to be with her family after she had firstly broken up with her girlfriend, and secondly that same girl had died after being hit by a bus, Regina George who? Kitty thought, smiling at how amusing she thought she was. She snorted, causing Anna to look up, raising a perfectly arched eyebrow.
Anna felt bad, but what could she do? Wanting to be with family wasn't exactly selfish, Kitty had family of her own right? And her girlfriend had just died. Well, ex girlfriend. It wasn't out of order to want some familiarity in her life. She didn't want to live with a kind of sort of stranger who she kind of sort of thought was cuteand kind of sort of wanted to be more than friends but definitely did not want to date her or think she was cute. She was just really pretty. Yes. That was it. It wasn't romantic. Even though at times she may want it to be. She knew Kitty wasn't interested. And she didn't blame her. Who would want to date a loser who forces everyone to cheat? She sighed and looked out of the window.
The taxi slowed down as it pulled up outside of Heathrow airport. Kitty looked at Anna, who was having a conversation with the driver about the London traffic.
"Honestly, the amount of times I've been on the bus to work and I've been half an hour late because of the queues, ridiculous."
"I know, anyway let me just get your suitcase out of the boot and you're good to go. Where did you say you were going again?" He said as he hauled Anna's bright red suitcase out of the boot. Kitty took in a sharp breath as he asked. Anna turned away from Kitty, and the driver did the same.
"I'm heading home to my family in Germany after the death of my cheater of a girlfriend." She said scornfully.
"Oh, that's nice that you're going to see your family-so that young lady isn't your girlfriend?" Anna shook her head.
"She's been very kindly accommodating me during this time, but it's awkward because she's straight, I'm not, and I have a few feeling for her in a non platonic way but I can't stay and no I just have to go." She explained helplessly.
"Sounds rough."
"It is."
The taxi driver scribbled something on the paper and handed it to Anna.
"I know this may seem weird, but I'm Brian and that's my number. This is strictly platonic ok, but if you need to chat, I am a qualified therapist, taxi driver is my part time job and my wife, Jane, is a psychiatrist. So if you need any advice or just someone to talk to..." he handed her the slip of paper. "Just text me. It sounds like you could use some friendly advice." Anna was touched.
"I... thank you Brian." She hugged him before taking her suitcase handle and giving him a ten pound note. "You deserve this. Come on Kitty." They walked into the airport reception, Kitty trailing behind Anna, who was striding confidently ahead.
They had checked Anna's baggage in and were sat at a small table in a coffee shop, Anna looking disgusted by the abysmal coffee.
"I would have been fired if I served this" she whispered to Kitty as a barista swept past them. Kitty attempted a smile.
"Oh cheer up, I'm not going forever, and I'm not going to the other side of the world."
"But you're going to another country. I can't stop you from seeing your family, I would have done the same if I could."
"If you could?-" Kitty's eyes were shining with tears. "Oh Kit, I'm so sorry I didn't know."
"You didn't ask."
"Yeah... that's true. Is this why you didn't want me to go?"
"No." She said abruptly. "I just dont like goodbyes." She sat up with a blank expression on her face.
"Are you sure that's it?"
"Ok then... well I guess you have your book to keep you busy... and your friends and -"
"What friends..."
Anna gave up. There was nothing she could do to make Kitty see the bright side. She knew there was something Kitty wasn't saying. But there was no use pressing. She clearly wasn't going to say when she was like this.
Kitty tried to keep her face as blank as possible. She didn't want Anna to go, but she also didn't want Anna to stay in her house. But then again Anna had no house. Not now Clarissa was dead and the house had been taken custody of by PC Madison, the same PC who had arrested Alexandra Bignell, the driver of that dated vehicle that killed Clarissa. She was glad Clarissa was dead. Because now Anna was single and - no. Not going to happen. Especially not with Anna in Germany.
"The gates for flight 67c to Frankfurt are now open, I repeat, the gates for flight 67c to Frankfurt are now open. Thank you."
Anna stood up and smiled at Kitty.
"Here we go" They walked down the stairs and through the doors into the very room Kitty was dreading.
"I guess this is goodbye then..." Kitty whispered.
"Yeah..." Anna turned to face Kitty. "You don't know how much your help has meant to me."
"Oh, it was really nothing." Kitty blushed.
"No seriously, I have no idea how I could ever repay you."
"As I said, it's really nothing, and Anna you need to get going." She said, desperate not to cry.
"If I were to kiss you, what would you say?" Anna asked calmly, looking towards the gates.
"Wh..what?" Kitty whispered breathlessly.
"If I were to kiss you, what would you say?" She repeated.
"I...ummm..." Kitty started as Anna wrapped her arms around Kitty and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek, before walking off through the gates and going out of Kitty's view.
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