faye left dowling's office, feeling slightly happy that things were becoming good for her. blake was going to get expelled, he got the shit beaten out of him, and her and riven were finally going to be something. things were starting to work out.
she was also going to start to bring out her powers, ever since she saw her mum her powers came to her, although part of her thought it was just her mum protecting her.
faye decided to go see her new fairy friends and tell them everything about blake and her dormant fairy magic, she made it to the suit and walked straight in.
the girl instantly looked at terra with a smile.
"faye!" terra happily said.
faye continued to look at her friend.
"wait, did you do it?" she asked.
faye nodded with a smile.
terra shot up and quickly walked to the girl pulling her into a tight hug.
"i did it terr." faye whispered. "i fucking did it."
"okay, me and musa are so confused right now, please fill us in." aisha chimed in.
"she's feeling proud of herself but also scared." musa said. "what's wrong, faye?" she asked.
terra pulled away from the hug, leading faye to the sofa.
faye sat down and took in a deep breath. "so..."
faye explained everything, everything blake did to her, how she felt, seeing her mum and her being told she had powerful air fairy magic. it was an emotional rollercoaster, there was crying, laughing, and more crying. faye pretty much cried the whole time, even terra, musa and aisha shed a few tears.
faye felt guilty talking about all this in front of musa, purely for the fact she knew musa could feel everything faye was feeling.
"faye, we are so sorry that all happened to you." aisha told her.
terra pulled faye into a side hug, squeezing her.
"i'm sorry i just dropped all that on you guys." faye apologised, putting her head down.
"don't apologise for anything, faye." musa smiled. "we are so proud of you, like unbelievably."
faye smiled, tears forming in her eyes. "i love you girls so much, and bloom and sometimes stella." she laughed, the girls joining in.
after some more talking about random pointless things, terra had begun to explain her dad was lying to her. faye also found out callum died.
"he lied to my face. why are they all lying to us?" she asked.
"maybe they had to." aisha shrugged. "queen luna's... she seems kinda big on secrets. whatever's going on, i'm sure they think what they're doing is right." she added.
"they always do." musa muttered.
"then say "terra, i can't tell you." don't lie to me." terra stressed.
"it's all they do, they lie." faye said with a sigh.
"so he made ms. dowling something with the vessel stones, right?" aisha asked, standing up to make the situation more dramatic. "and the point of the vessel stones is to read magic, which is what they were doing at the assembly." she continued. "so, dead body, worried adults."
"what if they think a fairy killed callum?" musa asked.
"a fairy at that assembly..." faye's jaw slightly dropped.
"they were on edge after so they clearly didn't find them." musa spoke, shaking her head.
suddenly, sky burst into the suite. their heads turned to the tall boy.
"guys, is bloom here?" he asked, seeming slightly worried.
"did silva tell you what was happening today?" aisha asked him. "he must've."
"uh, is this the suite drama bloom was talking about?" sky was nothing but confused.
"there is no suite drama." musa told him, also confused.
"ok, i'm so lost right now." sky shook his head.
"me and you both." faye chimed in, with a small laugh.
"dowling's assistant died, the faculty think a did it. so they held the assembly to find out which fairy, but they didn't because clearly he or she wasn't there, so now we don't believe or trust literally anyone." terra ranted in annoyance.
sky stood silent for a moment trying to process what terra just said. "shit." sky muttered. "beatrix."
the girls and sky jumped to their phones spamming bloom, asking where she was. sky called bloom, but there was no answer.
"faye, let's go." sky said, leaving the suite.
"why-" she couldn't finish because sky was already gone. "bloody hell, i'll see you guys later." she ran after sky. "where are we going?"
"we're finding riven." was all he told her.
the two first went to sky and riven's shared suite.
sky stormed through the door. "where is she?" he asked angrily.
riven looked at sky, then at faye. "who?"
"the unstable history nerd leading you around like your her bitch." sky raised his voice slightly. "where is she?"
"i don't know." riven chuckled with confusion. "beatrix isn't surgically attached to me." he added. "why do you need her?"
"we're looking for bloom, and beatrix was the last person who was with bloom." faye told him.
"so where is she?" sky started to yell, making faye pull a face.
riven sat up slightly from the sofa, making a motion telling sky to shut up.
stella burst through the door. "seriously? i sent you, like, 20 texts, and you're running around looking for bloom?" she asked.
faye was definitely no mind fairy but stella seemed really upset and not just because sky had been ignoring her.
riven scoffed slightly, standing up. "yeah. you have fun with that." he told sky. "faye, let's go."
"what is it with people dragging me around with them." she rolled her eyes, but she followed riven.
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