Chapter 9: You Are Not Alone
Chapter 9: You Are Not Alone
• 𓎬 ☼ 𓋹⋅☾𓂀 ☽⋅𓋹 ☼ 𓎬 •
2014 - London
The moment Ahkmenrah ran out of the room, the tension had risen.
She felt compelled to chase after him, worried that he would stumble upon something unsettling or damaging to his mind. And in an environment that was new to him, Rowena could imagine all various outcomes if a panicked and distressed pharaoh roaming the British Museum.
However, there was some hesitation in pursuing him; mostly the fact that Shepseheret had looked shocked and upset at what Ahkmenrah had done. Rowena wanted to embrace the mother, to ease her tears slipping down her face. She asked if the queen was alright, and the elder woman assured her that she was alright.
When Rowena glanced up to Merenkahre, there was a wave of aggravation in her chest. The pharaoh could have easily explained the truth with a little less bluntness. Either way: they all knew the outcome would not sway to understanding. The truth couldn't be taken by a soft blow; Ahkmenrah had to know it sooner or later.
However, it was rather too later than they anticipated.
Instead of staying, Rowena silently gave them a nod to which they agreed - and she dove off into the rest of the museum in search of the young pharaoh.
Down the corridor of Greek and Roman statues was when Rowena found the others wandering about, excluding Larry and Rebecca. She didn't worry too much about the other two but wondered if they completed their task in reviving the Tablet.
The young Daley was the first to spot her, eyeing her as her steps made noise against the cold marble floor. Everyone else followed suit, looking at her with questions on their faces.
Nick was the first to ask, "Rowen? Where's Ahk?"
She didn't want to worry them, and composed her emotions. "He ran out before I could ask. Did any of you see him?" Rowena questioned.
For a moment, there was a wave of concern throughout the group and they shook their heads. It seemed everyone wanted to speak with their mind, though nobody opened their mouth to say something.
Until Nick answered back with creased eyebrows. "No. We'd just come inside after we restored the Tablet. Well, we explored a bit and then came back to give you this." He took out the golden artefact and held it out to her.
Even though her mind was still onto Ahkmenrah, she was relieved that at least one thing turned out correctly during their trip. The Tablet was revived into its former appearance (and also feeling) with a golden glow surrounding it. When she grasped it in her hands, there was a tingle of warmth up her arms once more - the Wadjet key cool on her collarbone. She thanked the young Daley for returning it and told the rest that she would give it back to Ahkmenrah.
If she could find him that is.
Her Native American friend stepped forward, frowning. "Did something happen?"
Rowena glanced around for a second, sensing that neither his parents nor anyone else were in earshot, she indicated Sacagawea that she was correct.
Teddy was the next to speak, concerned rather than worried. "He was rather upset when we left, Rowena."
"I..." She snapped her mouth shut before she could answer. Rowena was still struck in shock even after she heard the facts. "It would seem his parents hid something from him ever since he was born." She replied, treading with her words.
With eyebrows raised to the roof, Teddy breathed. "Good gracious. What about?" He asked.
"Him being the guardian of the Tablet and not his brother."
Then they all widened their eyes in shock and surprise and a roar of disbelief erupted around her. Rowena kept unruffled. There was no other way to explain other than to bluntly say it. Internally, she sighed in tiredness, but yet felt a nostalgic feeling in seeing her friend act as they usually would.
She then continued, "Yes, we all believed it at first. But in fact, the Tablet was supposed to go down to him. His brother, on the other hand, was proposed to stay as the temporary guardian. However, it never came."
It was then everyone quietened once more when Sacagawea questioned, "Why is that?"
Her eyes darted to her and she answered, "Khufu." Rowena explained: "He seemed to be the advisor of the royal family. He got rid of their family before the god: Khonsu could reveal that Ahkmenrah was the Guardian."
She remembered who Khufu was. Not one singular Egyptologist would forget the king that had built the Great Pyramids of Giza - one of the most famous wonders of the Ancient World. Alongside his sons and descendants, they had the most successful reign in the 4th Dynasty until Merenkahre, Kahmunrah and Ahkmenrah came to be.
Everything that she'd researched and she had discovered once more: was all a lie.
Ahkmenrah had said it before, but never would she admit how much Khufu would influence. Killing the family, erasing their life and changing it...all for power...
All for the Tablet.
Now a group wanted her and the Tablet. It would be a coincidence that it was for the same purpose to what Khufu wanted the Tablet as well.
She then remembered the one woman that has kept her up on her toes every minute. The same one that carried the similar Wadjet Key around her neck.
"...Rowen? Are you alright?"
Rowena blinked several times before saying her name. "Salma Atkins."
Teddy's eyes flashed and he narrowed them. "And what of her?"
The exhibits knew of that name, having been told by Ahkmenrah since she warned him before she left four years ago. It was for precaution, that if the Tablet was at risk - they would be able to know at least one suspect.
"She's the other Guardian," Rowena spoke. "And with what she said about Kahmunrah and Ahkmenrah, I assume that she is not on our side."
Sacagawea spoke, "You said she was to be kept an eye on her, though?"
'Not entirely,' She wanted to say, but that would be a lie. In fact, she had someone else keeping an eye on her in Egypt. "I have. She's been behaving well according to my...confiders. And now it seems like everything is starting to reveal itself. Somehow at some point from then and now, she found the key and got corrupted. Or...maybe Khufu's descendant found her and gave it to her."
"You believe this man is connected to her?" Teddy questioned.
Rowena replied, "I won't admit firmly as of now. But with the evidence that we have that Khufu wanted the Tablet and Salma wanted the Tablet as well, they both had the same goals."
Jedediah scrunched his face and asked, "What is the darn key for anyways?"
"I don't know." She admitted, and the ever-growing frustration in her didn't ease her anticipation to find him. "Even they don't know because only the Guardians were supposed to know."
Rowena had been referring to Ahkmenrah's parents, knowing by their looks towards her that there was nothing to be said of the golden token on her neck. She was expecting nothing from them, in fairness even if it did deflate any of her chances to know more about what the Wadjet key entailed. All they knew now that it was a special artefact that was similar to the Tablet, and was being hunted down. Not anything new for her.
However, the dread that there was a possibility that the Tablet in her hands was corrupted on purpose had increased. These unknown group (or groups) of people were after her and Ahkmenrah's heads. Even then, they probably couldn't kill them at all with their condition.
She shuddered to think of the consequences of being captured. That was not her list. Not again after what happened at the Smithsonian. If they couldn't kill them, who knows what sort of plans they were scheming for them.
What was worse. If they took her friends and family, she would never be able to forgive herself for their demise or death. Rowena had already been in that position, and Harry never gave her the choice to save him from having a painful end. Neither did their daughter, who simply accepted death either way.
She couldn't let them go down that path.
Teddy heaved and sincerely said. "I know it's difficult for you as well, my dear." He looked down to her.
She felt a hand on her shoulder, and she found Sacagawea softly ask her. "Do you want to talk about it?"
About what: that she had finally realised that all this time - they were people after her for something she didn't know. That this group of cultists wish to seek to use the Tablet and the Wadjet for something dangerous. And perhaps it was the very same one which Cecil Fredricks told her.
'Beware of the Scarab...who was the Scarab though?' Rowena wondered many times, and even now couldn't understand who would hold that title. She shouldn't be thinking of them again. Not now when she could feel her breath shortening.
Then Rowena could remember the argument she and he once had. The moment when she told him that he was forced to move to New York. It was then a nerve was struck, and she felt her hand twitch.
Her head - no matter what - stayed facing up.
"I'm afraid for him." She said realising how her voice trembled. "I feel like I did this to him."
It had been guilt that filled her whole body then. The sense of her fingers shaking underneath the grasp of the Tablet as she thought of the many things she'd done in her life. Too many mistakes that had caused her to have the past bite her back in the arse.
All because she was a naive little girl all those years ago.
If she hadn't sent him to New York...
If she never followed those visions in uncovering his tomb...
Sacagawea faced her, a stern and yet calm demeanour that kept Rowena trained at her voice. "Do not blame yourself for something that had come to pass. You had no choice in that matter." She continued. "You were not the person those fifty years ago. Now: you are Rowen Bates, one of the strongest people I ever been graced to call as a friend. We make our mistakes, and we build from it."
Rowena spotted the former president stand by his lover's side and he agreed with a nod.
Teddy smiled. "Sacagawea is right, my dear. There will always be moments where you will reflect your actions. But you shouldn't let it swallow you whole." He took a deep breath. "The best course is to move forward with a hand to help. And as I say, everyone here is with you and Ahkmenrah. You shall never walk this road alone."
Her chest warmed with fondness hearing those words. She didn't want for them to have to risk their journey here, but she hadn't realised there was need of some comfort either way. Six months alone without them felt so long ago. And hearing Theodore Roosevelt and Sacagawea's strong and yet moving words had kept her back from the dark.
Even the others. Who all nodded their heads as Dexter cooed at her - crawling up to her shoulder to giver her a hug. She leaned her head in and thanked her friend.
Jedediah agreed and said. "Yeah, Gigantress. After all this Tablet problem solved, he'll get better."
Nodding beside him, Octavius added. "We were deciding if it's best for him to stay here, with his parents for a while." He continued. "Perhaps it would aid him to reconcile his relationship with his parents."
Looking up to the Roman, she peered her eyes at him before glancing at each of them. They looked as if they already discussed this certain topic before she arrived her. "Should you not ask him?" She asked them.
Teddy was the one who answered: "We thought it would best for you to confront him first." He explained. "If all of us did, he would choose the latter, but we can't let him decide over his heart when his mind is not set yet."
She was unsure as to why they had thought of the notion in the first place until she softened her eyes at them. The exhibits wanted to do what was best for their friend. They didn't want to hurt him even further by taking him away from his family just as he was reunited with them for the first time in half a century.
They would choose to not come back to life to give Ahkmenrah time with his family.
However, Rowena doubted what Ahkmenrah believed. After being with your parents for years, she knew his relationship with Merenkahre wouldn't heal as easily as they assumed.
She adjusted her hold with the Tablet and sighed. "I understand. How are you all though? I know how much the corrosion probably affected you." Rowena asked attentively.
There was a mixture of responses from them. Dexter had stayed silent on her shoulder, whilst Sacagawea glanced over to Teddy, who wore a tight hidden expression. Nick was curiously watching the exhibits beside Attila whilst Octavius and Jedediah, on the other hand, look conflicted.
The two miniatures were the ones she was worried about. She wished they could speak more freely about their emotions.
Octavius tightly answered, "We're fine, Rowen." He then realised how snappy he spoke and relaxed his tone. "Truly."
She still wasn't convinced by the choice of his words. So to ease their minds, Rowena decided to admit something she had not said in years. "I have died more than once, you know." A lot of them looked at her in disbelief.
Rowena had never spoken often of her immortality. Whenever it did come up, she never explained that part of her life unless it was someone that needed to know it. Maybe it was to lessen the sad looks people gave her after they knew about her. Though mostly it was to forget it herself.
"And...and it'll be there." She continued but and then added. "But never let it rule your head."
"You are right. We must continue to move forward." Teddy curtly nodded to her and she responded with the same gesture.
Rowena let out another exhale and grinned. "Okay, enough of these sombre attitudes." She gestured her arm out and said. "I did say you can wander about the museum, the best way to start is the central hall which is just ahead. I'm sure you'll be fine on your own."
There wasn't anything else to say after Teddy and Sacagawea knew what she wanted. The two nodded at her and gave her encouraging smiles, allowing her to place Dexter on Sacagawea's shoulders and went off into the hallways.
She heard Jedediah ask when she turned away. "Where are you going?"
Teddy stopped the cowboy and solemnly replied, "Let her, Jedediah. I think they will need their time alone this time."
• 𓎬 ☼ 𓋹⋅☾𓂀 ☽⋅𓋹 ☼ 𓎬 •
She was on the verge panicking, having it taken her twenty minutes to search for him until she found him sitting on one of the benches. The African masks draped in front of the white wall surrounded by a soft yellow glow of the light.
There was a soft whimper before a sequence of sniffs before she could approach him. Rowena gulped and halted. The pain in her chest didn't help her either, spotting him curled up on the wooden furniture, his robes scrunched by his legs and arms.
His crown was placed carelessly by his side.
So many people have hurt him, both indirectly and directly throughout his life. It was only getting worse for her when partially it had been her fault. Something inside of kept eating her urges to confront him, blaming no one but herself for doing everything that was nothing.
She didn't deserve him.
Though she equally knew that he needed someone - even if it was her.
Rowena's quiet steps didn't affect him as she now stood just a few feet away from him. She then softly said, "Ahk?"
His head didn't rotate, only grumbling back. "Go away."
She exhaled and answered, "You and I both know I won't do that."
Approaching the pharaoh, she moved the crown and put the Tablet down next to it. Sitting slowly beside him, she reached a hand to his shoulder with hesitation. She was afraid that he would retract back, wanting nothing from her.
However, the opposite occurred. As her skin touched his shoulder, he leaned into her and his head nestled on her shoulder. His weeping echoed around them, raking the pain in heart even more. Rowena wished she could do more, but she knew even holding him in her arms was the only way to comfort him.
"Amicus meus, I'm here." She murmured. "That's it."
She wasn't sure how long they sat there in the same position, rubbing his back in circular motions. The beads of his clothes were digging into her skin, but she ignored it. Rowena could feel his heart beating fast, his chest heaving quickly.
There and finally, the pharaoh of Egypt had broken down after four-thousand years.
Four-thousand years of awaited pain and anger which had bubbled during that time. She wished she could understand him more than she did now. But their lives were so different, and yet so similar in a way that an ordinary modern person would not dare to imagine.
"Why." He spoke with a trembling voice. "Why does it happen to me?"
Rowena didn't respond, continuing to hold him in her embrace. As his breath began to settle to a peaceful pace, he leaned back. His face was still ridden with fresh tears. Eyes red-rimmed and swollen as he sniffed his nose. But during that time, he always kept looking down, looking down at the Wadjet key on her chest.
He whispered, "Why me?" He questioned, not knowing it was to her or himself. "I am nothing special. I am nobody. Not without these clothes or this crown or my title."
She stared up to him, one hand on his shoulder whilst the other went to cup his cheek. Rowena wiped the tears away on his cheeks. "You are Ahkmenrah. One of my best friends and my dearest love." She answered tenderly. "You are one of the smartest people I have met. You are loved, both here and those after death."
Ahkmenrah closed his eyes, another tear trailing down before he then wiped his nose. "It was my fault. If I hadn't...If I hadn't been born-"
"No, Ahk. Do not say those things." She quickly said but kept her voice calm. "Your existence matters."
His bit his lip, as if he was trying not to cry once more.
Rowena could feel herself almost lose against the emotions that filled her. Her eyes stung, but she refrained to bid under her own tears.
Instead, she lifted herself and touched his lips with hers - softly and lightly to just bring him back to reality. Afterwards, she then went back before holding his hands with hers.
The pharaoh looked at her, slightly more relaxed than before.
"You matter, Ahk." She spoke, a little"So much that sometimes I wonder if the world just revolves around you."
"Well apparently, it does," Ahkmenrah muttered sorely.
Her eyes softened and she replied. "You know what I mean, amicus meus." She continued, "You matter so much to me. You matter to everyone who has come by your side."
"You don't understand. All my life, my life has been driven by lies. Sometimes I'm not sure what is the truth and what is a lie anymore." He bit his lip to stop his tears, rushing to wipe them away.
Rowena's heart skipped another beat before commenting. "I don't believe anyone knows, amicus meus."
Ahkmenrah asked, "Then how do I live with it?"
"You live with it with acceptance. People will lie, and they will lie with a reason. You'll try to understand it, but that's where you choose how long it takes for you to do so." Rowena took a deep breath and added, "No one is forcing you to accept or to understand it."
"What about her?" He asked.
She titled her head. "Who?"
"Rowena Clarke." The name still felt so foreign to hear from his voice. He explained, "Because that's what Rowen Bates would say."
He asked, "If you were still her, what would she say?"
The unexpected question caught her off guard. Not once in her life had she'd been asked directly something like this. Everyone (even the ones that knew who she truly was) never offered to know what her opinion be if she still bore her first name. It had always been her in the present, whether it was Rowen, Joanna, Emilia or even Elizabeth in some cases. Never Rowena.
Sometimes she thought of herself as the same person with numerous names. And sometimes she thought she was multiple people sharing the same body, the same soul yet different minds and hearts. So many years being called so and so that she had come to accept that she had to let go of her previous lives.
Unlike her names, who she now decided to have passed on - nothing could stop her from coming back to thinking of Rowena Clarke.
Rowena Clarke was her first and only name that would keep her here. To continue to believe in humanity. The one who had never lost the faith of mortality. She would never be able to accept her to be dead.
She couldn't help but admit that she missed being called that name. But would Rowena Clarke be able to survive the modern world?
"In her life... Everything in her life would be the truth. Because people were brutal. There's no screen to hide behind. Only your appearance and your class." Rowena said and shook her head. "No. She could easily tell the lies. But living a lie? I think it would hurt her more. Because she would never have to realise that her life around her was a facade. She would try to understand, but she will never accept it."
Ahkmenrah's face was written in awe and curiosity. He then wondered, "Who am I then?"
It was her turn to be stunned, and maybe she should have expected.
They were two people out of time.
While the world moved forward, Rowena Clarke and Ahkmenrah never changed. Even if she Rowen Bates now, she still felt out of synchronous with everything else.
Honestly, she answered him as she brushed a strand of his hair out of his face. "You can be whoever you want to be."
"And what about you?" He asked her, "Will you always be Rowen Bates?"
'Will I change again once my time has come?' She wondered to herself. Did Rowen Bates love Ahkmenrah? Or did Rowena Clarke love him?
She swallowed and admitted. "...I'm not sure as of yet, amicus meus."
He hummed with a nod. His hands wrapped over her shoulders and carefully tucked her under his arms.
"Can we just stay here?" Ahkmenrah asked her.
She didn't need to look back up to him to assure him. "I will be by your side for as long as you want me too."
• 𓎬 ☼ 𓋹⋅☾𓂀 ☽⋅𓋹 ☼ 𓎬 •
Garret I
2014 - London
It was today.
He adjusted his shirt, smoothing down the front. He could feel the thick lining of the vest inside, thick and sturdy under the thin fabric above it. The belt underneath was tight around him, sensing the objects in their holsters. Taking the guard, he wrapped them around his forearms and slid two more into its pockets.
He then eyed the made bed in front of him, imagining the figure that had been there just a few hours ago. The mass of red hair that was sprawled over to the side of where he slept. With blue sparkling eyes looking up to him the moment she woke.
Blue and innocent.
He never told her why they truly went to London for the past week. He had suggested it to be an extra surprise of their honeymoon, after spending a week away abroad at the beach. They were supposed to be back in New York since Leslie was due back to work at the hospital after the prolonged beginning of their married life.
But he could not back down this opportunity - not when they had tasked him with the largest missions since his initiation. He could only thank his friend, Kai Winterson, for all the work and praise he had told to the heads of their Order.
He remembered the first time he found out about them. As roommates in New York University, they had become close friends that his knowledge of Kai had gotten too close for a call. He began seeing the suspicious activity Kai was doing. Sneaking off at night and returning to their dormitory in the morning. Pulling out of bar nights to see his dad. It only took a few months until he confronted the guy and finally got the information out of his mouth.
Kai Winterson was part of this secret group that has grown for over four thousand years.
After that, Kai's father who was currently a representative to New York proposed to him with a position to become a confidant to the S.H.A after graduating. At first, he wasn't interested. Nothin made sense at all until the truth was revealed.
Magical tablets, keys. Immortality. Power. Gods.
They promised him success and money and power. And as the middle child of seven children, there was never a light shone onto him. To his family and everyone else: Garret was just a plain man with a useless degree.
But with the Order of Snakes, he had a role. That was enough to pull him into the inner circle of secrets.
It was after the initiation that everything was beginning to look brighter for him. He was rising up the ranks faster than any of his age. Kai supported him, and Kai's father respected him. Not only that, the Scarab had caught his eye.
One of the Immortal heads of the Order. And would be the more opened heads.
She had tasked him this job. And this job alone. He knew the people that were guarding the Tablet enough to know where they are. He had to thank his wife for that.
Leslie Carter. The great-grandaughter of the famous Howard Carter; the granddaughter of Edmund Carter - known to the Order as the Catalyst of the project.
However, she wasn't supposed to fall in love with him.
But Garret was someone that thought too much of his importance. His work, his role...his wife. His success in capturing Leslie Carter's heart was an achievement he was personally proud of as it told him and the rest of the world that he could gain everything.
When they first met at a party, Garret saw the kindle of fire in her eyes. The same flame that matched the colour of her hair. Even before his initiation, he had already gotten close to her. Afterwards, he contemplated whether to cut her ties. But the Scarab had told him not.
The Scarab insisted that each member should continue living in a normal matter. Too many anomalies could potentially expose them.
And so he agreed. He stayed with Leslie Carter who was slowly - and naively - falling in love with him.
He wasn't expecting himself to fall in love with her too.
There was nothing wrong about her. In fact: she would have to be the most perfect and innocent people he had ever met. Her background was clean, both on paper and online. She had grown up as an only child with wealthy parents who loved their daughter very much. She wore modest clothes usually, sometimes wearing a dress from to time. She was intelligent and was the top of her class throughout her school life. Now, she was a doctor and surgeon and many people respected her. When it came to family dinners, everyone would never make a bad remark about her.
However, underneath it all: Garret saw more of her. And it was the consequences of the perfection that Leslie Carter had built up for years. When it does, there will be a time she will break - and it will be a catastrophe.
He could only hope it wasn't this case. Somewhere deep down him, or some ounce in his mind and heart - that there was a flicker of the love of Leslie. And not just the idea of Leslie.
Garret shoved those thoughts away. He had no time to think of the only fault in him. Even when she was out (he persuaded her to give herself a day to herself and treat herself to shopping), he could not fault the possibility of stumbling into her during his mission.
'You have to forget her. Just this time.' He told himself, staring at the mirror. He placed the earpiece into its correct position, camouflage by its skin colour. Afterwards, his hand trailed down the back of his neck, feeling where the tattoo printed.
He could still feel the thrum of pain. The symbol of the Order claimed on his skin. With one last breath, he put his jacket on and slung his rucksack on his shoulders.
He took the tube, maintaining his composure and texting the rest of his team his position. Garret couldn't help but glance around him. They were in their own little world, stuck to think about their mundane lives with no clue what he was going to do.
Once he was at the nearest stop, he walked the rest and turned on his earpiece. The first stage was up - which was getting into the museum undetected.
And what better way to do it amongst the busiest times of the day.
There was a group of university students to which he blended into. Security was the first problem to tackle. The British Museum was prone to having to most valuable artefacts in the world. Unlike the American Museum of Natural History which anyone could just enter, this place had many procedures.
And the better was to do it was accept the measures.
He took the line of the left, placing his bag on the conveyor belt. There were at two security officers in each line: one to inspect the bags and one to check people through the metal detector.
Garret's eyes then flickered over to the security guard at the one calling for him. He faced the man and eyed the metal detector. With a quick breath, he then walked through.
No alarm went off the moment he passed, and Garret looked back at the security guard next to him. In the back of the guard's neck was the same tattoo he had, hidden subtly by the collar of his neck.
They both nodded at each before Garret waited to grab his bag.
The security guard inspecting the bag had a bored expression and clicked several buttons before the conveyor belt moved his bag out to his side. Garret saw a quick nod from him before he slipped the bag on once more.
'Step one is done.' Garret smirked internally and headed up to the entrance of the actual museum.
The British Museum could be classed at a high graded building even without the artefacts. It's grand stature dwarfed the museums in New York, with grand pillars and a large hall in the centre.
He had to remind himself that he was in a mission, even how exciting it was for a historian like him to be here. Going up the steps, he approached the reception desk - finding a young woman bidding a family a good day. Her plain brown eyes saw him and he smiled back.
When he made it in front of her, he asked: "Excuse me, do you know where the Ancient Egypt section is?"
He could tell she found him good-looking, by how her eyes wandered his face and body. It took her a few seconds to adjust in her position before nodding enthusiastically, "Just straight down there and take a right. Would you like a map, sir?"
Garret nodded, and he picked up the pamphlet in front of him. "Thank you for your help." He peered down to try and looked back up to her. "Olivia."
The younger woman blushed and glanced her eyes down into the desk. "Hope you have a nice day, sir."
He flashed her another smile before saying his goodbye.
Once he knew he was out of her eyesight, he took his time wandering the exhibits towards the direction of the Egyptian section. He knew it would too suspicious to hurry there, so the best course of action was to make sure the timing was impeccable.
Seeing the artefacts here reminded him of going to Egypt. He could remember the heat of the sun and the roughness of the sand. But here, you couldn't feel it in reality. Here, the artefacts of Egypt were worships and idolised. All these tourists and visitors and students around him: they didn't know the extent of the power around them.
One of the more known collections was the one surrounded by a ring of people. The Rosetta Stone.
Uncovered over two hundred years ago, the stone would become the revelation in the Ancient Egyptian language. He had studied this piece for hours on end, curious on how to decipher its meanings. It was just a little insulting that the context it wrote was not worthy of its power.
The rest of the long hall had many visitors ogling the rest of the columns, sarcophagi and statues until he came to a crowd of students and families alike.
In the centre of it all was someone he was expecting.
Rowen Bates.
The director of the British Museum, also known as the Guardian to the Order, was currently doing a talk. She was standing beside the sarcophagus, the Tablet resting on top as she discussed and answered questions to several students and visitors.
For Garret, there was hidden hatred for Rowen Bates despite their friendly relationship around Leslie. The woman symbolized everything he envied and sought to bring down. If anyone was given the gift of immortality, it would be someone that would have saved so many. A hero.
But her: she had done nothing of a sort.
He's heard of her past. The Duchess of Cornwall who died pathetically by her own stupidity. There was no heroism or courage in that death.
It was the many reasons he wanted to rid of her in the first place. To tell Leslie to kick her out of her home many times. But of course, his wife would never look away at a family friend. Not when they had grown to become friends.
Rowen Bates's granddaughter was much the same, perhaps slightly better with her crass comments and interesting character that made him hate her less.
Garret only hoped the younger Bates didn't intertwine her life with her grandmother's.
Whilst he turned away and focused on studying a statue of a cat, he said, "Hello."
"Security camera's are disabled for five minutes." The voice through his ear-piece instructed. "Please make sure you are ready."
"Copy." He was about to signal and indicate his team but then stopped.
A familiar voice within his range spoke.
"...Why are we back here again?" Nick Daley's voice echoed out in the large hall.
They were on the other side of the exhibit, spectating their friend as she continued to talk to her audience about Ahkmenrah's reign.
"Well, since we're basically here for another few days why can't we explore the place." The older Daley
"But we could always do it at ni-" Nick then paused himself. "I mean with Rowen."
Garret wanted to snort. The young Daley was not as subtle as the two adults. Rebecca Hutman suggested that they'll continue touring for another hour before they can explore the rest of London.
His partner stated through his earpiece, "Diversion is ready."
He then waded out of the hall and heard a sudden thud.
"Oh my. Are you alright, sir?"
From the corner of his eyes, he spotted one of their own, an elderly man in his seventies. He had fainted just outside the exhibit where Ahkmenrah and the Tablet was. Many people began to crowd around when they notice, but the most important one of them all was the one who rushed in.
Whilst he slipped through the large crowd, he heard someone call out. "He's not breathing."
Garret took another glance and spotted the Daleys and Rebecca Hutman also leaving the exhibition and rushing to help Rowen. The Security guards had caught his eye, nodding at him to secure his position.
"Please give him room!" Rowen Bates shouted to the visitors.
When he entered the exhibit of the pharaoh, he found himself alone, with no eyes or ears. His eyes panned the room, only to stare at the particular object perched on a display rack beside Ahkmenrah's sarcophagus.
His eyes were filled with lust and desire. He had seen the Tablet many times, but now he would finally be able to hold it in his hands.
"Now's your chance." His partner said in his ear. "Put the gloves on."
In his pocket, he took out the small accessories and tugged them on. For anyone, they seemed quite ordinary. Black leather gloves with red patterns printed over them. However, they held a key purpose.
His arms reached out, grabbing the sides of the Tablet. He could feel the heat already surging up his palms and into his arms. Garret let out a hiss and took a hand away from one side.
"I'm fine." He murmured with gritted teeth and glared at the artefact. "Just really hot." That was an understatement.
The Scarab told him the magical properties of the Tablet. How it could detect who wields it easily - almost sentient in some way. He then unzipped his bag, and carefully slipped it in. He then put on the rucksack and informed his team that he now held the Tablet.
The next step was to try and leave.
Suddenly, Garret was then met by a hard object.
Not an object - but a person.
His breath cut off the moment he realised who it was also.
Larry Daley stumbled back, startled as he adjusted his clothes.
Garret then exclaimed, "Argh! I'm so sorry."
"No worries, man I-" Daley apologised and then furrowed his eyebrows. "Hey, do I know you?"
Garret composed himself and replied with similar confusion, "I don't think so?" He then flashed a fake smile and replied, "Good day, sir."
He tried his best to walk at a normal pace, continuing to wander and look at the exhibits before disappearing down the corridor towards the front entrance. Once he passed the reception desk, thanking the young woman with a flirtatious smile, he headed down the step and felt relieved.
He had done it.
The Tablet was theirs now.
"Subject is with me now." Garret murmured under his breath as he walked forward.
"Meet your courier at the Needle. They will be meeting you there."
He asked suspiciously, "Isn't that dangerous?"
"The Lion insists you are needed now."
"Fine. Will do so now." He responded before turning down to the right as he exited the gates of the British Museum.
What Garret didn't realise, was that there was a figure staring behind him. They had completely miscalculated one thing.
And that was that Larry Daley was not a fool.
A/N: Welcome back and this took longer than I expected to write. But here it is!
If you already guessed it ages ago, Garret is a shady hoe who really doesn't deserve our girl, Leslie. I planned it out like this, hence why they were in London in the first place. Coincidence? We're gonna see in the next chapter?
I wasn't sure if it was worth to add these scenes to the final story as I intended to remove this entirely and just add the important bits. But I wanted to show the vulnerable and softer side of these characters. Here, you got to see Ahkmenrah and Rowena talk genuinely about their past and their deeper thoughts. As for the exhibits and Rowena, we finally got more of their relationship. Just makes it even better for what's gonna happen in the future. ;)
Next chapter: Does Garret get away? Will our heroes find out?
Hope you guys enjoyed it! :)
Written: 06/11/2020
Edited: 06/11/2020
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