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"No!" Juniper sobbed as she banged on her door, hearing the news Theo had brought her, "No!"
"I'm so sorry, June." Theo spoke softly from the other side with squeezed eyes. Bellatrix had the lock to her room, no way of getting in without being murdered for it, "I'm so, so sorry."
Sirius was dead, her dear cousin, gone.
"Mother!" Juniper sobbed as she yanked on the door knob. Theo looked at the end of the hallway and saw Bellatrix approaching from within the darkness of the hallway, "Mother! How could you!"
"Perhaps she needs to be out for a little bit to calm down." Theo tried to suggest to her, getting a questionable look, "It could help."
"She'll stay." Bellatrix spoke with a nod of her head. Theo backed up as Bellatrix stood before the door, listening to her sobbing daughter from within, "Oh, don't cry, Juney. Mummy had to do it."
Juniper yelled as she fell to the floor, hitting the door as she cried. She had no words to say, nothing to possible say that would make her feel better. Her cousin, her real family, was gone. Her own mother had killed him, knowing how badly this would hurt her. No matter how badly she yelled, Juniper would never feel better. She'd only felt this pain once in her life before, only once, and she figured she'd never have to feel it again.
"Fetch me when she calms down, Nott." Bellatrix looked to Theo with a serious expression, "Do not let her out, foolish boy."
"Of course not." Theo promised, listening to his best friend sob on the other side of the door. He knew Juniper too well, he knew that all this killing was killing her as well. He saw how hard she fought when the Dark Lord said she could have Cedric back. She did anything for that cruel lie, like killing muggles and hurting anyone just for him. Theo knew that, from how Junipers brain was wired, that the Dark Lord would surely tell her there was a way for Sirius to get back. And it would just be a cycle of what happened last time, until someone else dies and she is left dying as well.
That's why he waited until late that night, bags packed, a owl on it's why to Blaise, wands drawn, to break into her room with a spell.
"Theo-" Juniper began, sitting in her bed with tear stains on her face.
"Get up, we have to hurry." Theo cut her off, his blonde curls bouncing as he pulled her out of the bed, "Where's your wand? Hurry, hurry."
"Mother has it, what's happening?" she panicked, the necklace Cedric got her around her neck, her hand reaching out to grab his hand as he drug her, "Theo."
"I'm getting you out of here." Theo spoke fast, the pair running down the stairs quickly, "I'm so sorry, Juniper, this is all my fault."
"Where are we going? Are you coming with me?" Juniper asked, thankful her clumsy feet hadn't given out on her as she ran down the steps with Theo toward the dungeons.
"Of course, you won't make it without me." Theo smiled, hearing the yell of Bellatrix in the background, his face falling.
"He's taken her, Dark Lord! That Liar!"
"Hurry, we have to go, now." Theo waved his wand to the doors, having it thrown open in no time. The duo sprinted through the large manor backyard, Juniper knowing it so well, considering she'd stayed so many night with her dear cousin and auntie.
"Though here!" she yelled, yanking Theo with her through the rose bushes. She'd always run through though them, coming out at the end with thorns in her arms and a smile on her face.
"Juniper!" Bellatrix shouted from the balcony of Junipers room, out looking the entire manor yard, "You won't run from me, child!"
Theo and Juniper ducked as different curses were thrown their way, moving through the rose garden enough to have them miss. Juniper squeezed Theos hand, nearing the forest, "We've almost made it, Theo, look!"
He ran behind her, hand clasped in her cold palm.
"June! Theo!" Blaise hollered, his broom with him as he road down toward the opening of the forest.
"Blaise!" the pair smiled widely up at him, watching as he came down toward them.
"Avada Kedavra!"
Theo heard the spell, turning as the green glow from the spell was moving horribly fast toward Juniper. He shoved her down immediately, harshly, "No!"
Juniper hit the ground hard, coughing as the breath knocked out of her. The world was silent a second, her coughing the only thing heard. Her head turned, eyes looking for her best friend.
Only to find Theo dead next to her, with the same curse that killed her lover and cousin.
"Theo!" Blaise called in agony at the sight of his loved one dead.
"No! No! No!" Juniper yelled again, grasping Theo body and pulling him into her lap, "Theo, Theo, please!"
Bellatrix grinned from the balcony, her daughter surely to come back.
"Theo!" Blaise fell from his broom as he looked down at the Nott boy, "I-I-"
"I'm so sorry." Juniper cried as she kissed Theo on his forehead, his skin already becoming cold, "Blaise, i'm-"
"We can't leave him, we have to get out of here now." Blaise spoke, his eyes falling on Bellatrix, basically being able to read her thoughts, "We can carry him."
"Hurry." Juniper spoke, tears falling from the pairs eyes at the death of their best friend, one of which his lover. Blaise got onto his broom, helping Juniper pull Theo up as well.
"No!" Bellatrix hollered, curses and spells following after the three as Blaise sped off on the broom, years of Quidditch coming in handy. The wind hitting their eyes, only made them water even worse on the pair, both of them having to morn Theo, all of which while trying to save themselves. Juniper held Theo, her head falling on Blaises back as she finally had a chance to think why they'd escaped Malfoy Manor.
Her best friend, her cousin, and her boyfriend had all died from the same curse, all by either her mother or the man she loved more then anything.
Juniper would not let them die in vein.
"I'm going to kill my mother." Juniper spoke to Blaise as they rode through the sky, "I want to kill her."
Blaise was silent a second, "I hope you do."
The Burrow was Junipers safest place right now, Blaise bringing her there with Theos body. The flying broom alarmed the lot inside of the living room, all coming back here after the horrible death at the ministry. Harry had ran outside first, Ron and Hermione following as the rest of the Weasleys did the same. Wands drawn, panic setting in.
"Wait." Ron called, his eye sight better then Harry's, "Bloody hell, that's-"
"Juniper!" George yelled when his eyes fell to the Lestrange girl on the back of Blaise's broom, coming toward the ground, "Where did you-"
He stopped when they reached the ground, eyes falling onto Theos dead body in her arms. Both of them were in tears, in the front yard of the Weasley home.
"I had- we had to come here." Juniper stumbled over her words as Blaise climbed off, holding Theos body, "Please, we-"
Harry reached her first, grabbing hold of her body in a tight hug, "I thought you were-"
"I'm so sorry." Juniper spoke to Harry as she held him tightly, "Sirius, my cousin-"
"I thought you were dead!" Harry pulled back with a crazy expression, his eyes watering behind his glasses, "Where were you!"
"They took me!" Juniper spoke back, his clear panic hurting her, "And they killed Theo too."
"We have a spot, near the gnomes, it's rather beautiful." Arthur spoke gently as he looked at the Zabini boy with the dead boy in his arms, Junipers swollen eyes, "A proper burial."
George tried to let Harry have his moment of Juniper, becoming impatient as he quickly hugged her, hand placed on the back of her head, "I've lost count of the times I thought you were dead."
"Let's hope it doesn't happen again." Juniper hugged him tightly, "They'll be back for me."
"They won't touch you." George promised, the pair pulling back as Juniper watched Fred help Blaise carry Theo toward the back, "I'm so sorry about Theo, June."
"He died to save me." Juniper spoke with sad eyes, a laugh leaving her lips as tears fell down her face, "My best friend, George."
She was laughing, laughing so hard as she sobbed at the same time. George watched in worry, holding her shoulders as he followed her toward the ground as she fell to her knees. Juniper laughed loudly, her head falling back as she faced the sky. She inhaled before a loud, horrible sob left her lips, "No!"
kylie speaks
such a heart breaking
chapter, poor bby was
sobbing the entire time.
i'm so sorry i've been
gone for so long, i wanted
away from the harry potter
fandom because of how
toxic it is but i am back
now and very happy to
bring my baby back.
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