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"You're gonna be fine, it's just one night and two days." George spoke, stumbling in the process of walking, Junipers arms around his waist to avoid being taking into the train, "You're acting like a leach."
"I'm not going." she stated, Fred's attempt to pull her away only caused Junipers hold to tighten around his twin, "The harder you pull me the tighter i'll hold!"
"She's not moving." Fred stated, trying to carry all three of their bags after the near hour it took to even get Juniper out of the hospital wing, where she'd been sleeping sense her fight with Pansy.
"He's right, she's not moving." Juniper agreed, nearly tripping over George's feet as they both tried to either walk or stop the other.
"Aw, bless it." George teased, rubbing Junipers head as she whined.
"I'm not ready to meet the parents! What if I scare them? What if they think this is wild and don't approve? What happens then? I jump out the window and high tail it back to Hogwarts?" Juniper ranted, causing some eyes to look her way, the three getting closer toward the Hogwarts express. Juniper tightened her grip on George, "Don't make me go, twins!"
"So cute, Junebug." George teased her while Fred draping her bag over her neck as she looked at him with wide eyes.
"Don't look at me, it's mum who won't let you come, not us." the Weasley boy said, putting his hands up in surrender and handing George his bags.
"It's true." George said as Fred walked off, looking down at Juniper who held onto him as if it were a life or death moment, "You're not going to scare them, you're gonna do fine."
"Not true." Juniper said, looking around the outside of the train, eyes wide with worry and clear panic as stress forming in every inch of her body, "We're so different, Cedric and I, they probably were hoping someone good and lovely."
George patted her head with a grin, "The Diggorys are only a few hills away from the burrow, if you feel like it, just head over there and Fred and I will keep you company in the garden."
Juniper wanted to laugh, imagining the three in the garden in the middle of winter, snow falling everywhere.
Juniper sighed, letting George go as she hugged her jacket closer to her. She looked beautiful in the snow, the way the snow flakes fell in her hair and against her dark skin, darling like and majestic, "This is going to backfire worse then the time I thought it would be a good idea to chance my uncle with his kitchen knife."
George cracked a grin, "Just stay clear of sharp objects, you'll like you, I solemnly swear."
Juniper hadn't looked convinced as he gave her a frown, "Sorry Mum wouldn't let you come with us, she's just..."
He trailed off, Juniper looked away because she knew what he meant.
"I better go." she said, looking toward the front of the train where Cedric said he'd meet her, "Have a happy christmas, George."
He groaned when she hugged her tightly, elbowed squeezing his rib cage as he hugged her back out of pain, sighing as she walked away with disappointed and worrisome eyes.
"You're panicked." Cedric had to laugh at Junipers expression, holding her bags when they walked up the hill together, both wrapped in warm coats with red or green sweaters on underneath, "It's cute, but don't worry, this is going to be good."
"They're not going to like me." Juniper said with a knowing look as he looked over at her in questioning, "Non of my friends parents have ever liked me, they always say I can't come back because i'm a so called danger to their home, whatever that means."
Cedric giggled at her words, putting a arm around her, "Well good thing i'm not your friend, i'm your boyfriend."
Juniper went to argue before a shriek echoed in the snowy sky. Juniper snapped her eyes over, seeing a house built in a loving manor, wood and different forms of plants holding it still and up. A woman, standing just a tad bit shorter then Juniper, dressed in a red and gold sweater, gushing at the sight of the pair, "Ceddy!"
"Mum!" Cedric matched her energy, gushing as he hugged her tightly. Juniper could see the similarities, their noses were the same and he'd clearly gotten his sense of personality from her.
"How was the train? Poor things been kicking sense i've been to school." she laughed, holding her sons arms. Juniper considered making a run for it toward the burrow, which looked like a ant from where she stood, three hills down.
"Better then you'd think it would be." Cedric answered with a smile, looking over and seeing Juniper rocking on her heels and popping her fingers, "Oh, Mum, this is my girlfriend, Juniper."
"What a nice h-" Juniper began before she was embraced harshly and suddenly in a hug. Cedric looked the other way in embarrassment by his mother's actions.
"We're so happy to have you, Juniper, come in dear, get her bags, Ced." Marleen told her son, pulling Juniper into the home quickly. It was homey, with moving photographs on the wall and ivory furniture near the fireplace, "Amos! Get in here!"
Juniper looked at the baby photo, a small child with golden brown hair and blue eyes, looking around in confusion. Juniper laughed at his facial expressions, looking toward Cedric who dropped the bags and shut the door, "Is that you?"
"What gave it away?" he teased her with a grin, pulling her into his side as the pair grinned.
"Ah! Cedric, my boy, good trip?" Amos greeted his son as he walked into the living room, hugging him slightly.
"Cold but not too bad." Cedric said, feeling Junipers arms tighten around his waist as her hand began trying to pop at his fingers, "This is Juniper."
Amos scanned her with a grin, "Figured that was you in the first task, never seen someone cheer so loudly."
"Amos!" Marleen scolded him as he looked confused while Juniper laughed.
"My best friends plays in quidditch, years of practice." Juniper answered as she shook his hand quickly, "I also like to watch the fish race in the pond behind my house, I yell at them too."
Amos laughed at her words while Cedric grinned down at her, "Your house, it's in the muggle word, is it?"
"It is, east of London." Juniper answered him with a grin and a nod of her head.
"London is lovely, we just went for our anniversary." Marleen said as she walked over, rubbing Amos's back as she grinned at the pair, "Perhaps the two of you could do the same once you get married."
"Mom!" Cedric groaned in embarrassment quickly after while Juniper snorted, trying to hold back a loud laugh.
"Oh, okay, okay." she waved him off with a flushed face, "Go settle in, we'll wait down here, dinners on the table."
Cedric pulled Juniper down the hall with a flushed face, her giggling filling the wooden walls, "Better put a ring on my finger soon."
"Shove off." he joked with her, giggling as he pulled her into his room.
"The states, you must miss them." Marleen said as she listened to Junipers story about how her uncle would take her on business trips with him into the states when she was young.
"I was very young, hard to remember but I can imagine the new scenery must have been nice." Juniper nodded, Cedric rubbed circled on her thigh under the table and grinned at her words, knowing she was trying so hard, "We didn't settle in London until I was nearly six, we traveling most of the time."
"What made you all finally stay still?" Amos asked, cutting into the sweet potato on his plate. Juniper sipped her water with a nod.
"Around the time my cousin, Tonks, started at Hogwarts. My auntie and uncle felt guilty traveling without her." Juniper said as she looked to Cedric who smiled at her, making her smile back. Marleen watched the pair with a grin, pretending like she hadn't noticed.
"Meaning she is five years older?" Amos asked, swallowing his food with a swing of water.
"Dad, twenty questions?" Cedric asked in a joking manor but he was serious, becoming alarmed by the amount of questions his father had been asking Juniper about her personal life.
"Oh, i'm only curious, Cedric." Amos waved him off as Cedric looked a bit on edge, Juniper put her hand on his that was on her thigh.
"Five years and eleven days." Juniper confirmed with a single nod to her head, taking a bite of the casserole with a small smile.
"You're also related to the Malfoy, am I right?" he questioned her again, Juniper looked at him for a moment, seeing a odd look in his eye. Cedric looked to his mother for any form of help.
"I am." Juniper confirmed, feeling her face heat up, "We're not that close though."
"Why's that?" Amos grilled her again as Junipers fingers dug into Cedrics hand, he could tell she was about to say something she hadn't intensionally meant too.
"Presents!" Marleen announced with a grin, "Time for presenters, Amos, come help me."
Amos gave a smile to Juniper as he rose to his feet, leaving the dining room with his wife. Juniper had pulled her hand from Cedrics now, silence eating at both of them in the smaller dinning room. Juniper felt like she was under interrogation, though she hadn't felt they way until Cedrics sudden look of panic across his face.
Neither of the pair said anything to each other the rest of the night.
Cedric eyed Juniper that night, looking at her curled up in his bed, scribbling in her notebook at a pace he was sure was ripping the pages. She hadn't moved sense he left for the shower, coming back with wet hair and in pajamas, finding her still the same, "June."
"Yup?" she asked after a few seconds, not bothering to look at him.
"What're you writing?" he questioned her, trying to get some form of normal back onto them, though the tension and unsaid words were hanging in the air horribly between the pair.
"Nothing." was all she said back to him, not looking his way once. Cedric sighed as he sat infront of her, putting his hand on her knee as she eyed it before looking his way finally.
"Talk to me." he begged her, scooting closer as his wet hair dripped onto his shirt.
"Not sure what it is you want to talk about." Juniper said back, pulling her eyes away and starting to write again. Cedric rubbed the underside of her thighs considered they were nearly pulled into her chest, leaning his face on her knees with a pout.
"What's wrong?" he asked her, his left cheek pushed into her knee, causing him to look much more innocent and precious then before. Juniper knew if she looked at him a moment more, she'd cave in. Grabbing his pillow she hit him with it, making him fall off her knee and face first onto the bed, his head snapped up her way, "Bad strategy, my fault."
"Why'd you act that way?" Juniper asked as she shut her book and crossed her legs. Cedric laid on his side, propping himself up on his elbow to listen to her, "Are you ashamed of me? Like i'm gonna snap and say something to embarrass you."
"Of course not." he said quickly, a flash of hurt swirling in his eyes at her unexpected words, "Why would you ever thing that? I'd never be ashamed or embarrassed of you."
"Then why'd you keep stopping your dad from talking to me? I was doing fine." she defended herself quickly, her face red in embarrassment while her eyebrows frowned in sadness. Cedric sat up quickly, crossing his legs before her and holding her hands.
"It wasn't you." he shook his head at her quickly, "I just knew he was trying to dig into your life, it's how he is, nosy and I didn't want it to ruin our night. He likes you but he can't stand the unknown, you're the only one that knows about your life, he hates that."
Juniper stared at him for a moment, scanning his face, "You swear?"
"I swear, love." he said, lifting her slightly and pulling her into his arms, rubbing her head, "I'm sorry, I went at it wrong."
Juniper nuzzled into his neck with a sigh, "Its okay, but you can't do that every time. It's part of who I am, people are going to ask eventually and you can't just shelter me from it, I can handle it."
"I know." he said, a sigh leaving his lips as his hands worked through her hair, "Doesn't mean I can't try."
Juniper grinned as she kissed his neck before crawling off quickly, "I got you something, I didn't want to give it to you back there though."
Cedric leaned back in his elbows as he watched her with a grin, digging through her bag and pulling out a yellow and black, palm sized treasure chest.
"Took a while to make, a lot of yelling at clay and calling it a bloody lunatic." Juniper said as Cedric laughed, sitting up as she sat next to him, "You'll have to open it for the whole effect."
Cedric grinned, kissing her head before opening the small chest, finding a yellow and green ring inside that fit perfectly on his index finger, "I love it."
"It's yellow for Hufflepuff and green for Slytherin. It's suppose to hint at how opposite the pairing is but the mix they make is rather beautiful." Junior spoke, pointing to the green and the yellow that wrapped around each other. Cedric opened his mouth to say something before she cut him off, "I know not everyone approved of us and that we're a really unexpected and random pairing, but I can't find any reason to care. I have you, that's all I care about, everyone else can fall off the astronomy tower for all I care."
Cedric snorted at her words, grabbing her face and kissing her on the lips softly, letting it linger for a moment before pulling away, "I really do like you, Juniper, a lot. And you're right, people will have something to say about us forever but that doesn't make what I feel for you any different."
"To the astronomy tower they go." Juniper joked, her eyes wide and loving filled. Cedric laughed at her words, running his thumb across her check, she could feel the coldness of the new ring pressing into her jaw.
"Your turn." he grinned, rolling off to his bedside table and pulling out a golden locket, "Got it at that old antique store you said you liked down Diagon Alley, open it."
Juniper took the cold, golden locket into her hands, opening it as a sudden laugh left her lips. A moving photo of the pair falling into the snow after a intense snowball fight danced before her eyes, "How lovely, we're so cute."
"So cute." he agreed in a joking matter as the couple laughed. Juniper leaned onto him, his lips kissing her forehead, "I never want us to not be like that."
"We won't." Juniper said with a smile, wrapping her arms around him as the pair fell back onto the bed, "I know it."
Cedric grinned, rubbing her face before leaning his head up to kiss her again.
kylie speaks
just when i think
my heart couldn't
be any more broken,
these bitches have to
break it.
anyways look how
lovely these are.
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