Chapter Twenty-Three
Mara found herself gazing left to right, around the camp until finding the sight of Pan ahead, disappearing into the woods, leaving the camp. Surely no one had mentioned when it is bedtime, it's bedtime as a rule. She had already thought of dozens of excuses while she's out of her tent and wandering late at night. She went ahead, where Pan had disappeared to and followed him.
Disappeared into the woods, she didn't see where she was going to for a moment as she walked. The night was growing cold, like how most nights are, even crickets were heard somewhere nearby, frogs croaking and an owl hooting faintly like it was a mile away. She could only keep track on Pan's footsteps and rustling, all she saw was a dark small boy ahead. Mara was a little surprised he hasn't noticed her yet, he kept walking and walking.
Until she lost sight of him, she still proceeded forward where he had went, the sounds of his steps and rustling faded like he was a mile away already. It's when she couldn't tell anymore where the sounds from Pan were coming from. She tried to listen carefully, tracking on his footsteps would be pointless because there was no light.
Mara gave up then decided to turn back, back to the camp, back to her tent and her hammock. Sleep and maybe try again tomorrow.
Which way did she came from? She did remember walking straight as she followed Pan. The camp's lights were out and so was the bonfire, she wouldn't able to see the camp at all. She couldn't have walked that far, did she?
She reached a log on the ground, she didn't recall going over a log while following the boy, yet she continued forward. Went on and on until realizing she wasn't going the right way and unable to find the camp even though she could've found it by then.
The sounds of the river was nearby, which meant the camp was near. So she followed the sounds of river. She could able to get back to her tent, maybe without Pan realizing or anyone else.
When she found the stream, all she had to do was look for a spot that was familiar, a tiny trail that leads to the camp. She found it pretty quick and then went on to follow the trail.
Mara was about to feel relief, either about no one noticing her out of her hammock or finding the camp. Maybe both. Until she heard an utter voice behind her as she strolled, "What are you doing out of your tent?"
Mara halted, head falling back as she sighed, she turned and found Pan standing close. "I..." she paused, just earlier she thought of dozens of excuses but then now she couldn't find one at all as if she forgotten all of it.
"It's late, you should be sleeping by now" Pan said.
"That's sort of the problem" Mara muttered, "I couldn't sleep... so I took a little stroll, hoping to... wear me out"
"And following me?" Pan folded his arms on his chest.
She sighed again, of course he knew she was following him, now unable to find an excuse again, "I was...curious... to know where you're gone to at nights" she shrugged.
She could tell he was a bit infuriated, she waited for him to yell at him or something. But he didn't, instead, he gave a long sigh before telling her "C'mon" he walked around her to lead the way, he was guiding her back to the camp even though she knew where to go but she said nothing.
As Mara thought of what she had thought of since the training with James, it was the best time to let it out right now. "I have been thinking--" Pan didn't stop, he kept walking as she was behind him, she went on, "--I know I've been...rash since I arrived and... I apologize of my behaviour the past couple of days"
He said nothing for a little moment, "We don't apologize here in Neverland"
"Alright" Mara whispered, thinking and trying to find some other words to say, "...I have come to understanding the fact that I've been foolish the past couple of days, I accept that, I accept that I was daft and I'll try my best to not let it happen again"
That's when Pan halted, seeing his expression of confusion and question, "What are you doing?"
"Since you said we don't apologize here in Neverland, I figured to say something else besides saying sorry" Mara shrugged, she glanced down at the ground for a second before looking back at him. "Well I may have misjudged you and this place since I came here, I don't know you and I don't know much about this place and I thought I should give it a chance...and you" she grew awkward when she said the last word.
She didn't want to wait for him to respond, so she merely walked around him and went to the camp. She had taken only ten steps forward before Pan suddenly asked "You tired?"
Mara stopped and turned around, expressing a question look, "Not really... why?"
"You wonder where I've been at nights" He replied, "I'll show you one of the places" he reached a hand out toward her.
Confused for a moment, mostly rather stunned, of course she was a bit curious to find out. She answered instead "Is that necessary?" Looking at his hand, which was meant for her to take.
"Unless you prefer walking, or miss out what I'm going to show you which will be over soon"
She was reluctant as she stepped toward him and even reached for his hand hesitantly. She wasn't prepared for what happens next, when she felt herself disappearing out of the area and finding herself some place else. She felt an instant dizziness and her sight spinning that she stumbled to the side but Pan caught her and helped her to stay in balance. She suddenly felt sick as well, sick as an nausea.
"What the bloody hell just happened?" Mara groaned.
"Travelling instantly first time doesn't go so well" Pan answered, Mara realized they just disappeared from the camp area and appeared elsewhere in the land instantly. It was like it all happened with a blink of an eye. They were surrounded by tall bushes
She certainly didn't like it at all.
The quietness was gone, there was noises of drumming, thumps, howls and singing of shouts. To Mara, the noises were familiar to her. "Where are we?"
Pan didn't say anything, he turned around, began walking and she followed. They were heading toward the noises.
Before they were close to the noises, Mara finally realized where they are and the familiar occasional sounds. "Are we in--?"
Pan had his finger on his lip, telling her to be quiet, she said nothing else. They were up a hill somewhere, not too close to the Native's camp, but they could able see the camp from where they stood as they glanced down. A large bonfire as the Natives danced around, howling and shouting, singers letting out cries as they were drumming. Mara recalled there was one time she had been to one of these back in the Enchanted Forest around a year ago. The tribe back in the Forest were more welcoming than these tribe.
They were on the Natives grounds which was against the rules, and it would violate the bargain with the Natives. "I thought we weren't meant to be on their grounds" Mara's voice was low, "if we get caught, it would violate the treaty"
"As long as we don't get caught" Pan smirked.
She gazed back at the camp, "Guess I'm not the only one breaking the rules"
Pan scoffed in response.
"So--" Mara said softly, "--you observe these people? One of the things you do at nights?"
"Only times like these" Pan replied, "they dance and sing when those appear--" he pointed at the sky. Mara looked up at where he was pointing and there the bright green northern lights in the sky. All wavy like they were dancing too. "--sometimes it's another special day like the chief's birthday or his family's and even the anniversary of the day they arrived here"
"You enjoy the dancing and the singing" Mara said, thinking of the night on one of her first nights when he held something similar like this which a celebration of her arrival or her becoming the Lost Boy...well, Lost Girl. Guess the Natives' tradition inspired Pan to make celebrations similar like this.
For the longest moments, Mara and Pan didn't speak, they watched and listened to the dancing and singing. They exchanged no words, no giving looks at each other. They were both sitting on a log, large space between them and kept their gazes at the camp below them.
There was a moment Mara forgot about Pan, felt she was alone, enjoying what she was observing. She wasn't sure how long she sat there, never gazing away. She really did misjudged Pan, she admitted that she never thought of him this way or imagined him.
He nudged her arm, she looked at him, "Time for you to head back" he told her. She didn't really want to, she could watch and listen to the music all night. Its one of those she enjoyed the most. She followed him back to where they came from. "Night had grown very late, you need to sleep" he said.
When he said 'sleep', she was suddenly tired, she ever realized how tired she actually was. Mara nodded in response.
He reached her hand this time, and without warning or anything, they disappeared. They were back in the camp that instantly and they were standing in the middle of their camp. "Go" he nodded at her tent and said it as if he was ordering her, or he was. "Get some rest"
She didn't go right away, she wanted to say something but she couldn't. All she could think of was, "Well...good night then"
He didn't say anything back, he just watched her go and walking to her tent.
Into the tent, all four boys were snoring and sound asleep. She quietly made her place to her hammock, took off her boots and laid back down. She tossed only few times before finding a comfortable position and it only took her few long moments to fall asleep.
For some strange reason, or maybe because when Pan took her to the Natives camp to watch the dance and listen to the singing, she had dreamt of herself dancing slowly and smooth, alone on the shore, beside the ocean as the moon was bright and big, reflecting on the sea...only she wasn't alone, Pan was with her and watching her dance.
Well, that was a bit fun to write this chapter ^_^
Good night and have good dreams :)
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