Chapter Four
Captain Hook didn't say anything for a moment, Mara was glancing left to right to behind, looking at each boy. They all looked stern and seemingly hatred was thrown at the adults and her.
Mara went through this similar situation before but there were less people and just couple of guards drawing their swords at her when she got caught stealing an orange fruit. This situation, boys drawing their spears, bows, arrows and knives at her was definitely different.
"I did expect that I could speak with you privately" Hook responded.
"Why? You don't want your friends to see you on your knee as you beg for my permission to leave the island?" The boy replied, mocking, taunting or trying to make fun of the captain. Mara couldn't tell. She could hear soft and quiet snickering boys around them.
The pirate looked irritated or infuriated when Mara glanced at him for a second. "Well?" Hook asked, "Unless you're too afraid of me" Mara glanced at her captain, displeased and unamused with his taunt.
The boy, who's called Peter Pan as what Hook said, merely half smirked at the captain with a brow raised. He didn't reply right away but seemingly thinking for a quick moment. "Alright then"
The captain followed the boy but almost reluctantly, he did glimpsed at Mara for a second, giving her sly smile with his brows raised before walking off, leaving her and his companions of pirates behind with the armed boys. When the pirate and the boy left, the other boy who stood at his leader's side gave a slight wave as he gazed at the boys and signaling them to lower their weapons and they did so. The archers lowered their bows and arrows loosened but still intact on their bows and they remained at their spot. The others who had knives and spears still had their weapons in their hands but remained at their tracks.
The silence made Mara stiff but glanced around as she observed at each boy. Some looked younger than her, they looked intense with their stern looks, making Mara tense. She'd look down then gaze back up at the boys again and again. She did noticed that it seemed they were all looking at her. Staring at her as if she was the first girl they had ever seen and as if she was some sort of a new creature to them. She wondered if it was the first time they had seen the girl, or it's been a while they encountered one.
No doubt for that, she thought tensely.
She lowered her eyes, looking at the ground and not wanting to look at them again. She begged for Killian to hurry so she can leave. A shred of her began to feel regret for coming along. She would've got used to being surrounded by men by now after she spent a month on a ship full of pirates. But these were no men on the island, they were boys. Why feeling uncomfortable all of sudden by the boys? Was it the weapons they were drawing? Or was it because these Lost Boys haven't seen a girl for a long time? Both, perhaps?
Some boys did look interested and the rest looked at her as if she were a threat. There were whispering each other, the person next to them as they looked at her and it hinted that they were most likely talking about her.
The silence and the waiting was getting painful for Mara, she wanted to groan or yell in frustration, shout out for Killian to hurry or walk away and head back to the ship. But she was too agitated to do any of those things.
"You're wondering why it's taking long" the boy with a club suddenly broke the silence. He stood in front of her, he had stared at her for quite long before, stared at her with no interest but rather curious and disapproval. "Maybe Pan had finally decided to kill that captain"
Mara furrowed her brows while staring at the tall boy, feeling little worried but more doubtful. She didn't respond, the way he said sounded more of a taunt, she heard that kind of tone and taunt before.
"They're still talking" the other boy with spear behind him responded, "They're only negotiating at the moment" the boy was almost tall and his height was approximately around as the tall one. They both had same hair color but the one with the wooden club was light blond while the other was dark, almost brown.
Mara merely glared at them before gazing away. Glanced at her travelling companions who were impatiently waiting and there was no sign of fear on their looks at all. They were adults of course, adults aren't afraid of children.
"Lost Boys, huh" she gazed at the two boys sternly, "Can't find your way home?" she wasn't trying to mock them or anything, she was only asking but there was a boy by the tree behind the two frowning at her.
"It speaks!" one of the boys exclaimed from far right. There were soft chuckles and snickers.
"We're already home" the boy with a club said with a smirk.
Mara glanced around, observing at her surroundings and the area before shifting her gaze back at the two boys. "Such marvelous place you've got here" she said with a mock.
The boy chuckled while the other half smiled. "I knew girls were fools" the tall boy said.
Mara raised her brows in response and didn't say anything else. She wasn't thinking at all, especially with her little taunt. She forgot that most boys were quick-tempered. Well, most she met were bad-tempered and a bit sensitive. Truly she wasn't afraid, she just didn't want to make it worse.
She hated the silence but still she didn't want to break it because she didn't want to speak to any of those boys. She was beginning to feel impatient as well that she slowly paced left to right, she could tell that some of the Lost Boys were too getting impatient as she was.
What was Killian getting from the boy, Peter Pan? She knew it was something that could bring them all home back to the Enchanted Forest. Has he got it yet?
The moment she heard rustling and footsteps approaching, she knew. They were finally back. The boy was sighted first, followed by Killian, looking all sudden sulky. His expression tells Mara that he didn't get what he wanted.
He didn't even stop but merely walked by her before picking his sword up, putting it back into the holster. It was safe to pick up their weapons now but they put them away. "Let's head back" the Captain said.
The other pirates moved first, leading the way and Mara hesitantly began walking behind Killian. She was couple feet away from exiting the camp site until she heard Peter Pan, "I'll see you soon again, Mara"
She halted, froze and almost startled. She glanced back as she confusedly met the boy's gaze. He gave a sly smile and waved bye before Killian grabbed her arm and dragged her "Forget it, come on" he told her. He pulled her to walk front.
"You told him my name?" she spoke quietly.
"I didn't" He replied, "He already knew"
Strolling back to the Cove was almost painful as before, the whole time was silent and Killian hasn't said anything about what he spoke about with Peter Pan. He'd just order them to keep moving and walk quickly.
It was already dusk when they reached the Cove, the boat was still there and the Jolly Roger in the middle of the bay. Mara was anxious to hear what Killian has to say and explain what happened.
As the pirates were settling the boat, Mara managed to speak with the Captain away from others. "I take it you didn't get what you wanted" she said.
"No," he answered, "Not yet anyways"
"What was it that you needed anyway?" she questioned, crossed her arms against her chest as she looked at her friend.
He took a drink of his rum before replying. "A bean, you're familiar with the Magic Bean, I take it"
She nodded, "Yeah, I've heard but aren't they rare?" Because of this was giants were the only ones who can grow Magic Beans and they live somewhere up in the skies.
"Not to Pan" he said.
"I'm guessing he put up a price for it, didn't he?" she muttered.
"And what was the price? What did he wanted?" Mara asked as they walked to the boat, the pirates had settled it and they were already waiting for them.
Killian sighed, finally looking at her and said "You"
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