Chapter Forty-Three
Mara couldn't help to glance around, she was both scared and curious. She'd look at one of the Natives that was guiding them to the camp, they weren't drawing their weapons at them as if she and the boys weren't any threat. They lead them further and further into the woods, Mara wasn't sure how big the Native's territory is, when she saw it from up the mountain, they don't have most of Neverland.
Mara thought once that they should have most of Neverland because she remembered that they've been here longer than Peter Pan. She wondered how he could win most of the land.
She could smell something burning ahead, like cooked meat, there was also a strange scent that she couldn't tell what it is. Nothing she ever smelt before. The smell wasn't terrible at all, there was something nice in it.
There was a small trail they were walking on, a trail of dirt and on the sides were all green like they haven't been touched for years. Every time she walked too slow, Curly would give her a slight push while she was in a bit of daze as she glanced around the nature around them. Everything looked bright, nice and more pretty in the territory.
They were near, Mara was able to hear more people ahead, she heard children too, children laughing and shouting. The scent from the camp was getting strong, not that it bothered at all, she loved it.
As they entered the camp, Mara was surprised to see the camp, all wide open, about twenty or more teepees and tents around, on the grounds, even there were up the hills. Up the hills were rocks and cliffs surrounding the camp left and right. On those cliffs and rocks were markings and paints of strange symbols and pictures. There were caves up there as well. Ahead was a view of the ocean. There were couple of fireplaces around and there was a large one in the middle of the camp where she once saw them dancing around and played music, she watched them from above with Pan like a month ago.
She was surprised to see men, women and children, the youngest and smallest she saw couldn't be no more than seven. But to wonder about that child that never grows all those years saddened Mara. These men, women and children had stopped what they were doing, they all stared onto her and the boys, it was all silent. Only the wind blowing the trees can be heard and fainted whispers from the people.
They were being guided to the largest teepee of the camp, the teepee was around twenty feet tall. The elder boy, Hawk was the one who guided them inside the teepee while the rest stayed outside and the Lost children followed the native boy.
Inside, was couple of people, four who were adults, two men and two women, six who were around the Lost Boys' ages, two girls and four boys. One girl Mara recognizes as Tiger Lily, standing behind a man and a woman who Mara guessed they might be the parents because Lily resembled the woman's looks.
Her parents were sitting on a log, the man spoke up like an order and the other two responded by leaving the teepee followed by four native teens. A woman, a man, a girl and a boy were the only ones inside. Mara assumed they were a family. A mother, a father, a son and a daughter. The Chief who is Tiger Lily's father began to speak. Mara couldn't tell how many words he was speaking but it sounded like he was questioning.
James responded and spoke their language. The language sounded so complicated, Mara wished she could learn, though she had an opportunity to learn while she and James were friends.
The Chief looked stern, the way he looked made him intimidating, Curly and Tootles were barely looking at the Chief. He wore only pants, red and black painting on his body and face. The only people that didn't have any paintings on their faces were Tiger Lily and the mother. The mother looked to be around in her forties, her black hair long that reached her lap even when she was sitting up straight, she had a feather on the side of her hair. Her daughter was whispering to her ear while James and the Chief were talking, Tiger Lily's eyes were gazing at Mara while she was whispering. Was she whispering about her?
The discussion between The Chief and James stopped, James gave the jar of dust to the Chief and James looked at Curly and nodded. Curly stepped forward and gave the jar to the Chief. He looked at each jar for a moment before giving them to his daughter. When she took them, to Mara's surprise, the dust in the jar glowed. She responded with a word in her language like she just confirmed.
The Chief gave a small wave and said something. Then James responded like he just said 'thank you'. He turned to Mara and the boys, "Go"
"We can leave now?" Mara questioned.
"No, arseling, we gotta wait outside for the stuff they'll be giving us" Curly replied.
James lead them outside, then went to right toward the ocean but stopped nearby and took a seat on a rock just near the teepee. The other four followed and sat down by James while Mara sat between Tootles and Slightly.
Mara glanced at the ocean on her right, down there on the shore were small boats, about ten of them, there were also few docks. She continued to gaze around the camp, the children were playing and running the camp, women sewing and walking around while carrying baskets teepee to teepee. Men carving woods, chopping and practice shooting with their bows. Some were boys and girls around Mara's age.
"This place isn't so bad at all" Mara complimented, the four boys looked at her. "Their camp is so much better looking than our messy camp"
Tootles snorted. Curly half laughed, "Yeah, that's true"
Neither of them spoke for a moment until Curly whined "Ah, I hate it when Eagle looks at us like that" he glanced at his feet.
Mara was looking around at the sky for an eagle, Slightly said, "He never forgets what Willy did to his friend" he too was glancing down at the ground. Even Tootles and James.
"He? Eagle is a person?" Mara was confused, she wasn't sure what to think first but they mentioned a boy named Willy once who died long ago. She was looking around for someone who was looking at them.
"Everyone here have strange names," Tootles muttered, "some of their names are complicated to say"
Mara did spotted a young man who was glaring at the Lost children, he was sitting with two others, one was a young woman. "Would you stop looking?!" Curly hushed as he smacked her back.
She instantly looked down. "Why are you scared of him?" She asked.
"He has a temper" Tootles answered, "he's fierce, he's better than any of us Lost Boys. He also doesn't like us"
"More like hates us" Curly scoffed.
"Why?" Mara asked.
None of them spoke for a moment, then Slightly did, "Long ago, Willy, the Lost Boy who was killed by them, it was more of a death sentence, Pan had no choice but to give the boy up. The boy accidentally killed Eagle's friend. It almost caused a war between us and them. Even if there was a war, they would've slaughter us all, you know how they've been here way longer than us boys and Pan. Either war or the boy. Pan made the choice despite Willy's pleas. By the looks of it, Eagle never forgets and never forgives"
"Now you know why we're afraid of them" Curly sighed.
They waited for almost an hour long then finally the four Natives brought five baskets to the Lost children, the baskets were filled with garments and hides and blankets. All looked recently made and sewed. Hawk said something that seemed rude and nodded behind like telling them to leave.
"Alright boys and girl" James stood up, "grab one and lets go"
There were straps on the baskets that they can carry on their backs. They had to help each other to get it up on their backs. The basket Mara was carrying had weight, heavy than she expected, if she could climb up a hill or something, she'd definitely fall back literally.
They were guided out of the camp by the same people until they were at the line.
Mara was relieved when she was out of the Natives Territory, they picked up their weapons where they had left them. Hawk said something about the children, something that made his friends laugh.
"What did he say?" Curly asked.
"You don't want to know" James frowned. Mara assumed it was definitely something not nice.
"Come on, James. What'd he say?"
James sighed, "I'm just gonna say what he said about you, he said your hair looks like pale worms that grew out of your fece head"
Although Slightly laughed in response.
"Think that's funny? What did he say about Slightly?"
"Let's just go" James sighed peevishly, "Before it starts--"
Then out of nowhere, it started to rain, pouring.
"--raining" James groaned. Meanwhile the natives behind them snickered as they went back to the camp.
I just thought the Natives should be explored a little more in this story...
Stay weird everyone
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