Chapter Forty-One
The storm lasted for few hours, it had been the worst one Neverland had had this season, storm season only just started around a week ago, give two or three more weeks until the season is done for the year. The winds of the storm were strong, enough to blow the bonfire out inside the cave. The storm changed everyone's mood, the boys stopped playing, they all sat in the walls of the caves, all looking bored and miserable. Mara was the only person who was doing something, still making arrows. Some boys would stare at her as if she were strange and some decided to nap through the storm as the rest waited for it pass.
Long after the storm passed and the rain went with it. The clouds above had colors of late evening, red, pink, purple and oranges. The evening sun had peeked through the clouds from the other side.
With rain stopped, the boys left the caves and they all decided to wander off into the forest before dark. Mara stayed by the caves for a moment before deciding to climb up the mountain all by herself. She wanted to see the other side and if she could catch a glimpse of the evening sun before the clouds shade it again or before it decides to rest for the night.
Slightly, Tootles and Curly went with James to the Falls, she wasn't sure if they're heading there to swim but it wasn't a good evening to swim, the air was brisk as it is every evening.
Mara climbed and tried to get around the mountain where she can see the sun. But when she tried to climb up on a slippery slope, she kept slipping off about five times until there was someone standing on the edge where she was trying to climb on. "You don't look like you're doing so well" it was Pan.
She scowled at him, "You think?"
"What are you doing now? I hope you're not trying--"
"If you're going to say trying to get yourself killed again, I swear I'll jump off" Mara had her hands on her hips.
Pan merely chuckled in response, "Okay, really, what are you doing?"
Mara sighed as she glanced up at the sky, seeing the rays of the sun beaming from the other side, it was still out of the clouds. "Trying to get a better view" she murmured with little embarrassment.
"Of what?"
She sighed again, "Of the sun... before it sets, or the clouds hid it again"
Pan wasn't responsive for a moment, he looked at her as if he admired her, then he offered his hand to help her, "Alright, let me help you"
Mara raised her brows as she stared at him a little strangely. She exhaled sharply, gave up then grabbed his hand.
He pulled her up as she stepped on the steep cliff. Then something familiar happened instantly as she stepped onto the edge that made her almost dizzy and almost lost her balance but hung onto him and his arms around her.
Instead where they were down below a seconds ago, they were now atop of the mountain. Not on top but near the top. It was breezy where they were. The view was astonishing, she never been far up here before, the highest she could ever been onto was the Dead Man's Peak. Up here, she could see almost the entire of Neverland, and the better view of the sunset.
"Wow" Mara was speechless.
"You're welcome" Pan said.
She noticed she was still holding onto him and his arms still around her. She slowly stood up straight up and pulled away slow awkwardly. Trying to avoid awkwardness, she stepped toward to the edge, not only she was gazing at the sunset but the entire land.
"I reckon you're used to this view" Mara was gazing around.
"Well, I've been here for a very long time, so" Pan replied.
The clouds were close of covering the sun and it was halfway down into the horizon. Behind was dark, she could see the lightening bolts of the same storm in the distance across the ocean driving away. More clouds were coming this way, it might rain again soon or maybe it'll rain overnight.
The more she sees the entire Neverland, she gets used to seeing it, as she gets used to it, the smaller it looks to her. It made her miss being out there, out there in the bigger world, the Enchanted Forest. It's been a month since she arrived here, she loves it here, the place grew on her, evening the boys she grew to care and be her friends.
Pan was sitting on a rock, she joined him and sat down on the ground beside him. "What happens if I decide to leave? Would I ever come back? If I wanted to"
He said nothing at first, he was looking at the sun ahead, "Do you want to leave?" He looked at her.
She gave a weak shrug, "I haven't decided yet, I mean, I'm still in a test, am I? Either way, I lose, I'm worthless then leave. I win, I'll decide if I want to stay or not"
"So far..." there was a pause, "'re not worthless. But I think the end of your test is close now. Can't be another month"
Then she felt something. A feeling of worry, she wasn't sure if it was the failure she was worried about but the decision of leaving or staying. It felt all too soon.
Then the clouds had shaded the sun before it could set fully.
At night, it was rest time and it rained again before Mara could able to fall asleep. She slept not close to the entrance, the sound of raining kept her awake, it didn't rain much, it wasn't a torrent and it was a normal one.
Not all of them were asleep, some were still awake, they were shifting around, trying to get comfortable. Mara didn't like it so much to sleep on a hard ground, it was too unbalanced and bumpy. She missed sleeping on her actual hammock. She want the storm season to be gone so she can go back in a tent and sleep on her hammock again.
There were whispering in the cave, from the boys near her, talking in hush tones and snorting and chuckling quietly as they were telling each other's jokes.
As the rain died down slowly, the quieter it got, quiet enough for her to able to fall asleep.
She had a dream, she was playing with the Lost Boys, they were all running in the woods as they were being chased, it was a game of hunting they were playing, they were smiling and their laughters echoed through the forest. Mara slipped and fell, and a familiar boy rushed to her to help her up. This boy was James. He grabbed her arm.
She awoke to her arm being shaken. Slowly opened her eyes as she heard a boy whispering "Mara" while shaking her shoulder.
She could barely keep her eyes open, it was blurry for a moment before adjusting her tired eyes. A familiar dark shape of a boy was crouching beside her, she recognized his shape and his hair. Despite being too dark to see his face, she knew, "James?"
"Come with me" he hushed and he stood up.
Confused, yet she was curious to see what he wants. She got up slow and carefully. She followed him out of the cave. Everyone else sounded asleep.
It rained only a little, it was rather showering but in the woods they went, it wasn't raining much. "Where are we going?" She tried to ask.
Instead James shushed her. Who's going to hear them anyway? The Lost Boys are sleeping and Pan is who knows where. The woods were dark, it was almost too dark to see but James had a light, only it was a glass bottle full of fireflies and she had to stay right behind him.
The walk was long, but then she began to notice where they were going and she even heard it. They were going to the Falls. "James, honestly, why are we going to the Falls?"
"Just... please be quiet until we get there?" James begged.
Mara sighed and decided to stay quiet until he starts to speak.
At the Falls, they arrived, she continued to follow James around the pool, toward the waterfalls, she followed him to the walls of cliffs and they were going behind the waterfalls. She did almost misstepped once, getting to behind the falls was a little difficult. That's where he stopped.
"He won't know that we're here, or hear us" James said as he put down the glass bottle down.
"Who?" Mara was confused. The waterfalls was a bit louder than their voices.
"Pan, closest we get to privacy to talk"
"Talk about what?" Mara sighed, she leaned back against the rocky wall.
James didn't respond, as if he couldn't find any words to say. "The truth" he said.
"The truth about what?" She was honestly tired.
He hesitated again, "This... about why I wanted us to stop talking"
"Couldn't this wait until in the morning?" She groaned.
"No, I couldn't wait" He murmured. "I can't sleep these days and I thought I should get this off of my chest. Slightly was the one who talked me into this" he half laughed.
That little smile, she haven't seen that for a while. She gave a questioning look in response.
"You already know that I was afraid of you" he reminded, she never forgot about it of course. There was a long pause, he stared in mournfully, "I was afraid because I might... fall for you"
Then everything stopped around her. There was a strange feeling, like her heart stopped for a few seconds and her breath got caught.
"I thought keeping my distance would prevent that" he went on, "but it didn't"
Mara was flabbergasted, she then somehow knew what he was going to say.
"I'm... in love with you, Mara"
Oh dear..........
Ayyyy another chapter, twice in two nights ☺️
Good night everyone and stay weird
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