Chapter Fifty
Peter Pan never came to the caves all morning, the Lost Boys woke up almost late and noon was near. The sun was out but still it was cloudy and windy, it was a perfect day for Neverland. Sun peeking and hiding, clouds rolling by and the winds. Breakfast was only fruits, bread, fish and juice.
When Mara woke up, James wasn't awake yet until moments later and their friends, Slightly, Curly and Tootles were seated near where James slept. Neither of them was talking, they just sat quietly, their heads lowered and back against the wall. Mara had never seen the boys looking so miserable.
She went to go sit with them, she sat down beside Tootles. "You boys okay?" She asked.
Neither of them spoke until Curly did, "I'm sure we all are, you?"
"Nightmares rarely scare me" she shrugged lightly.
The boys were slow breaking their fast, Mara was finished her's before her tentmates could. That's when Tootles spoke, "You and James left—" he looked over toward James, "—last night, where'd you two go anyway?" He turned to Mara.
Mara waited for James to answer instead. "We went to see Pan" he set his plate down on the ground and finally finished his breakfast. "We wanted to know why nightmares happened"
"And did you?" Tootles asked.
James didn't reply because he knew what Pan said wasn't entirely true but Mara replied anyway, "We weren't the only ones, you know. Everyone else had one too. I don't think Pan has any idea why as well"
Slightly scoffed, "Sure he don't" he dropped his plate and his plate was half finished.
Either he knows she isn't truthful or he knows Pan is the one who wasn't being truthful. Slightly has known Pan for a very long time and he is one of the first Lost Boys that Pan had found. Long enough for Slightly to know when Pan is lying and honest.
"Seems like you know Pan" Mara presumed, "—which of course, you do since you're one of the first Lost Boys. What do you know?"
Slightly said nothing for a moment, he sighed, "Everyone knows, alright? Even the Natives know, the fairy too. Why shouldn't the girl know too?"
James, Tootles and Curly turned their heads quickly at Slightly as if telling him to stay quiet. Mara asked "Know what?"
Slightly flinched, Mara saw that Curly pinched him under his arm. "This is stupid." Slightly uttered and looked at the boys. "We all think it's the damn prophecy"
Mara paused for a moment, "Pan mentioned it—" Pan said it last night, "—didn't really say exactly what"
Slightly sighed, "The prophecy is that magic in Neverland is dying because of a curse" his voice was soft. "There are signs that the prophecy is coming true. Nightmares are one of the signs. So far, two signs had come..." that's where he stopped.
Mara wanted to know more, she glanced around and there were boys nearby, all listening, none of them looked shocked or worried which tells her that they're all aware of the prophecy. She then scooted to the front and made her place in front of her tentmates, "Two signs came already? Nightmares was one, and what was the other?"
Slightly then looked at Curly, at James, all four of them hesitant to say. "Well—" James muttered, looked at Mara with a worried look, "—first sign was... you"
Mara gaped her mouth a little in shock and confused. "Me?"
"A girl who is lost will become the first Lost Girl—" James went on, "—Nightmares will consumed all over Neverland and will haunt every person on the island in one night... then darkness, the sun will stop rising and lastly, everything and everyone will begin to grow"
Mara had a chill feeling in her spine. She said nothing for a while, no one spoke, "so, this prophecy is...true? Do you believe it now?"
"We all thought its all pile of dirt!" Curly uttered, "Well—we still kind of think"
"Still think?" Mara repeated, "First Lost Girl? The overnight nightmares?"
"We still don't know whether or not the sun will keep on rising every morning we wake up" said Curly.
"And if it doesn't?" She questioned.
No one spoke again, she even glanced around and see very boy's faces in the cave all worried. "Then I guess Neverland will be no more of Never" Slightly mumbled.
Mara had no words, Neverland was coming to an end, soon. They will know when the sun stops rising. Magic in Neverland is dying, children and every person in on the island will begin to grow. Neverland will be no more. First sign was Mara, her becoming the Lost Girl. "If I had known, I wouldn't ever come here or just take that bloody bean all to myself"
"It's not your fault" Slightly huffed, "it doesn't matter if you made the other choice, still the first sign"
Mara still didn't quite understand. There were others, Pan said there were others who one of them could've been a Lost Girl. She recalled that one night he told she was different. She was different.
"The curse, you said" She reminded.
"Something happened long time ago, that something also caused us, the Lost Boys and the Natives to go astray from each other" Slightly stopped there and didn't seem he didn't want to say more. Neither James, or Curly or Tootles.
But Mara remembered what Pan said, about a friend he mentioned, this friend of his was his fault for the Natives to hate the Lost Boys. Could this friend was the one who put the curse on Neverland?
It was already noon and Pan hasn't shown up. Felix decided to tell everybody to do whatever they want, James said whenever Pan was absent which he rarely does, James and Felix are likely to be charge for the day. Both said to do whatever they want, go for a walk, swim, go to training grounds or wherever.
"I hope it don't start raining soon" Curly grabbed his stuff, "because I'm...going swimming" he flashed a smile. "I hear swimming relaxes you from fright after all that nightmare last night"
Most of the boys were gone already, either they went for a walk, to the training grounds, or the falls and Mara decided to stay in the caves for now before she goes to find Pan. Either the boy is in his own camp or maybe at the sea. Moonsea. Tootles, James and Slightly left with Curly to the falls.
There were only few Lost Boys in the caves that stayed and all decided to take naps. That's when Mara left the caves, she figured maybe Pan wouldn't still be in his camp so she went to the sea first to check if he's there. He could be anywhere else, he could be in that creepy looking skull out of shore in the far east side, James said no one has been in that place for a very long time and has been abandoned.
The walk to the sea was very long, along the way, it rained a little, it wasn't pouring or anything but it was rather a light shower. She only took a break once to eat a snack and drink some water from her canteen then proceeded to toward the sea.
It was mid-noon when she finally arrived and she found Pan sitting on the ground and gazing at the ocean ahead. Strange to see him like this and finding him. Usually he finds her.
She walked to him, "Figured I'd find you here!" She said loudly.
Pan's head turned, glanced over his shoulder, looking at her for a second before turning his head back at the sea and said nothing. He wasn't like this last night.
Mara sat down beside him, her legs crossed together and stared at the ocean. She didn't say a word for a moment, even he didn't and didn't seem like he was planning to. The sand was a little wet from the light shower earlier, even Pan's hair and his dark green garbs were a lot darker, mainly on his shoulders. She wasn't planning on saying this, or to tell him, "It's Moonsea, by the way"
His face looked confused and turned his head a bit, "What?"
"You asked me what I would I call this place" she recalled, "I said I couldn't come up with a name but... I lied... It's Moonsea"
Pan softly chuckled and lowered his head as he looked down at the ground.
"I know" she sighed, "it doesn't quite obvious like how most parts on the island"
"No," he shook his head lightly, "it does sound...obvious. If that's what you've decided, that Moonsea it is"
The waves grew larger as the wind grew harshly. The trees moved and leafs blown by the winds. Mara had to tell him that she knows about the prophecy and the curse. "Slightly told me about the prophecy, Tootles, James and Curly, they told me. About the curse and the signs" she sighed. "First Lost Girl comes first, the nightmares and the darkness. Magic here in Neverland will die soon because of the curse... what happened, Peter? What did your...old friend do?"
Pan didn't answer, not for a moment, "It's not only Neverland. It's also me. I'm the one who's dying"
Something stung in her chest.
"The curse is me... my old friend, Bishop, he stole something from Neverland, the heart of Neverland, the Natives called it. He took it for himself because he was dying—" Pan explained, "—Neverland had no heart so he took mine to replace it's heart."
"If it has your heart, and yet you're dying and Neverland will die also without a heart, how? Why are you dying?"
"It's like a curse, time is ticking, clock is counting down and without it's original heart, or if we can't find the next host's heart" Pan answered.
Still confused. "Neverland's heart, it's original heart is still out there, is it?"
Pan nodded.
"If your friend, Bishop has it, then he's still alive?"
"Yes," Pan stood up, "Its Neverland's heart, with it, he'll never die and stays young. I assume he'll be coming back here soon"
Mara stood up and glanced at him, "How do you know?"
"Because you saw him while you were in coma, the Dreamgiver. I've never told you this but it appears it also shows you the glimpse of the future" he didn't look worried anymore. "You weren't the only one who saw it, Curly saw him too and even Felix"
Those two were poisoned by Dreamgiver too, she remembered Curly told her. She saw Bishop.
"Bishop is a pirate" she guessed because every person saw in that glimpse were all pirates.
Peter Pan nodded, "It's not Bishop anymore, he's now called Captain Blackbeard"
Yeah I don't think I'll able to update much, I think I'll take it slow like every once a week, I don't really want to finish it quickly *L
Happy December and stay weird ^_^
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