( lucy's point of view ! )
august 12th 2024
[ 3 days until kimi goes home ]
THE SUNLIGHT THAT BROKE THROUGH THE CURTAINS OF LUCINDA'S ROOM WOKE HER UP, as she grumbled. she groaned to herself as she tossed herself to her other side, facing away from the window that let all the light in.
a few minutes of trying to fall back asleep later, she opened her eyes begrudgingly and grabbed her phone off of the charger. as she was mindlessly scrolling through her notifications, she was startled by movement next to her. she had absolutely forgotten that her boyfriend had slept right next to her.
"jesus christ." she whispered to herself as she noticed that it was only santiago next to her. as she was laying down, her thoughts went to how she and santi got into their relationship.
it was a warm night in spain, and the friendgroup were all hanging out. they were all at santiago's place, since it was in the middle of everyone's houses. plus, santiago had a pool in his backyard, which made his home the designated hang out spot.
the five friends had just come back inside from a nice little dip in the pool after their school day. it was friday, and they had all decided that a chill afternoon in the pool was the best option.
"i still can't fucking believe you got my hair wet, santi." lucy complained to the tall boy, who only grinned evilly. "you'll be okay." he laughed, diego joining him. "i hope you stub your fucking pinkie toe, and i hope it's painful." lucy retorted, still not happy.
she had specifically told santiago and diego that she didn't want her hair to get wet, since she had showered the day before and she didn't wanna do her hair routine all over again. but who cares, right? not santiago, obviously.
"it really wasn't that funny, guys." arabella cut in, seeing that lucinda was actually upset at the guys, who were just laughing at her now.
santi, realizing his mistake, quickly stopped laughing and looked at lucy apologetically. "sorry, luce. i know how much of a pain curly hair is." he smiled hopefully.
lucy tried to stay mad, but she just couldn't. she liked him too much, and she had for a while. since she could remember, she had had a crush on santiago.
yes, she had tried different guys. yes, she had relationships. but all of them only led to heartbreak, and she would be crying into santiago's chest when it happened.
he had always been there for her, even before she tried to distract herself with other guys. she just somehow, always ended up back with him.
on another note, she didn't want to ruin their friendship. which seemed cringy to think, but if she were to ruin their friendship, it wouldn't just affect them. it would affect the whole group. she didn't want to be the cause of their friend group falling apart, so she kept her feelings to herself.
"okay, fine. forgiven." lucy gave in, offering the tall boy a tiny smile. santiago's face lit up, giving her a grin back before turning and talking to diego about something.
"alright, who wants pizza and drinks night?" linnea put to question loudly, while everyone made their ways to the empty couch in santiago's living room.
diego volunteered to order the pizza as santi announced he would go grab some alcoholic beverages from his garage. "i'll help you." lucy spoke, already getting up. "thanks." santi smiled at her.
a few hours, and a little too many glasses of wine later, diego had called his father to come and pick himself, arabella and linnea home as they all lived relatively close together.
lucinda groaned as she realized she drove herself. "what?" santiago asked, a chuckle leaving his lips. "i drove here myself cus mom isn't home, but i've had too many drinks to go home now." she explained, making santi laugh.
"you're stupid." he said tipsily, large smile still present on his face. "if i wasn't so comfortable right now, i'd get up and hit you in your face." lucy sighed as she sunk further into the comfortable couch.
he wasn't even too far away from her, and with their other friends now gone, it was just the two of them. santiago's parents wouldn't be home tonight either, since they were and his grandparents' place for the weekend.
a comfortable silence laid over the drunken pair, only soft breathing could be heard. until, santi spoke up unexpectedly. "luce?" he called out, maybe testing if she was still awake. "yeah?" she called back.
"i love you."
the words hit her like a truck. no scratch that, the words hit her like a fucking boat. she sobered in a quick second and sat up, looking at the boy with wide eyes.
"what." her voice came out softer then she hoped for. he turned to face her as well, a tipsy smile on his lips.
"i meant it, lucy, i love you. i think i have for a while." he said. she didn't even know what to say. it must just be the drinks, she convinced herself. but as if he could read her mind, "and i'm not just saying it because i'm drunk. i mean, the drinks might've given me the confidence to actually tell you but, i do really love you. you don't have to say it ba—"
she cut him off, "shut up santiago. i've loved you since we were fucking eight." lucy smiled. this time it was santiago's turn to look at her in shock, "wait, really?"
"wasn't it obvious?" she laughed, making the boy in front of her laugh as well. "not to me." santiago said, shrugging. he pat the spot on the couch next to him, "come here?" he asked.
without questioning, lucy shuffled her butt over to the boy. she slid under his arm, laying her head down on his shoulder as he looked down at her. a quick peck onto the crown of her head was enough to make her lift it.
she looked up at him, big brown eyes looking into his. "can i?" he asked absentmindedly, his free hand already on her jawline. lucy's breath was taken away and all she could do was nod.
santiago didn't have to be told twice as he leaned in and quickly sealed the deal. the kiss felt like everything lucy dreamed it would be, but her thoughts from before still lingered.
she quickly pulled back a little, opening her eyes to see the confused look on santiago's face. "did i do something?" he questioned, making lucinda panic instantly, "no! no, you didn't! it's just— what if we don't work out? i mean, we would tear the group apart. i don't want to do that to lin, bella and diego." she rushed out, spewing one word out after the other in a rapid pace.
santiago seemed to understand her point, "you're right. eventhough i think we'll work out, maybe just keep this a secret for a few months and see how it goes?" he suggested.
lowk forgot about santiago & lucy for like 10 chapters but like here's their backstory that no one asked for!!! enjoy this filler chapter!!!!!
hi sara baby
*.• dedications !
L0VENYMPH everlarksaep halfwayheart joaoflms besos4drew
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