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Aleta awoke from her slumber with a start. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest and she could feel it pumping against her ribcage. She groaned as she turned on her side and tiredly sat up. She hadn't gotten a good night's rest since she found out that the 100 were sent to the ground. Sleeping in this foreign place was even more difficult.
She rubbed her tired eyes and shakily stood. She walked to the entrance of the dropship and peered out into the darkness of the night. There was a group of people huddled together and picking up weapons. Aleta stepped outside of the dropship and walked over to Clarke. "Hey. What's going on?" She asked. The blonde jumped at the sound of her voice but relaxed when she saw who it is.
"Octavia's missing," Clarke answered. Aleta frowned, she hadn't seen Octavia in such a long time. Worry started to settle into her. "We're going out to look for her," Clarke continued. "I'm going with you," Aleta quickly interjected and Clarke shook her head. "No, you're not. You're going to go back into that dropship and rest," Clarke said.
"I need to help," Aleta said. "You need to sleep," Clarke countered. The dark haired girl glared at her friend. "I can't sleep, Clarke. I haven't really been able to for a while. So if I go back into that dropship, I'll just lie awake all night long," Aleta replied and Clarke sighed. "I'm really worried about you, Aleta," the blonde said. "I'm fine, Clarke," Aleta dismissed. "But you're not. You could have a concussion and, and some other kind of disease..." Clarke trailed off.
"Disease? Clarke, I'm fine," Aleta stressed. "You were bleeding black blood or whatever that was. That's not normal, Aleta! Have you always bled like that?" Clarke countered and Aleta shrugged. "I don't know, maybe," she replied. "You don't know? How do you not know something like that?" The blonde inquired.
"Because I don't, Clarke. I don't remember. I don't remember ever bleeding much as a kid, I was always careful. Didn't want to get in trouble for being too rowdy and scraping my knee or something. Why are you worrying about this right now when Octavia is missing? I'm fine," Aleta responded.
"What's going on?" A deep voice questioned from behind them. Aleta tried not to roll her eyes as she recognized his voice. She turned toward Bellamy and frowned. "Clarke says Octavia's missing. I'm gonna help find her," Aleta answered simply and Bellamy immediately shakes his head. "No. No you're not. You're hurt. You need rest. And, we don't know what's wrong with you," he said.
"What's wrong with me?" She questioned in confusion. "A couple of hours ago, you were bleeding black goo. You could have a virus or something. You could be sick," Bellamy said. He wasn't wrong, there very well could be something wrong with her. "I don't feel sick," she informed and he scoffed. "Doesn't mean you're not," he retorted.
"Do you know of any virus or disease that changes the color of someone's blood? One that could have actually manifested on the Ark?" She questioned. He only looked at her. She looked at Clarke. "This could be something new," the blonde said. "Or it could be nothing at all," Aleta countered. She looked between the two.
"I'm fine. Besides, you're gonna need all the help you can get," she retorted. "You could be putting people at risk," Bellamy said. He was right, she knew he was right. But she refused to let him know that. She turned on her heel and stalked back into the dropship. She rummaged around as quietly as possible to not wake the other sleeping people. She found a bandana and returned to where the two were standing outside.
She wrapped the bandana around her face, covering her mouth and nose. "I'll keep all my secretions and hands to myself," she told them. Clarke rolled her eyes but she had to admit, the girl was clever.
Bellamy turned to look at Clarke. "You gonna say something?" He questioned in exasperation and irritation, though his voice was almost pleading. Clarke sighed, "You should know by now that once her mind's made up, there's no changing it."
Bellamy narrowed his eyes and then sighed. He walked over to the pile of weapons and grabbed a knife. He stalked back over to the two and held the knife out to Aleta. "Here. For protection," he said. Aleta furrowed her eyebrows. "Protection from what? The rain?" She asked sarcastically. Bellamy's attention turned to Clarke, "You haven't told her?" He asked. "I haven't really had the time," Clarke answered uneasily. "Told me what?" Aleta queried in a mix of suspicion and confusion.
Before either of them could answer, Clarke's name was called by Finn. She walked over to him and the two began to converse. Aleta took a few steps away from Bellamy and stood uncomfortably. It upset her to not be able to stand next to him, or hold his hand, or do anything that she would've done while they were dating. She turned away from him and closed her eyes. He watched her sadly and released a quiet breath.
But he shouldn't be upset, he caused this. It was his fault and he didn't deserve to feel sadness by her actions. Though he couldn't help it. He loved her and just wanted to hold her again. He just wants things to go back to how they were before. But he knew that things would never be the same.
A collection of gasps and whispers grabbed the attention of the two. People were muttering different things. Aleta walked toward the crowd that was beginning to gather and looked up at the sky. As soon as she did, she felt sick to her stomach. Her breathing became labored and the urge to vomit was strong. "No," she whispered in disbelief. She felt like crying, she could feel the tears stinging her eyes and fear crept into her body.
"They didn't work. They didn't see the flares," Raven muttered hoarsely. "A meteor shower tells you that?" Bellamy asked. "It's not a meteor shower," Aleta snapped, turning to face the man. "It's a funeral. Hundreds of bodies being returned to the Earth from the Ark. This is what it looks like from the other side," Clarke continued.
"They didn't get our message," Aleta said, her voice slightly muffled by the bandana. Elijah walked up to her then and took her hand, giving it a squeeze. The action didn't go unnoticed by Bellamy and his jaw clenched at the sight.
"This is all because of you!" Raven exclaimed angrily walking toward Bellamy but Clarke pulled her back. "I helped you find the radio," Bellamy quickly retorted and Aleta scoffed angrily.
"Yeah, after you jacked it from our pod and trashed it!" Raven yelled. "Yeah, he knows. Now he has to live with it," Clarke said as she tried to calm Raven down. Bellamy looked up at the sky before looking back at the crowd. "All I know is that my sister is out there and I'm gonna find her. You coming or what?" He responded.
"What is wrong with you? Hundreds of people are dead because of you and you don't even care," Aleta said angrily walking closer to the boy but Elijah held her back. "What do you want me to do? They're dead," Bellamy replied. She scoffed, "You can show some sort of emotion. Show that you feel bad for what you did. Because you should. All of those people's blood is on your hands." She glared harshly at him. "I need to find my sister," Bellamy stated simply.
Aleta broke out of Elijah's grip and walked over to Bellamy. "You're an asshole. You know that?" She said. A girl stepped closer to her and glared. "Back off," she hissed and Aleta scoffed. "I wasn't taking to you. So do me a favor and mind your own damn business," Aleta said to the girl. "Listen bitch, I don't know who you think you are, but you don't get to talk to Bellamy like that," the girl exclaimed.
"What the hell did you just call me?" Aleta questioned angrily as she prepared to punch her. Elijah quickly grabbed her and dragged her away from the girl. "Hey hey hey. Calm down," Elijah whispered, glancing around the camp. "Do not tell me to calm down. Who the hell does she think she is? His keeper or some shit?" Aleta growled; she was fuming.
"What are we waiting for? Move out!" Bellamy commanded the group. Aleta let out a breath, calming herself down before looking back at Elijah. "Are you coming with?" She asked the boy in front of her. "Out there, in the woods, where I could die? No thanks," Elijah replied, shaking his head. "I don't wanna go alone," she whined. "You won't be alone. A lot of people are going. Plus, you'll have Clarke," Elijah replied easily.
"Hey, change of plans. I'm going with Raven to find parts to fix the radio. Do you wanna come?" Clarke said as she walked over to them. "What about Octavia?" Aleta asked. "There are more than enough people going to look for Octavia. We need to fix the radio so that we can contact the Ark," Clarke explained.
"I should help find Octavia," Aleta responded. Clarke nodded and turned her attention to Elijah. "You're going with her, right?" She asked him. "You know, I would, but I'd rather not die," he answered. Aleta rolled her eyes, "You're a wuss."
"I'd rather be a wuss than dead," Elijah quickly countered. "What are you so afraid of?" Aleta asked in confusion. "The grounders," he answered in a 'duh' tone. "Grounders?" Aleta questioned, still confused. Elijah looked at Clarke who smiled sheepishly. "Aleta, are you coming or not? We're wasting time," Bellamy said, a hint of irritation in his tone. "I need you to go with her, Eli. Keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't drop dead," Clarke told him.
Elijah was still hesitant and Aleta sighed, holding out the knife that Bellamy had given her to Elijah. He looked down at it and she shrugged. "For protection," she said repeating Bellamy's earlier words.
"You keep it. And protect me with it," Elijah said uneasily. Aleta took his arm and began pulling him to where the group was waiting. "Hands to yourself!" Clarke called and Aleta immediately released Elijah's arm. "Finally," the girl from before muttered once to the two reached the group. "Shut up, Roma," Elijah snapped at her and she glared but didn't respond. So that's the dumb bitch's name.
The group left camp and walked deeper into the woods. Elijah and Aleta stayed at each other's sides and Aleta clutched the knife in her hand. Bellamy kept glancing back at her to make sure she was okay. He wanted her to walk next to him for reassurance but he knew that she would refuse.
"So, there are grounders here?" Aleta whispered to Elijah, still confused on the topic. "Yeah, apparently people survived the radiation for all these years," he answered quietly. "How do you know?" She asked next. Elijah pointed to a boy with long dark hair who walked in front of them. "That kid Jasper was hit with a spear a little while ago. And last time I checked, none of us have spears. Or know how to throw them directly into someone's chest," he explained. "How is he even alive?" Aleta questioned incredulously.
"How do you think?" Elijah asked back. "Clarke," Aleta stated with a smile and Elijah nodded in confirmation. "Look! Over there!" A boy exclaimed causing Aleta to quicken her steps. "What is it?" Bellamy asked as he walked over to the boy. "Right there. You see it? Is that Octavia's?" The boy said as he pointed out a ribbon. "Rope," Bellamy commanded and someone handed him one. "What are you doing?" Finn asked him. "We need the rope to get back up," Bellamy replied before turning to the boy who found the ribbon. "Flashlight," he said next and the boy gave him one.
Bellamy descended down the hill and toward the bush. "It's hers. I'm going all the way down," he informed before sliding down the rest of the way. Jasper quickly followed after him and went down the hill using the rope. Finn went down after them and more people began to go down as well. "Alright, I guess I'm next," Aleta muttered. She placed the knife into her waistband and hoped that it wouldn't stab her. She looked at the rope and then her hands. "I really hope I'm not sick." Aleta grabbed onto the rope and carefully slid down. Her grip on the rope began to loosen and she landed unsteadily on her feet.
Two hands gripped her waist in order to steady her and she didn't need to turn around to know who they belonged to. When she did turn around, Bellamy was looking down at her and for once, she couldn't read the emotion on his face. "You good?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and she nodded. "Fine, thanks," she replied. Bellamy nodded his head and released his hold on her hips. Aleta let out a breath and a moment later, Elijah landed next to her.
Aleta pulled the knife out of her waistband and held it tightly. When everyone was down, the group followed the deep footprints in the ground. By the depth of the prints, it seemed as though someone was carrying Octavia. They came to an area that made Aleta clutch the knife in her hand even tighter. There were skeletons hanging and bones littering the ground. It creeped her out to say the least. "I don't speak grounder. But I'm pretty sure this means keep out," Finn said.
"Yeah, no shit Sherlock," Elijah grumbled as he looked around in fear. "I'm outta here," someone said and others murmured in agreement. Multiple people began to leave and Aleta scowled at them. "Go back if you want. My sister, my responsibility," Bellamy said to them.
"Come on Al," Elijah urged and Aleta shook her head. "I'm not going back until we find Octavia. But if you wanna leave, I won't hold it against you," she replied. Elijah scoffed, not believing her, "Yeah you will. And I'm not leaving without you. Someone's gotta make sure you don't get yourself killed."
Aleta smiled before walking closer to the entrance of what she assumed was grounder territory, and stood next to Bellamy. He looked down at her and sighed, "Maybe you should go back too. It isn't safe." Aleta rolled her eyes. "I'm not going anywhere," she replied. "I don't want you to get hurt," he said honestly.
"It wouldn't be the first time that I was," she muttered quietly though he heard it. "I can take care of myself," Aleta said louder this time so that he could hear.
She walked forward into the woods and maneuvered her way around the trees. Bellamy quickly followed after her and some of the others shortly follow after them.
I feel like most chapters from here on out (except the flashback chapters) will be different. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Be sure to comment and vote. Have a good day.
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