*** Chat 'Marvelous' ***
11-21-2015 , 5 PM
Elizabeth is online
Iris is online
Diamond is online
Elizabeth: So... Saturday night! You know what that means!
Diamond: Uhm, not really?
Iris: No, not really?
Elizabeth: GIRLS NIGHT!! :D
Iris: I love the idea but you must not forget I'm in Asgard..
Diamond: Well, I'll be coming as fast as I can! :D
Elizabeth: Yay! Iris, can't you ask Heimdall to open the BifrΓΆst for you?
Iris: I can try... :)
Elizabeth: Alrighty, see ya girls in a bit!
Diamond: Roger that.
Iris: Hope so!
Everyone is offline
~ Story Mode ~
* Elizabeth's POV*
I toss away my mobile and jump up from the creamy white couch. Steve gives me a curious look, looking up from the page of the book he was reading.
"Steve," I begin, making my best pleading face as I could, "Iris and Diamond are coming over in a few..."
A smile appears on his face and he closes the book. "So, let me guess," he says while rising up from the couch too, "you want me to prevent Tony and Bruce from coming in here?" At this moment, Steve, Tony, Bruce and I were the only ones here in the Avengers Tower.
"Well..." I start, pretending to think about that when he wraps his arms around me. "Yes," I say, enjoying the warmth of his body.
"Very well," he answers and he leans in to give me a kiss. But I teasingly duck away under his arms and walk towards the windows, sticking out my tongue to Steve who is laughing and shaking his head. I focus my look outside, to see if I can spot Diamond already. Not Iris because the BifrΓΆst isn't a thing you easily overlook, so I would definitely not miss her when she comes. Or better, if she comes...
"Well, agent Hart," Steve says, suddenly standing behind me again. "I... -"
But right at that moment the clouds start to shift and a beam in all colors of the rainbow shoots down from the sky; it is the BifrΓΆst. The rest of what Steve wanted to say is cut off when I let out a yell of excitement.
"IRIS!" I yell and swiftly on my feet I turn around to run towards the intercom, hanging at the wall by the door. In the corner of my eye I see Steve rubbing his ear. I guess my exclamation was quite loud... I let out a chuckle and press on the button to unlock the building when Iris' voice echoes through the intercom.
"I'll let you girls alone," Steve says while walking past me. "Have fun," he wishes me and gives me quick kiss and then leaves my side.
*Diamond's POV*
The wind plays with my black hair while I'm driving through the streets of Manhattan. The motorcycle makes a loud and deep roaring noise beneath me. At the horizon the sun starts to sink, and the last of her beams are reflected by the windows of the huge and many buildings. In the distance I can already see Avengers Towers but I can't give too much attention to it. Even now the streets are as busy as always and I need all my concentration fixed on the road ahead of me.
When I have reached the building, it is almost dark. I park my motorcycle in front of building, next to Steve's. At least, I guess it was those of him but then I spot another one. I shrug, perhaps Elizabeth has one too. I lock the motorcycle and walk to the entrance of the building. I press the button of the intercom for a few seconds and wait for an answer. Luckily I don't have to wait that long: after a few moments the glass doors open to let me in. A bit hesitating I look around, I don't really know where to go now... My guts tells me upstairs so I set course to the elevator at the end of the hall, but once in it, I can choose between almost hundred floors. My jaw drops and I stare at it in awe, I knew the building was high but I didn't think it was that high.
"Miss Storm," a gentle voice suddenly echoes through the lift and I startle a bit.
"Yes?" I ask wondering where the voice had come from.
"My name is Jarvis, I shall bring you to the others." And with that said the doors of the elevator close with a soft noise and it starts to move upstairs. I get a funny feeling in my stomach, and I guess we must be really moving fast. When the teller hits the 95th floor, it stops moving and my stomach drops back in the right place. With a little jingle the doors open again and Jarvis tells me to go just straight ahead.
I open the door and in front of me is a large room. Stuffed with creamy white couches, tables, a long professional bar and at the other side of the place is a large and wide stair to another floor. One side of the wall is completely made of glass and I can easily oversee the city. I guess this must be the 'party-zone' I had heard so much about. The Avengers used this floor as a living room but they also threw parties in here.
Iris and Elizabeth are already sitting in one of the comfortable looking couches. They gesture me to join them and with I smile on my face I walk towards them. With a thud I set myself down on another couch.
"Hi," I greet them.
"Welcome," Elizabeth greets me back and Iris nods friendly at me. It was kind of strange to actually meet them now and to be in the Avengers Tower. But I had the feeling we would become great friends and I would be visiting this place much more often. Strange how things can work out when you sign up for a chatroom.
"So... Where are Steve and the others?" I ask looking around if I can see them but there was no one else here than us.
"Not here. Girls night means girls only, no boys," Elizabeth explains and I grin. "Now that we're all here... What are we going to do?"
Iris chuckles and I laugh too. "Well, you invited us here!"
"Yeah, but we have a few options: watching a movie, talking, playing a game et cetera!" she defends herself. I think about it for a moment. "The night is still young, we can do all," I say. It was true, it was only six thirty and I haven't even eaten yet. Right when I think that, my stomach starts to growl and Elizabeth jumps up.
"How impolite of me!" she declares. "First, we're going to order something... Pizza?" she suggests and I nod as does Iris.
Within half an hour the pizzas are standing in front of us at the table, the delicious smell spreads through the room and hungry we start to eat. After that Elizabeth grabs some dvd's and we have a tough time of choosing which one. Iris wants to see Warhorse, Elizabeth Les MisΓ©rables and I would like to see one of the Harry Potter films. We argue for quite a while but eventually we decide to watch The Hobbit, a movie we all like.
*Iris' POV*
Two and a half hour later the credits start to roll on the screen and Elizabeth switches the telly off. I stand up to stretch my back, it was a long sit but definitely worth it. It doesn't matter how much you watch the movie, it never gets boring.
While I'm stretching my back, an idea suddenly pops into my head. A funny game we could play to get to know each other better. Although, for me and Diamond; I already know Elizabeth pretty well.
"I have an idea," I say turning sideways to look at them, and they look at me curiously. "Loki, Thor and I used to play this drinking game when I was dating Loki and had to get to know Thor a bit better. It goes as the following: you make a statement about the other and he or she drinks the cup when it is right. When it is wrong, the one who made the statement drinks it."
"Sure," Diamond answers, and Elizabeth nods in agreement and stands up to get a bottle and some glasses from the bar.
"You know we will be interrogating you because Iris and I already know so much about each other," Elizabeth teases Diamond when she sits again.
"Oh dear," Diamond utters but she doesn't seem to be too much bothered by it.
"You may start," I say to Diamond and then we start.
Time passes by and the statements get weirder the more we drink. We're having a great time and laugh at each others confessions when the one drinks in agreement. Until finally Elizabeth makes quite a serious statement.
"You," she says pointing at Diamond whose smile fades a bit away when she hears the serious tone, "have a crush on Pietro."
Elizabeth and I watch her closely as her expressions fly across her face. After a few moments she drinks her cup empty in one gulp. We high-five, we knew it!
"Yes!" I say. "Now we can try to set you up with Pietro."
Diamond seems quite nervous. "Oh dear," she says again but now she truly means it.
"Don't worry, we'll be as nonchalant as possible," Elizabeth says and Diamond's face gets pale. It doesn't look like she'll believe that.
"I should never have drink on that," she mutters and I laugh. I throw a look at the clock and see it is already getting late. Perhaps it is time to get back to Asgard.
"Well," I say while getting up. "It was an honor to be here with you girls but it is time to get back home." They nod and follow my example, and together we walk to the elevator.
Once outside I call upon Heimdall to open the BifrΓΆst and say goodbye to my friends. Yes, I call Diamond my friend too now, and above me the clouds start to shift and the BifrΓΆst opens. I shoot through the space and after a few moments I'm back in HiminbjΓΆrg and meet the golden eyes of the guard of the rainbowbridge. Loki is standing there too and hugs me tightly.
"Welcome back, darling," he greets me and I smile warmly.
A/N: Well, it isn't saturday night yet but I probably don't have time to update it tonight so I published it already :P
Hope you like it, Iris and Samantha :D
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