014┆chapter fourteen
fourteen. not in my nature
▬▬ CORI TILTED HER HEAD to the side, looking up at Travis, who wore a smirk. He thought he had already won, and the fight hadn't even begun. He charged and she waited rocking back on her heels and when he was close enough, she simply side stepped him then jumped on his back, her arms around his neck, then she dropped back to her feet and easily threw him backwards. He hit the ground with a grunt then rolled through the dirt, using his hand to gain traction.
"Kick his ass, Shortcake!" Emmett cheered, clapping his hands.
"Would you like some pompoms?" Travis huffed as he pushed himself up, his eyes narrowed slightly as his brother. "You fight dirty." He pointed at the girl in front of him.
"No, you just suck." She shrugged before charging, and he did the same. He managed to get her on the ground, but she easily shook him off and pinned him to the ground, his face in the dirt, her shoe pressed into his shoulder blade and his arm twisted in her hands. She pushed him into the ground and twisted just a little bit more, her face twisted into a scowl and her brows creased with determination as a small crack ran along his neck and disappeared under his t-shirt.
"Cori." Jasper warned, snapping her out of it and she let the boy go.
"Sorry." She mumbled as she helped him up. "Still working on the control part."
"That's all the parts." Travis huffed, rubbing his shoulder as the crack disappeared.
"Sorry." She gave him a smile and he rolled his eyes as he patted the top of her head.
"Maybe you should sit the next one out." Esme placed her hand on Cori's bicep.
"Okay." She muttered as she made her way over to the others, where Rosalie was kissing Travis' cheeks and his shoulder while he pouted, and Emmett was waiting with a big smile.
"I thought it was hot." He told her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Maybe me and you can have a go." He raised a suggestive eyebrow as he leaned down and kissed her cheek, before tucking his nose into her neck, placing another soft kiss against her throat.
"Are you sure? Don't wanna damage your pride, too." She patted his shoulders, as her eyes fluttered closed.
"My pride is perfectly fine, thank you." Travis glared at the girl, making her laugh.
"I can take it." He mumbled against her, leaving one more small kiss against her skin before he pulled back.
"Emmett, you're up." Jasper called out and Cori pouted a little, making the burly vampire chuckle as he stepped away from her. She made her way over to Travis as Jasper and Emmett started sparring, her eyes watching the two closely.
"I really am sorry. Sometimes I just..."
"You're still learning." He gave her a smile, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "We're all good."
"Good." She smiled up at him, but her smile dropped and her eyes went wide when Jasper threw Emmett backwards. He hit the ground and slid before jumping to his feet, dirt clinging to the back of his shirt.
"Again!" He started forward, but stopped when Edward and Bella pulled up in the jeep. And Cori made her way over to Emmett, reaching up to dust off his shoulders. "I'm okay." He smirked, his hands on her hips.
"I know." She nodded, meeting his eyes. "Doesn't mean I liked watching it."
"Really? 'Cause I seem to remember you kicking me across your yard into a tree. You seemed to like it then."
"I was mad then."
"Progress." He hummed and she giggled as he leaned down, kissing the end of her nose. But before either could say much else, the wolves made their way down a small slope before stopping. Cori grinned as she waved and she laughed a little when Paul shook his head at her and she could see him roll his eyes as nothing but a playful gesture.
"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms." Edward looked from the wolves to Carlisle.
"They came." The older vampire nodded. "That's what matters. Will you translate?" He asked, getting a nod from Edward as he moved closer to the wolves, a few snarling a little. "Welcome. Jasper has experience with newborns." He motioned to the other blond. "He'll teach us how to defeat them."
Sam's eyes moved to Cori, then to Edward, knowing he could read his mind – a fact he and the rest of the wolves didn't like. "They wanna know how the newborns differ from us."
"They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues." Carlisle explained and Travis turned, his eyes narrowed at Cori. "Or kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life."
"That's the only reason you beat me."
"Sure it is." She nodded and when he narrowed his eyes a bit more, she grinned and the silver wolf let out something that sounded like a laugh when the girl stuck her tongue out.
"Behave." Emmett chuckled, pulling Cori into his side, acting as a sort of barrier between her and his brother. But all the laughing stopped when Jasper shot them a look, he nodded once before turning towards the wolf as Carlisle stepped back. Cori grinned and she looked up at Emmett, and he just copied her wide smile.
"Carlisle's right. That's why they are created." Jasper began, glancing at the smiling couple once more before he continued. "A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army could stand against them. Now, the two most important things to remember are, first, never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. And second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that, and you will lose." He turned and passed the others. "Emmett."
"Kick his ass." She grinned up at him and he kissed her cheek before making his way over to Jasper.
"Don't hold back."
"Not in my nature." Emmett shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips and Cori grinned at the two, but it faded when Edward came to a stop next to her.
"What do you want, Psycho?" She asked, her eyebrow raised as she looked from him to the two sparring vampires – she watched with wide eyes as Emmett tossed Jasper like he was nothing more than a mere pebble.
"That day in the woods, before Bella and I flew out to Jacksonville, you could read my thoughts."
"Yep, worst day of my life." She nodded, looking up at him again. "What are you getting at?"
He chuckled a little, and her eyebrows creased a little more. "Earlier that day at school, at lunch, you were holding Jasper's hand. And when you glared at me I felt this... fear. I thought maybe Jasper was messing with me, but after our... altercation I got to thinking."
"You're the one that can read minds, spit it out." She huffed, turning to face him as the others watched the two, all of them – including the wolves – curious.
"Give me your hand."
"Just do it." He held his hand out and she rolled her eyes as she placed her hand in his, giving him an expectant look. You can hear me, yes? She jerked her hand back, her eyes wide as she looked up at him. Take that as a yes.
"I hate being in your head." She groaned, her eyes squeezed closed, most of his thoughts were about Bella and saving her, though there was the occasional... inappropriate thought that crossed his mind. "Make it stop."
"That's up to you." He told her. "Just block it out." She huffed and pushed his thoughts away, shaking her head a little when his voice finally left her head.
"I hate that." She mumbled. "What was the point of that?" She asked, her fingers pressed to her temples as the other stopped to see what they were talking about.
"Simple, you're a mirror." He stated.
"A what?" She huffed before looking over at Carlisle. "Can I kill him? He's not making any sense."
"A mirror," Carlisle started, moving closer to the young vampire. "- is simply a reflection. I think what Edward is getting at is that you are a reflection of others' gifts."
"I don't want his gift."
The older vampire chuckled lightly. "You can't read minds unless you make contact with someone who can."
"So if I touch Jasper I can control people's emotions?"
"Essentially." He nodded.
"Does that mean she gets my strength every time she touches me?" Emmett asked.
"Gross, Emmett. Seriously." Edward narrowed his eyes, shaking his head a little.
"Stay out of my head." The bigger vampire merely shrugged, a smirk on his lips.
"Back to me." Cori raised her hand and Carlisle turned back to her. "Can I control it? I don't want to read minds every time I accidentally bump into Edward and I love Jasper, and his mood control thing has saved many people, but I don't want to feel other people's emotions randomly when I hold his hand. I can barely handle my own."
"You hold his hand?" Travis questioned, glancing at Emmett to gage his reaction. But the older boy made no indication that he was bothered by it in the slightest.
"I'm her emotion support Jasper." He stated as though it was a simple fact and he was proud of it and Travis laughed. "At least that's what I heard at the party."
"You'd be armless if not for him." Cori told the boy and his smile dropped a little, making Jasper chuckle.
Carlisle placed his hand on her shoulder. "Yes, you can learn to control it. It'll take time, but I have no doubt in my mind that you will figure it out. And we'll help as much as we can."
"Thanks, Carlisle." She gave him a smile and he nodded, and they all turned a little when the brown wolf on Sam's left growled a little – though it was more just to get their attention.
"They wanna get back to training." Edward told the others. "And the gray one would like an explanation of the whole armless Travis thing."
"That's Paul." Cori told him before looking over at the wolf. "And another time. I promise." He nodded his head and she smiled. "Now let me kick some ass."
"I'll sit this one out." Travis stepped back, shuffling behind Rosalie, making her chuckle as Cori moved away from the others.
"You sure about this, Shortcake?" Emmett raised an eyebrow as he neared her.
"Of course."
"Paul says kick his ass." Edward told her and she simply winked at the wolf before looking back over at her boyfriend.
Cori's smile faded a little, a determined smirk pulling at the corner of her lips as she charged, Emmett doing the same and when they were close enough, he reached out to grab her. But he missed as she dropped and slid between his feet, her hand hooking his ankle. He hit the ground with a rather loud thump, but they were both on their feet in seconds, charging again. This time, his got his arm around her shoulder and slammed her into the ground, but she pulled her leg up and pushed on his chest, sending him into the air. And when he hit the ground she pressed her foot into his chest, a smirk in her face as she raised her eyebrow at him.
And just as she turned, he grabbed her ankle and pulled her down, pinning her to the ground, using every bit of strength in his body to keep her in place as she struggled against him. "Never lose focus." Jasper stated as he walked by the two, jumping right back into trainer mode.
Emmett smirked and leaned down, kissing the end of her nose. "Better luck next time."
"Get off of me, ya tree." She muttered, but a smile pulled at her lips as she pushed on his chest and he chuckled as he pushed himself up, extending his hand out to her.
⚘ nova speaks┆i love emmett with my entrie heart but there is just something about jasper in the movie - this scene in particular - that just makes me... 🥵
anyways, we finally get to learn a little about cori's gift!! and i hope it all makes sense
let me know what you think!!
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