( i'm just giving the counselor at visions a name
since they don't give her one alright? )
✧ ─── ・ 。゚✦ *.✧.* :✦. ─── ✧
After running through the hallway ( mostly the ceiling ), Miles finally made it to the guidance counselor's office. ( Y/N )'s been to plenty of these, so the only advice she had for him was that guidance counselors can see right into your soul — even Mr. Wilson's good at his job.
( Y/N )'s mom — Susan Chase, already made her go to a meeting like this at the high school in Brooklyn with Mr. Wilson's boyfriend Steve ad the guidance counselor and it went... well, it went. Since Susan's new boyfriend, Paul Sersin was there so that just made it worse.
Once Miles got most of his things in his bag, Miles swung the door open. "Unless you bake two cakes!"
"Miles?" Rio and Jefferson turned around.
"How's it going? College! Woo-woo!" Miles exclaimed, bumping his fist.
Miles pulled his backpack from off of his stomach as Jefferson pulled up a chair for Miles to sit between him and Rio. Miles sat down with his backpack resting in front of him.
"I know! I gotta get back to being a great student, so can we make this quick?"
As Miles leaned forward, Rio took notice in this and signaled for him to sit up a little straighter. Jefferson also noticed this and Miles had his head up and his back resting on the chair.
"Okay. Miles's grades are pretty good," Ms. Henderson began. "A in AP physics."
Rio took Miles's shoulders and shook him playfully, a proud smile forming on her features. "That's my little man!"
"And AP studio art,"
"He takes after his uncle," Jefferson muttered with s chuckle.
"A- in English."
"She's a tough grader," Rio defended.
"And a B in Spanish," Ms. Henderson added.
"What?!" Rio exclaimed.
"Whoo, okay."
Miles winced at the announcement of his grade in Spanish and his parents reactions. Rio turned to face her son, putting two fingers together and her thumb in front of them to snap at him.
"Miles," Rio snapped before speaking in Spanish.
"Are you trying to kill your mother?"
"Calmate, Mami," Miles replied. "Eso no es my fault!"
"My fault?"
"I just missed a few classes!" Miles explained.
Jefferson cut in. "Oh, just a few classes. Well, what's a few?"
"I mean, you know, like... five?"
"Five?!" Rio and Jefferson yelled.
Ms. Henderson moved an inch back on her chair. "Actually, six."
"You're dead."
Jefferson pinched his nose, putting his head down with a sigh. "He takes after his uncle..."
"I just have a lot going on,"
"Alright. We can still salvage this," Ms. Henderson told them.
Jefferson raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, salvage?"
"Miles has a great story to tell," she continued.
"Having a story at all seems gross," Miles spoke up.
"Your name is Miles Morales. You grew up in a struggling immigrant family,"
"I'm from Puerto Rico," Rio explained. "Puerto Rico's part of America..."
"We own a fort in Brooklyn. I-I don't know about struggling,"
She shook her head. "It doesn't matter. You're all struggling. And now, his dream is to attend the top physics program in the nation."
"Whatever it takes, we'll do it!" Rio stated.
"At Princeton University," Ms. Henderson leaned forward.
The room went silent as Miles winced once again, until Rio said, "In New Jersey?"
"No, no, no, no! That's too far! Did Susan agree to this?!"
"I don't know who Susan is," Ms. Henderson deadpanned.
"New Jersey's too far from New York?!" Miles exclaimed.
"There's great schools in Brooklyn!"
"Princeton has the best quantum researchers in the country! And ( Y/N ) wants to go there for photography," Miles told them. "They're moving electrons across dimensional thresholds!"
Jefferson nodded. "Electrons... huh."
"I mean, they're studying dark matter!"
"Yeah, I don't know what any of that means."
Miles sighed. "I could figure out how to travel to other dimensions."
"Yeah, okay."
"Oh, yeah. That sounds like a really good fake job," Jefferson scoffed.
"Dad. When you were my age, you followed your dream, and went out on your own, to start a business with Uncle Aaron, right?"
"That's... different. We used to... see, when you were born, plus your mom used to..." Jefferson stuttered as Rio gave him a look with a head tilt. "Look, life is a journey."
"You all got me into this school 'cuz you thought I could do something special," Miles continued. "And now, I think so too. And the special thing I wanna do is this. There are people out there who can literally teach me the things I wanna learn. But they aren't all in Brooklyn."
Silence filled the room as Jefferson glanced at Rio who only shrugged. Just then, the counselor slammed a hand on the table, gaining their attention once again.
"That's it! That's your story!" She exclaimed.
Suddenly, Miles's spidey senses were going off as his eyes drifted to the window besides him where he saw the Spot, freed from the webs that Miles stuck him to.
Miles sighed in annoyance as he stood up from his seat with his bag. "Oh, I gotta go. You guys just keep talking! This is great stuff!"
"Miles, wait!" Rio exclaimed. "Did you order the cake for tonight or give the Chase's the address?"
"I already did the second one— uh, call me! Bye."
As Miles rushed out, closing the door, Rio sighed and pointed to it. "This kid. I swear, what are we gonna do with him?"
"Supervillain event over on..." a man spoke through Jefferson's commons.
"I— I gotta go," Jefferson walked to the door.
'You're gonna leave too?"
"I know. I'm so sorry," Jefferson apologized. "We'll figure it out."
"Wow. Excuse me, I am so sorry," Rio went to get her back.
"He's lying to you," Ms. Henderson spoke up.
"Your son," she replied. "He's lying. And I think you know it."
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