Chapter Three: I am Caroline Forbes
(act i)
"I felt as though I was falling. The cold grasp of death engulfed me."
As she stood in front of the last descendant of Qetsiyah she brightly said "Hello, my name is Caroline Forbes, we're going to be friends." Anastasia mentally groaned about how forceful the introduction seemed, she worried Bonnie would reject her. But she did not.
Bonnie just looked up from her drawing and beamed at the blonde and shyly replied "Hi I'm Bonnie Bennett and I would love to be your friend!" Anastasia was struck through the heart with an arrow, how could a child be so adorable!!! She mentally gushed to herself.
The look of pure happiness and joy on the girls face and the fact it was directed at her made her feel loved for a brief moment. It was almost akin to the look Alisha would sometimes give her.
"What a beautiful name, darling " Anastasia smiled at Bonnie and sat down next to her. She noticed the blush on Bonnies dark skin tone that looked radiant when the sun catches it and couldn't help but smile at her state.
Bonnie couldn't believe it. Someone talked to her and wanted to be her friend! Bonnie was scared of their first day of kindergarten because she didn't think anyone would like her, she knew she was different from the others.
Her mom left and she was in the care of her Grams, and she also didn't look like the other kids in her class. But then this beautiful angel comes out of like no where and talked to her! She thought Caroline was so pretty with her blonde hair moving left and right.
Bonnie was happy she made a friend as nice as Caroline.
They were interrupted with their ongoing conversations about colors when the brunette came out of nowhere and sat next to Caroline and looked like she was to cry with a red face and basically screamed at Caroline "Why did you leave without me? Were supposed to be friends come sit next to me over there and leave this weirdo alone."
Caroline scowled as the words left the doppelgänger's face. How ridiculous she was she thought. Her rage was barely hidden in her eyes, she was ready to rip this girls throat out. How dare she call Bonnie that!
Caroline coldly stated "I can hang out with whoever I want, you don't own me. Never call Bonnie that again." Elena started to bawl her eyes out and sobbed loudly, the teacher heard this and quickly rushed over. Elena starting telling the teacher lies "Caroline was being mean to me!!" whilst crying.
The teacher then reprimanded Caroline and she was ready to kill someone, she stood up about to say Elena was in the wrong and not her. That was till she felt a warm hand on her arm, and she looked up to see Bonnie smiling and telling the teacher it was her fault not Caroline's.
Caroline stood agape that Bonnie had blamed herself for this situation when it wasn't and especially when they didn't know each other at all. How self-sacrificing, very cannon Bonnie she thought with a scowl. Believe me she loved Bonnie's character besides how self-scarfing nature, she never cared about her own wellbeing and always thought of others before herself.
That was good trait to have but in this world it was bad. Anastasia knew this from the amount of times Bonnie sacrificed herself to get others out of danger and how much she lost for others.
She needed to change Bonnie because she would not let her new best friend be treated like a object. Anastasia was a very loyal person but with that loyalty came possessive and it usually was not a good possessive it was almost obsessive.
Her relationship with Alisha was a accurate representation of how bad it could get. Alisha had no other friends then Anastasia it was slightly toxic, but Alisha was okay with it. She simply thought Anastasia was worth hundreds of people, she only needed Anastasia in her life because Anastasia treated her friends and objects like a dragon and a knight.
She treated Alisha like a queen, she did everything for her, spoiled her endlessly. Anastasia couldn't emotionally give you everything because it was hard for her to accept her own and others' emotions. it just didn't come easy to her. So, she gave her loved one's materialistic objects to show her love.
Anastasia never hurt Alisha because she simply couldn't, she loved Alisha more then herself. It was an unconditional, selfish, and overwhelming type of love.
~Time Skip: End of Kindergarten ~
Caroline left the school with a small smile on her face hand in hand with the beautiful Bonnie Bennet. They were conserving on who the best Disney princess is. Caroline was just listening and watching Bonnie with a soft smile.
She couldn't help but think back to how Bonnie made her apologize to Elena so she wouldn't get in trouble and Caroline followed her orders. Simply because it worked out for her too not because she was whipped but because she needed to follow the timeline lightly even if that meant being friends with Elena danger magnet Gilbert.
She didn't need the plot to change because she was losing her advantage, her advantage over the big bads in her new world. So, she apologized, and they all became friends, but Caroline will not stand for any mistreatment of Bonnie.
Anastasia had accepted she was really in the supernatural world of The Vampire Diaries after having time to think. She accepted she died and reincarnated into the body of Caroline Forbes. She accepted she was Caroline Forbes. But she also was Anastasia Raven, dying would never change that. She could and would be both.
Earlier during the day, she made plans with Bonnie to go over for a play date tomorrow so she could have a talk with Shelia Bennet.
Time flew and before I knew it, I was getting ready for the dinner that was happening at Lockwood Mansion tonight. I was wearing a simple white dress that had lilac flowers on the bottom of it paired with white flats.
Soon I found out of the car starting impassively at the white mansion I regularly saw in the show. It looks much bigger in person, but I've seen better I couldn't help but think.
Liz and Caroline briskly walked their way up the stairs of the mansion together. Carol Lockwood greeted them at the door with a beaming smile.
After introductions and conservations with Caroline being as nice and formal she can be just like her mother taught her even if she wanted to kill Elena for being a whiny brat.
I befriend Tyler, he was a good kid. It's a shame he become a disgrace of a person in the show.
As dinner was set on the table, conversion flowed from work to us, the children.
"How was school?" Carol Lockwood asked us with a smile.
Elena beamed brightly at Miss Lockwood "It was so much fun; I made a new friend"
Tyler who was seated next to me we quickly become the best of friends despite the gender differences quickly said "It was alright I guess" whilst shrugging.
I answered the question with a smile on my face, ready to complete today's quest "It was quite easy and might I say boring. I thought it would be harder"
"Oh, why do you say that Caroline?" her mother Liz said.
I replied softly "All we learned was addition and coloured in pictures, I can do much harder things than simple addition. It was not challenging at all."
"Oh my. Really?" Greyson said, he was quite amused with me, I could see it in his eyes.
Elena spoke up after hearing her dad speak "Yeah Caroline did everything so quickly! Miss Borrow was super happy"
Thank you Elena for actually doing something right I thought. I was ready to implement myself a prodigy and hopefully get out of that dreadful classroom.
Everything was much too easy, I couldn't even fake being dumb. It literally was 1+ 2 and everyone had difficulty and the fact there's nap time, how silly. Education really means nothing in America I mentally scoffed.
Greyson said in a charming yet firm voice "Congratulations Liz, your daughter must be very smart. A prodigy even? Considering how mature she is perhaps you should test her and put her in advance classes? I could contact a friend from Whitmore, I would if Elena showed such aptitude."
I had a smirk on my face at the slightly pressured statement Greyson said. He really was something up close, he had been charming all night I wouldn't have guessed he tortured innocent vampires from how he acts.
How intriguing. Surely he's a psychopath? How could a normal person laugh and smile with their wife when their daily actives include pulling apart someone's digestive system. An alive person at that! How absolutely fascinating. I thought.
I couldn't help myself and asked Grayson "Grayson, may I ask. Have you read Sherlock? "
Grayson was confused at the sudden question; Caroline hadn't ever asked him a question before. But he smiled none the less and softly replied "Yes, I have Caroline. A marvellous book. Have you read it? Why do you ask?"
I just smiled and gently replied back in a soothing voice "Yes it's quite fascinating. There is no reason, just a simple question." I couldn't help thinking Grayson had to be as Sherlock would say "a high functioning sociopath" how else could he do what he does with a smile and act so charming.
We were much more similar than I previously gave him credit for. I did not know how to feel about this. Because he currently was in the possession of a vampire in the basement of his local clinic. If it was any other vampire I would simply leave it be and move on and perhaps congratulate Grayson on his smarts. His idea to create a virus for vampires to kill other vampires, how ingenious. I couldn't help but give him a mental clap.
Igneous plan aside his prisoner was no ordinary one but a British, bourbon loving vampire. No, not Damon because fuck Damon but the Lorenzo St. John. He was a great character and I wanted to free him as soon as I could because he had been trapped and tortured for decades. I wouldn't mind that much but he was hot and British so sue me. Also, because Alisha had the biggest crush on him and shipped Bonnie and him so bloody hard it was amusing.
Grayson was astonished with how Caroline talks. She was so formal and mature. She always spoke with the softest tone he had ever heard a 6-year-old have. If only Elena was like her he couldn't help thinking.
Liz broke the two out of their musings and said "Yes Caroline has been showing smarts all day, I might agree with you on that. Please contact your Whitmore friend."
All other conservation was boring and didn't need my attention. My attention was on the black-haired boy beside me. Tyler Lockwood. An untriggered werewolf and soon to be the first turned hybrid. He was cute and charming for a kid his age; he was also funny but reserved. I assumed because he was taught better to behave unsightly in front of guests.
We had been introduced earlier and we quickly became friends, it was clear to me he was lonely. He talked a lot though, but it was not usual for kids his age. I listened to whatever he was rumbling about I think sports. He mentioned a football earlier.
I wanted to change him, change his personality. In the show he was a stereotypical rich boy, who fucked whoever he wanted and played football with anger issues. But he had the potential to be more, and I believed people with potential were much talented then people who were simply good at something. He had the potential to be more, and it helped that his family was housing something she would need in the future. He was also going to be powerful in the future due to his species and I needed allies, more powerful the better.
The last thing that put the nail in the coffin for me help him become better was because his father. Mayor Richard Lockwood, he was a piece of shit of an untriggered werewolf who simply though discipline was best learnt with a slap of the back of his hand. I disproved of abuse especially familial abuse, parents were meant to teach and love their children never to hit them or scar them.
His father's actions clearly made him the boy shown on the show. he was angry at the world, at himself and his werewolf genes didn't help, he was also insecure and alone and was playing a façade.
And I would help him reach his potential and become a better Tyler Lockwood then the original ever could've been.
I soon found myself in bed under the silk sheets staring up at the celling thinking and planning. It felt as though a light went of atop my head. I jumped out of the warm bed and grabbed multiple notes out of my bag and wrote and wrote.
I wrote everything that would happen in the future. I wrote the past, the start of the doppelgängers, the Mikealson's and everything else I could think of.
I even wrote about what happened in the originals and the legacies series. I was unsure if the information on the next generation would be helpful simply because it could be changed. I wasn't an idiot far from it. I knew the theory of the butterfly affect and honestly I was scared. Everything could crumple if I was not careful. The chessboard could come crashing down If I made a mistake.
Mistakes could not happen; I won't allow it.
I wrote plans along plans. I supplicated what would happen if I changed something.
I simply wrote and wrote as my information that was in my head about the series. I wrote everything I would need to accomplish to survive and thrive in this new world and things my loved ones would need or how to help them. I wrote until sun shined through the sheer curtains.
I hid them in a safe place where my mother wouldn't find.
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