THE day after was a not a school day, much to Mal's delight.
The girl got out of her car, the sight of the orange and yellow sunlight glistening into the distance, forming a beautiful scenery of sunrise.
It was still early in the morning, which was something Mal knew was going to irritate the other members. She grabbed the reusable shopping bag, which was filled with the new things she bought, then headed towards the apartment building.
Since she already promised them to pick them up before going to practice, the perfect idea of the presents popped into her mind. She hoped that it would at least cheer up Felix and the other members.
She paused for a moment to remember what happened the day before, and a wave of sadness washed her insides.
Maybe the gifts aren't that good of an idea after all, she thought, it didn't make any sense because of the amount of hatred Felix was getting.
She shrugged off the idea immediately, slightly rolling her eyes.
Why was she questioning her movement now? It seemed like a great idea the day before. Just get over it. she scolded herself.
She arrived at the apartment of the three members, then knocked on the door loud enough for them to hear.
It took Chan a few minutes to open the door, since he was still in bed. She greeted him with a quick hug, which made him hug her back with a baffled expression, still mostly asleep.
"Hey, Mal, what are you doing here in this hour?" he asked in a raspy, Australian accent.
"Merry early Christmas!" she replied cheerfully, letting him go.
"What do you mean? It's Christmas already?"
She giggled at his furrowed eyebrows, and sleepy expression. "No, but it just might be. Here, I brought you guys something."
She handed him the bag with the contents inside. He stared at it for a moment, unsure what to say.
"What is this?" he began, "Mal, enough with all the gifts! You already did so much for us already."
She shook her head, "No, no, no, don't say this right now. I still have one last thing to do for you guys! Listen, I know you all went through a lot since you came here, especially Felix. I wanted to thank you for getting through that, and for allowing me in your group."
Chan hugged her again. "What are you talking about? You're one of us now! You don't have to do this, please."
"No, Chan. You may not know it but you guys have done everything for me, and I'm only paying you back."
She sighed, then glanced at the clock on her phone. "Anyways, I need us to do this photoshoot together, and post it on Instagram. We need to tell other people about you guys, and to prepare for our concert. By the way, how is that going, in your opinion?"
"I think we're doing great! We only have like three sessions left, if each one is three hours at most. If we're done with the choreography and singing by then, we'll be able to set a date for our first concert together. And yes, a photoshoot seems like a perfect idea right now. Han told me about what happened yesterday, and I think it only seems like the right thing to do."
She nodded. "You're right, so you can wake them up right now to go to the studio. We need to finish off practice. I'll talk to the photographer and set a date for tomorrow, and right now, I'll go get Felix to open up these things with you guys, okay?"
He nodded, and muttered a small reply of agreement, smiling in the process.
"Thanks, Mal. For everything."
Soon enough, Mal was on her way to Felix's apartment to wake him up. She decided to surprise him and open the door with the spare key he had given her earlier.
Pushing the door open, she was met by the quiet, peaceful atmosphere. She scanned the apartment for her boyfriend, and was quick to figure out that he was still sleeping in his bedroom.
She made her way towards the room, and opened the door. Only to be met by the scene of him sleeping peacefully under the covers, which reached to just below his chin.
"Hey, sleepy head, wake up. I'm here, and I brought you something." she cooed gently, shaking him awake.
He rolled over to her direction and opened his eyes, smiling sleepily in the process.
"Good morning, baby! What are you doing here so early?"
"I brought you something, but it's in the other apartment. So, wake up already."
He giggled at that, then pushed the covers away and stood up. She hurried towards him to tackle him in a tight, grateful hug.
"I love you." she muttered as she planted a soft peck over his lips.
"Can I get a longer kiss?"
They laughed at that, and kissed each other for a few more minutes.
"I love you more."
Soon enough, Mal was pulling Felix out of his apartment and towards the other members'. To their surprise whatsoever, they were barely awake.
"Hey, guys..." she began in a delightful manner, "You guys go ahead and do whatever you want. I have to talk to Griffin real quick, okay?"
Hyunjin stared up at her for a second.
"Why do I have a feeling that you're going to murder him?"
She shrugged. "I probably will."
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