❝ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖌𝖚𝖊 ❞
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[ 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐈, 𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐈𝐈𝐈 ; 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝒐𝒇 𝑵𝒊𝒎𝒖𝒆𝒉 ]
𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑, 𝐌𝐘𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐌 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆. Jenny was woken up by her new dog sniffling and his nose brushing around her face, either the dog was hungry or just wanted to leave the cot to go for a walk. Breakfast was ready on the table for Jenny, prepared by her mother and Jenny fed the dog the leftover breakfast. Myriam wasn't fond of the dog at all, it was so unexpected that Jenny brought a stray dog home, Myriam was reluctant when Jenny asked and begged to keep the dog. Her mother only agreed as long as Jenny feeds and trains the dog. "You will feed it, train it and bury it yourself when it goes," her mother said, unhappy with the decision, but as long as it's Jenny's responsibility.
The dog makes a great guard as well, Jenny takes him with her to work, when she leaves the shop for a bit, she leaves the dog at the shop in case there are thieves. She didn't need to wait until lunch for Cedric to come from training to watch over while she leaves for a loo or picks up food.
'Dog' is what she calls him for now. When did it become so difficult to find a name for the dog? The dog was picky and stubborn, every name that Jenny came up for him, he doesn't respond, he snarls or groans in dismay when she comes up with a name. It's as if the dog already has a name and Jenny can't figure it out.
Jenny wasn't sure when her mother will come back from hunting, usually two or three days and always come back with a catch. Jenny goes with her sometimes, she was not fond of hunting but she only goes to spend time with her mother and hopes that her mother takes her to the place again where the girl was found. Jenny had not been to that place in a long time, not since she was eleven and it was the only time she's been to. Just once in her lifetime. Someday, she will go there and visit the place. She still remembers what the ruins of Oldstones look like. She remembers the pillars, the crumbled walls, all covered in moss and ivies, as it once been a great hall. She remembers the blue roses around the ruins. She remembers an alter surrounded by the three stones but one half shattered. She remembers the sun rays beaming between and through the trees. And she remembers the spot where her mother had found her.
She heard stories about the Oldstones. It is rumoured to be the home of a God called "The Triple Goddess", the reason it is rumoured is because of the three giant stones, representing the Triple Goddess; the Maiden Huntress, the Mother Goddess and the Death Crone. Druids from all over Camelot and Kingdoms across Albion come to the Oldstones to pray and it is said that the place was favoured by High Priestesses before the Great Purge. Even before the Great Purge, the Oldstones was in ruins, it had stood the way it is right now for thousands of years. That is what been said about the Oldstones.
Jenny had a dream she was visiting the Oldstones, her mother had shown her the spot where she was found and for some strange reason, Jenny felt like she was home.
Such a peaceful dream, Jenny thought.
The morning had been quite dull for Jenny, her mind has been running with names for the dog while running the shop. The dog had been sitting and napping on the ground by her feet. She was sewing a blue scarf, a blue scarf for her dog instead of getting a collar. Cedric showed up just in time for a lunch break.
"Fine day, Jenny?" Cedric hopped on the counter to sit.
Jenny shrugged, deeply focused on the scarf she was sewing, add detail of embodiment. "What do you think I should name him?" she nodded at the dog, the dog's ears stood up, as if he knew she was speaking of him.
Cedric stared at the dog for a moment, seemingly contemplating. " . . . Valiant" he beamed at Jenny.
Jenny scoffed in response, shaking her head "You're very helpful", she looked at the scarf.
"You're making a scarf for the dog? Get a collar" Cedric was making fun of her.
Jenny frowned at him. "I prefer not"
"Merlin gave you the dog, right? Is that why you're making a scarf for the dog? To match with the servant. And that would make . . . the dog being your servant"
Jenny was almost aghast, and with what Cedric said, she stopped sewing, she saw the familiarity of the scarf and couldn't unsee it anymore. She sighed exasperatedly and put the scarf away to forget it, "Thanks a lot"
Cedric laughed before asking, "Anyway, where's Myriam? She coming with lunch today?"
"She left for hunting this morning, she won't be back in a few days" Jenny had realized that her mother usually brings them lunch, she's not home today so Jenny will have to go home to cook lunch for herself. "Great, I have to go home to get us lunch. Watch my stuff for me" She got on her feet.
"All right" Cedric replied. Jenny called the dog to come along and he obeyed. The dog walked beside her as they were walking home. She was greeted with "Good afternoon" by the people around as she strolled by them and she greeted them back.
As she was walking, she saw one of her neighbours stumbling, struggling to walk properly, Jenny thought he might be just drunk, but then she thought, morning just passed and who would drink at this hour? She approached the stumbling man, "Millsby, you okay?" she asked him as she approached behind him. When the man turned around slow and steady, Jenny saw the colour of the man's skin, all pale and sweat, looking very ill, "Millsby, are you all right?" Jenny was concerned.
Millsby stepped back when Jenny tried to reach out to him as if warning her to keep back from him. He seems to be too weak to reply, all he could let the words out were, "Get . . . Gaius . . . please" before he fell forward to the ground.
Jenny was nearly shocked, she almost froze, but all she thought was what he said, Get Gaius. He's sick and needs help. So, Jenny rushed to the castle for Gaius. She was running across the town, she hadn't run that far for a while, her dog was also running with her. When she arrived at the castle, to Gaius's chambers, she didn't bother knocking and just hurried inside. Gaius and Merlin were having a meal and their heads turned to her. "Jenny, what brings you here?" Gaius was on his feet.
She was panting as she spoke out, "Gaius . . . it's Millsby . . . he's sick . . . he collapsed . . . I didn't know what . . . to do . . . he told me to get you" one of her lungs felt like they're pressing against the bones of the ribcage, it was aching.
"Where is he?" Gaius asked.
"He's near my place"
"Hold on, let me gather my things" Gaius walked around to get essentials into his pouch. "I need you to take us to him"
Gaius and Merlin followed the girl across town, to where her sickly neighbour had collapsed, hoping that he's gone by now, made it home to rest in his bed and be in a comfortable place to get better. Jenny didn't have much to explain what happened to her neighbour, she didn't know what kind of sickness he had, some sort of fever-like illness.
When they arrived where the man had collapsed, he was still there, where he had fallen, face down on the ground, and no one even bothered to help him or move him. Jenny already feared that the man might be dead as he hadn't moved from the spot. Gaius approached the unconscious man, kneeled down beside him, the Physician didn't even bother checking if he was alive as if he knew he was dead.
Merlin and Jenny both stood side by side, with her dog sitting by her feet, watching Gaius, "He's . . . dead, isn't he?" Jenny murmured softly.
Gaius looked up at the girl, "Unfortunately".
Jenny knew the man lived all alone, all she knew of him was that he goes to the Tavern almost every night, making a ruckus in the middle of the night sometimes, waking up the neighbourhood. Jenny felt bad for the man and no one really knew him.
"Aren't you scared?" Merlin asked Gaius as the old man still examining the body.
"Of what?"
"That you might catch whatever it is" Merlin was concerned.
Jenny nodded in agreement. "He did warn me not to get near him before," she said, "But . . . maybe he had an infection from a wound of a sort since fever is the sign of a sever infection" she shrugged.
"I'm the Court Physician, this is part of my job" Gaius glanced at the two, he moved inches close to the body, about to move it while Merlin crouched down, "Most of the time, there's nothing really to be scared of". Gaius turned the body over, and to their shock, the man's skin colour was paler, nearly clear as white, hints of blues, exposing the veins on the neck, the eyes were white as snow.
"You were saying?" Merlin said.
"People mustn't see this. They'll panic" Gaius warned. Jenny had seen it now, the instant anxiousness was all over her, it's unlike any common sickness she's seen, nor infection had done this. Merlin quickly grabbed a sheet that was hanging nearby and covered the man's body. "Jenny, you mustn't tell anyone about this. Not yet. You understand?"
Jenny could barely respond as if frozen. She merely nodded in response.
"Help me, move the body, Merlin. We also need a wheel barrel, a wagon maybe. Jenny, do you and Myriam have any?" Gaius asked.
"Uh . . . Yes, I'll go fetch it" Jenny rushed to her place, her cot was down the alley around the corner. She pulled the wagon that stood outside of her door, not bothering to empty it and left the sacks on the wagon. She dragged it back to where Gaius and Merlin were waiting. She lends the wagon to them. "Is there anything I can do to help?" she asked them.
"Nothing much, Jenny," said Gaius as he and Merlin lift the body onto the wagon. "I want you to not panic, but stay cautious. I fear that there might be more"
That wasn't helping her to ease her anxiousness at all. But she can't panic, it wouldn't help at all, it'll make things worse, she can't say anything to anyone else because she doesn't know what this illness is and what's causing it. "I pray that you find the cause soon"
───。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Jenny forgot to cook lunch for herself and Cedric. The truth was, she lost her appetite since seeing the body. She made sandwiches for Cedric before he left for the training grounds. Jenny saw a few around the marketplace changing skin colours, form their natural to pale. It was spreading quickly and so quickly for them to develop symptoms.
Jenny decided it wasn't a good day to let her business go on the day, just for today maybe, or tomorrow too. So, she packed her silks, fabric, sewing and dresses. She wished she had gone to hunting with her mother now, she wouldn't know of this sickness spreading around. If she left now, it'll feel selfish. Selfishness is one of the last things in the world she would do. After she was done packing up her fabrics to head home, she saw the knights storming around the marketplace and going inside the homes without invitation. They were being ordered by Arthur. It made Jenny to wonder why Arthur and the knights were searching and for what?
When she made her way home with the dog, she met with Gaius and Merlin, strolling around as if they were looking for something. "Merlin! Gaius!" she called. She was dragging the bag of silks as she approached them. "What's going on? Why is Arthur having his guards to search around?"
Gaius and Merlin exchanged looks before Gaius gave a nod to the boy, telling him it's okay to share the news. Gaius walked around Jenny and proceeded his stroll, leaving Merlin to the girl. "Gaius said that this sickness was created by sorcery"
"Sorcery?" Jenny's anxiousness grew. She looked around, spotting Arthur at one of the stands in the marketplace with the knights searching. "That's why they're here. They're looking for the sorcerer who's doing this"
Merlin nodded sullenly.
A sorcerer among them, it's terrible for them to create a sickness with magic, start a plague and have the people of Camelot to die. Maybe it's another sorcerer seeking revenge against the King. "No luck for a cure?" even though she already knew it was too early.
"No, unfortunately. It's too soon and we haven't found the source of how this thing is spreading" said Merlin. "I've got to get back to Gaius. You be careful, okay?"
Jenny nodded, "I hope you and Gaius find the cause and the solution soon". Merlin tried to give a reassuring smile, his smile was sullen instead. He left to go back to Gaius and Jenny made her way home.
On her way home, she saw at least six people dying from the illness, all of them wandering in the streets, some were in the corner, unable to have the ability to walk anymore. It made sense why this was happening so quickly and spreading fast, it was magic and non-common disease would expose it's symptoms this quick before taking the life. Jenny was scared, for herself and for the people. She also could not stand seeing the people dying and that she was unable to do anything to help. She hated the feeling of helplessness.
Jenny decided to try and help, even though she had no solution, but all she could think of was to comfort the dying people. She found a young woman off the street, sitting on the ground, back against a wall, the woman seemed to be shivering and sweating. Jenny looked around for something to keep the woman warm, she found a blanket hanging on a wall of someone's home, the blanket was wool and itchy. She wrapped the blanket around the woman from her back.
"Here, this will keep you warm" she comforted the woman, Jenny held the blanket together to keep the woman warm. "Is there anything you need?". The woman shook her head in reply, she couldn't speak as she was too weak. This woman is one of her customers, Jenny made that mossy-green gown with white flowering details the woman was wearing.
Jenny didn't hear the person approaching her from behind, "Jenny, I suggest you stay back from her" she knew the voice immediately before she turn to them. Arthur was standing over her, wore a dark crimson long gown like he never had the time to dress up in his usual formal Prince gowns.
"She's cold, My Lord" Jenny replied, shifted her glance back at the woman and still holding the blanket together that wrapped around her. "I can't just leave her alone"
"Whatever this illness is, it could be contagious and might pass onto you if you draw too close to her" Arthur warned.
"Maybe I already caught it as I've been drawing close to people who are ill since this morning" said Jenny. "I suggest you stay back from us if you don't want to catch this . . . disease".
"You need to go home. I'm ordering you now, go home and don't leave your house until this passes" the Prince commanded.
She'd hate to leave the woman and let her to die alone. Despite her Prince ordering her to go home, she did not move, she refused to move, "I will go home . . . " she promised, "but please, let me stay with her for a moment until she . . ." she paused, she couldn't finish her sentence, not in front of the woman, but the look on the woman's face read that she knew she was dying, yet Jenny couldn't bring herself to say it.
"I understand," Arthur empathized with her and reluctantly agreed to let the girl stay. "Be sure you go straight home when you're done here"
"You won't leave her after, okay?" Jenny begged, she gazed up at the Prince. "Same for everyone else, they shouldn't be left in the streets after" she meant that the people who have died and are dying from the disease shouldn't be left in the streets and they should get proper burials.
Arthur didn't answer momentarily. "Of course. They'll be taken somewhere afterwards" he promised, even though it wasn't his plan at all but the girl's words struck him, empathizing with her more. He left the girl to be with the dying woman and continue to search for the sorcerer or any source.
Jenny didn't leave until the woman gave the final breath, her body had weighed down from Jenny's grip but the girl slowly laid the woman down gently. Jenny pulled the blanket over the lifeless woman, she placed a flower that she pulled from her hair on the body, the girl didn't cry at all, but merely saddened. The woman never spoke, not a word at all. Evening was near when Jenny left, when the guards showed up who have been going around in the streets to collect those who have passed.
She was finally home, an empty home as her mother is gone somewhere, it was just Jenny and her dog. Today wasn't a good day, a disease taking the lives of townsfolk, there is a sorcerer among them, it's inevitable that the town will get wiped out if they don't find the cause sooner or the sorcerer.
Cedric came to visit, Jenny was making supper when he arrived, it's almost unusual that he had come this late in the evening, unless he's busy or had an urgent business. "How was training?" She asked when she finished cooking fish fillet, enough for herself and Cedric.
"Didn't really train much today, we were ordered by the King to search the town for a sorcerer and then we picked up those who passed from the Prince's orders and took them to the castle courtyard" Cedric mumbled.
Jenny had the plates ready and fill them the food. "So you heard"
"About a disease that's spreading fast and a sorcerer is doing all of this, yes"
"No luck?"
"No" Cedric sat down at the table when Jenny served supper. She pour milk into two cups before she joined him at his side. They were facing an empty seat in front of them where her mother would've sat. Cedric was looking at the empty chair as he ate. "Myriam could be coming home to a ghost town when she comes back"
"Yeah" Jenny murmured.
"We should leave, leave town until this passes, we'll go find Myriam and hunt with her, stay out there for a bit"
Jenny knew he wasn't being serious. "I don't think leaving is a good idea" she said.
"Yeah," Cedric nodded, "Apparently, Uther is setting up an early curfew, when the bells ring, no one leaves their home"
When the bells rung way before the night fell, Cedric left to go home, Jenny had to be reminded again by the knights when they came by, telling her the news of early curfew, they were going door to door all over town. A lot of people died today and there could be more tomorrow.
───。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
In the morning, the bells rung, signaling that the curfew was over and people were leaving their homes to shop and work. Jenny decided to not work today and just stay home or maybe help people like yesterday. She woke up missing her mother this early morning, she had a bad dream about an inexplicable creature that lived in a dark place, her dog had crawled onto her bed, laid his head on her arm as if he knew she had a bad dream.
While Jenny was making breakfast, she realized she was ran out of the water, so she halted her cooking, left her house with an empty bucket and her dog to get water from the tap near the citadel. On her way there, she met with more people getting sick as she strolled by there, most of them still having the ability to walk and work. They should be staying home, Jenny thought.
She arrived at the fountain, she grabbed the handle as the water flowed through and filled the bucket. When she was done, she was about to head back home until her attention caught Merlin coming. "Merlin," she greeted half-heartedly.
"Jenny" he wasn't smiling, but it's been a harsh time since yesterday. His eyes scanned down to the bucket that Jenny was holding. "Did you just get the water from here?" He gestured at the pump.
"Yes" her brows furrowed.
"Did you drink it? Or have you drink it from it?" Merlin was worried and Jenny answered by shaking her head no. "Good, don't. Don't drink it. Gaius thinks the disease is spreading through water"
Jenny was startled, "Water? Has he figured it out what's in it?"
"No, not yet" Merlin filled up his bucket with water, "Why I come to get some for him"
"Most of the townsfolk get the water from this pump"
"Where else?"
"There's a river outside of town, the river flows from a different lake, this fountain don't share the same source" she explained. "Do you think the river is contaminated too?"
"I don't know, most of the townsfolk get the water from this, right? It's unlikely the river is contaminated"
While he was filling up the bucket, Jenny decided to pour the water from her bucket. She'll have to make a quick trip to the river today.
Guinevere was spotted running and crying towards the castle, both of Merlin's and Jenny's attentions were on the girl. "Gwen?" Merlin called. Gwen just kept running, ran by the two, "Gwen!" She was still running.
Jenny dropped her bucket to go after Gwen and Merlin was behind her. They followed her to the castle through one of the doors where Merlin usually goes into. They followed her into Gaius's chambers. Jenny halted by the door with Merlin.
"You have the sickness?" Gaius asked.
"My father," Gwen cried. "Please, Gaius, he's all I have"
"Gwen, I have no cure"
"I am begging you"
"I wish there was something— anything, but so far the remedy is beyond what I can achieve," said Gaius. Gwen was crying and Jenny felt for her. "I'm sorry, Gwen"
Guinevere exhaled sharply as she mourned, she was filled with loss and hopeless. Poor girl will be an orphan when her father goes, she has no one else. Guinevere ran back out, Jenny was almost hesitant to follow her.
"Gwen, wait!" Jenny called and Gwen stopped running. Jenny put her arms around the girl to comfort her, and the girl held back, letting the girl to cry on Jenny's shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Gwen. I really am"
Jenny wasn't close with Gwen, they talk only sometimes, but they share the same job and Jenny and her mother share food with Gwen and her father. Jenny actually considered that they are close through the same person they've been serving for a long time.
"Come on, let's get you back to your father" Jenny guided the mourning girl through the courtyard, ignoring the a few dozens of covered bodies laying in the middle of the yard. Jenny desperately wanted to help Gwen's father, she didn't know how, only she can pray and hope for a miracle that the father to get better.
Jenny still went for the plan to get water from the river, she had to go look for Cedric first, she had to ask him to get a horse and hopefully a wagon as well. She found him in the other side of the town, seemingly questioning one of the townsfolk. Cedric immediately agreed to go with her to the river, they'll meet each other outside of the gates of the town. Jenny went to gather essentials while Cedric went to the stables to get a horse.
She was waiting by the gates for Cedric, she waited for a almost a long time, but he showed up before he was late, with a horse and a wagon. "How'd you pay Viv for the horse and wagon?" She asked as she put the buckets into the wagon.
"Water," He simply answered. "For their horses as well"
"News spreads quick as the disease," Said Jenny. "You've heard about the water from the pump?"
"Yeah. So, you ready?" He asked. The girl nodded and she hopped in the back with her dog jumping onto the wagon as well and Cedric took the front to guided the horse the way to the river.
The trip to the river took over an hour to get there, they didn't want to rush because of a single horse carrying the two and the wagon. It would exhaust the poor horse very quickly. They took it slow and gently through the trails and forests. At times, they walked until their feet ached before getting back on the wagon. They took their time at the river, they let the horse took his time to rest and drink while Jenny and Cedric filled up a dozen of buckets. Only two of them were Jenny, one for Cedric and the rest were for the stables.
"Did you hear about Gwen's father?" asked Jenny, she was washing her achy hands from filling up the buckets.
"What about him?"
"He caught the disease" Jenny replied sullenly.
"Oh no, really?" Cedric was shocked.
Jenny nodded, "Was thinking of making something for him and Gwen this evening, hopefully, I know of ma's recipe for soup that she makes whenever I'm sick"
"They'd like that"
The trip back to town was the same, it was almost evening when they arrived. Jenny got off at her door before Cedric took the horse back to the stables. She started on making supper, and maybe for Gwen and her father too. She was thinking about a time when she was severely ill when she was a child, she remembered all the aches in her bones and muscles, her headaches, the burning in her head, the sweats and chills, she remembered how unbearable it was, she remembered it felt like she was really dying. But all of sudden, the next day, as if it was a miracle, she was better. She remembered her mother giving her medicine, something to drink and eat. She can't be sure if it's the exact recipe that her mother gave her when she was sick.
The disease was sorcery, Jenny reminded herself. If the disease is sorcery then it can only be reversed with sorcery.
When she finished cooking, she filled a big bowl for Gwen and her father. She left to visit them and offer them food and water. When she arrived their home, she knocked and Gwen answered. "Hi, Gwen. I know it's a bad time but I made something for you and your father. I figured that you've been too busy taking care of him to cook for yourself and him"
"Uhm . . . Yes, thank you, come in" she opened the door wide for Jenny to get in.
Jenny put the bucket of water down and the bowl on the table nearby. "I got the water from the river today. Cedric and I went there, the water from the pump here is where the disease comes from. Did you hear?" Gwen nodded, her eyes were watery and swelling like she's been crying all day. Jenny glanced across the room and saw Gwen's father on the cot, he was resting. "How is he?" even though the answer was obvious and it was foolish of her to ask.
"Not good at all" Gwen murmured.
Jenny didn't know what to say for a brief moment. "You know, when I was a child, I was very sick, my mother didn't know what to do, neither Gaius had no clue and he also didn't know what I had. I was sick for days, worst day by day, I felt like I was dying, everything in my body was aching, I was all sweaty and cold," Jenny grabbed two empty bowls from a shelf near her, she pulled the cover off the bowl and filled the bowls, "I couldn't walk, I couldn't speak. My mother fed me this soup, she spoon-fed me as I couldn't feed myself. Then the next day, I got better, all of the sudden. Like it was a miracle. I know this isn't the same and I'm not saying that this soup will get your father better, but I pray that by a miracle will come through you and your father, they do happen sometimes"
Gwen tearfully tried to smile, "Thank you, Jenny".
Jenny gave a reassuring smile, she pulled a small white flower off her auburn hair, "For your father" she said as she handed the flower and the bowl of soup to Gwen.
───。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Jenny woke up with a plan, she decided to go make another trip to the river today, more water, plenty for a lot of people around town who need it the most, those who are sick other than the disease, the disabled, the blind, the weak. She was determined to help the people, find more ways to help and to ensure that they shouldn't worry too much. If they worry too much, they'll panic.
It was morning when she was making an egg sandwich for breakfast meal, it was shortly after the bell ringing, telling the town of Camelot that curfew passed and Jenny received a knock on her door. She answered the door and it was Gwen.
Gwen was smiling, smiling like she's never been so happier before. "Gwen, hi" Jenny was surprised, also confused on why the girl was smiling while her father is gravely ill.
"Jenny, you wouldn't believe it!" Gwen beamed, "You wouldn't believe . . . my father, he's all better now!"
Jenny was shocked and relief flooded over her. But she could not believe it, "What? Really? That's great news" Still, it's a question how Gwen's father recovered just overnight, like Jenny when she was a child when she had a terrible illness. Perhaps it was a different illness that Gwen's father had. "He's really well?"
"Yes," Gwen was really happy, "You were right . . . miracles do happen sometimes"
Jenny beamed. "Yes, they do" They really do, do they? "Maybe my mother's recipe did the trick. But are you sure it was the same disease he had as everyone who caught it?"
"I don't know. But I'm just glad he's okay, that's what matters" said Gwen.
"Yes, I'm glad he's fine." Jenny nodded.
It was around mid-afternoon, Jenny strolled around the town, dragging a trolley behind her. She made the same soup that she gave to Gwen and her father yesterday, two big pots of soup which took almost all morning to make. Hopefully it was plenty for a lot of people, a small bowl per person. People were in a line when she stopped by the marketplace, brought their own bowls and wanting soup for their sick loved ones at home.
One pot was already empty, she was still giving out the soup when the Prince and the guards showed up. They stormed through the crowds, walking around people that stood in the line in front of Jenny's trolley. She stared in confusion at them as they approached her.
"Seize her" ordered Arthur.
"What?!" Jenny uttered, the two guards grabbed her on the arms, dragging her from the trolley.
"Jenny, I am arresting you for crimes in contravention to the laws of Camelot that you did practice enchantments" Arthur declared.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" Jenny protested, she was being dragged out of the marketplace and she was taken back to the castle. The crowd around the marketplace were watching in shock. "I didn't do anything!"
Jenny continued her protests all the way to the castle, trying to persuade Arthur, trying to convince him that she was innocent. Though, Arthur told her that Gwen's father told Arthur Jenny came by yesterday, about the soup, about leaving evidence that Jenny indeed visited Gwen and her father. Jenny was accused of leaving a magic poultice in the Blacksmith's home, either it was her's or Gwen's. She wasn't the only one being arrested, when they arrived the castle, Arthur and the rest of his guards followed him to look for Gwen while Jenny was taken to the Royal Court where the King was waiting.
She was pushed to the floor in front of the King, the King looked down at the scared, helpless girl. If her mother was here, she'd done something, something that would prove that Jenny was innocent, just like before, this happened once before. Jenny wasn't sure if she'll get out of this false accusation this time. She wished her mother was here.
"Please─ " Jenny begged as she was sitting on her knees, meeting the grimace King's glance. "I've done nothing wrong. I'm . . . I'm innocent. I─"
A girl's cries can be heard outside of the court room, Jenny knew it was Gwen being taken in as well.
"Please listen to me. I have done nothing. Please" Guinevere begged fearfully. "I swear I haven't done--"
They dropped the girl next to Jenny before she could finish her pleas. Jenny met with Gwen's glance, both exchanging fearing looks. "Well done" Uther commented for his son.
"Why will no one believe me?" said Guinevere. "He got better! He just recovered! I didn't do anything" she claimed.
"I believe you" Morgana stormed into the courtroom, standing up for the girls and against Uther. "Perhaps this is a disease that is not always fatal. Have you thought of that? Perhaps he recovered naturally"
"Then what of this poultice that was found?" Uther asked.
"What poultice?" Gwen questioned. "I don't know anything about a poultice!"
"It was found in your house" the King stood up, looking at Gwen. "It belonged to one of you two. Or perhaps it was both of you . . . Undo this enchantment. Put an end to this contagion!"
"Wha─" Jenny uttered sharply. "I─ we can't!
"Then I can show you no mercy" Uther warned.
"I am not a witch! We're not─" Gwen quickly looked at Jenny before shifting her glance back at the King. "We don't know how to stop the illness!"
"If you will not undo your sorcery, you force my hand and I must find you both guilty"
Either way, they'll both be dead. "But we've told you─"
"It is therefore my duty to pronounce judgement" The King proclaimed, "and under the circumstance, I have no choice but to sentence you both to death"
Jenny felt suddenly ill, her heart dropped and her breath was caught in her throat. Gwen cried "No"
"I can only hope that when you die, this evil plague dies you two"
"No" Gwen continued to cry.
"Take them away" Uther commanded.
The guards grabbed the girls and took them out of the court. "You're making a mistake!" Jenny cried out while Guinevere kept on pleading as well. "You've done this same mistake before! We're innocent!"
Both girls were taken into the dungeon. Chained by the walls in the opposite sides from each other, they couldn't reach each other as they tried to. The dungeon was dull and cold, the floor was cover in hays, no beds, they have gather all the hays to make beds and there one small window on top of a wall that was barred.
Jenny and Guinevere barely said anything to each other, Jenny explained why she was being accused for sorcery, they did believe each other that they wouldn't do any practice of magic. It's a big question on how the magic poultice was in her house.
Morgana had come to visit the two, "I'm very sorry for you both. I really am. I don't believe such thing that you two did it," she said, Jenny was sitting by the wall while Gwen was by the gate. "I tried to convince the King that you're both innocent"
"Thank you for believing us" said Gwen.
"Where's your mother, Jenny?" Morgana asked.
"She's out hunting, she's been out there for a few days now. She'll be home soon, I hope" Jenny murmured. She really hoped her mother comes home soon, she knows Cedric should hear by now what's happening to Jenny, when he does, he'll come and see her. Maybe ask him to go and look for her mother.
After Morgana and Gwen had a heart-to-heart conversation as if this is the last time they'll speak to each other. Morgana said her farewells before leaving, before she could start crying. Shortly after, Merlin came by.
"Gwen, Jenny" he called.
Gwen stood up and tried to approach the door but the chains stopped. Jenny didn't move from the spot she was sitting. She wiped the tears off her eyes with her sleeves quickly, though the puffiness and redness still showed. Her attention was on the door.
"Thank you," said Gwen.
"What for?" Merlin asked.
"For coming to see me . . . and Jenny" she gestured at Jenny.
Jenny smiled weakly at Merlin without saying anything. "I'm sorry" Merlin apologized.
She was a little confused on why he's apologizing for but figured he was apologizing that the girls are here and awaiting their deaths. "It's not your fault" Gwen told him.
"Well . . ." Merlin paused.
"It's all right. Don't worry about me" Gwen reassured, "There's no point crying about it . . . I mean -- I mean not saying that you were going to cry about me. Obviously, I don't think that"
"Oh, Gwen. I can't have this happen . . . to you and Jenny"
"Please . . . One thing. You don't have to, but . . . "
"What?" said Merlin.
" . . . Remember me"
"You're not going to die" Merlin said with certain and promise, looking at Gwen, then at Jenny. "I'm not going to let this happen." He stood there for a moment until he left in a hurry.
───。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
While Cedric was at the other side of town, a stable boy came rushing to him and tell the news of what happened to his best friend. Jenny has been arrested, she was being accused of sorcery. This wasn't the first time, Cedric remembered. But it still angered him how they'd point a finger at her again. He ditched his work and rushed to the castle to see his friend. He found Jenny's Rottweiler dog sitting outside of the castle near the main entrance like he was waiting for Jenny to come out.
Cedric went straight to the dungeons, Gwen's father was already at dungeon, visiting his daughter and they were tearfully talking. Cedric heard Tom promising Gwen that she will be okay. Cedric really hopes so. He waited for Tom to leave, he waited for a couple more minutes until he finally left to go home.
"Jenny?" Cedric called as he approached the dungeon. The second Jenny heard her friend, she was on her feet, stepped forward to the door. "Jenny, what happened?"
The girl sighed, both sullenly and infuriated. "Uther thinks I used enchantments to heal Gwen's father. He thinks it was one of us, or both of us . . . So, he's getting us both executed and hopes the plague will be gone when we go"
Cedric was infuriated by the false accusation falling on Jenny again. He remembered a time when Uther accused Jenny for witchcraft, that was after the girl instantly got better after she fell gravely ill from a rare fever. He can see why Uther would so quick to blame on Jenny because of her history. "That's not fair. Uther is . . . he's so blind and . . . " Cedric couldn't find any more words, "There's got to be something I can do to get you out of this . . . to get you and Gwen out"
Jenny sighed again, hopelessly and tearfully. "Yeah, well, Merlin is on his way to do something," Jenny shrugged, even though she doesn't quite believe that this situation will be solved. " I'm not so sure there's something that can be done this time"
"Merlin?" said Cedric, already wondering if that servant is really on his way to do something. "I'm sure this isn't the end for you. It can't be. You're . . . Jenny. You don't give up, you don't give up on hope, you've got faith"
Jenny smiled, let out a soft laugh. A very sad smile and laugh, so full helpless and hopeless. " . . . You know, when you said we should leave town, that plan doesn't sound so bad now" she admitted.
"We really should've left and go find your mother" Cedric agreed. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
Jenny offered no answer for a moment. "Take care of Dog for me, he doesn't like sleeping outside, he prefers to sleep inside. And my mum, she's going to need a lot of help"
Of course, Cedric refused to agree on that, he refused to believe that she's going to die. He didn't say that he'll do what she wants him to do, he didn't want to promise her anything. "I'll go check to see if your mother is back," He said, "I'll come back" then he left.
He didn't go to Jenny's place to check if Myriam was home, instead, before he went to the Court Physician's chambers for help, he literally bumped into Lady Morgana on the way, she gasped as she halted. She seemed to be in a hurry, she was the King's ward, she's got to have done something to stop the execution and Guinevere was her handmaiden.
"Sorry, my lady." Cedric uttered when he accidentally startled her.
"No worries. My fault. I wasn't looking" the lady said.
This was a desperate time for Cedric. "My Lady, about Jenny and Gwen, they're─"
"I know" Morgana said before he finished his sentence. "I know they did nothing wrong, they're both innocent and I tried to convince Uther about it but . . . you know. Which is why I need to see Gaius. They're bringing forth the execution. Tonight"
Cedric felt suddenly dizzy. He sighed sharply, "Well, let's hope Gaius has proof that Jenny and Gwen are innocent", said Cedric. Morgana nodded in agreement and the two of them made their way to Gaius.
Cedric and Morgana rarely talked, but they had a lot in common and they were also acquainted, soon Cedric will serve the Royal House once he's knighted. Her father and his father were serving the same King, her father was close friends with Uther, after his death, the King took her under his care and raised. Cedric's father served the King, he was truly loyal until he met with death, Uther was aware of Cedric and made a promise that the boy will be a knight someday like his father was. Both of Morgana's and Cedric's father died for the same man.
The two of them arrived Gaius's chambers, "They're bringing forth the execution," Morgana announced as she and Cedric walked into the room, finding Gaius and Merlin by one of the tables that was filled with piles of books. "We have to prove Jenny and Gwen's innocence"
"We're trying." said Gaius.
"Please, just tell me what I can do to help" Morgana offered.
"We need Arthur" Merlin uttered.
"Arthur?" Morgana and Cedric were confused.
"There's a monster, an afanc," Merlin went around Gaius, stood in front of Morgana and Cedric. "in the water supply. That's what's causing the plague"
"Well, we must tell the King" Cedric implied.
"The afanc's a creature forged by magic," Gaius stated, "telling Uther wouldn't save Gwen and Jenny. He'd just blame her for conjuring it."
"So, what are we going to do?" asked Morgana.
"We need to destroy it. Then the plague will stop and Uther may see sense" Merlin was certain.
"And that's why you need Arthur?"
"He's our best chance," Merlin affirmed, "But he won't want to disobey the King"
Morgana then knew what she has to do. "Leave that to me" she left the chambers to find Arthur.
After the Lady left, Cedric wasn't going to sit around and wait for whatever this creature that's causing to plague to be destroyed. He was willing to help. "Cedric, you should go and stay with Jenny" Gaius implied.
Cedric was shaking his head, "I can't. I'm not going to sit and wait this out, I need to see. Jenny's my best friend. I think you and Arthur will need all the help you can get, so, I'm coming with you" he looked at Merlin.
The servant hesitantly nodded. "We'll wait for Arthur at the courtyard"
Cedric was ready to face the creature that lurks in the water at the tunnels, he had his father's sword with him, he wasn't sure exactly how the creature can be defeated. While he and Merlin were waiting at the courtyard, Jenny's dog was still at his place, waiting for the girl to come out of the castle. There were two stakes readied to be burned, hays and woods around the stakes, readied for Jenny and Gwen. Jenny cannot suffer that way, this was horrible.
"How does this . . . afanc be killed?" Cedric asked Merlin.
Merlin said nothing momentarily. "Hopefully Arthur will able to kill it, I think fire can kill it"
"Fire?" Cedric uttered. How will they get the creature out of the water if they try to burn it? He wondered. More questions were in his mind he wanted to ask Merlin, but Cedric saw Arthur and Morgana coming out the castle. "Here he comes"
When Arthur was close, Merlin led the way to the water supply tunnels, Cedric, Arthur and Morgana followed the servant. The Prince already had his sword out before they arrived the tunnels, he grabbed one of the torches by the exit and light it with fire. Cedric grabbed one, light it and then pulled out his sword then the four of them went down the stairs, further into the dark tunnel. The tunnels were cold, barely a breeze from outside snuck through, there were a few directions, nearly a maze but no one would get lost in here.
Cedric was walking behind the trio, looking out for behind them and Arthur was at the front, leading them. "You'd better be right about this, Merlin" the Prince said. They walked to right tunnel, then to the left. Their steps slightly echoed in the cave. Then there was a sound of a loud monstrous growling and it startled Morgana that she let out a gasp. The four of them exchange glances as they realized that there was indeed a monster lurking in these tunnels. "You should stay here" Arthur told Morgana.
"I'm coming with you" Morgana insisted.
"No" Arthur retorted.
"Scared I'll show you up?"
"Father will slam us both in chains if he knew I'd endangered you" Arthur warned.
"Good thing he doesn't know about it then" Morgana claimed.
"I'm telling you, Morgana, turn back. You could get hurt"
"So could you. If you don't get out of my way. And besides, I got my own knight to protect me"
"I'm not going to able to protect—"
"I meant Cedric" Morgana shifted her glance at Cedric. Which surprised him and he almost flushed. He wasn't even a Knight, not yet at least, though he smiled with pleasure at her comment. Morgana then walked around Arthur and started leading the way. Cedric was still walking behind the trio, Morgana in the front with Arthur at her side. "How are we going to find it?"
"Just hope we do before it finds us" said Merlin.
Cedric heard a hissing sound behind him, it sounded as if it was around the corner. He shift around, he thought he saw something like a dark figure moving, reached his torch out at the shadows, "Stop" he uttered.
"What?" Merlin asked, Morgana and Arthur halted.
Cedric looked carefully at the shadows, it could've been just a shadow. "It's just a shadow" he brushed off. They kept going.
The four of them kept strolling around, watching cautiously at their surroundings, until they reached the pond of water which is where the water was coming from. They stopped, there were three tunnels, it was near as impossible to find the creature sooner. When Cedric was searching the area, something from the pond caught his eye, it was floating on the surface, he used his sword to pull it forward until he managed to reach it. He examined it, what it looked to be a part of an large egg, a cracked piece and it bared strange markings.
"Hey, Merlin" Cedric reached out the piece to him, "Does that look like a piece of an egg shell to you?"
The servant grabbed it and he scrutinize the piece, "Seems to be".
"Spread out" said Arthur, he took the tunnel in front of them, Merlin took the left and Morgana took the right. Arthur looked at Cedric, nodding at Morgana, telling him to watch over her and Cedric gave a nod and did what the Prince said. Cedric followed Morgana.
Cedric and Morgana walked down the tunnel, very cautiously looking around them. They were at the end when they heard the creature roaring behind them, the creature was either with Merlin or Arthur, and Cedric and Morgana hurried back to see. Arthur was the one who encountered the creature.
"What is it?" Morgana asked Arthur with concern, "Are you all right?"
"Yeah" Arthur replied, visibly shaking by the encounter.
"Did you see it?" said Merlin.
"What did it look like?" Everyone kept their eyes around and shifting around for the creature.
"It's quick!" Arthur stated.
Cedric was beside Morgana when she screamed, he was enough to see and get in front of her with his one arm pulling her to get behind him, he swung his torch left to right at the creature, and Arthur tried to attack it with his sword but the creature retreated. It was as if he vanished in a blink of an eye. They looked for the creature around them but it was nowhere in their sight.
"Where is it?" Arthur urged.
The creature growling and snarling was heard around them, like it was really around them or it was just quick to sprint around the four without them seeing them.
"I think it's gone this way!" Merlin pointed at the tunnel where they came in from.
The tunnels remained quiet when they walked down the same tunnel, the only sounds were their own footsteps and their breaths. They reached another intersection, snarls from the creature were heard at the end of the left tunnel and their attentions were there. They kept their gazes on that tunnel. Then the creature slowly emerged from the corner. They were able to see the creature clear and in full, it was bigger than any dog, it could be the size of a lion but it's back was slightly pointy, it had four legs that it can stand while attacking it's victim, it's body was bulbous and wet, it's gnashing teeth were exposed like it doesn't even have mouth to close. It approached the four slowly and Arthur approached back.
The creature swung it's large paw at Arthur but he dodged back, he thrusted his sword at the creature, the creature roared in anger. He kept on trying to stab the creature. Both Cedric and Morgana stepped forward as they reached their torches at the creature, but Morgana's torch was knocked and she backed away from the creature. She was trapped against the wall, Cedric made his way between her and the creature, shielding himself with a torch. It kept on roaring, snarling, trying to attack Arthur and Cedric as it kept on swung it's arm at them.
Arthur grabbed the creature's attention, drawing it away from Cedric and Morgana. Arthur went around the creature until it rose up, standing on it's two legs and raised it's arm up high that it nearly reach the ceiling. "Arthur, use the torch!" Merlin urged. Arthur raised his torch at the creature, reaching out close and the creature was about to attack. Somehow the air made it's way into the tunnels, meeting the flames and blowing the flames at the creature. The fire grew viciously when it reached the creature, setting it in flames and the creature let out the most petrifying and yet agonizing roar as it was burned alive before it disintegrated into nothing.
───。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was proven that Jenny and Guinevere were innocent after the afanc was destroyed by Arthur, resulting no more deaths and the recovery of the people who were sick. Arthur explained to Uther what happened and the execution of Jenny and Gwen has been revoked.
Morgana and Cedric broke the news to the girls. Gwen's father Tom was there when they shared the news, and immediately, Jenny and Gwen were released. The guard opened the dungeon and the chains that were holding the girls. Jenny joyfully embraced her best friend and Gwen hugging her father.
"Thank you!" Gwen said gleefully to Morgana. "We both thank you" she gestured herself and Jenny.
"Don't thank me," Morgana smiled at both girls, "It was more Merlin"
"He's the real hero here" Morgana complimented.
"I don't know what to say" said Gwen.
"I didn't do anything" Merlin doubted.
"Well, it was your idea on how to kill the creature" chirped Cedric.
Merlin laughed shyly. Gwen's father, Tom spoke, "I'm grateful to you all" looking at Merlin, Cedric and Morgana. "Come on, Gwen." She and her father left the chambers.
Jenny's mother came to the girl's mind, wondered if she's home or not yet. "Oh I wonder if my mother is home now, she'll be very interested when she hears all about this" said Jenny, almost worriedly. She predicted her mother will be angry when she hears it.
"Well, let's get you home then" said Cedric.
Before they left, Jenny gave Merlin a big and long hug, "Thank you so much, Merlin. Really" she was truly grateful.
When Jenny and Cedric left the castle, her Rottweiler came running from across the courtyard the second he saw her, he slowed down and stayed at her side as they walked to her house.
"Oh, Myriam is going to murder Uther when she hears what happened" Cedric realized.
Jenny laughed softly, "Maybe she doesn't have to know" she joked, even though she was almost considering it. "Tell me what happened, what happened in those tunnels! What did that afanc thing looked like, and how did you all destroy it?! I want to hear all about it" she was almost giddy, shaking his arm and so very eager to hear what happened and on her way home, Cedric told her what happened, every little detail as he could.
Hopefully, this was the last time that Jenny Oakheart is thrown into the cell for false accusation of sorcery.
The last couple of days have been truly rough for her and the town of Camelot.
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well, I didn't think this chapter would be this too long lmao
and such a good time to write this episode about a plague at
this time during this pandemic we're having xD
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