⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧•• cotillion
── .✦ MUSIC PLAYED on the stationary cruise as Freddie and Evie walked up onto the step and repeat backdrop in their Cotillion outfits. Evie wore a beautiful, sparkly, dark blue maxi dress that had a long train and she had blood red accessories, her hair tied in a low bun — whilst Freddie kept it simple, his lavender purple suit with a few dark purple accents on the tux itself such as the tie, and the buttons etc.
He was careful not to stand on her train as multiple photographers called their names and he placed his hands on her waist as they posed for the photos, "Evie, you look beautiful!" A photographer yelled to her, and Freddie chuckled, nodding in agreement.
"Doesn't she?!" Freddie yelled back, causing a few to laugh and Evie giggled, continuing to pose.
"Thank you so much." She spoke calmly, tilting her head as she pouted her lips towards the cameras, looking more gorgeous than ever.
"Did you design the barrette?" A reporter called out, and Evie smiled, holding onto the clip.
"It's beautiful, isn't it? Um, no, it's not my creation. Many of the hair accessories this evening are by a fabulous new designer. Dizzy of the Isles." Evie told them, and they all nodded, unsure of who that was.
"Prince Frederic, what do you have to say about your parents stepping down from the throne?" Another reporter asked, holding the microphone up to Freddie, who scrunched his brows towards them.
"What?" Freddie asked in complete confusion, and his mood was ruined by that question. How did a random reporter know that information existed before the son did? Evie noticed his smile falter, and grabbed onto his hand gently before pulling him away from the stage and towards the dance floor, stopping at the railing of the cruise, looking out to the water, "Thanks."
"Don't thank me, that must be horrible to hear from a stranger." Evie held onto his hand tightly, rubbing her freshly manicured fingers along the back of his hand comfortingly and he smiled towards her with a small nod.
"Yeah, but I'm sorta used to it, I guess. My parents hate me." Freddie shrugged, staring at their hands with a sad expression and Evie furrowed her brows towards him in confusion.
"What makes you say that?" Evie asked, caressing the back of his hand with her thumb, and he shrugged again, looking into the sea as her eyes were fixated on him, all of her attention fixated on him.
"I, uh, visited my parents on Family Day since, you know, I hadn't spoken to them for a while... which was completely unintentional, I was meant to call but I sorta forgot." He winced at himself, thinking that maybe it was his responsibility to call his parents to ask how they were doing, but in reality, it was the other way round.
"It's not your fault, Freddie, don't blame yourself. What happened?" She tilted her head at him as he stared at the water with complete sadness washing over his features, the only thing that was missing was tears and it'd be a perfect movie scene.
"Nothing really, they just yelled at me... it isn't important, I'm just confused as to why they didn't tell me they were stepping down." He took one of his hands away from hers reluctantly, and scratched the back of his head. Now he wasn't sad, he was concerned. Did something happen? And why didn't he know?
Suddenly the music stopped, and everyone stopped dancing as trumpets began to play, taking their attention from each other to the stage, "The future Lady Mal." Lumiere called and Evie gave Freddie an apologetic look before pulling him through the crowd and to the front so they could see Mal clearly.
Once Mal appeared from behind a wall, everyone gasped in shock at how beautiful she looked in the dress designed by Evie. She stopped, and everyone cheered for her, including Freddie, who put his feelings aside for Mal and everyone else, so they could enjoy the special night.
"Yeah, Mal!"
"Whoo! Mal!"
She began to walk down the steps, lifting up her skirt slightly so she didn't trod on it, and King Adam approached her, taking her hand so he could help her get to the bottom. Ben's parents both laughed with Mal, the three chatting for a second before Evie approached her best-friend, pulling her to the dance floor.
"How are you?" Evie asked in a soft tone and Mal chuckled awkwardly before responding.
"Uh... I sort of feel like I'm gonna throw up." Mal responded, causing Carlos to chuckle and Freddie to smile.
"Yeah. Okay, that's okay. Look. We're right here with you, okay?" Evie reassured and Mal looked into her eyes with glee, smiling wide.
"Okay." The trumpets blew again, but much louder this time around as it was time for Ben to arrive.
"King Benjamin!" Lumiere called again, and Freddie cheered, clapping for his best-friend the loudest, completely forgetting the last ten minutes. Now was for Ben and Mal, he can come after.
He walked from behind the wall, and Freddie laughed loudly at Ben's confident stance, "Get it, Bennyboo!" Freddie called out, causing the King to chuckle slightly and a couple people around to laugh. They bowed before him, and Evie whispered something to Mal, causing the girl to walk towards her King who was making his way down the steps.
When he finally reached the ground, he bowed before Mal, who bowed too, and when they both stood up straight, Ben began to speak to her, "Mal, I wish I had time to explain."
As soon as he finished his sentence, the doors opened, revealing Uma in a fancy dress with her hair tied back, causing not only Mal to gasp but everyone else to too and not out of adoration, it was out of disbelief. Ben approached her, his eyes full of love and obsession, and it reminded Freddie of when Mal spelled him — yes, he knew that.
"Boo!" Freddie called out with his hands by his mouth to make it as loud as possible, and one side of Mal's mouth upturned just slightly, making it a win in his book. When they both reached the bottom of the stairs, Ben kissed the back of Uma's gloved hand lovingly, specifically the ring he gave to Mal that he somehow retrieved back, "What in the... Boo!" He called out again, and Uma glared in his direction, causing him to grin.
Ben didn't pay him any mind as he approached Mal, Uma's hand in his formally, "Sorry. It all happened so fast. Something happened to me when I was on the Isle with Uma. A connection." He looked at Uma with a wide smile, similar to how Freddie smiles at Evie, and Uma stared back at him with the same amount of adoration.
"What are you saying?" Mal asked, her eyes squeezed shut as she waited for an answer, the answer she wasn't wanting and she just wished it was all a nightmare, and that it'd be over soon — secretly, Freddie wished that too.
"I'm saying..." Ben began, but Uma cut him off with a smile.
"It was love. It was." Uma giggled and Freddie rolled his eyes.
"Love? My ass. Home-wrecker!" Freddie called out again insultingly, and Uma sent him another eviler glare as Evie placed her hand on his, gesturing for him to calm down or things may get ugly between him and Uma, knowing how capable she was and knowing that Freddie would never lay his hand on a girl.
"I just... I realised how alike Ben and I are, you know?" Uma questioned rhetorically, feeling joy in the pained look on Mal's face.
"We are." Ben muttered to her, and Uma giggled with a grin.
"I know." They both laughed together as everybody stared in shock, the only exception was Freddie, who was staring with disgust.
"You're so beautiful." Ben complimented shrimpy, pushing a little too far.
"Ben. Ben! Did you go back for her?" Mal asked, tears filling her eyes. She kept on asking questions she knew she didn't want to know the answers to, and it broke Freddie's heart watching his best-friend hurt her like that. He couldn't even believe it, the Ben he knew never would've agreed to anyone doing that, let alone himself.
"He didn't have to. I dove through the barrier before it closed." Uma shrugged, her little innocent act working on everyone but the people who'd already met her... well, except Ben, who was clearly spelled, "And I'm an excellent swimmer, so..."
"You are." Ben complimented with a grin, causing Freddie to cringe at the sight.
"Thank you." Uma laughed before looking at Mal's hurt expression, internally wanting to celebrate but externally pretending she was apologetic as she let go of Ben's hand, taking Mal's, causing her to tense up, "Listen, Mal. I just really want to thank you. I do. For everything." Suddenly, the girl wrapped Mal in an un-consented hug, causing Mal to want to actually cry, staring at Ben over her shoulder, "Thank you. Thank you so much."
"Don't you see, Mal? You were right. You knew that we weren't meant to be together. That's why you never told me that you loved me. Thank you." Ben told Mal, and Freddie groaned loudly, sick of the lovey-dovey act, wanting it to be over immediately. It was so obvious that it wasn't real love, and that it wasn't actually Ben speaking, he wouldn't do that to Mal. And if he did, he wouldn't have done it in that way.
Music began to play, and Uma passed her purse to a nearby princess before beginning to dance with Ben, causing Freddie to sit on the ground, giving them no respect at all. He honestly didn't care about keeping up appearances, or what people would think, he just wanted to not be there.
Mal stood still, watching them dance and luckily, Evie walked forward, taking the girl in her clutches and moving her away. Mal smiled a little at Freddie, who was sat criss-cross on the floor, staring at his nails, but the sadness came back as soon as she looked at Ben and Uma again.
"Not too thrilled I risked my life for him." Carlos spoke with gritted teeth from beside Mal and Freddie chuckled, nodding in agreement. Lonnie approached Mal from beside Jay, speaking to her from behind.
"We're with you, Mal." Mulan's daughter assured the purple-haired girl, who showed no emotion as she stared at the two dancing. Suddenly, Freddie stood up abruptly and sped towards Ben and Uma, tackling his best-friend to the ground, shocking and scaring everyone, making some scream and the music to stop.
"Sorry!" Freddie yelled, holding his arm up in the air to whoever screamed, that was unknown. He held Ben down on his chest, and Ben stared up at him, completely bewildered.
"Dude, get off of me!" Ben attempted to fight, but it was no use and Evie took that as her chance to pull Mal towards the exit with Jay, Carlos, Lonnie and Jane hot on their tails.
"What's wrong with you? Are you under a trance? Wake up, bro! Come on!" Freddie grabbed onto Ben's collar roughly, shaking him around aggressively, hoping that did some good when Jane yelled out.
"Lumiere, unveil the gift, they need to see it!" Jane told the man, who nodded as Jane looked back towards an angered Uma. She was trying to get Freddie off of Ben, but to be frankly honest, Freddie went to the gym daily — she had no chance.
"And now, for the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece, designed especially for his lady." Lumiere announced, and everyone looked towards the other side of the cruise as the trumpets blew, and a glass portrait was revealed, showing Mal and Ben stood side by side, Mal's eyes a beautiful bright green.
Everyone applauded, as Ben stared at it, along with Uma. Ben pushed himself up when Freddie released him, and he took a few slow steps towards the mirror, admiring it from afar as if he was falling in love with Mal all over again.
Uma turned around in anger, lifting up her dress as she approached the steps, "Cover that back up!" She yelled in rage to Lumiere, and Freddie stood up quickly, wiping off his pants.
"I will not." Lumiere told her with authority and Freddie smiled, liking Lumiere's angered side, not that he liked him when he was angry, he just liked that the guy didn't let himself be walked all over.
"Um..." Uma chuckled nervously when she noticed all eyes on her for the way she reacted, "Why don't you tell everyone the present you have for me, Ben?" Uma clapped her hands together with a fake sweet smile, and Ben turned around, his eyes wide as he looked at Uma.
"I have an announcement!" Ben called out and Freddie face-planted, not wanting to know his announcement because it was probably something absolutely preposterous, "Uma will be joining the court tonight as my lady."
Everyone groaned in response with disgust, and Adam stepped forward in disbelief, taking his glasses from his face, "Son..."
"Not now, Dad!" Ben yelled angrily to his father, and Freddie flinched at the loud angry tone he'd never heard Ben use before, let alone towards his own father and Freddie stepped forward, ready to set things straight with his 'friend'.
"Ben! Don't speak to your father that way, what in the hell is wrong with you?" Freddie asked in a disappointed way, and Ben got so angry that he lashed out, punching the prince in the face, sending him flying back, holding onto the side of his face in pain. Evie rushed forwards in concern and worry before dragging him carefully back over to where she was stood beside Mal, caressing his cheek.
Everyone gasped in shock at Ben's behaviour, suddenly feeling hatred towards the new King, but he just ignored it, continuing his announcement that, now, nobody cared about, "Uh, so, as my gift, uh, to her, I'm bringing down the barrier once and for all!"
He smiled towards everyone, expecting agreement and encouragement but instead, they all stared in disapproval, Fairy Godmother gasping loudly out of shock.
"Fairy Godmother. Bring down the barrier." Ben ordered the woman, who was definitely not doing that, Freddie could tell by the disgusted look on her face.
"I most certainly will not." Fairy Godmother told him with authority, but he wasn't taking no for an answer.
"I am your King!" He yelled, causing Freddie to send him a look of actual repulsion.
"Obey him." Uma told her, and she gasped again, completely shocked at how they were acting, her jaw dropped.
"Ben's been spelled." Mal spoke and Freddie's head flew back as he nodded sarcastically.
"About time!" He spoke loudly but calmly in a sarcastic manner and Evie slapped his arm, causing him to wince, "Ow! Aren't I in pain enough?"
"Ben." Uma grabbed on Ben's hands, pulling him towards her.
"Uma found your spell book." Evie stated, ignoring Freddie's previous statement. Mal stared up at the gift Ben had made for her before she began to walk towards them both.
"Ben." Mal called out, and they both looked towards her as she moved towards him, staring at the love of her life, "Ben. Look at me."
"No, look at me. You love me, remember?" Uma asked Ben, standing beside Mal, clearly attempting to push her out of the way.
"No, you don't." Mal disagreed, staring at Ben, and Ben only.
"Yes, you do." Uma manipulated again.
"Ben, look at me." Mal asked again calmly, and he obeyed, staring into her deep green eyes.
"Bring down the barrier now!" Uma ordered Fairy Godmother, taking a few steps towards the woman.
"I do not take orders from you." Fairy Godmother put her foot down, pointing to Uma in slight anger.
"Ben?" Uma asked the King when she didn't get her way, but he was too lost in Mal's eyes to answer.
"Ben. I never told you that I loved you because I thought that I wasn't good enough. And I thought that it was only a matter of time before you realise that yourself. But, Ben, that's me." She gestured towards the glass portrait, and he turned around to look at it as she continued to speak with all of her heart, "I'm part Isle and part Auradon."
"Ben, eyes over here." Uma demanded and he glanced over at her for a moment before looking back at Mal.
"And, Ben, you've always known who we were and who we can be."
"Don't listen to her." Uma told him in a manipulative manner, causing Freddie to glare towards her along with Evie, Carlos, Jay and even Lonnie.
"Ben, I know what love feels like now." She chuckled, staring into his eyes as he stared back into hers, "Ben. Of course I love you. Ben, I've always loved you." She began to tear up before she placed one hand on the back of his neck, reaching up so she could press her lips into his.
Everybody awed except for Uma, who stared in shock, and Evie quickly grabbed onto Freddie's free hand — the other one holding his cheek — watching them with nothing but relief in her features.
She pulled away, and Ben stared at her for a moment before he began to smile wide, "Mal." He looked into her eyes and they pressed their noses together, causing everyone to either smile or laugh.
"True love's kiss. Works every time." Evie spoke, resting her head on Freddie's shoulder and he smiled at her, kissing the top of her hair.
"Ugh! Give it to me!" Uma ran towards Fairy Godmother, attempting to grab the woman's wand and Freddie ran forward, placing himself between the two as Fairy Godmother screamed.
"Guards! Seize her!" The woman yelled, and Uma span around, running for the edge of the cruise, everybody chasing after her.
"Uma! No, stop!" Mal screamed, stopping everyone from chasing her so they could give her some space, "Please, stop!" Uma stopped, leaning against the railing as she stared at Mal, "Uma, I know you. You are so much more than just a villain. And you have to believe me because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want."
The necklace around Uma's neck began to chirp and shine a bright light, and she glanced down at it for a moment before she quickly spun on her heels, climbing the rail and jumping into the ocean, Ben and Mal calling her name in protest.
Everyone raced to the railing except for Freddie, who stood by Fairy Godmother to keep her safe, and Uma was nowhere to be seen for a moment until a large spiral was created in the water, eventually splashing everyone as if there was a tsunami. Freddie looked over, since he only got a little wet since he was stood quite far away from the edge, and saw an enormous octopus version of Uma jumping out from the sea, laughing wickedly.
"What in the shit?"
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