xxxvi. 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧?
"Yes." Austin looked around the ambulance. "Look at all this supplies, man!"
"It's not stable." Carol stopped him. "I'm lighter."
Daryl ignored her, hopping in. Austin shrugged her way, doing the same. He loaded his backpack up with what he found as Daryl got into the front seat, Carol following. "Find anything?"
"Lookin." Daryl waved him off. Austin put the IV bags into his own bag, finding the needles that went with it. Anti infection cream, bandages, he got what he could.
"There's more coming." Carol looked to the herd of walkers coming their was. "We're gonna have to fight through."
"Think we should gut up?" the Grimes boy asked curiously.
"Don't have the time." Carol shook her head, Daryl getting up. "We have to go.
"GHM, what's that? A hospital?" Daryl flipped one of the gernies over.
"Grady Memorial." Austin nodded. "I had a surgery there before the world fell. I know it."
"It might be where they're holing up." Daryl called as Carol jumped out, shooting the walkers that swarmed them. Austin and Daryl stabbed what they could, but there were too many, and they all wanted the three. "Go, go, go."
Austin yanked his knife from the walkers head, jumping back into the ambulance as Daryl pulled the doors shut. Carol panicked. "Anything we could use!"
"Nothing but what we got." Daryl shook his head.
"Holy shit, they're gonna throw us off." Austin spoke as he felt the ambulance start to wobble. Daryl walked past him to get into the drivers seat. "This isn't Back To The Future!"
"Buckle up!" Daryl called as Carol got in the front, Austin grasping the seat belts on the back seats. "You hang on to something back there."
Austin steadied his breathing, panic setting in. He felt his heart jump out of his chest when the ambulance fell. The jolt popped his neck painfully hard, the hit making his eyes shut with an inhale. Carol did the same. "We're okay. We're okay."
Walkers started to fall ontop of the ambulance, one by one. Austin kept his eyes shut a moment. "Dumbasses."
He was gentle as he crawled out of the back, holding his neck in pain as he met up with a hurt and weak Carol, who Daryl was pulling along. Austin followed, the bag filled with medical supplies on his back.
"How bad is it?" Daryl asked Austin as he examined Carols shoulder.
"Had worse." she shook her head.
"Just out of place from the jolt." he said in return, keeping a gentle touch as he felt around her shoulder. "I can pop it back in."
"You know how?" Carol looked his way.
"Yeah." he nodded, pushing up on his knees. "It'll be quick. Deep breath."
Carol did so, Austin was quick with his movement as Carol winced with a faint sound of pain. Austin held her still, applying pressure onto the shoulder with his palm. "Better?"
"Yeah. Just sore now." she exhaled thankfully. "There's only three blocks between us and Grady."
"Fantastic. That's where she's gotta be." Austin spoke in joy and relief.
"We'll find a place near by." Daryl agreed. "Scope it out, see what we can see."
"You really think we're gonna find out what we need to know just by watching?" Carol looked over curiosity as Daryl drank from the canteen.
"Better then doing nothing." Austin pointed out, ripping one of the Dora bandaids from Glenn and pressing it over a cut on his hand. He missed him and hoped he was okay.
Like Daryl said, they had found a place nearby. Only one walker to take out, finding a machete along the way. Carol peered put the window. "It's them."
Austin hurried over quickly as he looked at the large hospital. "Gotta get her back."
"Let's see what we see." Daryl stayed by the window, as did the other two. He looked to Carol. "You said I ain't like how I was before?"
"Yeah." Carol spoke. Austin stayed sat on the window ceil, not taking his eyes off the ridiculously large hospital.
"How was I?" Daryl wanted an answer.
Carol took a second to think. "It was like you were a kid."
"What about you?" he looked her way.
Carol looked down. "Me and Sophia stayed at that shelter for a day and a half before I went running back to Ed. At home, I got beat up. Life went on and I just kept praying for something to happen. But, I didn't do anything. Not a damn thing. Who I was, with him, she got burned away and I was happy about that. I mean, not happy, but at the prison, I got to be who I always thought I should be. Thought I should have been. And then she got burnt away. Everything now just consumed you."
Austin let her words sink in, analyzing and piecing together what he could. Daryl shook his head. "We ain't ashes."
"I like you more with no Ed." Austin gave Carol a small smile. "That man was a piece of horrible work."
Carol almost laughed. "You're right."
"Hey." Daryl laughed. "You remember when this idiot lost his glasses and realized he didn't need em?"
"No, I do need em." Austin shook his head with a squint.
"You're seein just fine right now." Daryl shook his head.
"Not true. But, not blind." Austin exhaled, looking back for the hospital. "Maybe it's good I can't see 20/20. Wouldn't wanna look at this world in its full potential anyway."
"You're right." Carol agreed. A bang from the distance had their attention, following it together. The growling of a walker echoed once they got closer, Daryl taking the lead as he went around the corner.
"Oh, hell." Austin gapped when he saw the familiar arrow in the walkers neck. "That's yours."
Daryl stabbed the walker, yanking his arrow free. Austin jumped as he heard the familiar rapid shots from the rifle, not too far by. He took the lead on this one, Carol close behind. As they came around the corner, they were faced with the same boy from before fighting a walker. When he shoved it, it fell to Carol and took her down.
"Carol." Austin stabbed the walker, yanking it off. He looked to Daryl. "Go. I got her."
He listened, heading after the boy as Austin helped Carol up. "You okay?"
"Fine." she held her shoulder a second. "Didn't pop out of place again."
He put his arm around her as they walked, going around the corner to be met with the boy from before, an empty book shelf ontop of him. Austin looked to Daryl. "That's definitely an option."
"Did it to himself." Daryl waved him off, taking the cross bow.
"Please, please." the boy begged. "I gotta protect myself."
"Why you following us!" Daryl yelled at him.
"I didn't." he said back quickly and in a small panic. "I thought you followed me."
"Original." Austin mocked him with a glare, tilting his head. The walker from behind the door growled loudly, Daryl took the two packs of cigarettes off the ground. He gave one to Austin as the boy gave an odd look, grasping them in his hands.
"Come on, man. Please." the boy under the shelf begged. "Please. Please."
"I already helped you once. Aint happening again." Daryl lit the cigarette up. "Have fun."
"No, no, no." the boy begged as Daryl walked off. "Please! Please!"
Austin froze, following Daryl's gaze with the familiar look in his eyes. "What? You said to shoot him in the leg."
"To get our weapons back." Austin shrugged with the pleading look. "We got em. Can't leave him."
"Daryl." Carol spoke up next, clearly siding with Austin.
"You almost died cause of him!" Daryl yelled in disbelief.
"But, I didn't." she gapped, chest heaving.
"Nah, let him be." the Dixon man mocked after a moment of hesitation.
"Daryl!" Carol shouted.
"Come on." Austin urger Carol as she went to stab the walker, cut off by Daryl arrow doing it for em. He headed over, lifting the shelf as Austin grabbed the thin boy, yanking him back.
"Thank you. Thank you." he repeated, breathing heavy and gasping for air. He stood up, limping to the window. "I gotta go. I gotta go. They're gonna come. They probably heard the shot. If they find me..."
"Who?" Austin put his hand out to calm the boy.
"Them, people at the hospital." he motioned behind himself.
"Hey!" Austin grabbed him by the shirt as he tried to her away. "They got a blonde girl? Southern accent?"
"Beth?" he gasped.
"Oh god." Austin let him go with a sigh of relief, his legs nearly giving out as he held his knees. "Jesus f- oh my god. Is she okay?"
"You know her?" the boy gapped. "Sh-wait, are you Austin?"
"Yeah." Austin grabbed his shoulder much more gently. "Is she okay?"
"She helped me get out. But, she's still there." he explained with wide eyes.
"We gotta get her." Austin spoke sternly as he looked to Daryl.
"They're coming." Carol looked out the window at the car.
"We gotta go now. We gotta go. We gotta go." the boy spoke quickly as he urged Austin to follow, the trio running with him as they headed down the hallway. "The building next door has a basement. It's clear. We'll be safe."
They hurried before he cried out, falling over on his hurt leg. Daryl spoke up. "Go, go! I got em!"
"Carol, go." Austin encouraged her as he fell next to the boy. "Hold up, I got a wrap from the ambulance. It'll take some of the pressure off."
"Hurry." Daryl encouraged him as Austin quickly wrapped Noah's ankle, looking toward the window to see the car collide with Carols body. "No!"
"Carol." Austin stood in a panic.
"No, no, wait!" Noah latched onto the pair. "They can help her. They're the only ones who can. They have medicine, machines, a doctor. You go out there, you'll have to kill them, okay? And then she can't get there help. Is that what you want? We can get her back. We can get Beth back."
kylie speaks
poor thing really lost his
glasses in the middle of an
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