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[POV: June]
BEING BACK AT THE CAMERON'S HOME, UNEXPECTEDLY FELT COMFORTING. I took the longest shower, and fell asleep in a matter of seconds. The next day we were already making plans with the whole group, getting ready to take the gold and get our money finally.
Sarah: "How many bars?"
June: "Yeah, I had the same exact question."
John B: "I don't know. It was all muddy, I think it was like 500." -he mentioned, as we followed the boy through the garden of the large home.
Sarah: "500?"
June: "Oh my God."
John B: "Or maybe 600." -he replied, while smiling at us.
Sarah: "600 bars of gold?"
June: "Holy shit, how are we even going to take all that out?"-I asked, placing my hands on the brunette one's shoulders.
John B: "I don't know, I just know it was covering the walls...stacks of it. It's all there, June!" -he said, with complete excitement.
Sarah: "Hey, that's crazy!"
June: "Okay so like, what are we doing about it?"
John B: "All right, so Pope, has a plan."
We only kept walking throughout a large hallway outside in the patio, I was pretty much mesmerized by my surroundings. My brain had completely erased how beautiful the home was, I hadn't been to this area of the home in such a long time.
Ward: "Hey."
Ward's voice made us all quickly look over to our right, spotting the man, in front of us with a smile that almost seemed fake. I could already tell how John B and Sarah, started to panic. I tried my best to maintain calm and just act completely normal.
Sarah: "Hi." -she greeted, looking over to John B, awkwardly.
Ward: "What are you three plotting?"
John B: "Uh...the usual stuff." -he replied exchanging glances with Sarah who smiled at, Ward.
Sarah: "World domination."
Ward: "That's my girl, always aiming high. It's gonna have to wait a day, though."
We all looked back at Ward, after hearing his words. Making me frown my eyebrows at the man, who instantly smiled at me.
June: "Is everything okay, Mr. Cameron?" -I asked, pretending as if I was worried.
Ward: "Everything's fine, sweetheart. It's just that I'm gonna take you both fishing tomorrow morning...first light."
Me and John B, glanced at each other almost practically reading our minds. Both of us knew we weren't getting out of this one easily.
Ward: "Just you and me."
Sarah: "No, they can't tomorrow." -she mentioned, receiving a confused stare from, Ward.
Ward: "Why not?"
Sarah: "Well, because we have plans. June, also needs to go meet up with a friend."
Ward: "Oh, really? What plans are those? Sit by the pool all day?" -he questioned, making Sarah, sigh defeatedly.
Sarah: "No."
Ward: "Look, that boat needs a first mate, and you both need to start earning your keep around here, all right?"
I only glanced down to the ground, noticing John B, doing the same. Both of us didn't have any options anymore, there was nothing that could convince, Ward.
Sarah: "Dad."
Ward: "What? Sweetie, I'm kidding. They're new to the family, I wanna take them fishing...all right?"
We all glanced around the space, hearing Sarah's last words which were just a simple "ok."
Then a couple of minutes later, we had already met up with the rest of, The Pogues. I took a sit beside Sarah as she talked to Kie, about what we were planning on doing with the gold situation.
Kie: "He said it looked something like this."
Sarah: "So..."
Kie: "That's 50 feet down, and they're using 100-feet rope." -she explained while pointing at the small drawn map.
June: "This is kinda cute."
Kie: "Yeah, I guess this little wagon will go straight to the gold room." -she said in between laughter, making Sarah, laugh as well.
Sarah: "Who drew this?"
June: "Literally probably the most obvious person."
Kie: "Yeah, who do you think?" -she laughed as we all peeked through the window.
The three of us looked over to Pope, who was already staring at us with a proud expression but instantly looked away nervously.
June: "He's so cute." -I whispered, making the girls laugh.
Sarah: "Probably the sweetest out of the boys, totally deserves to date someone as good as him."
JJ: "Kie! This better work."
We all glanced outside seeing JJ arrive near the Twinkie, noticing how he dropped some of the gold in front of us.
JJ: "We can't pawn this if there's a wheat symbol in it."
Kie: "It's gonna work." -she reassured, picking up the gold to take it outside.
The rest of us followed along, looking at the girl, placing her protection glasses on.
Kie: "Stay back, this might get dangerous." -she mentioned, motioning me and Sarah, to step back from the fire.
The blonde one, walked towards John B, making me walk over to a nearby tree. Pope only took a sit beside JJ and Kie, beginning to melt the gold. Everyone had excited expressions filling their faces, it was sort of a memory I think I would cherish probably.
Finally after a while of waiting, John B, drove us all the way to what they called "the hidden part of the island". A couple of steps away from us was "Pawn" a very known store for, Pogues.
JJ: "Hell of a job melting it down, Dr.Frankenstein."
Kie: "Like you could've done better." -the girl argued, rolling her eyes by JJ's comment.
I walk beside John B, as we both read what the large sign said on top of the building. The muffled voices of the rest could be heard, this ones not too far from us.
June: "Sure this will work?" -I asked, placing my hand on John B's shoulder.
John B: "Yeah don't worry, it will."
I only nodded, walking towards the rest who still seem to be having an argument.
JJ: "I took a welding class."
Kie: "When?"
John B: "Whoa, whoa. Hey. Sh! Chill out, okay?"
June: "You guys are acting like an old married couple." -I mentioned, hearing both Pope and Sarah's laugh behind me.
JJ: "How did I get this job anyway?"
We began to walk over to the store's entrance, following JJ, close behind.
Pope: "Cause you're the best liar."
June: "I don't really believe that."
JJ: "Afternoon, ma'am." -he greeted, followed by the bell of the door echoing through the small shop.
We all disperse slowly throughout the store, everyone trying to not seem suspicious in any way possible. I only searched around in some old cabinets, most of it had old artifacts. Which I quite liked, it reminded me a lot of home.
Woman: "That ain't real." -she said in between chuckles, making me turn to see John B, who stared back at me.
JJ: "That ain't real?"
Woman: "It can't be."
JJ: "Feel how heavy it is." -he requested, followed by some mumbling I couldn't keep hearing over me getting distracted by, Sarah.
Sarah: "Isn't this cute?"
She asked, showing me a purple dress that had a lot of flowers. I approached the girl, grabbing part of the dress to feel the material.
June: "It is, I think it's actually kinda new." -I whispered, making her smile.
Sarah: "I don't think this will work. JJ, doesn't seem like a good liar."
June: "Just give him some time."
The girl nodded, proceeding to walk away from me. Approaching later on what looked like a bookshelf beside the counter.
JJ: "Wow. Would you look at that?"
Woman: "Hold your horses. We ain't got to the acid test yet."
JJ: "Ooh! The acid test. My favorite, guys." -he joked, plastering a slight smirk while turning to look at us.
We all watched from afar the process the woman, was doing. She seemed very unconvinced still, but suddenly her eyes widened as she took a look at the gold.
Woman: "Well, it ain't plated, and it ain't painted." -she mumbled, rubbing her finger against the edge of the small piece of gold.
JJ: "Ma'am, I'm telling ya, this is as real as the day is long."
Woman: "It looks like somebody tried melting it down." -she mentioned, making everyone look back towards, the woman.
My eyes darted to John B, slightly widened over how nervous I began to feel. The brunette one, only lifted his hand up to try and calm me down. He stepped closer to the counter followed by me, both of us peeking slightly to see what, the woman was doing now.
JJ: "My mom. She had all this jewelry laying around the house, and she thought it was best to...to melt it down."
June: "Oh God." -I mumbled, facepalming myself as I heard JJ's lie.
JJ: "To "consolidate" it."
We all tried our best to hold our laughs after JJ, finished. Looking over to the woman, who just seemed confused over what JJ, had mentioned.
Woman: "Seven pounds? That's a lot of earrings."
JJ: "Okay, to be honest, ma'am...It's really hard to see my mom fall apart with Alzheimer's."
Kie: "Alzheimer's?" -she asked, looking over to me and Pope, with a cringed expression.
June: "He's actually the craziest out of the whole friend group...I'm genuinely convinced now."
Woman: "Give me a minute."
JJ: "Take your time, ma'am."
We all peeked once again, seeing the woman, back away from the counter. She entered a nearby room, seeming to begin to speak to someone.
June: "What is she gonna do?" -I asked, walking over to JJ followed by, Pope and Kie.
JJ: "I don't know, think she's gonna talk to her boss."
June: "Do you think she's convinced?"
Kie: "She's gotta be, I mean, she literally did all of the test...right?" -she mentioned, making all of us nod in agreement.
Pope: "Okay...she's coming out."
The three of us quickly went back to look around, leaving JJ, alone once again. I was only a couple of steps away from him this time.
Woman: "So, I, uh...I talked to my boss."
JJ: "And?"
Woman: "And, uh, this is what I can do." -she finished, dropping a roll of money in front of, JJ.
JJ: "Fifty thousand? You think I walked in here not knowing the spot price? Ma'am, I know for a fact this is worth 140, at least."
Woman: "Well, sweetie, you in a pawnshop. This ain't Zurich, do I look Swiss to you?" -she replied, smiling sarcastically at, the blond one.
JJ: "Ninety, or I walk."
Woman: "Seventy. Half price...and, um...I don't ask questions about where you got this." -she whispered, automatically making everyone look at each other nervously.
JJ, only stayed quiet for a couple of seconds, this one keeping eye contact with John B, almost looking as if they were telepathically speaking to one another.
JJ: "I'm gonna need that in large denominations, please." -he replied, making all of us smile over what he said.
Woman: "Well, here's the snag. I don't have that much denominated, not here anyway. I can write you a cashier's check."
JJ: "Cash...No, ma'am. I want the cold hard. That's what that sign says. Cash for gold. And that's what I expect. I'm gonna get it cold hard."
Woman: "Well, I have to send you to the warehouse. I have the money there. Is that all right?"
JJ: "Where's this warehouse at?" -he asked, making the woman, write something down quickly on her notebook.
Later on, she ripped the page passing it to JJ, who grabbed it rapidly.
JJ: "Have a nice day, ma'am."
He then motioned us to follow along, finally allowing us to get out of there.
Pope: "So they keep money out here?"
The boy asked, making everyone look around the creepy street John B, was currently driving through. It was honestly looking like a dead end everywhere we went, specially this place.
JJ: "That's what she said...that's what she said." -he chuckled, making me frown my eyebrows.
Pope: "Stop."
Sarah: "I've never even heard of Resurrection Drive."
JJ: "It's cause you're rich."
June: "Leave her alone, JJ." -I demanded, making him roll his eyes.
Kie: "Exactly, you've never heard of it either."
Sarah: "Thank you." -she said, smiling at us slightly.
We all continued looking around what only seemed to be woods, it was like we were in a horror movie at the moment...literally.
June: "Okay, but...where even are we?" -I asked while staring at Pope, confused.
Kie: "Literally, there's nothing but weeds back here."
JJ: "All right, just cause it's just weeds, doesn't mean it's. Like..."
June: "Like a trap?"
Suddenly a siren whooped behind the Twinkie, gaining all of our attention. I only approached the window, peeking to see a cop car right behind us.
Kie: "Cops? Out here?"
JJ: "God! Are you kidding me?" -he exclaimed, hitting the side of his sit.
June: "JJ, calm down. It's gonna be okay, just hide that."
Sarah: "What did we do?"
Pope: "Why are we getting pulled over?" -he asked, taking a hold of my shoulder.
June: "I don't know, John B?"
John B: "Stash that." -he demanded, looking at JJ, with widened eyes.
Kie: "Chill, guys."
Pope: "I hate cops." -he mentioned, facepalming his forehead.
John B: "Did you bring the gun?"
June: "Please tell me you didn't." -I mumbled, grabbing JJ's backpack to help him hide the gold.
Everybody else just looked over to JJ, waiting for his answer quickly.
JJ: "Everybody told me to leave it back at the place."
Kie: "Thank God. Please, put everything else in your bag."
JJ: "I am! I am, all right?"
Pope and JJ, began to fidget around with the backpack, trying their best to be quick without getting caught. Everybody just continue to look at the boys with desperation surrounding our faces.
Unknown Man: "Why don't I go ahead and see them hands in the air right now?" -he interjected, followed by the sound of his gun being reloaded.
We all stared at him in pure shock, almost not daring to move one inch.
June: "John B?" -I whispered, almost feeling my lips shaking in fear.
Kie: "Shit."
Unknown Man: "All y'all's hands up in the air right now!" -he shouted, making everyone flinch automatically.
My hands began to shake rapidly, only to make everything feel way worse since I felt weak.
Unknown Man: "You, out of the car! Let's go!" -he demanded, pointing the gun directly to John B's head.
The brunette one, had no other choice and just headed out of the vehicle slowly. We all just observed everything that was happening in panic, not knowing what to do at all.
Unknown Man: "Out of the car! Let's go! Hurry, let them out!"
June: "Guys, what do we do?" -i whispered in between sobs, trying to take deep breaths.
Kie: "We can't do anything."
Unknown Man: "What are you waiting on? What are you waiting on? Let them out!" -he repeated following John B, close behind.
Pope: "He's coming over he-"
Unknown Man: "All y'all! Go on! Go on! Let's get out the car, let's go!" -he interrupted, as John B, opened the door slowly.
Sarah, didn't waist any seconds and began to head out of, the Twinkie.
Unknown Man: "There you go, pretty girl. Here we go! Get out the car, let's go! Hurry up!"
Everyone else did the same as, Sarah. The last one being JJ, who was quick to place himself in front of us.
JJ: "We're broke-"
Unknown Man: "Shut the hell up!"
JJ: "All right! Just relax!" -he shouted, backing away from the man, still covering us from being pointed with the gun.
Unknown Man: "Shut the hell up! Shut up!"
JJ: "Chill!"
June: "JJ, just shut up." -I whispered, pulling onto the back of his shirt with one of my hands, as I kept the other one up.
Unknown Man: "Blow your damm head off!"
We all continued to walk away slowly, followed by the man, who didn't seem familiar at all.
Unknown Man: "Lay down in the ditch! Lay down in the ditch." -he repeated, pointing the gun at all of us.
We all just did what he ordered, each time panicking even more over how loud he was shouting.
Unknown Man: "Put your face on the ground! Stay here just like that! Put your head down." -he shouted as he pushed JJ's head onto the dirt.
I only continued to stare at the dirt, avoiding to look around over how scared I felt. Everything seemed to be happening on slow motion at the moment, it was a very unpleasant feeling. I was in between JJ and Pope, but I only kept looking around for one person in specific, which was, John B. Something was telling me he was gonna do something stupid, I needed to let him know not to.
Unknown Man: "Don't let me see you look up, all right? That's all y'all gotta do." -he finished, going inside of, the Twinkie.
June: "John B, don't even think of doing something...okay?" -I whispered, looking towards my left to make eye contact with, the brunette one.
He only nodded slightly, but this didn't convince me at all. In fact, I think I gave him an idea instead.
Kie: "It's a setup, guys."
JJ: "That old bat shanked us. Fuck! Goddamn it!" -he exclaimed, punching the ground repeatedly.
June: "JJ, stop. That's just gonna make it worse, stop it."
We all glanced up, seeing how the man, searched for something desperately all over the Twinkie. Making me wonder if he knew about the gold as well.
Sarah: "Wait. No, no, no, no. John B...No."
I turned my head slowly, seeing how John B, was already standing up from the ground. I automatically widened my eyes by the sight, shuffling Pope, around so he could try stopping, the brunette one.
Pope: "Shit, John B. Don't be a hero, man."
John B: "Sh."
He then ran slowly towards the cop car, leaving us alone with complete panic surrounding our bodies.
June: "He's gonna get us killed." -I sobbed quietly, covering my face with my arms once again.
A couple of seconds later, we heard footsteps approaching our way. Only for me to keep my head down still since I knew who it was.
Unknown Man: "All right, y'all stay like that. Unless you want your brains blown out all over this road, don't move your goddamm heads, okay?"
He finished, walking away from us. We only looked up slightly, trying to see what John B, could be doing but he was nowhere to be seen. The only thing that could be heard was grunting coming from the vehicle, making everyone peek to see what was going on.
John B: "Guys, I got the gun!" -he shouted, quickly signaling us to go over to the car.
JJ, ran quickly towards the grunting, followed by me and Sarah. The man, had gotten out of the vehicle as he fought with John B, trying his best to snatch the gun away from his arms. He was able to punch John B's ribs but JJ, was quick to punch him from behind.
The both of them began to fight each other, only making us approach even quicker seeing how JJ, was punched harshly. Kie only ran towards the man, but was pushed back.
June: "Leave her alone!" -I shouted, kicking his knee to later on push him back.
Thankfully coming in handy cause two seconds later John B, hit it him with the gun right behind his spine.
Pope: "I got the gold!"
The man had fallen right in front of Sarah, which made him take grip onto her legs making her shriek. She then began to hit him constantly with the door from the vehicle until he eventually fell once again. This allowing all of us to kick him so he could let go of Sarah, who still had his grip on her legs.
Sarah: "You son of a bitch!" -she exclaimed, pushing her hair back while placing her other hand on my back.
We all watched how JJ, removed the mask covering the man's face. Allowing us to finally see who was behind this all along.
JJ: "I know this piece of shit! He's a basehead!" -he stated, as we all gasped for air repeatedly.
Sarah: "Probably knows my brother."
I glanced over to Sarah, once I heard what she mentioned. Later on, glancing down at the man, once again. This time, I was able to realize that he did looked familiar actually.
JJ: "He sells coke to my dad."
June: "His name is Barry, right?" -I asked, looking at JJ, for an answer.
Barry: "How'd you know my name?"
June: "You're Bailey Martin's brother. I'm friends with her, asshole." -I replied, glaring at the man, fully disgusted.
Pope: "Holy shit, you're right."
Barry: "Listen, I couldn't hurt any single one of y'all-" -he was suddenly interrupted by JJ, hitting his head with then gun abruptly.
Kie: "JJ!"
June: "JJ, what the hell?!" -i shouted, watching how John B and Pope, grabbed onto him quickly.
Pope: "Dude, chill, man."
June: "Guys, please let's just go." -I pleaded, interlacing my arm with Sarah's.
Pope: "Dude, she's right. Come on, let's get outta here."
JJ only took a hold of Barry, again. This time searching for something on his jacket's pockets. He pulled what looked like a small wallet, which inside only had Barry's ID. He took the small card with him, throwing the rest at the man, to walk over to the Twinkie.
JJ: "We got one last stop."
John B: "Hey!" -he exclaimed, trying to gain the blond ones attention as he saw JJ, walking away.
JJ: "Let's go see where this son of a bitch lives."
I glanced back to JJ, noticing how determined he looked. He wasn't regretting anything he did and was about to do. I approached John B, beginning to pull his wrist. Only for him to grab my hand tightly, this while glaring down at, Barry.
Barry: "I'm gonna remember this shit!" -he shouted, trying to stand up but couldn't over how bad the pain probably was.
John B walked over to Sarah, as well. Placing his other hand behind her back, as she kept heavy breathing.
John B: "You okay?" -he asked, getting some of the dirt away from my cheek.
June: "Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?"
John B: "Yup, let's just get out of here. Go, I'll meet you in, the Twinkie." -he requested, pushing me gently towards, Sarah.
I only grabbed Sarah's hand, walking quickly towards the van. I glare over to Barry, one last time, seeing him trying to crawl but failing miserably.
Barry: "You can't hide from me! I know exactly who y'all are! Huh? You're gonna see me again! You hear me?!"
John B, only grabbed the cop car's keys, throwing them towards the woods quickly. He then ran back towards the van once again.
John B: "Come on, get in the Twinkie." -he whispered, making me get inside rapidly.
[POV: Bailey]
After what felt like hours of complete misery at my Uncle's house, I decided to go back home and find some of my old stuff. Also taking this as an opportunity to reunite with Barry, who I didn't know nothing about.
The trailer was empty though. Everything that belonged to me, was no longer inside. Only Barry's belongings were filling the area, and unfortunately there was no sign of him anywhere. I only decided to go to sleep and wait for him to get back home, but I waited for hours.
And just when I thought things couldn't get more weirder, a couple of voices gained my attention. This as I rested on top of what used to be my bed, I only sat up quickly trying to hear who it might be.
Unknown Voice: "What happens after you rob a drug dealer, huh? He knows who we are! His sister, knows who we are."
Unknown Voice 2: "I'm not scared of this guy."
I quickly stood up from my bed as soon as I heard footsteps approaching my room, letting myself fall to the ground to rapidly hide under my bed. Yeah, I know...worst hiding spot possible.
Unknown Voice: "JJ, don't-"
Bailey: "JJ?" -I mumbled to myself, after hearing the boy, say the familiar name.
I covered my mouth after seeing a pair of shoes walking around my room rapidly, this person seemed desperate. He searched on both of my closets, eventually finding my backpack filled with the money I had been saving for a while. This ones to be able to get out of, Outer Banks.
JJ: "There we go." -he mumbled, dropping all of the money on top of the bed.
Unknown Voice: "What are you doing?"
JJ: "Getting even!" -he replied, packing all of the money quickly.
My eyes only widened by hearing everything that was happening, I was too scared to come out and try something...just for me to probably get hurt.
JJ, only walked out of the room, approaching the kitchen once again.
JJ: "All right, took care of business."
Unknown Voice: "Hey, look at me. If you keep going down this road, you're gonna end up just like your dad, do-"
JJ: "You watch your mouth, man." -he interrupted.
This was all making me wonder what was happening, as I was still hiding under the bed. And then it suddenly clicked, I knew the two boys. One was probably JJ Maybank, the other one...I wasn't sure yet.
I was still too afraid to get out and confront them though, I knew two against one was probably not gonna end well at all obviously.
Bailey: "Shit." -I mumbled, beginning to crawl from underneath the bed.
JJ: "Aren't you tired of being messed with?"
Unknown Voice: "That's not the point, JJ." -he replied, sounding annoyed by his friend's comment.
JJ: "Cause I am."
I grabbed my phone that rested underneath my pillow, dialing quickly Barry's phone number. I waited a couple of seconds for his response, only hearing how the pair began to walk out of the trailer.
I then crouched down, making my way slowly towards the kitchen to look through the window. Eventually I was able to spot way more people, familiar faces. I covered my mouth quickly, seeing Pope and June, waiting outside.
Then, two other familiar boys coming out of the trailer. Which I was right about one, JJ Maybank. The other one was John B, who I had only talked once but knew thanks to, June. My only thought was "why are they doing this?" This was just very confusing, and now I had more reasons to not confront them.
Kie: "So that's what we're doing now? We're robbing drug dealers?"
Sarah: "This Barry guy's gonna find out. And he's gonna come after us."
Bailey: "Sarah Cameron? With, Pogues?" -I mumbled to myself, holding onto my phone tightly as I tried calling Barry, again.
June: "Guys, the girls are right. JJ, why would you even do that? We know Barry, did something horrible. But we know his sister, she's our friend."
JJ: "She's your friend, not mine. He should know to not mess with us, you know that." -he replied, pointing her finger at her.
June: "Why are you being so rude?"
JJ: "Just shut up guys! He won't find out." -he exclaimed, stepping away from the group.
Pope: "Yes, he will. Okay? This is not the time to start wilin' out."
JJ: "How'd you like having a gun pulled on you?" -he asked, making me gasp as I heard what he mentioned.
I knew how Barry, was. Obviously cause he's my brother, but I never thought he would be capable on pulling a gun on someone. Specifically someone...my age.
John B and JJ, stepped near each other. The two arguing while pointing their fingers to one another, everyone else just watched completely shocked.
JJ: "He had it right here on you, bro."
John B: "Look, we've gotta go get the gold, okay? Just give me that shit." -he said, trying to pull the backpack away from his hands but failed as he was pushed towards their van.
I felt my phone vibrate on my hand, making me pay attention to it quickly. Seeing how Barry's name popped up in my screen, instantly making me answer the phone call.
Bailey: "Where are you?" -I whispered filled with desperation in my tone.
Barry: "Why are you whispering, Bails?"
He sounded annoyed as he spoke, each word coming out harshly. Only making me sigh as I kept seeing the group argue.
Bailey: "Is it true?"
Barry: "What?" -he asked, sighing on the other side of the phone line.
Bailey: "Is it true that you held some Pogues, at gun point?"
Barry: "Who told you that?" -he questioned, sounding completely frightened by my question.
Bailey: "I'm hearing them right now, as they're inches away from taking the only money I have to get the hell away from this island."
Barry: "What the hell are you talking about?" -he snapped, raising his voice up slightly.
Bailey: "What you heard, Barry. This is all happening because of your stupid decisions, now you better hurry up and come home."
I finished, hanging up the phone call. I then looked out the window, wiping away some tears resting in my cheeks.
John B: "We're sick of your shit."
JJ: "Oh, my shit?"
John B: "Yeah. Yeah. Your shit."
Kie: "Yes. Your pulling guns on people shit." -she mentioned, looking at the blond one, filled with anger.
Pope: "You acting like a freaking maniac-"
JJ: "Okay, Pope, I took the fall for you, man! Know how much I owe because of you?"
June: "That's not his fault, JJ!"
JJ: "Stay out of this!" -he shouted, pushing her back.
John B stepped in front of June, as he saw what the blond one had done. Staring back at him with grinned eyes, that hold nothing but anger.
June: "You're blaming him for no reason!"
Pope: "Look, I'm gonna pay you back. And I didn't ask you to do that!"
JJ: "I just did! Pay it back. Right here, right now, by myself." -he stated, as everyone just observed around the area.
All I could wonder was what could possibly be going on with all of them? What gold were they talking about? Should I just let them take the money?
JJ: "You know what? That's exactly what I'm gonna do. Go off by myself." -he finished, grabbing my backpack, walking away from the group.
Leaving me completely paralyzed, literally paralyzed. I wasn't moving, my feet had completely collapsed as I saw him taking the money. Why wasn't I reacting? Why wasn't I doing anything in my power to defend myself?
Pope: "JJ!"
John B: "Hey, wait, man." -he trembled, taking a hold of Pope's shoulders as they watched the blond one, walk away.
Kie: "Just let him go."
They all stood silent for a while, not hurrying up at all. I only took a couple of breaths, trying to find the courage to come out and tell them to just leave. Which surprisingly, I did find it.
Bailey: "Leave right now."
The whole friend group turned around to face me, all of their expressions screaming shock. My sight was blurry over all of the tears covering my eyes, as I stared at all of them.
June: "Bailey?"
Bailey: "Look, I'm not mad. I'm just really confused over what the hell happened, but I need you to leave."
Pope: "Bailey, I'm sorry that he stole your money."
Bailey: "It doesn't matter, just leave! Barry, is gonna be home soon. He's not gonna hold mercy on any of you. So, go! Now!" -I demanded, slamming the door shut.
Only to drop down on my knees on the wooden floor, slowly loosing the slight hope I had of freedom in me.
Why do people do the things they do? A question a lot of people wonder most of the time. Does happiness ever last forever? No, it never does.
End of chapter.
Sofia's notes:
Did you miss me? Probably yes...probably no. I just want to to say, sorry for the longest wait of the next chapter. I struggle to gain motivation, I hope you can understand!!
Love you lots ๐ more chapters hopefully coming soon.
Instagram/TikTok: sofifics
Pinterest: sofiafics
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