ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯


AUTHORS NOTE: I would first like to start this off with an apology on this update being so late. I have spent the last month in and out of hospitals due to a family member having some health problems. I have also rewritten this chapter like four times, but thankfully I can use the old drafts for future chapters.

I would also like to thank everyone who is reading this book. Thank you so much for supporting my journey and please feel free to comment suggestions; whether it be plot wise or writing wise.

Enjoy Chapter Twelve: Therapist & Cases


IGNORANCE IS BLISS or so Kylie had always thought. Growing up, she could step outside and pretend the fighting happening behind her parents locked door wasn't happening. Instead, she would imagine them curled up next to each other on her mothers neatly decorated king sized bed, watching one of the terrible romantic comedies her father loved.

But, now it was different. As Kylie watched her best friend of five years tread across the floor of her apartment and linger in the kitchen doorway, she thought of how she was dreading the day.

Gabbi had arrived three days prior, her plane getting in way sooner than she let on. Kylie gently chewed the inside of her cheek, trying to calm her racing nerves. She was beyond stressed; her upcoming appointment had her nerves running laps in the pit of her stomach.

She knew she was going to have to do this eventually. It was apart of her agreement.

After sitting down Leo's family and CaseyΒ  after Thanksgiving dinner, Kylie explained to them her recent struggles involving her mental health, and after a long and emotional conversation; Donnie proposed she seek professional help, and work steps given to her by a doctor. And Casey made her agree to see one and begin medication.

So, here she was fully dressed sitting on top of her neatly made bed, an hour before her appointment that was taking place across town. Kylie listened to footsteps tread heavily towards her door and she frowned as Casey stepped in.

He wore a soft smile and a held his hand out towards her.

"Come on kid, the sooner you go, the sooner it's over with."

Kylie frowned and crossed her arms over chest before turning and gazing out towards the city. She took a deep breath before turning back to Casey. She reluctantly took his hand and allowed him to guide her out of the room.

Gabbi waved to her a small goodbye before closing the door behind the siblings.


The sound of clashing metal rang throughout the lair, hot breaths and loud grunts filled the air as Leo and Raph charged towards each other.

Splinter remained silent as he watches his sons, a familiar sense of anger in one; but an unrecognized version in the other. He carefully ran his fingers down his skinny beard as he watched Leo knock Raph's sais' out of his hand and into the nearby wooden beam.

Donnie and Mikey exchanged glances, as they watched; unsure of how to react.

"Bro, I've never seen Leo this angry; not even when we broke in police headquarters!"Β  Mikey whispered-yelled

"Shh! He'll hear us, Mikey!" Donnie scolded

He then turned and watched as Leo knocked Raph to the ground, pinning him to the floor.

"But you are right, he has been a bit ....moody."

Mikey gasped as he turned to Donnie

" he in season? I thought I always started first!"

Donnie slapped the back of Mikey's head.

"Mikey. Our season is in spring, it's winter! And you do always start first."

"Oh...then what's wrong with him?"

But before Donnie can respond, Raph pushes past them in a fit of rage. They both then turned their attention to back towards the dojo to find a perfectly still Leonardo.

Mikey turns his head in confusion, unable to comprehend how he was able to calm himself so quickly. But Donnie watched as his brother shook slightly, and how his shoulders squared unevenly.

Donatello had learned over the years each of his brothers ticks, ones they did when they were upset. And he was able to tell that Leo was still fuming, but he trying to hide it.

Donnie turned and looked to his father, who nodded before turning back to his eldest.

Donnie put a hand on Mikey's shoulder before pointing his head towards the lab.

"Come on Mikey, you can use my computer to watch YouTube."

Mikey, who chose to pretend to be ignorant to the situation, happily nodded before heading towards the lab. Donnie gave one last look in Leo's direction, before following behind Mikey.

Splinter takes a weary breath, unsure of how to approach the silent turtle in front of him. For his entire life, after he was mutated, he as watched each of his sons develop into their own individuals.

Raphael is rebellious and aggressive; but he is passionate and would do anything to protect his family. Donatello is a hermit and closed off; but he is intelligent and always improving himself and his brothers. Michaelangelo is ditzy and carefree; but he is positive and the glue that keep his brothers together.

And Leonardo, the eldest, is stubborn and a ideologue (some would argue a narcissist to an extent); but he was calm and collected. Only a few times in his life has Splinter seen him show such anger towards his brother; and each time before we're understandable moments. Ones that were caused by him bottling his feelings until they explode.

But this time was different, and Splinter knew why. He's sons short time spent with the beautiful brunette that had waltzed into they're home, had made him a different person. Splinter had long before noticed the change in his son's demeanor.

The past few weeks, Leonardo had listened more to his brothers and had begun to take into count their views on different topics. He had become more at peace with not only his siblings, but himself.

Splinter knew that Leonardo's outburst was due to her absence. Splinter knew that Leonardo now didn't know what to do now that she was away.

He, however, did not know how to address this problem. But he stepped forward anyway. He knelt in front of his son and rested a hand on his shoulder.

Leonardo's blue eyes looked down at his tired brown ones, and Splinter gave him a small smile before beginning to speak.


Kylie took a breath as she and Casey stepped into the speak white office. No one else occupied the waiting room, besides a shorter blonde behind the front desk. Kylie gulped, the stillness of the room spoke in loud volumes that made Kylie quiver as she took another step forward.

Rubbing her arms continuously, Kylie took a seat closest to the exit; hoping to be able to run away. Casey frowned at her as he turned back from the receptionist. He walked over to her and gently squeezed her hand after sitting down. Kylie instinctly laid her head on his shoulder.

"It's going to be okay, Kylie. Dr. Quincy will be able to help you. Think of her as an expensive best friend."

Kylie gave him a soft smile, before turning back towards the front. She could feel her nerves performing summer saults in the pit of her stomach, and her hand began to shake furiously as she heard the door click and a ginger haired woman stepped into the waiting room.

"Ms. Jones?" The lady said towards her.

Kylie nodded before standing and began to walk over. However, she was surprised when the ginger began to walk towards her. The lady smiled at Kylie warmly before holding out her hand.

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Jones, I'm Dr. Quincy, but you can call me Tracey."

Kylie shakes her hand nervously.

"Just Kylie is fine."

"Alright Kylie, is this your brother?" Tracey asked looking over her shoulder

Casey stood up and walked over. Once he reached Kylie's side, he stuck out his hand in her direction.

"Yes ma'am. I'm Casey."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Casey."

Tracey then turned her attention back to Kylie. Kylie noticed the slight age in her face, the subtle form of wrinkles present high in her cheeks and forehead.

"Now Kylie, I can tell you're a little nervous. I want to assure you that we're not hitting the heavy stuff today. I'm simply going to get to know you and do some evaluations and try to get you started on some meds, okay?"

Kylie nodded, feeling slightly better.

Tracey nodded at Casey before gently putting an arm around Kylie's shoulder and leading her back into her office. Kylie turned and glanced at her brother over her shoulder.

Casey smiled and nodded, putting the restless sea within her at ease.

For the time being, at least.


"Leonardo, my son. Your impatience with your brothers has grown significantly within the past few days."

Leo looks away slightly, unable to meet his father's eye.

"She is not gone forever, my son. She is very fond of you. Kylie simply must put her first, something she has had trouble with in the past. You know a thing or two about the past haunt us, my son. You must take her short absence as a bliss; for soon she will return and fill void I see growing in you." Splinter states calmly

Leonardo lowers his head, his fist clinching against his navy blue cargo trousers.

"I just....I don't understand Dad."

Splinter chuckles as he stands.

"Your emotions have always alluded you, Leonardo. But they are something you must figure out on your own."

As Leonardo raised his to question his father, he realized quickly that Splinter had already vacated the Dojo.

Leo remained in his position on the floor longer, unsure of how much time had really passed. Each time he closed his eyes, he could the difference within himself; a version of his spirit that he did not recognize.

It was older, and much more wiser. It's aura calm and a vibrant blue, one that Leo knew was the leader he wanted to be.

But, he could never get close enough to see the exact difference. He couldn't find what was keeping him from unlocking this version of himself.

That was why he missed Kylie. Her intuitive knowledge and great psychological skills would benefit Leo greatly in trying to dispher this unknown entity within him.

He could already picture her sitting beside on the floor of the dojo, listening attentivly to every thought and feeling. She would begin to write in that little white notebook she always carries with her, and then she would ask him questions; ones that would force him to learn true answers, no matter how ugly.

He chuckled lightly as he thought of the scrunched look of her eyes and noses when she was concentrating, and how she always nibbles on the side of her pin while writing.

It was when he opened his eyes again, he realized she wasn't there; and he felt his heart ache as the growing cold around him nipped at his exposed skin.

But, he brushed aside that pain and pushed himself up from the ground.

'I can figure this out myself' Was his thought as he marched out of the dojo and into his room.


"So, Kylie. Tell me about your self." Tracey says as Kylie takes a seat.

Kylie looked down at the velvet green couch below her, which surprisingly felt comfortable against her calloused hands, and took in the aesthetic of the room. It was small, and had all white walls. Tracey sat in a pretty white chair across from her; her emerald eyes matching the couch and plants throughout the room.

"Uh, I was born and raised in New Haven, Michigan. When I was 14 I got accepted into a private boarding school in France, While completing my diploma I took college level courses and completed my associates degree. I know attend Colombia University where I will be finishing my bachelor's this upcoming spring."

"Wow. That's very impressive, Kylie. Congratulations."

"Thank you." She says, her cheeks turning bright red from embarrassment

"Now what else do you do? What are some of your hobbies?"

"I'm really good at playing instruments. I'm excellent at playing the Cello, Violin, Piano and Viola. I could be better at the Bass."

"Again, very impressive. You'll have to bring on of your instruments and play for me soon."

Kylie smiled shyly at her, still slightly uncomfortable.

"So star student, musical prodigy. What else do you excel at?"

"Hmm... I'm an extremely organized person, everything from my closet to journals are color coordinated. I'm also good at cooking, I enjoy making homemade meals."

Tracey smiled at Kylie kindly before speaking.

"Now, this is a bit of the harder part. I'm going to hand you a survey and I want you to answer it honestly. You'll have a few more after this and then I'll tell you the next course of action."

Kylie nodded reluctantly, not exactly enjoying the idea of playing the rest of the appointment by ear, but smiled anyways as Tracey handed her the pen and paper.


As Leo walked into the lair's living room, he picked up on the deadly quiet atmosphere. You could hear a pen drop from the other side of the room type of quiet.

He reluctantly stepped forward and looked around, scoping the area. He then heard a noise from the lab that made him instinctly reach for his katanas and step forward. He swiftly pulled them from his back and treaded carefully towards Donnie's lab.

He, however, slipped his katanas back into their place on his back shell when he saw Mikey crowded in front of the computer.

He stepped forward and looked further down to find Donnie working on the engine of the Shellrasier. He smiled softly, and stepped closer to Mikey; placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You know watching videos on the computer is just as bad as watching TV, Mikey."

"Hmmm....maybe, but it's definitely more fun! There's a wide range of options, the possibilities are endless!"

Leo rolled his eyes at his youngest brother before looking down at the screen to see one of the millions of cat videos that Mikey enjoyed. However, beside him, Donnie's T-phone begins to vibrate against the metal table; moving it across it's cool surface.

"Don!" Leo called as he picked it up to check the number.

And he couldn't help but notice how bad he'd wished it had been Kylie calling.

But Donnie came running over he could think to much into it. Leo handed his brother and the phone and he answered.


Leo stood not far from him, his arms crossed as he leaned against the table beside him. Mikey, to no surprise, still had his head glued to the monitor.

"Oh, Chief Vincent!"

Leo turned his head towards him and Donnie turned to make eye contact with him as the call progressed.

"Uh, yes ma'am. We can be down at the station in 20." He responded quickly as he tried to mouth to Leo what was happening.

Shortly after that the called ended.

"The Chief wants us down at the station, there's a class the NYPD and FBI need help solving; and we're apparently the right guys for the job."

Leo nodded before stepping forward.

"Mikey." He said, and the orange clad turtle looked up from the computer.

"Get Raph and Gear up, we're heading to Police Headquarters."

Mikey nods before racing towards the direction of the bedrooms. Leo then turns to Donnie who nods and heads in the opposite direction.

Leo lets out a breath as he looks down at his fist, before clenching them heading towards the Shellrasier.


As Kylie plops down on the little brown couch of her apartment, she instantly lays her head on Gabbi's shoulder and cuddles into her side.

Casey had left as soon as he dropped her off, having to head to the academy to finish his registration.

Gabbi simply covered her up with the blanket she had covering her legs and turned on Keep Up With the Kardashians.

The two sat in a perfect silence, and Kylie laid perfectly still. Her mind was eased in a way it hadn't been earlier that morning; she was at peace. Kylie was beyond thankful for Gabbi being there beside her, and she couldn't help but wonder what she did to deserve her.

Before long, 4 hours had past and Kylie could feel her stomach rumbling. Gabbi had turned at the vibration against her chest and smiled again her.

"We should get something to eat, I'm craving pizza."

Kylie instantly smiled, and thought of how happy Mikey always is when she brought down a freshly made pepperoni pizza. Her eyes then went a little wide as she realized that Gabbi didn't know about her turtle friends; and she was unsure if she was able to tell her about them.

"Ce qui est faux? Vous avez l'air d'Γͺtre un cerf dans les phares." (What is wrong? You look as though you are a deer in headlights.)

"Rien, dΓ©solΓ©" Kylie answered quickly (Nothing, sorry)

Gabbi chose to simply let go of her concern, though she felt that since she had arrived that Kylie was keeping something from her.

"Come on, let's go get some pizza; I know a great place."


Leo marched out of one of the many meetings rooms and headed straight to the designated equipment room the Chief had installed for the turtles.

His brothers kept their distance from him, muttering amongst themselves; but Leonardo paid them no mind.

He simply kept his head forward and quickened his pace. He was excited for their first official police mission, and he was particularly excited about having something to keep him busy.

The mission was simple enough. A high class banker robber by the code name 'Blackspot' had spent the last 6 months stealing millions of dollars from banks around the city without ever stepping inside any of them.

The turtles job was to track down Blackspot and turn him in, and hopefully find the stolen money. As Leo stepped into the equipment room, he was shocked by how spacious and fancy the layout was.

Four huge lockers were pressed against the corner of the left wall, and a giant computer set up was at the very back of the room. In between was a large metal table and some benches.

Leo snapped out of his daze and instinct went to the first locker, closest to the corner, and began to grab some of the gear from inside.

As the others stepped in, their jaws dropped at the sight; especially Donnie who began to fangirl about the supercomputer at the back.

"Ah yeah boy! This is sick!" Mikey celebrated

Raph headed over to the lockers, but avoided eye contact with Leo as he picked the locker furthest from his. Donnie quickly took a seat at the computer and turned it on. While Mikey just walked around the room.

"Alright guy, this is plan." Leo started as he took his spot at head of the table.

Donnie turned his chair around to face him and Raph and Mikey migrated over to the table.

"The first step to finding Blackspot is finding out clues as too who he is. Don, Vincent said that computer was state of the art; you're responsible for tracking him down."

Donnie nods before turning back around, and Leo turns to Raph and Mikey.

"Once Donnie finds Blackspot, you two will track him down and turn him in."

"What about you?" Mikey questioned

"I'm going to find out where that money is."

Mikey nodded and Raph simply grunted.

"You guys can't really do anything until I track this guy down. I'll call when I find a location or who he is."

Mikey got up and left quickly, not waiting for Leo to dismiss the team. Leonardo rolled his eyes and Raphael simply followed behind Mikey.

"Alright Don, see you back at the lair."

Hours had passed and still nothing had come up on Donnie's search for Blackspot. He had tried everything he could think of, and still nothing came up. No locations, no computers, no specific Internet entries, and no one in the NYPD database relating to Blackspots' description.

Donnie paced back and forth in front of the computer, his sixth cup of coffee in his hand. He tried over and over again to relay all the information in his head, and as he pinned each dead end together on the bulletin board; the more complicated and frustrating the process became.

Multiple times he had been tempted to call Kylie, who was an expert in solving cases like this according to Casey. But Leo had specifically instructed him and the others that Kylie was not to be contacted under any circumstances.

However, Donnie knew that he wasn't going to be able to solve this by himself. And it was just minutes away from Leo's fifth text, asking about the progress he's made. So, deciding break rank, Donnie called Kylie.

After a few rings, Donnie hears the line pick up on the other end.

"Hello?"Β  Kylie whispered

"Hey, Kylie. It's me Donnie."

"Donnie? It's 1 am." She yawned

"I know, and I'm sorry; but I need your help."

"What do you need?"

Donnie goes into full detail, explaining everything about the case.

"Don, I have finals in two days. I don't know that I'll have time to solve this and finish studying." She explains

"I don't need you to solve it, I just... need you to organize it for me."

"You know, its kinda rude that you haven't called or texted me in a few days, but you call when you need something." Kylie states semi-seriously

"Well according to Leo, we aren't supposed to talk to you."

Donnie listens as Kylie pauses, and he can tell she's debating on what to say next.

"So, you're breaking rank currently?"

"Yes. Leo cannot know I called you, much less asked for your help."

"I won't say anything, it's not like he's been texting me anyways." She says sadly

There is a pause between them and as Donnie goes to ask her about therapy, she cuts him off.

"Let's meet up tomorrow to discuss the case. I'll meet you at HQ in the morning."

But before Donnie can point out the fault in the arrangement, Kylie hangs up.

Leaving Donnie to pounder how he was going to keep Leo from finding out.

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