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THE SWEET SOUND of Kylie humming happily along to Selena Gomez's 'Can't Keep My Hands to Myself' playing in the background as she packaged the last of the ingredients she needed for tonight. It was currently 6:42pm, and she needed to be out the door by seven.
She had texted Leo after her morning classes, letting him know that she would have to make the pizza's in the lair, due to not being able to bake the crust and then bake the toppings afterwards. He had said that was fine and that he would move the meeting point closer, so she didn't have to walk as far with all the groceries. She felt instantly giddy inside, like when your first crush notices you in class for the first time.
However, those happy and childish feelings didn't stop Kylie from questioning herself. Here she was fangirling over a guy she had just met. Two days ago her life was perfectly content and peaceful; now she feels the need to update him on every little thing that happens.
Maybe it was because of his lack of contact with society that made Kylie want to include him, but that would just be an excuse.
Kylie pushes her thoughts aside before heading to her room. She was currently wearing a pair of black leggings and an ACDC t-shirt. However, the weather outside was on the warmer side, and if she was going to be walking 8 blocks; she was definitely putting on shorts. She grabbed the first short sleeve black shirt hanging in her closet and a pair of light denim shorts. She quickly changed and threw her current outfit into her hamper and put on her new one.
She then sent a text to both Leo and Casey to let them know she was leaving the apartment. Kylie slipped on her white Nikes and grabbed her phone, keys and ingredients before locking the door behind her as she exited the apartment.
After 8 blocks, Kylie could feel the sweat forming on her forehead. She quickly turned into the alleyway as instructed by Leo in his text and leaned against the building behind her. As she takes out her phone to text Leo, but suddenly something jumps down from the rooftops; causing Kylie to panic and drop her phone.
"Woah hey, it's just me." Leo says reassuringly
As Kylie holds her hand over her heart, furiously attempting to regain a steady breathing rate, Leo reaches down and picks up her phone.
"I'm sorry I scared you. That wasn't my intention."
By now, Kylie's breathing as slowed, only to realize how close Leo was to her face.
"No..no..it's, uh, okay. Just wasn't expecting it, is all."
As he goes to talk, he suddenly realizes how close he was to her and quickly took a step back before holding out her phone.
"Thank you." She says grabbing it from him
There fingertips brush one another, and Kylie was fighting to keep from melting into a puddle at his feet.
"Uh, anyways. I've got everything in here. How do you want to get this to the lair."
He smiled slightly before holding up a finger. He then lifted the nearby sewer lids with ease and gently set it to the side.
"I'm going to climb down the ladder and you hand me the bags."
As Leo began to climb down, Kylie grabbed the bags from off the ground and brings them over to the manhole. Leo gives her a
small smile before she brings to hand him the bags. Once finished, he steps aside and Kylie climbs down, sliding the manhole cover back in its place.
She goes to take some of the bags from his hands, but he stops her.
"I've got them. You've already done more than enough."
Thankfully it's dark and Leo can't see the furious blush forming on her face.
"No it's okay really. I don't mind."
"Well I do. Please, let me carry them."
Kylie wanted to faint from the headrush she was getting.
Kylie can feel his smile hanging in the air and she moves as shown as she hears him step forward.
As the reach the entrance of the lair, Leo motions for her to follow him to the kitchen. She they make their way to the kitchen, Kylie can hear chatter from Donnie's lab and she smiles to herself. Leo sets down the groceries on the counter and gives her a soft smile.
"How good are you guys at cooking?" Kylie asked as she started to unpack some of the ingredients.
"Uh- not the best. There's a reason we only eat pizza." Leo responds as he starts to help her.
Kylie laughs lightly before grabbing the different chesses from the bags and placing them in the fridge.
"That's a lot of cheese." Leo commented
"You said that you guys liked cheese." Kylie said, worried that she had misunderstood him.
"No, no. We do, it's just I was expecting you to get ever type of cheese they make." Leo reassured upon seeing her distressed face.
"Well you didn't specify so I just grabbed them all."
Leo chuckles before watching as she organized each of the room temperature ingredients into sections. He smiled before catching her eyes.
"I know I keep saying this, but you really didn't have to does this Kylie. If anything it should be us making you dinner." Leo said
Kylie shook her head, stopping her organization process.
"Don't be silly Leo! I cook for all of my new friends. That's how I keep 'em!" She says with a wink
Leo chuckles, before looking down at her completed work.
"You're a very organized. This is impressive." He compliments
Kylie blushes but nods.
"I have really bad OCD. So...this happens." She says gesturing to her setup.
"Donnie tells me that I show symptoms of OCD."
"I can tell, from what I've seen, you're very put together. You do things with efficiency." Kylie compliments
"Ah, if only the others saw it as that."
"Of course they're not going to, they're your younger brothers; everything you do is annoying."
"Wow, thanks." Leo says, acting disappointed
Kylie moves close to him before responding.
"I'm just saying it from a younger sibling point of view. But, as someone who has OCD, it's understandable. Obsessive is in the name."
Leo chuckles before nodding.
"I know I've also said this before, but it's nice to have someone else to talk too besides my siblings." Leo says, looking deep into her green eyes
"I agree. Since moving home from France, I have really made in friends at Colombia. So the only person I talk too is Casey, besides the occasional phone call from MariΓ© but..."
Kylie feels her heart skip a beat as she continues, and she swears she can feel Leo's do the same.
"I didn't realize how lonely I was until I met you."
Leo's smile is warm and comforting as he looks down at her.
"I was lonely before I met you too. I'm glad too call you my friend Kylie-Rose, and I'm sorry if yesterday I seemed like an ass."
Kylie smiles brightly back up at him.
"You were definitely an ass yesterday, but it was understandable. You just want to protect your family, and I respect that. So I forgive you Leonardo. And I'm glad to call you my friend."
He smiles, and the silence between them is peaceful.
"Alright, lets go get your brothers." Kylie says, as she starts to make her way towards Donnie's lab.
"For what?" Leo questioned, enjoying the moment alone with her.
"The whole reason homemade pizza's are fun is because you get put whatever toppings you want on your pizza. So you guys can make your doughs and top off your pizza's and I'll cook them." Kylie explains
Leo nods before following behind her to Donnie's lab. It was quiet. Too quiet. As Kylie went to open the door, Leo tried to stop her but it was too late. Kylie let out a small squeal as the cold water covered her.
Mikey says jumping out of his hiding spot, only to Kylie standing underneath his trap. She shivers, wrapping her arms around her torso in hopes of warming herself up.
"What the hell Mikey!" Leo yells at him
He's quick to take a step near Kylie, as if to shield her from him. Kylie was still in shock from the water, more focused on getting warm than Leo and Mikey.
"I'm so sorry Dudette I-"
"What with all of the commotion? I'm working here-" Donnie says as he walks to the entrance of his lab, he stops when he sees the sight in front of him.
"You need to start thinking things through!-"
"Leo! Go get her a towel!" Donnie barks at his brother
Leo stops and turns to Kylie, seeing her still shivering beside him, he takes off towards the bathroom.
Kylie was finally able to snap out of her shock. As she scans the room, she finds a sad Mikey and sympathetic Donnie.
"Oh Mikey it's okay. I'm just cold is all." Kylie reassures
She almost starts crying as he whimpers
"I'm so sorry. I thought it was Leo coming in! I had no idea you were here!"
Kylie motions for him to come closer, and as he does Donnie gives a small smile as Kylie wraps her arms around his neck; letting him burry his face in her neck.
Kylie strokes his head comfortly, before pulling away.
"I'm okay Mikey. Really. Once we get in the kitchen and cooking, the heat will warm me up."
"Cooking?" Both Mikey and Donnie asked
"Yeah. We're making homemade pizza's, Leo didn't tell you?"
"No he didn't mention anything to us." Donnie says
"That's weird, we've been talking about it all day, I thought he would have-"
"I found a towel, sorry it took so long." Leo says as he comes up behind her.
Kylie smiles up at him before taking the towel from his hands and wrapping it around her shoulders.
"You didn't tell them I was coming?" Kylie questioned
Donnie and Mikey both looked at him, and he gave them a harden glare that caused them to back off.
"Huh, I guess not. My bad guys. Where's Raph?" Leo asked, changing the topic
As his eyes search the lair, Kylie folds her arms around her. Looking up at him with suspiciously. Leo can feeh her heavy gaze on him, but he ignores it. Thankfully Raph comes into view.
"Hey, looky who it is. Mini Jones, ya' got a hockey mask too- What happened to ya'?" Raphael asked as he made his way over to the group.
"I, unfortunately, happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I fell victim to a trap laid out for Leo."
Raph nods for crossing his arms.
"What ya' doin' here?"
"Well, seems Leo didn't tell you guys that offered to make pizza's for you all." Kylie says making direct eye contact with Leo.
He turns his gaze away as Mikey's face lights up and Raph speaks.
"And why would ya' do that? Ya' don't owe us anything, it ain't like we saved ya'."
"Think of it as a peace offering -slash- apology for my brother behavior yesterday. He was a douche because he was in a bad mood, and as the younger sibling I'm usually responsible for playing clean up crew; so...here I am."
Raphael nods before turning to Leo with a smirk. He pushes past him before heading in the direction of the kitchen. He turns back when he notices no one is following him.
"Well are we makin' pizza's or not?"
Kylie stood on the side of the counter closes to the stove as the boy lined up beside each other on the opposite side. In front of them they had a blob of dough and four rollers.
"Okay so the first thing we're going to do is shape the pizza. You can make it whatever shape you want, but try not to make it too thick or it won't cook right."
Mikey is the first to try, as he takes his roller and begins to beat in the dough.
"No! That's not how you use it!" Kylie says alarmed
He stops and the four of them watch as she takes the roller and rolls it across the surface of the dough.
"Ohhh. Okay." Mikey says before copying her motions
The others join in and soon they roll good sized circles. Donatello's and Leo's were the neatest, Raphael's was okay and Mikey's was a bit of a hot mess. They watched in confusion as Kylie finished rolling hers into a rectangle, before cutting of some length from the ends and placing ithem in the dough bowl beside her.
"Uh, Dudette, I'm not the smartest but I'm pretty sure that's a rectangle." Mikey comments
"Yeah, I know." Kylie responds as she cleans the dough from her area
"Uh pizza's are circles."
"Hmmm. Not always. I like mine in rectangles." Kylie says
Donatello began to arrange the sauce on top of his dough, as Mikey continued to question Kylie.
"Rectangle pizza? What?"
"You'll see soon enough." Kylie answers
Leo watches the exchange, and inside he's smiling. He couldn't figure out what he was feeling for her. Here was this beautiful human girl, who didn't run at the sight of him, offered to make his family dinner after only knowing him for less than 48 hours, and even after having been doused in water ; stayed and taught his brothers to make their own pizzas. He was so lost in thought, that he hadn't realized that they had already moved on to arranging toppings. Donnie nudged him, remind him that he still hadn't put the sauce on his pizza.
His breath hitches as he feels Kylie's eyes wandering over to him, and he could practically see her soft smile. But his happiness ended when he felt Raph's smug stare boaring into from at the end of the counter.
"Alright, after that your pizza is done! I'll put them in the oven."
"Sweet! I'm going to play video games, thanks Dudette!"
"No problem Mikey!"
"Yeah thanks Kylie, for uh-doing this for us." Donatello says
"No problem Donatello."
"You can call me Donnie." He says smiling at her
"Well no problem then Donnie."
He gives her once last smile before heading back to his lab. Then there were two. Raphael and Leo stood at a silent stand off, both glaring at each other.
"Uh guys?"
Leo breaks the stare, and turns his attention to her.
"You can go ya know. There's nothing else that need to be down."
"No it's fine, I'll stay in here and help you clean up." Leo offers
"I'll help too." Raphael says
Kylie can hear a low mumble come from Leo as Raphael steps closer to her.
"What can I help ya'with shorty?"
"First of all, I'm not that short. I am just compared to you. Second of all, you can start by putting away the extra ingredients. Me and Leo will do the dishes."
Leo relaxs until Raph speaks again.
"Ah, Leo can put away da' food. Me and You can wash da' dishes. Give me a chance to get to know ya'"
Kylie can tell by the way he is dragging his Brooklyn accent that he's flirting with her to annoy Leo.
Kylie motions with her finger for Raphael to come closer with her finger. Raphael gives Leo a smug look, causing him to stand up abruptly.
As Raphael leans down, Kylie whispers in his ear.
"Do not use me to annoy your brother. I am not a prop or a tool. Now if you really want to help, you are more than welcome to stay. If not: get out."
Raphael chuckles before heading towards the living room. However he turns around and winks at her, and it takes everything in Leo to keep from strangling him.
But when he leaves, Leo turns to her with a smile.
"Okay, what do you need me to do?"
Kylie places her hands on her hips and shakes her head.
"Boys." Is all's he said before turning to pick up the rest of the food.
Leo still remains there for a second, and as Kylie closes the fridge; their eyes meet.
"You can help me do the dishes if you want, I need to make sure that the pizza's don't burn."
Leo nods and heads straight towards the sink and starts to wash the few dishes. After a few seconds of checking the stove, Kylie moves over to start drying the dishes; but Leo stops her.
"I've got it. You've done more than enough. Let me handle this."
Kylie nods and moves back over near the stove. In that moment, Leonardo's usual gentleman charm wasn't working. And Kylie knew why.
"Why didn't you tell them I was coming over?"
Leo's breath hitches, before he dries the last dish.
"I just forgot is all."
"I don't believe that." Kylie snaps
As she leans against the counter, she can see the calm and collected persona of Leo start to wear down.
"Well, I forgot. Am I not allowed to forget things?"
"No, but considering the fact that you texted me multiple times throughout the day tells me that you didn't forget."
"I was busy with other things. I don't have to run everything by them." Leo growls
Kylie looks at him with anger. This was not the Leo spent practically all of last night and today talking too.
"They're your brothers! This isn'tΒ confidential information, how are they supposed to trust me if I show up out of the blue consistently!"
"Why are you so eagered to get them to trust you?!" Leo snaps
"Because I want to be your guys friends! Is that so hard to believe?!"
At this point, Donnie, Mikey and Raphael were gather just outside the kitchen; watching the exchange.
"Yes! Because I can't trust you yet! It's my job to protect them!"
"Then why would you let me come back if you didn't trust me!"
"Because I want too!" He yells at her.
He shoves the dish to hard into drying rack causing it to shatter. Mikey and Donnie flinch, but Raphael watches impressed as Kylie doesn't move. She stares deep into Leo's eyes, emotions he can't identify swirling deep. Leo then turns around and storms out the kitchen, pushing past his brothers.
Kylie looks down at the ground before looking over to the others. She puts on a bright smile before speaking.
"The pizza's are almost done. Just need to put Mikey's in and it'll be ready."
She then turns away and keeps her gaze on the stove. The three of them look at each other, but before anyone can step forward; Splinter appears from behind them. He gives them a nod; and they head to their separate ways.
Kylie is so preoccupied trying to distract her mind from Leo that she doesn't hear Splinter enter the kitchen. He startles her as he grabs a drink from the fridge.
"Oh, Mr. Splinter. You scared me." She said
"Please call me Splinter, Ms. Kylie"
"Only if you call me Kylie." She says with a smile
Splinter returns it, as she takes out Donnie and Raphael's pizza's.
"Alright Kylie. I couldn't help but overhear you're heated conversation with my son."
Kylie looks down as she puts Mikey's and Leonardo's pizza in the oven.
"I'm sorry Splinter. I didn't mean to-"
"No, do not apologize. I know Leonardo is... difficult sometimes." Splinter acknowledges
He motions for her to take a seat beside him at the counter and Kylie does.
"Leonardo is my eldest, my natural born leader. He feels that he must carry the weight of world on in his shoulders to be a good one."
Kylie nods as she continues to listen.
"He is not very good with his emotions, and sometimes they get the better of him. You were right to call him out on his behavior. "
Kylie looks down at the counter as she talks.
"I'm not trying to question or correct him, but him saying that his little brothers opinions weren't important well set me off."
Splinter nods as he strokes his beard and motions for her to continue.
"If Casey ever told me anything close to that, I could see myself acting just like Raphael. I understand now why they clash so much. Raphael might be insubordinate, but Leonardo's lack of inclusion overall contributes to that."
Splinter nods and smiles at her
"You are very wise. Are you sure you're the same aga as my sons?"
"Girls mature faster than guys."
Splinter chuckles at that before steering the conversation back on track.
"I have been trying to get Leonardo and Raphael to realize that for many years. And yet, you were able to figure it out in mere minutes."
"I've always been good with mental thinking. I can pick at anyone's brains as my best friend used to tell me."
"It's rather impressive. But you should know that Leonardo means no harm or offense."
"I know Splinter. I know that you guys aren't going to just trust me over night, but I just want the chance to prove-"
"You have done more than prove your trust, my child. Leonardo hides behind his protectiveness for us, so that no one might see that he took has feelings."
Kylie nods, soaking in his words.
"How do I approach him?"
Splinter smiles
"Just speak what you are feeling. Leonardo has high respect for you, Kylie. He will have calmed down by the time dinner is over."
"Speaking of dinner." Kylie starts
"Leo told me that you love cheese and pasta. I brought stuff to make you a cheesy taco pasta."
Splinter smiles at her softly.
"That is very kind of you, Kylie. It'll do my sons some good to hang around you."
Kylie laughs as she hops up from her seat.
"I try."
Splinter smiles at her before getting up from his seat.
"Alright, my child. Thank you."
"You are very welcome Splinter."
Splinter exits the kitchen, a smile on his face as he heads to the dojo.
Kylie removes the last pizzas from the oven before setting out the stuff to make Splinter's meal. She turns and looks at Leo's pizza, she gives it a soft smile before looking out into the living room where the rest of boys were sitting (besides Leo).
"Pizza's ready!"
Mikey quickly jumps up and takes off towards the kitchen. He's the first to make, Raphael and Donnie not far behind him. Kylie slides each of their pizzas to them as they take seats at the counter.
"Yum!" Mikey says as he digs in
Kylie laughs at him before turning to prepare Splinter's meal.
"What ya' makin' there?" Raphael asked as he finished swallowing his bite.
"A cheesy taco pasta for Splinter." Kylie responds
Raphael hums in response before finishing his pizza. The rest of dinner is a comfortable silence, for Kylie at least. The three boys weren't used to such calmness, and it was especially driving Mikey crazy.
As Kylie slid Splinter's meal into the oven she turned and looked at the three boys.
She crossed her amr around her chest, motioning for them to speak.
"What's on you guy's minds? There's no way dinner is this quiet here."
Donnie is the first to speak.
"Well, uh- we don't really know what to say." He says awkwardly rubbing his neck.
"Okay, how about you guys ask me questions about me and I'll answer them." Kylie suggested
Mikey's face lit up before talking
"Mikey! Calm down!" Donnie and Raphael scold
Kylie giggles
"No I have not. I'm originally from New Haven, Michigan. And I spent my high school years in an international boarding school in France. I just moved to New York a few months ago to attend Colombia University."
"Awesome Dudette!"
"You must be very smart to have gotten into Colombia. Ivy Leagues have extremely low acceptance rates." Donnie says
"Yes, well I had glowing references."
"What are ya' studin'?" Raphael asked
"Criminal Justice. I want to be a detective, like my brother."
It goes silent for a minute before Kylie talks again.
"What about you guys, have you always lived in New York City? or I guess under."
"Yeah, pretty much." Donnie responds
The conversation flows from there, ranging in hobbies to dislikes. Eventually the boys disperse and Splinter's pasta finishes. As she takes the tray out of the oven, she places Leo's pizza in and lowers the temperature before setting off to find him.
It wasn't hard for her, as she hears the sound of clanking metal coming from the far end of the lair. She follows it and finds him there, working away at some of his moves.
Kylie watched in admiration as he practiced, he was swift and deadly on his feet. Kylie could see the years of practice flowing through him. As she stared, Leo had already noticed her presence. He knew she was there before she ever stepped completely into the area.
"Is there something you need Kylie.?" Leo asked harshly
Kylie snaps from her gaze and hardens her stance.
"Yes actually."
Leo turns to look at her slightly, motioning for her to continue.
"I need to apologize to you. I didn't mean to push you and I'm sorry."
Leo nods, but continues his practice. Kylie goes to walk away; but stops and turns back towards him.
"But I'm not sorry for speaking how I felt. I will never agree with excluding your brothers, but it's not my place to tell you any different. I will never apologize for speaking my mind."
And with that she turns to walk away, but something stops her. Leo's hand on her shoulder pulling her towards him.
"I'm sorry I upset you Kylie. We may have different opinions on certain topics, but I respect the amount of compassion you have. And you are very...brave for always speaking your mind." Leo admits
Kylie turns and smiles up at him before nodding.
"I put your pizza back in the oven, just make sure to turn it off. I'm going to head back home and get some sleep."
Leo nods and Kylie turns to walk away.
"Kylie, wait!"
She turns around abruptly, thinking she's about to walk back into another one of Mikey's traps.
She smiles fondly at him before speaking
"Goodnight Leo."
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